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HIRIT DAST PLAYrIN Dre Angell Protests A
"Vocational departments, law med-
ical, engineering, and others, do not3
belong in the university if their am-
Jnior ajors Defeatre neTeay bitions are limited to preparing their
.uniSophomore Academies graduates for an isolated niche." said
Soploniro AadeicsJames Rowland Angell, president of
Yale university, in a recent address
FOULS GIVE SENIORS LEAD'before the Association of American
Law schools. Departmentalization of
Uncanny basket shooting on the Anzarican universities by a "congerie
part of the senior major team for- of professional schools and a swarm-
wvards was responsible for the de- ing of newcomers for' which it is dif-
finitt fid rp l ha r n ivr flh
gainst So Much I !MI [ FIELD HOUSE TO
LIn Vocational LinesL- T
If present plans g'o through, the,
on history and the social sciences, ILAY U SK[TO 1-.. new Women's athletic building on
thus making the transition to defin- l'aln r field will be opened for ath-j
+n nmo nn ln:t~c nnaCAP dan i rv_
4 b'clock: Kappa Delta
Grnion 1 (E+: MTiddflow ood)
ncu t to fnd namensupie h
feat of the freshman academic team in
33 to 13 in a speedy inter-class gameinstitutiono te layt andt'
that did not slow down from the gration into intellectual units," he
first whistle played at 4 o'clock yes- Dr, Angell believes that the remedy
terday. An inexcusable number of DrAnelbivsththeemd
fouy.Aon the part o thexesmanrlies in a more intimate correlation of
fouls on the part of the freshman aldprmnsadh a ae
players enabled the senior team tol all departments, and he has made
plaes upnthelarge sor teare tthree suggestions "for improvement
margpile up theinlarge o indicationeof the large and consequent benefit to the Uni-i
closenessnof the contest. In the versity in the case of the law school.'
games played at 5 o'clock the jun His first suggestion is that the pre-
ior major team vs. the sophomore law student concentrate his studies
academics the latter won 12 to 11,
while the junior academicsagainst Literary Society To
a combined sophomore and freshman Tryouts
favor of the juniors.e-
The first game of the afternoon Second semester try-outs for Chi
started with real snap when the Delta Phi, National Honorary Literary
freshmen took possession of the ball. society, will be held the week of Mon-
They were unable to keep it long and day, February 13, to Monday, Feb-
from this point on the game was a ruary 20. All manuscripts should be
nip and tuck battle for every point. in the box in Barbour gymnasium by
While Hoover, senior side center, 5 p.m., Monday, February 20. Manu-
was in the lineup she displayed de- scripts may be either prose or poetry.
pendable work and unusual ability If prose, it is desired that at least four
to take the ball on the tip-off for her pages be submitted, while in the case
teammates. Wood, freshman captain of poetry, two or three selectionst
and forward, showed real fight, abili- should be handed in.
ty to follow up shots and to jump At the meeting held Wednesdayl
well. Child atuforward for the sen- night in the South Wing of University
iors accounted for several points by hall the following officers were elect-
grabbing rebound shots from the ed for the semester; Heloen Smythe,
backboard before her opposing guards '28,President; Alma Scheirich, '29,
found themselves. Eaman at the other vice president; Mary Wedemeyer, '28,l
freshman forward position did not secretary; Margaret Ohlson, '30,
display her usual keen eye for the itreasurer; Louisa Butler, '28, histor-
The junior major-sophomore aca- The work of the organization is
demic game was characterized by a purely creative. In the course of the
slower and less accurate type of play year members bring selections of their
than that of the earlier game. Fouls own work to meetings which are read
on both teams accounted for the ma- aoud, then discussed and criticized
j. y op by the group. At times when the
it o.fh sointsmade earlyi~hein faculty sponsors of the organizationt
game. The sophomore forwards used are present at meetings the latter join
their centers to good advantage n in the discussions and assist in the
getting the ball to the back court andct dis s ss.
