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October 01, 1927 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-10-01

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Yost Comnments On Change Of Public
Attitude On Football
Since 1897
Making a plea for preferential treat-
ment of educatinal needs of the state
by the State legislature, President
Clarence Cook Little last night ad-
dressed the radio audience as one of
the features of 'the opening "Michigan
Night" broadcast for this year, over
the Detroit News station, WWJ.
"The matter concerning which I
wish to speak to you for a few mo-
ments tonight may by some be con-
sidered as being outside the province
of a university executive," President
Little said. "Yet, as I see it, it is so
essential to the welfare of higher edu-
cation in the State of Michigan that
at the risk of some misunderstanding
I have decided to place it before the
audience of the first "Michigan Night"
of 1927. The matter to which I refer
is a plea for preferential treatment
of educational needs of the state be-
fore the state legislature.
"It is the custom in Michigan, as in
most if not all the other states of the
Union, to begin to consider the needs
of the normal schools, the State col-
lege, the School of Mining and Tech-
nology and the University .early in the
legislative session. The bills covering
proposed appropriations for 'these in-
stitutions are frequently in the hands
of legislattive committees within a
very short time after the legislative
session has begun. E
Hits Luck Of Economy
"It is, however, almost the universal
experience of all educational institu-
tions dependent upon states from
Maine to California that decisionsras
4he amount of money available for
their outstanding needs, both of main-
tenance and for building, are not
reached until the last moments of
the session. In many ways this is
poor economy and works for harm to
all concerned."
President Little then went on to
enumerate the four main weaknesses
of the present method, which he be-
lieves could easily be obviated by a
change of attitude on the part of citi-
zens of the state. These were: first,1
economical loss suffered in the con-
struction of new buildings by the fact
that contractors must be dealt with in
accordance with the appropriation
after the building is constructed rath-
er than before; second, delay in hir-
ing men caused by no definte knowl-
edge of amount of the appropriation;
third, by delaying final action on ap-
propriations until the last few days
of the session of the legislature;
fourth, the needs of higher education
have a different appeal than expendi-
tures for roads, prisons and hospitals
for the insane.
"Thirty years ago I began my coach-
ing experience at Ohio Wesleyan uni-
versity and that year brought the
team from thait institution to Ann Ar-
bor for a game against Michigan,"
Fielding 11. Yost, director of inter-
collegiate athletics said in speaking]
on the topic "Making Athletics for All
a Reality." "I played with the per-
in i(i of the Michgan coach ateleft
tackle with the Ohio Wesleyan team,
tbo i toWr resulting in a tie, nothing to
,,Opens Michigan Schedule
s~e4n:. Nti~rAm A~rn5Pv n d th e

lared in the third address on the
Attention To High Schools
"This particular ramification has to
do with the attention given to high
school boys and girls-attention cal-
culated to stimulate these high school
students 'to aspire for a college edu-
cation and to aim-during the high
school days-toward the achievement
of worthwhile standards. Two inter-
esting methods are used to achieve
this end. One is the presentation to
the high school of the Michigan Hon-
or Trophy, a beautiful bronze plaque
which will be hung in the high school
and on which is inscribed every year
the name of the boy who has rated
highest in qualities of leadership, in
sports competition, and in scholar-
ship. The second method is the build-
ing up in every high school library
of a Michigan book shelf. This is ac-
complished through the purchase
every year by the local alumni of
some espcially selected book about
Michigan or by an alumnus of Michi-
Charles Fisher, director of the Ex-
tension Division of the University of
Michigan, outlined the aims of that
department and the new courses 'to be
conducted, with the dates for their
opening. Following is the content-of
Mr. Fisher's address:
"In common with the other great
universities of America and Europe
the University of Michigan is no long-
er concerned solely in educating the
students onthe campus. There is a
much larger group throughout the
state who cannot come to college but
who desire to continue their educa-
tion. The Extension Division of the
University of Michigan is vitally in-
terested in meeting the needs of this
"Professors from the University are
conducting 43 extension classes this
semester in Detroit, Grand Rapids,
Saginaw, Bay City, Flint, Battle Creek,
Kalamazoo, Mt. Clemens, Jackson and
Pontiac. Twenty-eight of these
courses are in Detroit and 15 are dis-
tributed over the state in the cities
just named.
"There is a course in advanced com-
mercial law, 17 in education, three in
engineering, five in English, three in
geography, one in geology, two in
journalism, two in philosophy, two in
psychology, one in political science,
two in public speaking and four in
Any May Enroll
"Any person who feels the need of
further education may enroll in these
classes. There are no prerequisites.
Some of the elementary classes en-
roll many who have never had any
college work, while others of a more
advanced nature have students who
have their M. A. degrees. In one class
in Detroit last year there were grad-
uates of several foreign universities,
. "Those who take the examination at
the end of a course get two hours',
eredit in the University of Michigan.
It is not hecessary, however, to take
the work for credit. The fee is $10 a
semester for undergraduate work and
$12 for graduate.
"There is no reason why your uni-
versity education should stop when
you leave college, and there is no rea-
son why you should not start your
college course now, if you so desire."

