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February 17, 1928 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-02-17

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VOL. XXXVIII, No. 102.


__.. _ ... ... _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 I_ . _


Speeches, iPapers Compose Remainder
Of Afternoon And Evening
Program Features
Yesterday's sessions of the Michi-
gan conference on Highway engineer-
ing with 561 engineers attending,
were featured by the election of of-
ficers of the associatioi of county
road commissioneri. and engineers,
which was acemplished at the busi-
ness session in the afternoon. The
officers of the association elected are
as follows: President, W. W. Cox,
of the St. Clair coulty road commis
sin; vice-president, (G. W. McEKea,
road commissioner , of Washtnaw
county; and secretary-treasurer, K.
I. Sawyer, county engineer of Mar-
quette county. The new Board of
Directors which was appointed con-
sists of the threw men mentioned
above, Herman Munden, road com-
missioner of Montgomery county, and
W J. eirber road commissioner of
Muskegon c:ounty.
U1,i0y Roadt Numberinm
A resolution was passed by the con-
ference affectinug the numbering of
reads throughout the state. Accord-
ing to this resolution, counties should
number the roads in their county
systems to conform with the number-
ing cf roas in the state and federal
sy sterns. Thus a road, having thle
numbers201 in one county, will bear
the same number when it continues
on through the next county. This will
make a uniform system of road num-
bering Ir county roads throughout
the state, and will prove a great aid
to motorists.
At the same afternoon session a
paper waw read y Le J. Rothgey,
of the civil engineering department of
Michigan State college, on "The
Township Road Problem." The re-
ports of committees and the appoint-
ment of a new nominating committee
and committee on resolutions also
formed a part of this business ses-
sion, which was presided over by W.
W. Cox.I
Read Technical Papers
K. I. Sawyer presided ever the
morning session, which was devoted to
a reading of technical papers. W. J.
Lehner, of the Macomb county road
commission, C. F. Winkler, of the
Gogebic county road commission, and
G. C. Dilman of the Michigan State
Highway department poke respect-
ively concerning "Economics of Road-
side Cleanup" "Maintenance Equip-
ment," and "County Road Number-
ing." The final session of the con-
ference which takes place this morn-
ing will also be devoted to technical
Hold BanquetE
More than 500 people attended the
informal dinner which was held last
night at the Union. Toastmaster
William M. Connelly of Grand Haven
intvoduced Frank F. Rogers, state
highway commissioner of Michigan,
as the frst speaker on the program
Arbich followed the dinner.
Rogers outlined the present system
of numbering highways in the United
States in the development of his main
subject of the present sit uation in re-
gards to the Michigan highway sys-
tem. ie pointed out that the total
mnileag; of trunk uines in the -state at
the present time is but one third the
total numnber that has been asked, and
can be pro vided. ,e mentioned tat
there is now $2.50,00)0,000 worth of in-1

preved roads in the state. and that
more are being built as last as the
money canshe provided Le quoted
figures to show that the state is al-
most in debt.
Rogers was followed by Junius .
Beal, regent of the Univ,'ersity, who
told some amusing accounts ofehis
earlier experiences ,iboard tamden
bicycle-, on country tours. His
anecdtces len up to a serious comment
upon the danger at gradr crossings as
they are a the pr(sent. He mention-
ed, in pressing his points, the student
and faculty deaths which have occur-
red at a nearby railroad crossing,,
quoted figures to show that the rail-
roads were able to bear, in part, thej
better separation of crossings, and
aasked the association to act upon the
The next speaker was Judge H. A.
Wood, State Commissioner of Pardons
and Paroles, who spoke for a few min-





