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February 08, 1928 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-02-08

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*1 - r

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of
the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until
8:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday.)


established, meeting on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 10 o'clock in
Room 1035 Angell Hall. Students transferring from the Monday-Wednesday-
Friday section to the new section must notify the instructor.
Preston Slosson.
Education D140 (The Teaching of Physics):
The first meeting of this class will be Thursday at 3 p.m., in the Physics
Laboratory at the University High School.
jGerald 1'. Fox.
Rhetoric 154, Modern English Prose:
This class meets in Room 407 General Library.
11. W. Cowden.
Rhetoric 2:2-Change:
Rhetoric 202 will meet in Room 231, Angell Hall, at 8 o'clock, M,W.F.,
instead of Room 18 as previously announced. H. P. Scott.

There will be an important meeting of all the women on the Business
Staff of the Michiganensian this afternoon (February 8) at 4 o'clock in the
Press Building. All sophomore women interested in trying out for the
Michiganensian Staff are urged to attend.
Margaret Breer, Women's Business Manager.
Iota Sigma PI:
There will be a meeting of Iota Sigma Pi in Room 410 Chemistry on
Wednesday, February 8 at 7:30 p.m. Dr. Olive M. Searle will speak.
Mabel Miller.
Qua draingle:
The regular meeting will be held at 1954 Cambridge Road this evening
(Wednesday) at 8 o'clock. C. G. Kulkarni will speak on "Recent Trends ir:

Gargoyle Business Staff:
There will be a meeting of the en-
tire business staff including try-outs
this afternoon at 4 p.m. Any second
semester freshmen wishing to tryout
Should also come ip to the Press
Building at that time.
Ray 1. Read.
Psychology 412, Psychology of the Ab.
Psychology 42, psychology of the ab-
normal, will meet in Newberry Hall
instead of Natural Science Auditorium
as announced.
W'. B. Pillsbur'y.

Volume 8.


.Number 94.

General Committee on the University College:
The eighth meeting of the General Committee on the University College
will be held in Room D, Alumni Memorial Hall, at 4:15 p.m., on Tuesday
February 14, 1928.
The revised report of the sub-committees will be discussed.
Please note the change in date of meeting.
Ira M.Smith, Secretary.
Entering Students :
Will all students (except Graduate Students) enrolling in this University
for the first tim report Tuesday or Wednesday in Room 429, 4th floor of
West Engineering Building, between 8:30 o'clock and 12 o'clock or 1:30 and
5 o'clock to have record picture taken.
J. A. Bursley, Dean.
Changes of Elections-School of Education:
Unavoidable changes of elections may be made Thursday and Friday,
February 9 and 10.
Changes must be made in the office of the Recorder of the School of
Education, Room 105, Tappan Hall.
Membership in a class does not cease nor does membership in a class
begin until all changes have been officially registered in the office of the
Recorder of the School of Education.
Arrangements made with the instructor only are not official changes.
After February 10, changes should still be made in Room 105, Tappan
Hall, but only after payment of a fee of one dollar.
Gretchen Krug, Recorder.
School of Education Assembly:
Mr. Edwin Miller, Assistant Superintendent of Schools of Detroit, will
address an assembly of the School of Education in the University High School
Auditorium on Monday, February 13, at 4:10 o'clock. Mr. .Miller's topic will
be "How to 'Secure a Position in the Detroit School System." All persons
interested are invited. (Instructbrs in education are requested to call the
attention of all their classes to this notice.)
C. 0. Davis, Secretary.
Second Spanish Lecture:
The second lecture of the Sociedad Hispanica serie's will be given
Thursday, February 9, at 4:15 o'clock in Room 1025 Angell Hall. Prof. J.
M. Albaladejo will speak on "Espana y la Organizacion del Pueblo Espanal."
Julio del Toro.
University Women:
All women students who have changed addresses for the second semester
will please report the new addresses to the Office of Advisers before February
11. Grace Biclards.
Signing Out Slips:
Signing-out slips for January must be in the office of the Advisers of
Women by February 13. Alice C. Lloyd.
Michign Women's Student Tour:
Will all girls contemplating a summer European trip and interested in
our Michigan delegation (in answer to European university students' invita-
tions) see Miss Arrowsmith at Barbour Gymnasium from 2 to 5 o'clock today.
Beatrice IV. Johnson.
Junior and Senior Classical Students:........
There will be a meeting at 4:15 p.m., today in Room 2013 Angell Hall
for those interested in forming a society to apply for Phi Eta Sigma member-
ship. Cletus Fagan.
Engineering Students Using Mechanical Engineering Drawing Room Lockers:
All drawers and lockers in Rooms 325, 331, and 335, West Engineering
Building, must be emptied by Friday, February 10. Second 'semester assign-
ments will be made by instructors whose classes meet in these rooms.
C. IV, Wood.
Courses in Nathematics, College of Engineering:
Meetings to arrange hours will be held as follows:
146. Celestial Mechanics, Prof. Hopkins. Wednesday, February 8, at 12
noon, Room 340 West Engineering Building.
158. Calculus of Variations, Mr. Kazarinoff. Wednesday, February 8, at
4 p.m., Room 5 East Hall.
208. Infinite Processes, Prof. Love. Thursday, at 12 noon, Room 20
East Hall.
209. Partial Differential Equations of Physics. Assistant Prof. Denton,
Wednesday, February 8, at 5 p.m., Room 319 We'st Engineering Building.
232. Advanced Mechanics, Prof. Field. Thursday, February 9, at 12
noon, Room 317 West Engineering Building.
234. Vector Analysis, Prof. Field. Wednesday, February 8, at 5 p.m.,
Room 317 West Engineering Building.
236. "Hydrodynamics IT, Prof. Poor. Wednesday, February 8, at 4 p.m,
Room 20 East Hall.
238. Dynamics of Stability, Mr. Kazarinoff. Wednesday, February 8, at
4 p.m., Room 5 East Hall.
246. Advanced Celestial Mechanics, Prof. Hopkins. Wednesday, Feb-
ruary 8, at 12 noon, Room 340 West Engineering Building.
W. W. Denton.
Engineering Mechanics 12. Vibration:
Meetings will be held at 5 p.m., on Tuesday and Thursday, in Room 340.
The prerequisites are Math. 4, E. M. 2, E. M. 3, and not Math. 105 as was
stated in the Special Announcement. First meeting, Thursday, February 9.
S. P. Timoshenko.
Seminar in Elast city (Eng'iueering Mechanics):
Meetings at 5 p.m., on Fridays in Room 340. First meeting, February 10.
S. P. Timoshenko.
Engineeriig Mechanics 3 a:
Experimental Dynamics. This is a one hour course, not two as an-
nounced, and will be held Wednesdays 4 to 5:15 o'clock, third floor of old
engineering shops, starating February 15. L. H. Donnell.
English 18 (Victorian Literature):T