Lieut. Otto Koennecke, German ace,
whose biplane crashed in Bagdad,
Irak, yesterday, while attempting a
flight from Cologne to America by the
Eastern route. The plane was dam-
aged but Koennecke and his two com-
panions were not injured.
Eight Plays Make Colorful and Varied4
Tentative List For Coming YearI
At Campus Theatre.
Coincident with the preparations for
opening the campus theatrical season
Monday night with "The Bad Man,"
Mimes have announced their projected
program for the year. On the list of
plays .that have been submitted as
choices are Frederick Lonsdale's "On
Approval," "The Butter and Egg Man,"
"Liliom," by Franz Molner, "Ice-
bound" by Owen Davis, Austin
Strong's "Seventh Heaven," Shaw's
"Merry Wives, and a burlesque ver-
sion of Harriet Beecher Stowe's
"Uncle Tom's Cabin."
In addition to these there is the
twenty-second annual Michigan Union
Opera, rehearsals for which are now
in progress. The title for this year's
opera has not yet been announced but
all other preliminary steps have been
taken. The music for the production
has been written largely by William
M. Lewis, Jr., and the book and lyrics
by Vincent C. Wall, Jr., and Thomasf
J. Dougall.f
Will Present Mixed Cast. '
"The Bad Man," which begins its
week's run Monday night in MimesI
theater, will lie presented with a
mixed cast, following a precedent es-
tablished last year with "Anna Chris-
tie." It is a melodramatic comedy in
three acts by Porter Emerson Browne,
deriving its color from the locale of
the scenes on the Mexican border.1
"The Bad Man" ran a full season withI

List of Killed in Tornado-Torn City
Now Eighty-seven With Xiore
Than 500 Injured
(By Associated Press)
ST. LOUIS, Sept. 30.-Work of re-
lief and rehabilitation was well under
way tonight when darkness settled
over the six square mile area devas-
tated yesterday when a four-rhinute
tornado killed 87 persons, injured
more than 500, and damaged or de-
stroyed 5,000 homes and business
The property loss, according to the
best estimates of experts, who spent
the day in the stricken area, was ex-
pected to exceed the $10,000,000 record
of the tornado of 1896, when 140 per-
sons were killed in an area of 10
square miles,
Only one body, that of a woman, re-
mained 'unidentified tonight. Twenty
persons have been reported missing,
To Hold One Inquest.
A single inquest to cover the deaths
of all St. Louis victims was set for to-
morrow morning with a coroner's
jury expected to hold a perfunctory
hearing and return a report of death
by a quirk of the elements.
No plans had been made. tonight for
joint funerals and, since 'the death
list was made up of men, women andl
children in comparatively widely sep-
arated areas, with no intimate con-
tacts, it was believed each bereaved
family would take care .f itA dead
with individual ceremonies with to
morrow and Sunday a day :bf funern
and burials.
Excepting for the constat onver-
sation everywhere about the slowly
mounting death list, downtown 3t.
Louis today virtually was without a
reminder of the death and desolation
within three miles of the business dis-
Employee's ranks In many concerns
were thinned as many remained at
home to dig in the debris for posses-
sions or to make hasty repais to
roofs, doors, and windows against the
forecast of rain. Otherwise business
went along virtually as usual.
Scene of Activity.
The ' devastated region, however, }
was a scene of sorrow and at the same'
time of intense activity today. Traffic
into many quarters of it continued to
be blocked of while rescue parties dug
into the ruins, a maze of fallen1
bricks, and tangled power wires and
uprooted trees.
The stricken area, irregular in
shape and of varying width, showed
plainly that the tornado, in cutting a
crescent-shaped swath, which embrac-]
ed the exclusive residential section,
humbler homes and business streets,
hopped, skipped and jumped. From
Lindell boulevard, a street of tall
apartment houses and fine homes, it
hopped some eight blocks to Vand-
eventer place, formerly the most ex-
clusive residence center of St. Louis,
and thence three blocks to Cook, the
center of a large district devoted to
homes for Negroes.
In the central west end, the area of
chaos extended between Sarah street
and Newstead avenue, ,north from
Forest Park avenue across Laclede
avenue, West Pine and Lindell boule-~
vards, gaining north of Olive street
and reaching Grand boulevard near
Vandenventer. Sarah street contin-
ued to be a street of heavy damage as
far north as Easton avenue. Near

Fair Ground park the trend toward the
Mississippi river became more direct.'
Between Fair Ground park and Mer-
chants bridge and towards McKinley

Wenley Receives Appoinim nt To
As University RepreseAlative
At Toronto falhering.