Editor's Note: The following is the fifth
of a series of interviews with prominent faculty
members designed to give an insight into the
past records and present possbilities of the
.aiuns rien wvho wil be candidates for the
presidential nomination in the two leading
parties next une. The facts expressed are

necessarily indicate the personal preferences
TOPIC FOR IVENING NOT YFT of the men interviewed.)
SELECTED RUT WILLI IEAL " A dark horse in a convention is
WITH POLITICS a man who through most of the con-
}vention has not figured prominently
REPUTED ABLE SPEAKER i the balloting, and he always pro-
s" !ladigby a deadlock between the two
leading contestants because he has
Received Degree At Western Reserve usually avoided the animosities
Ur ve~-ity /An -'Continued N which exist between other candi-
Study At Same School dates," Dr. Paul Cuncannon of the
ps1itical science department stated in
Miss Florence E . Allen, woman a recent interview.


justice of the Ohio S'tate Supremej In the Republican party Senator
, Court, will speak at 8 o'clock Monday
night in Hill auditorium as the sev-
enth num-ber on the University oa-
torical association lecture series, it
SenThajit olnsiiAlhuhheUoicSsno enWffAILL, iirn n In
was announced late last night. P n
Sell.HiramJ011IsoltAlthough her topic has not been 1i~
Republican. California, who intro- definitely announced as yet, it will U1'09fl l I
duced a motion into the Senate pro- be on some phase of women in poli-
v iding for a sweeping ]nuiry into tis Ale t>eet i ln clio-l Of Music Orchestra And Four
" nrrtig cndiion thrughtheOhi, (Miss Allen at present -is filling a
mining conditions through the Ohio, r Speakers Complete Program For
'Pennsylvania, anti West Virginia coalJ six year term on the Supreme CourtUiest racs
el s Tie n wa uaimo bench after having been elected two U__ersity Broadcast
passed. years before to a five year term of
Senator Johnson was a leading the Cuyahoga county pleas court. WILL PLAY FIVE PIECES
1 candidate for the Republican presi- iss.Allen entered Salt Lake City
dential nonination in 1920. I college at 17 but itid not take a col Announcement of the complete pro-
' ____1_____lege degree until 1904 when she was i gram for tonight's Michigan Night
graduated from Western Reserve un- radiocast from the local station on the
f iversity. She took her Master's dei urti floor of University hall over
U P OB ,,gree from the same school four years station WWJ, was made yesterday by
tte.11r. I Wa'do M. Abbot, of the rhetoric
IAItheinteim, however, she served departient, who is program managert
-for two years as assistant Berlin a and ll ouner Tonight's program
coriresponidenl r the New k willbe broadcast between 7 and
sical (olurier. That was from 1904 ('clock,
Inest;sigation Of Conidifious In Coal to 1906. Fron- 1906 to 1909 she was Included in the broadcast will be
1ldIs Of Three StateI cill musical editor of the Cleveland four talks by University professors a
Be Strted At Once Plaindealer addition to live musical interims by
the hol of Music orchestra, under
SI 11(1104 (he ircti(,ilof Joseph E. Maddy.
FLOOD RELIEF PROPOSED Se bean her"studyof l v"'tlt Music On Program
-~~0i-~,iThe opening number on the program
My Associatcd Press.) finally took. her degree from NevW will be "Spanish Dance No. 4," by
WASHINGTON, Feb. 16.---On the York University in 1913. During the Mloskowski, which will be followed by
heels of its refusal to start the power three years she was in New York she the first address, "Heating the Home,"
trust inquiry of its own, the Senate or- also held the position of musical lee- by Prof. Ransom Hawley, 'specialist in
dseturer for the Board of Education of mechanical engineering in the engin-
dered today a sweeping investigation of New York city. I eoring school. Professor Hawley will
conditions in Pennsylvania, West Vir- In 1914, Miss Allen began her law discuss the merits of heating plants in
ginia, and Ohio bituminous coal fields, practice in Cleveland. She served as the modern home. This will be fol-
urged by Johnson, 'of California. Its assistant prosecuting attorney for lowed by the second musical interim,
Cuyahoga county in 1919-20 and i I"The Last of Spring," by Grieg, or-
re:olution went through after Reed, 1921 was elected judge of the (ounty chest-atd by Mr. Maddy and played
of Pennsylvania, had been turned o common pleas for the' tern of by the School of Music orchestra.