in a position for a shot at the bas- t
ket. All of the players showed up W OMl lEN A T TEXAS
well,. It
The junior academic-sophomore, W ILL PLAY GOLF
freshman major game was less ex-
citing although a more evenly match- University of Texas .women will
ed contest than the other two. Cool have golf added to the list of sports
headedness and smooth floor work in which they may participate, next
gave interest to the game. semester. The department of physi-
The lineup for the senior major- cal education and the university
freshman academic game which was comptroller's office has added this
the feature gamre of the afternoon Sport to the list of courses to be of-
was as follows: fered next term. 4
Seniorl .ajors Freshman Academies A nine-hole course, approximately
Child............ F.......... Eaman two thirds of a city block, is being
Beaumont........F.....Wood (capt.) put into shape. Classes in this sport
Mattier (capt.)................Hard will be limited to from four to six
Hoover.........SC..........Hawley inembers.
Treadwell....... G............ Read_.-
Robinson........ G...........Taylor
In the intramural games played
Wednesday at 5 o'clock Hillel Foun- The
dation domned the Phi Sigma six by
a 11 to 5 score while a tie score Ensemble
resulted between the Phi Gamma Mu
and the Freshman Medic teams. The
first game was speedy at tines but Incomplete
both teams showed that they were without
handicapped by lack of practise. The
game between Phi Gamma Mu and Hand Daintiness
the Freshman Medic team was ex-
ceptionally exciting and close. There shining, shell-pink
were personal and technical fouls on nails resulting from
both . sides in great number, but the
passing was good, and the forwards
on the Freshman Medic team did A Mirror Manicure
some excellent work. The final score
was 9 to 9. MIRROR SHOP
Good results from the anti-tuber- 1 9 Cutting Apts.
culosis vaccination of children is an-
nounced in Paris.
The Brilliant All Star Cast in Somerset
Maugham's Witty Mischievous
ite zegai problciv~em ~ e ~~ . v-','1 -'*
ineegalh studenabreadthrandepv- Freshmen wonmen will be given a letic activrt>is for the first time this Lh, Oicn Pi
ing the student a breadth and depth Alpha Omicron Pi !
to his study of the law. new opportunity to show their inter- It is prohable that at first vs.{
Then, in the law school, he would cst in athletics in the form of a the building will not be open every Delta Zeta1
have a number of specialists in fields :reshman basketball tournament day and classes will not be held there 5 o'clock: Hillel Foundation
asociated with law such as govern- wvhich will begin in two weeks. This for several weeks. F sd.
mont, trade regulation, and crimin- tournament will be run through the the bowling equipment has been Freshman Medics
ology. freshmen groups as the previous vol- set up and the lanes are ready for
His third suggestion is that every ley ball tournament and the swim- use, Only elective bowling will be Chorus 2 of the Junior Girl's Play
member of the law faculty should be wring meet were managed. carried on this semester, however. will have a rehearsal at 3 o'clock on
trained in one or more lines of cor- Every freshman wom-an who is the 1iththe opening of school next fall,
related activity. least interested in playing basketballj classes will no doubt be organized a nd Friday, Chorus 1, (the eight special
On the other side, Dr. Angell crit- Ishould immediately report to her this sport will be placed on a par dancers) at 4 o'clock on Friday and
icised the attitude of faculties and j captain so that the groups may be w'ith any of the other activities. Chorus 5 at 5 o'clock on Friday.
students who view the addition of organized as quickly as possible. It I lThis week will see the last of the
vocational schools as intrusions on is to be hoped that enough freshmen golf cages installed. Winter golf this Chorus 6 of the Junior Girl's Play
universities which should be purely women will turn out to get a team season will be taught in the new field will have a rehearsal at 10 o'clock on
liberal in their teachings. The "pure- out of each group so they will not house rather than i Barbour gymna Saturday and Chorus 2 will rehearse
ly liberal" Dr. Angell characterized have to be combined, but either a slim where the classes are being or. at 11 o'clock on Saturday.