Taking action on the automobile ban
only in a matter of the matter of the
interpretation of the ruling, the
Regents of the University at their
meeting last night made no change in
the present situation. The interpreta-
tion of the regulations was supposed
to be concerned particularly with the
operation of cars by students who are
residents of Ann Arbor and miscel-
laneous cases about which enforce-
ment officials were doubtful. A formal
statement ff the action taken at the
meeting last night will be issued some
time this morning by J. A. Bursley,
dean of students.
Routine Business Covered. .
Routine business occupied much of
the attention of The Regents other
than the matter of the automobile
Dr. Robert Hanna was appointed as-
sistant professor of speech.
Prof. Robert M. Wenley, head of the
philosophy department, who recently
returned after two years abroad, was
appointed to represent the. University
at the centennial commemoration of
the granting of a charter to King's
college at Toronto, on Oct. 6.
Prof. Ralph H. Aigler, of the Law
school and Robert C. Angell of the
sociology department, were reap-
pointed to the board in control of ath-
Approval of the purchase of 11 acres
of land as an addition to the botanicalf
garden on South State street, now con-
sisting of approximately 40 acres, was
A fund of $2,500, given by Mrs. Jona-
than Wooster Harris in memory of Mr.
Harris, for the promotion of research
in chemistry or its application, was
accepted by the Regents. .
Plant Specimens AceptedL
Acceptance of 1,500 specimens of
plants from Sumatra as the gift of Dr.
H. S. Yates was announced. The col-
lection is reported to contain rare
plants of unusual value.
Hobart R. Coffey of the law school
was made a professor of law. He is
now Law librarian. Assistant Prof. E.
A. Stalker of the engineering college
was promoted to an associate profes-
Prof. Joseph L. Markley of the
mathematical department submitted
his resignation to The Regents after
37 year's service in the University.!
Professor Markley has been in ill
health for some time.
According to a radio dispatch re-
ceived by the New York Times, Sept.
28, lIege Bangstead and Prof. James
E. Church, members of the University
Greenland expedition, will make no at-
tempt to penetrate inland until late
in December. By that time, the winter
blizzards will have drifted snow be-
ttween the rough ice hummocks and so
make the way passable.
The two me will carry with them
on a sled provisions for themselves
and six dgs for tfree months.
The other six dogs to be taken will
be killed for meat.
During their stay inland, Hedge and
Church will live in a snow cave, mak-
ing regular meteoroligical observa-
tions which will parallel those being
taken at Mount Evans and 1lolsten-

Paul Herbert Explains Production
For Conservation of Nation's
Woodland Areas


$500,000 SPENT YEARLYf
"Congress is spending about $500,-
000 a year on an inquiry into the
forest taxation problem," Paul A.
Hierbert, member of the federal forest,
taxation committee, stated in a lec-
ture given before forestry students
yesterday in Natural Science building.
"Congress became interested in ua-
servation and asked why there was#
such a great devastation in forests.
Lumbermen said forest growth was
too slow to plant forests and claimed
that the taxes were too high and too
uncertain for carrying on private pro-
jects. The forest taxation inquiry is'
intended to discover how much tax{
such land can bear and is bearing, and.
hopes to* make changes iwcesAry for
The inquiry began in the lake states,
Herbert said, and will soon move on;
to other districts. In making an in-
quiry the committee takes representa-l
tiVe political towns and makes an in-
tensive study of them. Field o ws
gather data on timber, soil, topo-
graphy, transportation, and com-
munity development. This data is;
compiled and an attempt made to
make an appraisal of the market value
of the land in order to compare it with.
the district assessor's valuation.
Value is determined by first getting
all the transactions in land together,
finding out the sale of the propert
and interviewing the purchaser. A
definite value for an entire district is
obtained in this way. The inquiry
was made to stop malpractice among
assessors who taxed lands by local
likes and prejudices. It then tries to
reach a logical method by taxing that
community. The local communities
are compared with the county and
state assessments.
Michigan's Case Different.
"Michigan is difierent from othen
states because it has an economic
survey that makes tax and asses-ment
material instantly available," Herb-
ert stated.
Graduate students in the forestry
school were asked to carry on studies
which the survey did not have time to
undertake. The survey would then
furnish the students with data taken
by the survey in the field. Herbert
read a list of subjects open for inves-
tigation, citing amusing instances of
malpractice in assessing land values.
The solution of the tax problem is in
doubt, he said. Farmers and owners
of cut-over land are paying more
taxes than they should.
Michigan's 'Varsity band will open
its official season by playing for and
escorting the 30,000 high school stu-
dents who are here as guests of the
Athletic association for the Michigan-I
Ohio Wesleyan football game today.
The association is planning a meet-
ing of these students to be held an Yost
Field house before the game, and the
band will be on hand to play some
I Michigan music and then to escort