down, 15 to 59, in an effort to include 1921-6. "The Importance of Excavations for
coal freight rates in its scope. In the years from 1911 to 1915 she the Study of Ancient History," will be
There was no dissenting voice on was particularly active in national the subject of the second address, by
the final vote, and with its prelimin- and state organizations filling thel I Prof. Arthur Boak, of the history de-c
ary inquiry into labor injunction mat- position o assistant secretary for lpartment.
ters, but took no action. the National College Equal Suffrage Two old folk songs will be offereda
In the House Naval committee, a League from 1911 to 1913 and being in the third interim, "Santa Lucia,"
tilt developed between Britten, of Ill-i member of the executive board of a neapolitan boat song, and "London-'
nois, a "big navy" man and a witness the Ohio Women's Suffrage associa- erry Air," an old Irish tune. They
opposing the pending naval increase tion from 1913 to 1915. will be played by the woodwind quar-
authorization project which drew a Is Able Speaker tt from the School of Music.a
statement from Britten that opposi- According to members of the Ora- I Wood To Speak
tion to the plan had a pro-British torical board, she is reputed to be "The Importance of Steel in Auto-
f..avor. an experienced and able speaker. mobile Construction," will be the sub-
Chairman Watson, of the inter-state Prof. Richard T. Hollister of the j et of the next address by Prof. Wil-t
commerce committee, which will con- speech department who has heard her liam P. Wood, instructor of metall-
duct the inquiry, announced a begin- speak feels that she is especially urgical engineering in the engineering
ning probably would be made next well fitted -to fill a place on the Ora- school. This talk is said to be a
I week.apopular discussion of a technical sub-
Time House worked onl the general 'torical association program. ,oua
claims bill, wichopen the goadfo In view of the fact that she is one ject. It will be followed by "Andante,"
claims bill, which opens the road for very few women who have from the Mozart quartet, played by
court action to many classes of claim- gone into the law as a proession, the string quartet from the School
antsagainstthegovernment, into shap and in view of the fact that she has of Music.a
for the Senate, devoting the day to s I "Obesity," a medical talk by Dr.
E also been successful enough in poll- -
the job, except for a political interlude t Louis Newburgh, a professor of Clin-
t tis to be one of the very, very few
by Howard, Democrat, Nebraska, in ical Investigations in the Medical
which he pictured two members of women to fill the position o"a ldge school is the fourthandconcluding
th Rpbiaprsdnilpsiiiyandl because she probably holds a, eol stefurhadcnldn
the Republican presidential possibility gh position in te judicial world address. Resulting diseases and
group, Dawes and Hoover, as "sweet- MissAllen's appearance in AnnAr-' treatment of the subject will be dls-
hearts of the Mellon-Morgan money bor is expected to prove an interest- cussed by Dr. Newburgh.
combine." hug attraction. The concluding musical interim will
Of greater interest, however, was gbe a medley of old songs, including,
the aririval in the House from c-omn- -- "Oh, Susanna," "Aloha," "Believe Me1
mitte" after four months of hearings, ACQURT INDIANA GOVERNORh If All Those Endearing Young
of a Mississippi flood control bill -te Charms," and "We Meet Again To-
which differs essentially from the ad- (By Associatd Press.) night, Boys," played by the brass
ministration plan. For one thing, it INDIANAPOLIS, Feb. 16.-Ed Jack- quartet from the School of Music.
contemplates a cost of $47,000-000 to ( son, Indiana's governor, was a free-
be carried entirely by the federal gov- man tonight over his own protest. LOW ELL TO VISIT
ernmient as compared to the $296,000,- Against his will defense attorneys PRESIDENT LITTLE
(lit) engineers corps plan under which acouittal on thO that the
local communities would have to! won cutalo h ground thatth
shcare pt of it xse.d h tstate had failed to prove one phase of A. Lawrence Lowl, president of
s The Senate Teapot Dome investigat- its case-concealment of an alleged larvard university, will spend the
ing committee was again at work on attemptt to bribe former Gov. Warren major portion of next Wednesday in
details. T. MCrae in 1923. 1IAnn Arbor, it was announced from

