Wl'ThX~F1AYFPA2'R4, 1929
-- PAG1t SrTiVN
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CoILL T~ 5m41RA e iN I laSOUTH
c a-6 zEi enee ( Contests On
i'hli Sonlihern TIrip
y~ I Il 1 0 l
By Herbe
1111I I 11
a i f tt rr
(Special to The Daily)
BLOOMINGTON, Feb. 6- A warm
southern climate will condition the
Indiana university baseball team this
spring for its campaign in the Wes-
tern Conference championship. The
Hoosiers, under Coach Everett Dean
for their fourth successive year, will
leave Bloomington on April 5 for an
even dozen practice games with non-
Conference opponents.
The southern trip is so arranged
that the men will miss only two and
one-half days of school. Spring va-
cation starts on April 5 and work is
resumed on the afternoon of April
Battery Men Begin Practice
Battery candidates began twirling
the ball shortly after the new term
got underway. Several of the pitchers
have been playing handball daily for
the past few weeks, thus getting into
physical shapo for early indoor work.
Indiana will opesthe training sea-
5011 with a c(ontest wtih the TUni-
versity of, Cincinnati at Cincinnati,
April 5. On April 6 and 7 . Birming-
ham Southern will be met at Birm-
ingham, Ala. From there the Hoos-
iers will go to Fort Benning, Ga.,
for three games with Fort Bennihg
college, April 9, 10, and 11. On"April
12 the Big Ten schedule will open
with Ohio State at Columbus.
Competition in basketball between
the freshman groups of the Michigan
Union will start tonight at Waterman
gymnasium. All of the group teams
will participate in the first round of
play and will continue through an
elimination series during the rest of
February and March.
The Union and the intramural de-
partment are sponsoring the games
and will present the winning team
with gold medals.
NEW YORK-The Pittsburgh Pir-
ates of the National Hockey league
have climbed from the cellar posi-
tion to 'fifth place.
SWITZERLAND- Rolf Monsen, a
Somewhere beneath that lethargicj
front display4d by the Wolverine
cagemen is hidden that "something"
which makes a basketball team good,
but the trouble seems to be in throw-
ing that lethargy aside and assuming
the mantle of a champion.
The exhibition given forth during
the first three quarters of the game
Monday with Goe was not just the
kind of thing that one has a right to
expect of a contender for the West-
ern Conference basketball title.
That Michigan ranks as a feared
contender is not disputed even
though she lost her first two games.
leadings have appeared in various
papers to the effect that "Wolverines
loom as championship contenders"
and "Michigan holds hopes and fears
of Big Ten Leaders," but everyone
will know more about it after the
Michigan-Purdue tilt here Saturday
In any discussion of the Coe affair,
it should not be forgotten that the
Iowa school has rather a fine record
this year, especially as regards de-
fensive work.
They defeated Chicago earlier in
the year, and in the season opener
with Dr. Meanwell's "Foxy Badgers"
made the Wisconsin forwards look
foolish in the eyes of the Conference
allowing only 18 points to the lads
from the shores of Lake Mendota
though losing 18-13.
rt Vedder
moment baffled the Coe team.
Also, once that clever defense wasl
broken, the Wolverines gate some
indication of the reason they are con-
sidered title contenders. The records
show that the last six minutes netted
a score of Michigan 17, Coe 3!
The Wolverines seem not at all
abashed by impending defeat, but on
the other hand seem to relish it!
Indiana had a 36-31 advantage over
them with but a short time to play
but (this was wiped out-somehow
or other!
These final spurts are all OK in
their way, but there is a limit to all
things, and one of these dull days
Michigan's Wolverines are going to
bump up against a quintet which,
they cannot "bulldoze" in the final
See us first.
Collegiate Boys
We are the ones and the only ones that can make a collegian
model out of that double breasted coat you have. Your tux
remodeled in the latest fashion.
See us last.
We aim to please you.