English 128 (Victorian Liteature) will meet in Room 231 Angell Hall,
Wednesday at 10 o'clock. W. 0. Raymond.
English 40, Section 4:
-nglish 40, Section 4, will meet in Room 207 University Hall, Wednesday
at 9 o'clockh A. A. Hill.
History 92:
Owing to the large enrollment in the course a new section has been

History 6:
A special section will meet Saturday at 9 o'clock in Room 1020 Angell
Ball. Only students who obtained an "A" in History 5 are eligible. Unless
at least six students join it the section will not be organized.
Preston Slosson.
Geology 31:
Owing to registration in the Engineering College, the first lecture in this
course will be given on Friday, February 10, at 11 o'clock in the Science
Auditorium. There will be no recitation or laboratory sections in the course
before Monday, February 13.
lWilliamI . Hobbs.
Speech 32:
The new section of this course will be held in Room 203 W.H. at 10
M. W. F. Lionel Crocker.
Assignment of Desks in General Chemistry.
Chemistry 3, 5E and 6:
Each student must obtain two Chemical Laboratory Coupons at the office
of the University Treasurer,.and then report at the first possible laboratory
period assigned to his sectio' after the opening of the University. No desk
can be given without two coupon's. P. F. Weatherill.
Tryouts for French Play:
Tryouts for the French Play, .every day this week from 4 to 6 o'clock,
Room 202, South Wing. Open to all students interested in French.
Rene Talamon .
Philosophy 38 (Logic):
Section 4 (WF at 9o'clock) and Section 5 (WF at 10 o'clock) will meet
in Room 105 Mason Hall, and not in Room 16 Angell Hall as announced in
the Time Schedule of Courses.
C. D~e Ber.
Philosophy 311B:
Owing to the small enrollment, Philosophy 31B meeting at 3 o'clock ha's
been cancelled. Students may transfer to Philosophy 31A, or to any other
section of 31B. J. Kuiper.
Drawing 3:
All students classified in the Monday and Friday sections of Drawing
3 shall appear for work on Friday, February 10, with the following material.
1 or more sheets of Normal, Norwood or Napolen drawing paper, size 12
inches by 19 inches; a. 'set of drawing instruments; drawing board; T-Square;
triangles; scales; thumb tacks; pencils and erasers.
It. J. Goulding.
Point System Committee:
There will be a meeting Wednesday at 3 o'clock. Those who cannot be
present please call me at 5718. Helenl lawikins, Chairman.
Polonia Literary Circle:
Important business meeting will be held Wednesday, February 8, at S
o'clock in Lane Hall. Cecilia D. Wells.
Geological and Geographical Journal Club:
There will be a meeting on Thursday, February 9, at 7:30- p.m., in Room
4054 N.S. Dr. R. B. Hall will give an illustrated lecture on "Ile a Genave"
(W.I.). All interested are cordially invited.
I. 1. Senstius, Secretary.
Negro-Caucasian Club:
Regular meeting will be held Thursday, February 9, at 8 p.m., at Omega
Psi Phi house, .1009 Catherine street. President Little will address the Club.
All interested are cordially invited. Donald White, Secretary.
Universi'ty Club:
The February Club Night has been omitted. The next program, which
will include Mr. R. Ray Baker, editor of the Ann Arbor Daily News, will
occur on the first Friday evening in March.
dlrogram Committee.