Willis of Ohio, Dwight W. Morrow,
Governor John Fisher of Pennsyl-
vania, George Wharton Pepper of
Pennsylvania, Nicholas Murray But-
ler, president of Columbia universi-
ty, and Senator Borah, chairman of
the foreign affairs committee were
mentioned by Dr. Cuncannon as the
niost likely dark horse candidates.
The Democrats, in their party,
have Senator Walsh of Montana,
Newton D. Baker of Ohio, Governor
Al Ritchie of Maryland, and Senator
George of Georgia. All of these men,
in the opinion of Dr. Cuncannon, are
possible dark horse candidates for
the nomination in the event that the
early balloting fails to result decis-
The dark horse is called in several
ways, according to Dr. Cuncannon.
President Garfield, in 1880, was cho-
sen in this manner because he was
floor manager for John Sherman of
Ohio, an unsuccessful candidate.
"Like John Alden he pleaded anoth-
er's case so well lie got the prize,"
Dr. Cuncannon said. Willian Jen-
nings Bryan gained the nomination
as the result of a brilliant oration,
and President Harding was chosen
because he was known as chairman
of the 1916 Republican convention.,
Generally the dark horse candidate
receives a few votes on early ballots,I
but sometimes, as in the case of
James K. Polk, the first dark horse,c
who received no votes until the i
eighth ballot and was nominated on
the ninth, a man is entirely unheard
of in the voting during the early
part of the convention.

Today will be th last general cam-
pus sale of subscriptions to the
Michiganensian. Af'ter the sale today
desks on the campus will be re-
S'lbscriptions to the publication
may be purchased through the end
of the month at the business office
in the Press building, after which
none will be sold. It has been an-,
nounced that -the present sale of the
annual on the campus will be the
last at the special price of $4.50 in
cash but this price may be continued
for a short time due to a change in
the plans of the business staff.
Says Communism Is Lone Doctrine
Of Country; Women To Create
New Epoch In History
"Russia has come back by a pro-1
cess of intensive and steady plan-
ning," said Dr. Anna Louise Strong
in her lecture "Six Years in Soviet
Russia," delivered at Natural Science
auditorium yesterday afternoon, un-
der the auspices of the League for
Intlustrial Democracy. Beginning by
painting the whole picture of condi-
tions in that vast country when she
arrived there first, during a period of
extreme famine and utter national
exhaustion, Dr. Strong gave a detail- 1

Proposes Improving Of International
Reitions And Establishment
Of Jint Commissions
(By Associated Press.)
HAVANA, Feb. 16.-Charles Evans
Hughes, chairman of the American
delegation at the sixth Pan-American
conference, amid the applause of the
representatives of all the republics of
the western world, today, threw the
whole weight of the United States be-
hind the proposal to outlaw all ag-
gressive warfare in this hemisphere.
At the same time Mr. Hughes out-
lined to the conference the plan for
the maintenance of American peace.
He was again enthusiasitically ap-
plauded when he declared his country
to be "opposed to any acts of aggres-
sion, desirous of seeing force abol-
ished from this hemisphere, and seeks
nothing but the prosperity, independ-
ence and friendship of all, the Ameri-
can states."
Committee Approves
The committee on Pan-American
unioi affairs first met and approved
the final text of the convention relat-

George R. Morris, Republican Leader,
Visits President Coolidge
In IWashingtonl
(By Associated Press )
WASHINGTON, Feb. 16.---The Re-
publican political spotlight shifted
momentarily today to New York state,
where party leaders have maintained,
a studied reticence toward all the can-
George K. Morris, Republican chair-
man of the Empire state, visited Pres-
ident Coolidge and although reports
of a revived "draft Coolidge" cin-.
paign preceded him to Washington,
he said afterwards that he did not
discuss presidential politics with the
President. He indicated that he felt
it unlikely that Mr. Coolidge would
be a candidate and that nothing had
taken place. to modify the determina-
tion of state leaders to send an un-
instructed delegation to Kansas City.
A little later Joseph Steinberg,
treasurer of the Curtis-fof-President
club of New York emerged from a,
conference with Senator Curtis claim-1
ing that the Kansan would have half
of the New York delegation. Curtis'
New York supporters, he said, werel
cooperating with Morris, National!
Committeeman Hilles, and other lead-
ers, to prevent definite instructions.
for any candidate, feeling certain that;
In such an event Senator Curtis wouldj
get at least as big a share as any of
his rivals.
Both the Hoover and Lowden people,
have been active in New York. Before,
he went to the White House Mr. Mor-
ris talked with Ogden Mills, recently
the Republican nominee for governor
in New York and now under-secretary
of the treasury. Mills is openly for
Secretary Hooven
If Republican speculation is shift-
ing eastward, the questioning eyes