Ad vertisinga
DO you know that the Gypsy inn!
s i''e5 cominplete. (delicious even mug
di ' er "for"50c. Yes"-Atmospher
and music.toe.Iinder Student man-
agement. 712 hill, St.1
9l, 95, 96, 97. 98. 99
NOTICE-Two used portable type-
writers for sale. One and two years
old respectively. Reasonable prices
Call 3489. E. H. Munn.
Tues., Thurs., Sat.!
NOTICE-Be sure and visit this most
modern and efficient Hat Cleaning
and Shoe Shining Parlor. Michigan
Theatre Bldg. 539 E. Liberty.
Tues., Thurs., Sat.
enced teacher of piano and pipe
organ, extensive study abroad.
Study, 610 E. Liberty, Apt. 8,
Phone 3506, afternoons.
105 South 4th Ave.
Open evenings
- _ r. i
Subscribe For the Weekly
-...-'L.... .....
-who knows? And Saturday
be the day.
a team
Oratorical Association
In the Recreation of An Entire Play
"Father and Dad"
Coach "Piggy" Lambert scouted the1
Michigan-Indiana game and with
more than passing interest. When
that score was 36-31, he put away
his pad and conceded Indiana the
game--and he wasn't the only one.I
Lambert saw what happened, and
it is no conjecture to suppose that
he has those Boilermakers drilled to
prevent a recurrence of this if Pur-
due is leading the Wolverines Sat-
NEW YORK-Hughey Jennings, a
Tickets At
Admission, $1.00
THURS.q FEB. 95 8 P. M.
Bennie Oosterbaan had been "the former Giant coach and manager of
Michigan scoring machine" during the Detroit Tigers left an estate of
the first quarter while Coe went $87,000.
along unobtrusively wearing on the
nerves of players and spectators. It CHICAGO-McCracken of Indiana,
Was not until Orwig sank two long, Walters of Northwestern, and Foster
baskets just before the half ended of Wisconsin, all centers, lead in Big
that Michigan took the lead, 13-12. Ten scoring.
Instead of staging any brilliant -
comeback or scorhig with the renew-
al of hostilities, the Wolverines were
even more baffled by the Coe de-
fense. Fast breaking Iowans brought
the score to 22-14 six minutes before
the gun before the Michigan lethargy
was wiped out and a thoroughly dis- I
gusted crowd somewhat pacified.
Michigan showed in this final rush
that she knew a lot of basketball; a
stalling game which was' combined
with fast breaking at the opportune
DRESSMAKING-Experienced; can
furnish references. Estimate given
on work desired. Phone 3655.
SUn., Tues., Thurs.
NOTICE-This coupon and fifty cents
will get you a porterhouse steak
dinner at Barney's Restaurant. 516
E. Williams. 93, 94, 95
NOTICE-We deliver between the
hours of 9:30 and 11:30 p m. Prompt
Delivery. Barbecue Inn. Phone 4481.
20 100
While on vacation leave your type-
writers at Rider's Pen Shop. A good
time to have them cleaned and ad-
turnover insures a freshtstock. You
secure the best quality at a moder-
ate price. O. D. Morrill, 17 Nickels
TYPEWRITERS-All makes, sold,
rented, exchanged, cleaned, re-
paired. Our machines and work
guaranteed to give best satisfaction,
O. D. Morrill, 17 Nickels Arcade.
TYPING-Theses a specialty. Rea-
sonable rates. M. V. Hartsuff.
Dial 9387. 77-180
TYPEWRITING and Mimeographing
promptly and neatly done by ex-
perienced operators at moderate
rates. College work a specialty for
nearly twenty years. 0. D. Morrill,
17 Nickels Arcade.
Better have your Fountain Pen looked
over now at Rider's Pen Shop. You
will want them in good shape for
545 E. UNIV., across from Engineer-
ing Arch. Study room and sleeping
room. Double; $8. 94
FOR RENT-A desirable suite at 1210
Washtenaw. Plenty of light, heat
and hot water. Rent reasonable. Also
a room-mate wanted for a senior
lit. 9175. 94, 95, 96
LARGE front suite, suitable for two
or three boys, well lighted. 735
Haven ,corner of Hill. 94, 95, 96
FOR RENT-Three-room furnished
apartment; heat, light and water.