Oriental Politics and their Relation to Am
Play Production:
A repertory of Southern-mountain
folk plays opens at Mimes theater
Wednesday, February 8. "Sun-Up"
by Lula Vollmer and "Hell Bent Fer
Heaven" by Hatcher Hughes will
alternate throughout the week. These
plays should be of special interest to
all students interested in native
American drama.
Earl E. Fleischmnan.



N. C. Fiske, Clerk.



Charles University Chemist Discusse
Chmii al And Physical Aspects
Of Cell Composition
"Every protoplasm contains a mix-
ture of water, proteins, and lipoits,"
Prof. W. Lepeschkin of Charles uni-
versity said in speaking on "The
Chemical and Physical Composition
of Protoplasm" yesterday in Natural
Science auditorium. Professor Le-
peseb kin was appearing ol one of the
regular University lecture series.
"The living protoplasm," he said, "is
a colloidal solution, in which its com-
ponents form a dispersion medium in
which many other particles may be
"The whole 'mass of protoplasm
possess selective permeability. They
are very unstable compounds and
may be killed easily, either by chem-
ical reactions or mechanically
through coagulation of the dispersion
medium. Living protoplasm repre-
sents and has all the properties of a
colloidal solution. No longer can one
doubt that plant and animal cell
contain protoplasm in a colloidal
state. If the colloidal system is de-
stroyed, life must cease immediate-
Professor Lepeschkein told how
through experiments all protoplasm
was found to contain water, salt, and
carbo-hydrates. This was found by
micro-chemical analysis. He told of
the difficulties of dieing protoplasm
with analine dyes due to the permea-
bility of protoplasm and showed that
it presents a medium for all other
parts of plant cells. "It is necessary
for the biologists to learn the pro-
perties of protoplasm," he said.
The lecturer is prominent in re-
search fields and has written several
books on nrotoplasm. Before the
World war le was a plant-phylicist
in Russia. This year he is spending
the first semester at Washington uni-
versity and the second semester as a
lecturer at the University of Illinois.
He gave an informal talk before the
members of the botanical seminar
last night, speaking on a phase of
his study of protoplasms.
President Clarence Cook Little has
been appointed head of the organiza-
tion committee o' the Michigan
Housing association, it was announe-
ed yesterday from the offices of the
association in Detroit. The organiza-
tion has for its purpose the improv-
ing of housing conditions for low
wage and salary workers.
The comm'ittee, which was named
at a banquet in Detroit, consists, in
addition to President Little, of a
number of prominent Detroit piti-
zens and Prof. Arthur Evans Wood
of the sociology department and Mrs.
Caroline Bartlett Crane of Kalama-
The feature of the projected plan
will be a home loan revolving fund,
to be authorized by the state, which
will make possible the sale of com-
fortable modern homes at low rates
-moo m jsaaua a &-t

3rd Big Week
TODAY at 3
Entire House 50 cents!
Tonight at 8 through Friday

The Uproarious Grant Mitchell Success
in the Season's Most Popular Comedy
Is the Company Good?
Ask Anyone!
Open SAT. NIGHT, Feb. 11-6 Performances Only.
Sat., Sun., Tues., Wed., Thurs., and Fri. Nights
"CRADLE SNATCHERS" Sat. Mat. and Mon.
Night. "AREN'T WE ALL?" Wed. Mat. by Popu-
lar Demand.
Every Night, incl. Sunday at 8-50c, 75c, $1
Wed. Mat. at 3-Entire House, 50c.
Sat. Mat. at 3-50c, 75c.

Phil Sigma, Biological Society:
The regular program meeting of the Phi Sigma society will be held this
evening, Wednesday, February 8, 1928 at 7:30 p.m., in the Botany Seminar
Room (1136 Natural Science). Prof. P. S. Welch will provide the program.
Edwin P. Creaser, Secretary.

,Music Section of the Faculty Women's Club:
The Chorus will meet Thursday, February 9 at 7:45 p.m. at the home
Mrs. K. C. McMurry 1312 Forest Avenue.
Mrs. L. 0. Case, Chairman.


University of Michigan 'Varsity Band:
Rehearsal tonight at 7:15 o'clock at the Band Hall. Be there.
Russell -Malcolnm, Student Manager.
The aichlgan Technic:
There will be a meeting of the entire business and editorial staffs and
tryouts Wednesday, February 3, at 7:30 p.m.
B. 1. Caim, Acting Editor.
Alpha iNu :
Alpha Nu will hold its first meeting of the semester on Wednesday,
February 8. Professor Jack will speak and will be followed by a general
Those wishing to enter the society will have an opportunity to do so at
this first meeting.
Visitors are heartily invited to attend this and future meetings.
J. Webster, President.
Scabbard and Blade:
There will. be a regular meeting tonight at the union at 7:15 p.m.
P. E. Slayton
Chli D elta 1 lmi: .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ....
There will be a meeting tonight at 7:30 o'clock at 204 South Wing.
Election of Oficers will be held at this time.
Kathryn Francis, President.



II '







FRIDAY, 9 to 1




T-19 *rT T 1 T 79

SATURDAY, 9 to 12
Two Bands
Bill Watkins' Wolverines






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