"cult of the useless." team made of one group or a com-g Until te building is thrown open
bination of more than one mrzay play for general use, fees will be charged The program committee of the
Plans Are Made For in the tournament. i n for the use of the bowling alleys and Junior Girls play will meet at 5
Captains of the different groups certain of the other equipment. The o'clock today in Betsy Barbour Dorm-
Convention In April should get in touch with the mem- aount will e announced later on. itory.
hers in their group and find out those i__
who are anxious to play, and it isE T tWyensctywlmetSda
Plans are under consideration by alsOeOcesary t they seeithe OU DO0R CLUB SPONSORS Wyernsoty ckl"et hSunday
alsonecssay tat tey ee ithr imorning at 9:30 o'clock at the Cozy
the University department of Physi- Miss Rawlings or iMliss Hall as quick- TWO hIKES FOR WEEK-END Corner Tea room.
cal Education -tentative to a conven- ly as possible.
tion that will meet in Ann Arbor In view of the fact that the Fresh- According to Margaret Ohlson, '30, WISCONSIN.-Student cribbing is
April 30 and May 1 and 2. The group man academic team in the interclass outdoor manager of W.A.A., the weath- regarded by Professor H. C. White on
represents the colleges and universi- tournament has made such a good er bids fair to be pleasant for the two the same basis as making money by
ties in the Middle-west who are mem- showing, and so many freshmen came hikes which are scheduled for this corruption. She states "No one says
hers ofthe Association of College Di- to try out for the team, it is hoped week-end. One will leave Barbour that his greatest- ambition is to make
rectors of Physical Education. that the interest in basketball is uni- gymnasium at 8 o'clock Saturday money by corruption so why should
For several weeks communications versal throughout the whole class. morning after breakfast, another anyone be ambitidus to receive }a
have been received from the various If the freshmen groups play as good group will leave at 9 o'clock Sunday diploma by corruption and cheating."
schools stating their intentions of basketball as the freshman team in morning.
taking part in the conference in re- this other tournament has, they will All women interested in outdoor
ply to a general invitation that was find the short both exciting and good sports, hiking, skating, or toboggan-
extended to the society by President fun and the games will be wo-rth ing are asked to be present.
Clarence Cook Little. seeing.
Cesie einoakLst__t. asembny.The jersey jumper frock will be Exclusive I
Besides being a district assembly
of the national organization for the Collecting mice is a new fad in select the mode for women golfers this sea-
purpose of discussing the problems English schools for girls. son according to Paris designers.
before departments of physical edu- H . & A *" .
Hqarts will be trumps this after-
noon in Barbour gymnasium, the oc-
casion being-a party. The Women's
league is going to entertain all the
women of the university in honor of
good old St. Valentine, and operations
will last from 4 to 6 o'clock in Sara
Caswell Angell Hall. For an hour
or so dancing will be in progress and
before it is time to go home real
"party-fled" refreshments will be
Just incidently, Edna Mower's or-
chestra will play, featuring the best
music that jazz instruments can pro-
vide. Just drop in after the basket-
ball game or whatever it is you're
doing. All your friends will be there
and you're sure of having a right good
Grace Moore, a young Tennesee
woman is following in the footsteps
of Marion Talley as she makes her
debut at the Metropolitan Opera Hour
in New York this season.
Women's intuition has been greatly
over-rated, is the conclusion of Hey-
wood Broun, critic and commentator.
for all makes of
Rapid turnover, fresh stock insures
best quality at a moderate price.
17 NIckels Arcade. Phone 6C15.
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Importers of
ugar Cured
cation throughout the country, the
athletic directors will inspect Mich-
igan's athletic plant.
The new women's athletic building
on Palmer field, because it is unique
anong the athletic plants which col-
leges maintain for their women stu-
dents will probably be inspected and
discussed by the delegates when they
come to Ann Arbor.
Alice Carr, American nurse in the
Near-East was marooned three days
on a precipice near Bagdag and at-
tacked by wolves when her car broke
"down near Bagdag.
Ping-pong, the old fashioned game
of the "gay nineties," has been re-
vived at the University of Oregon
and is being strenuously taken up
by the women students.
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