(By Associted Press
ROCHESTER, N. Y., Sept. 30.-For
the first time in history "the shadow
of Tammany lies athwart the White
House," in the candidacy of Gov. Al-
fred E. Smith for the presidency, Col.
Theodore Roosevelt declared today in
his keynote address to the Republican
state convention.
He urged New York Republicans to
take the lead in a campaign to "dis-
pel" the shadow, asserting there was
no such thing as "New Tammany."
In more than inference, Colonel
Theodore Roosevelt cited Givernor
Smith, "the leader of the Democratic
party" in this state who, aspires to be
the nominee of that party for tOe

Thirty-Six Thousand Hligh-Scel Boys
Will Be University Guests At
Initial attle.«
Chunmpion will meet champion this
afternoon when Ohio Wesleyan, ruler
of the Ohio conference, visits Ann Ar-
bor to battle Michigan, co-emperor f
the Big Ten, in the opening game'o_
the Wolverines' 1927 football season.
The Bishops will arrive at 11:30 thIs
morning and the two teams will line
up for the kick-off at 3 o'clock.
The Wolverines are quite naturally
the favorites over Wesleyan today, but
the margin of victory for the Maize
and Blue may be small. Or perhaps the
Bishops will surprise and do the u-
expected-score a victory. Though
they only won by a single point last
Saturday, this means nothing, for sev-
eral of the regulars were held out so
that they might be certain to play'
against Michigan. s
Further, the Bishops have had the
experience of an actual combat, which.
the Wolverines lack. In the last five
years the little Ohio college has lost
only one game to a school of its class.
For years, Wesleyan has given Ohio
State a hard early season battle.
George Gauthier, who coaches Wes-
leyan, is highly respected for his abil-
ity to turn out teams who play smart
football. Surely such a team must be
given consideration.
Invading Back Fast.
The invading backfield promises to
be fast and fairly stocky, while the
line will weigh practically the same as
that of Michigan. Advance dope on the
Wesleyan team, however, reports
weaknesses in kicking and defense
against the overhead attack.
The Wolverines, howyee, ,quite
probably prey upon this latter weak-
ness, since Michigan will attempt to
display a varied, powerful forward
pissing attack with fou' or five men
capable of workg either at tossing
or receiving.
Wit Bill Puckewartz out for two
weeks, Sam Babcock, fast senior back,
has been chosen to pair with Gilbert
at the halves. In this combination, the.
Wolverines cling to the "pony'" back-
field which will not average 165
pounds, Rich, I80-pound fullback
choice being the heaviest of the four.
Leo Hoffman will call signals.
Gilbert To Kick .
Gilbert w take care of the kick-
ing, including the kickoff, punting an
goals as well, while all four men can
either receive or pass. Capt. .Bennie
Oosterbaan, the left end fixture, may
also be called back to toss an occa-
sional pass.
Although Thisted has been officially
selected to start at center, Nicholson,
lately converted from guard, will
probably play most of the game be-
cause of slight injuries to Thisted
which the coaches wish to protect.
Grinnell and Pommerening will take
care of the tackles, Baer having been
shifted to guaid while the coaches do
not wish to take a chance on further
injury to Gabel. Taylor's back is not
yet well enough to allow him playing
through the entire game, so Boden has
been selected to start at right end.'
'There is 'a slim chance, however, that
Taylor may play part o the game.
The probable lineup for "today's

Wesleyan Pos. Michigan
Kyle ...........L.E.. Oosterbaan(C)
Abbey.........L.T..... Pomerening
Mitchell ........C ..,.. . .. Thisted
Tilton ...........R.T........Grinnell
Coleman........R E.......... Boden
Breese ........L.H.B........Babock
Meyers. .....F.B...........Rich
Referee, Lambert (Ohio State); um-
pire, Huston (Parsons); field judge,
Kearns (Depauw); head linesman,
Maxwell (Ohio State).
(By Associated Press)
PARIS, Sept. 30.-ThIe .French
cabinet meeting today at Armeouillet
charged Foreign Minister Briand to
inform Foreign Minister Tchitcherin
of Russian that Christian Rakowsky,
Soviet ambassador to France, has

success seven years ago, and served
The fifth address on the opening as a vehicle for Holbrook Blinn and

night program, a discussion of infan-
tile paralysis, by Dr. Carl Badgley
of the University hospital and Medical
school ,will be found in whole else-
where in The Daily.
The first program, which was on
the air between 7 and 8 o'clock, was
rounded out with various Michigan