ed account of the methods of re- I the fnal text of the convention relat-
constructiin which is icaching its Ing to that body, as well as a resolu-
height at the present time. tion to provide the modus vivendi for
peikht hd its organization until the convention
Spaking of the oliticl side of y the gove
l"ate Russiani histor-y Dr-. Strong said,istheicombitteovblcrntentioThn
"Rhesciamistaeone pabliy country.iAnd
that pai-ty is alled tie countrynunstaw met and selected for discussion
party is calledthecomunists'the report on pacific settlement of in-
utt it is the mistaken idea of the ternational disputes, originally pre-
aerage Ame-ican that everyb Rus-pared by Ricardo Alfaro, of Panama,
sian is allowed to be a member o and elaborated by the sub-committee.
that party merely because lie believes Early in the discus'sion, Fernaeo
in its principles or votes for the Gonzalez Roa, of Mexico, introduced
conmunist candidate.' a resolution in which all aggressive
Life Owed To Party war was declared illegal, and provid-
t A member of the party organiza- ing that international disputes should
tion must be willing to give up his I be settled by pacific means.
iwhole life and all his daily activity This proposition had the fullest sup-
for the good of that party. He can port of Mr. Hughes, when he spoke
.carry on no other personal business. soon afterwards. "The United States
Admittance is gained to the inner joins most heartily," he said "in the
ranks only after a severe period of declaration that there shall be no
of trial, for the lower classes six more war of aggression in America.
months or so, and for the intellectual 1 We must show that this hemisphere is
a matter of three years. During this j dedicated to peace and seeks pacific
period the prospective member is solution of difficulties."
sent wherever his presence may do hughes Discusses Violence
most good for the party, and if ad- Returning to the concrete problem
nitted -he must be at all times sub- of preventing the occurence of vio-
sect to the orders of the political lence, Mr. Hughes proposed that the
bosses." It was explained that be- American countries improve their
cause of this seriousness of mnem- mutual relations and prevent war 1y
bership that those who are on the the establishment of joint interna-
inside are such whole-hearted and tional commissions patterned on the
enthusiastic members. The govern- i line of the American-Canadian. boun-
ment itself gives the communist a dary commission, by the conclusion of
salary, usually around $112 a month. pecuniary claim's, conventions as ex-
The members are catalogued and tensive in scope as possible, and fin-
somewhat resemble recruits in an ally by establishing firmly the prin-
army. ciple of arbitration for the settlement
Women Create Epoch ; of international differences.
I The women of Russia are today Arousing a further great ovation,
creatinga new epoch, and for them- Mr. Hughes pledged "all the energy
selves practically a new world ac- and strength I possess" to promote
cording to Dr. Strong. "There were the specific settlement of disputes.
three classes of people who were aid- All means to that end, he continued,
ed by the revolution," she said, "the fell under three main headings-peri-
younger ' peasants, the industrial odical conferences or meetings for
workers, and the backward groups i candid exchange of views on contro-
which include vomen." The condi- versial subjects; measures of con-
tions in the country as a whole are ciliation, namely, practicable provi-
still far below those of the United sions whereby "reason may have play
States, but the women are doing a before force takes the field," and ju-
great deal to materially better them, dicial settlements for which definite
and Russia of today is almost a -' institutions should be necessary, as
man's epoch.,. justice and reason are not, as he ex-
Dr. Strong told of the system by pressed it, "mere abstractions to
which the ruble was put onto a sound which we give verbal devotion."
footing after the war, explaining the
somewhat comtlicated system of ob- FINED STUDENTS
taming gold, where no gold was in 1 WIN CASE APPEAL
view. -
L TRA-VIOLE T NEW HAVEN, Conan. - Eighteen
iYale students who were fined $2 each
TREA TING DISEASE s for distributing handbills in sympathy
'with strikers for the neckwear indus-
diseases. Certain forms of super- try won an appeal from Judge Walter
fcial cancer are favorably affected M. Pickett of the Common Pleas court.
by the X-ray, and in some cases very I He ruled that they had committed no
enconuraging results have been offense punishable under the city or-
achieved in the treatment of deep- ' dinance.
seated cancer. In part of his finding lie says, "The
The ultra-violet ray is especially posture of these ardent students in
valuable due to climatic conditions in the city, joyously enlisting in a con-
this vicinity. This form of treatment troversy not their own, and so gener-
is used as a substitute for sunlight I ously complimenting the laws, the
in many cases. The ultra-violet ray, departments, and the institutions of
beside having a marked affect as a their temporary abode, suggests that
tonic, is used as a prophylactic treat- they have taken uncivil liberties
ment against colds. rather than that they have been de-
The staff of the department is com- prived of civil rights."
posed of 12 doctors and several as-
sistaits and clerks. At present a SEEKS FUNDS FOR
young Japanese surgeon is studying
1iii the department who was sent here THIRD EXPEDITION
by the Rockefeller Foreign Fellow-