315 Packard. Dial 22464. 94, 95
FOR RENT-Most desirable rooms in
girls' league house, .cross from Hill
Auditorium, at 2375. Ingalls. Dial
4093. 94, 95, 96
SINGLE or double room. Only one
other student in the house. 524 Wal-
nut St. Phone 22197. 94
COME and see some real rooms at
1207 Prospect (cor. Church), 2
singles, double, and suite, $2.50 to
$4.00. Showers, University approved.
Newly decorated. 94, 95, 96
FOR RENT-Desirable suite, vacancy
im' suite; aso single room in girl's
league house; reasonable; one block
from Campus. Dial 7439. 725 Haven
Ave. 94, 95, 96
FOR RENT-Suite at 311 Thompson,
two blocks froni campus, $8.50 for
one man, $6,50 for two. Steam heat.
Continuous hot water. 94, 95, 96
TWO single and one double room,
reduced rates, best location. 715 E.
Huron. 94, 95, 96
ROOM for men, one block from cam-
pus; plenty of ligiit; will rent
single, double, or room-mate. 912
Monroe. Phone 8741. 94, 95, 96
FOR RENT-Suite, at 311 Thompson,
two blocks from campus, 8.50 for
twd men, $6.50 for one. Steam heat.
Continuous hot water.
FOR RENT-Furnished apartment for
girls, steam heat; also a garage.
422 E. Washnigton, Phone 8544.
93, 94, 95
A MALE LIT, student would like to
share a large beautiful front room
with congenial party. Call 6521.
91, 92, 93
FOR RENT-Apartment, three rooms
and shower, heat, water and elec-
tric stove. Centrally located. Dial
4632 during day, evenings 6455.
FOR RENT-A pleasant, comfortable
front suite, suitable for two. In a
very quiet home; price reasonable.
Handy to car line or bus line. 1004
Vaughn St. Phone 4852 93, 94, 95
FOR RENT-Furnished apartment for
girls, clean, heat; also a garage.
422 E. Washington. Phone 8544.
93, 94, 95
SINGLE and double room for rent.
1303 Wilmont, corner of Washtenaw.
5009 93, 94, 95
ROOM-Single or double, in private
home, near Campus, quiet, reason-
able rent. Phone 5424. 93, 94, 95
ROOMS at $3.25 per week at
Ann Arbor's only Men's Dormitory.
Under new Management.
Especially adapted for Student's con-
venience. New, Fire-proof Building,
Steam heat, Shower Baths, Hot and
cold water in each room.
Lounging and Smoking Room
915 Sybil St., near Ferry Field. Dial
CLOTHES washed and ironed. Wet
wash and rough dry. Work called
for and delivered. Call 3795.
94, 95, 96
WANTED-Trombone, with case. Call
H. Waldenmyer. Phone 4211. 94, 95
member of
was injured
Compete in
the American ski team
in practice and cannot
the Olympic trials.
BERKELEY-Ielen Wills will de-
part for Europe early this spring to
engage in Holland, Germany, and
Del Prete offers all his fine ADLER
Half Price
$35 Overcoats
$40 Overcoats
$45 Overcoats
$50 Overcoats
- $17.50
- - $20.00
- - $22.50
- - $25.00
New stock, no antiques. A glance of these great coats
will convince you that they are the greatest values ever offered
at any time anywhere.
Suits Greatly Redueed
By special arrangements with the Adler Co. we can offer
any suit in the store including spring suits that just arrived.
Just received twelve doz. of new
and shapes of the moment. Special
value, $4.65.
spring hats in
for this week,
Extra trousers special, $8 to $12 value, $5.85
0 ..memo,. - .dm . 1