Edna Hibbard. Since then it has been
adapted for the moving pictures with
Blinn in the title role.
Frances M. Johnson and Mary Lou-
ise Murray are cast in the female
roles, while Charles D. Livingstone1
plays the titular part. Others in the
cast include C. Lyman Crane, Robert

t omorr ow uOho iseyan ia~i -
songs played by the Varsity band tin- Wet zel, Francis K. Kleutgen, Thomas
Uiversity of Michigan play again. der the direction of Nicholas Falcone.J. Dougall and Samuel Bonell.
Th s name will open the 1927 Mich- rWaldo M .rAbot o a atherhetoric eE.. oartimrnv Sameivner

gan schedule and will be the first to--------------------------------------------------rodctonof"ThbrddMn"aa denseepathnofawreckagekgea-
patmentiwhohand l year's the prdct of The Bad Madnea"anseathwa
P' played in the new Michigan sta- programs and broadcasting, again of- Livingstone is directing. Robert C tended along North Ninth and adjoin-
dium. At the game 30 years ago there ficiated in the capacity of announcer. Tetter is acti as stage manager. ing streets with marked damage to
present and most of these were sti-i STADIUM WILL RECEIVE FIRST CROWD streets.
dtnt,. Inidications are that there will ITwisting amages°st.
be some 50,000 to 60,000 spectators OF FOOTBALL FANS THIS AFTERNOON Of all the damage done, by far the
pre ent at the game tomorrow. About greater seemed to have occurred not
;0,000 of these will be high school I Michigan's new stadium, with its 'new stadium, the press box is regard- by the unmeasured twibting and lift-
students of the state who have been seating capacity of almost 75,000 ed as the most modern and complete ing power of the tornado itself, but
i1 !"d to the game as guests of the seats, will be ready at game time to- by the explosions of air inside build-
oUniversity." day to receive what is expected to be k A ings themselves as the twister passed
Coach Yost then went on to show the largest crowd ever to attend a more than 250 people is only one of ; and created an outside vacuum into
hbw football has made possible to a Michigan home game, it was an- of the outstanding features of this which the inner air rushed,
large extent new facilities which will nounced yesterday. Only a small stricture which is equipped with all Along Lindell boulevard sturdy brick
aid in making athletics for all a re- block of seats, not to exceed 100, de- possible types of wire and radio con- and stone structures today exhibiteri
ality here. He pointed out that. where mand more attention, and these will veniences. The finishing touches have entire walls down from pressure in-
"commerciallsm" means the realiza- snot be available. not yet been added, but it will be side, while in some instances jagged
tiolt of 'this end it is certainly of a The stadium, regarded by con- ready for work today. holes were torn as though 4 mighty
kind to be commended. tractors as one of the finest of its Included among the spectators who shell had been fired through from in-
-kind in the country, is 2,500 feet will be present to inaugurate the uew I side.
"Michigan alumni are working on a around, with 22 mies of California structure will be more than 36,000 In the relatively poorer com-
h) -r and intricate program, so ihtri- redwood seats used to fill it. 11,000 high school students who have been munities, with their more fragile struo

(By Associated Press) the students to the new stadium.
WASHINGTON, N. Y., Sept. 30-Ed- Here, it will march and play as in
ward Schlee's complaint that the j former years.
Navy department had failed to co-
operate in his unsuccessful venture to COMMUNISTS DISMISS
fly around the world with William F.'
Brock, was met by Secretary Wilbur
today with a statement that as long
as he was Secretary of the Navy he . (Ly Associated Press)
would not permit a department "to l MOSCOW, Sept. 30.-Leon Trotsky
aid and abet any man who attempted was expelled from the central commit-
to commit sucide." tee of the All-Russian Communist
Schlee and Brock, the secretary said, party tonight.
requested the department to establish The dismissal of Trotsky from the
a radio beacon on the Midway Istlands central committee was recommended-
to guide them in their flight over the on June 25, 1927, by the presidium of
Pacific but that the department de- the central control committee. The
nlnn - nAfce r~nr ~A i co nmittee. Ther


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