iL Litu iienocrats are turning towards
the West.

the officeof Piresident (la-ence Cook
TWILL NOT ALTER ADMINISTRATION Pr'sident Lowell will address a tG-owth o the X-ray department
gathering of the Harvard alumni of of the University hopital has been
~~~ ~ichigan in Detirolt on that night, I very rapid during the past few years.
The new University College will in giant hopper into which new students, nd a signified his intention of The department has been forced to!
1o way interfere with the present ad- lresh from preparatory schools, will spenhis tme -ajor portioni of te clay
adnrstsinlu' expand because oY the cm-ation of a
muinitration, Shirley Smith, stfcre- g-e ismed.Rdithei- d out clikeie. President Little, a Harvard sub-department of ultra-violet ray
Iary of the University said yester- Isinn graduate, and Presidont Lowell are and diathermy. Additional room has
day. nIostdent willig, allowed to have a close iends, also been secured for one moreE
iau niversity training with. ut s1i (n _____ -a aciefrwik
"It will e installed with the least the nte o or five years now ray mac ine fo diagnostic wok.
causeeenir anyorfie eas INDI ;,qAN LECTURER D nte iclyear- July 1, 1926
commotion," lie said. "It wil not quired. That does not mean that he toINDJuyLE 1, 1 nm-ore than 25,700 pa-
bigg ripple tman did the will be truly educated, but that heI TO TALK MONDAY tients weie handled. 19,626 cases
installation of the School of Forestry will be allowed to leave the Univer- weesained .r1I, cses
and Conse-ation last year. It will sity at the end of his two years if hej .yd Hossain, noted Indian lecturer were treated by X-riay, 1495 received
mnot totally disturb the present sys- has no definite interest in continuing. I ya d josait wle a at 4:15 tr et ry tray, and
tem. The main idea back of it is to "By the new 'system the incoming 'and journalist will speak at 4:15 ultra-violet ray treatment and 569
E give students in their first two years students will be taught by men who torinnk undy te ausc- t derth of thepatma
in college an opportunity to ascertain ave an iterest in teacig. torium, under the auspices of the The growth of the department may
what they are best fitted for. After many tinms the new student at the Hindustan -lub. An admission charge be attributed, according to Dr. Pies-
they have completed their studies for Utniversity is given instructors wh of 50 ceits will le made. ton M. Hickey, professor of -oent-
the first two vears the can go o n rarin Hssais lecture was oigimialy an- genology, to the increase in UsE of

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