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September 27, 1927 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1927-09-27

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Published every morning except Monday
ring the University year by the board in
ntrol of Student Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en.
iled to the use for republication of all news
spatches credited to it- or not otherwise
edited in this paper and the local news pub-
hed herein.
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
ichigan, as second class matter. Special rate
postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
caster General.
Suscription by carrier, $4,oo; by mail,
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
rd Street.
Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business 21214.

Telephone 4925

Editor....................Ellis B. Merry
Staff Editor... ....Philip C. Brooks
City Editor.............Courtland C. Smith
Editor Michigan Weekly..Charles E. Behymer
Women's Editor..........Marian L. Welles
Sports Editor............Herbert E. Vedder
Theater, Books and Music.Vincent C. Wall, Jr.
Telegraph Editor. . ... ... Ross . W. Ross
Assistant City Editor.....Richard C. Kurvink
Night Editors


rt E. Finch G. Thomas McKean
ewart Riooker Kenneth G. Patrick
J. Kern Nelson J. Smith, Jr.
Milton Kirshbaum
garet Arthur Charles R. Kaufman
ander N. Donald J. Kline
Bochnowski Sally Knox
nons A. Bonfield Jack L. Lait, Jr.
ton Buck Richard H. Milroy
Campbell Charles S. Monroe
e Church Catherine Price
ey M. Cowan Mary, E. Ptolemy
am B. Danis Harold L. Passman
am C. Davis Morris W. Quinn
n de Ia Vergne Pierce Rosenberg
lie L. D~owzer David Scheyer.
nce N Edelson Robert G. Silbar
aret Gross Howard F. Simon
h V. Egel an' George E. Simons
orie Follmer Alfred L. Singer
s B. Freeman Sylvia Stone
:rt J. Gessner George Tilley
on L. GollsteiE Edward L. Warner,J
ie E. Gruber Leo J. Yoedicke
ph E. Howell Joseph Zwerdling


Telephone 21214
Assistant Manager.... George H. Annable, Jr.
Advertising..............Richard A. Meyer
Advertising..........Arthur M. Hinkley
Advertising...............Edwad L. Hulse
Advertising..-.......John W. Rsinckel
Accounts...............Raymond Wacter
-; Circulation . .......George B. Ahl, Jr.
Publication ...... ....Harvey Talcott
Fred Babcock Ray Hofelich
George Bradley Marsden R. Hubbard
James 0. Brwn Hal A. Jaehn
James B. Co'pe James Jordan
Charles K. (orr\ll Marion Kerr
Bessie U. Egeland Thales N. Lenington
Ben Fishman W. A. Mahaffy
Katherine Frochne George M. Perrett
Douglass Fuller Alex K. Schrer
Herbert Goldberg William L. Schloss
L. H. Goodman Herbert E. Varnum
Carl W. Hammer
Night Editor-NELSON J. SMITH, JR.
Continuing its efforts to fill entirely
the block "M" cheering section for the
three big home football games, the
Student Council committee in charge
has effected an arrangement whereby
students who have already mailed
their football applications may yet en-
roll in the cheering section.
For each of the 150 male students
who are needed to fill it, this section
offers the opportunity to secure a
much better seat at each of the big
home games than would otherwise be
obtained as well as to support the
Varsity team in the best vehicle of or-
ganized cheering. Previous arrange-
ments have been made with the ath-
letic association so that all members
of the sections may obtain their reg-
ularly allotted number of extra tick-
ets, and may exchange their tickets
to the section for one outside if they
so desire for any game.
Under such circumstances, the sec-
tion should commend itself to both
the students who have not yet applied
for their tickets and those who have
already sent in their applications.
With the vindication of the Cos-
grave government in the recent Irish
elections the political situation of the
Emerald Isle has assumed a position
of stability which it has scarcely ap-
proached since the granting of the
Free State autonomy. The Labor
party and the Fianna Fail group, led
by deValera, have apparently been
decisively put out of the picture, for
the new Cosgrave organization will go
into the Dail with a working majority
of six votes over the combined opposi-
tion of all, other parties.
The defeat of deValera and John-
son, the labor leader, is probably the
best thing that has happened to Ire-
land in many years. It means that in
place of the soap box radicalism of
the extremists the rather sound and
liberal government of Cosgrave will
be given full reign. Ireland can not
go forward as long as she is torn by
dissension within, and the gaining of
power by any of the radical groups
would mean a retardation of economic
and social progress until the island
weathered another severe political

Annonymous communications will be
disregarded. The names of communi-
cants will, however, be regarded as
confidential upon request.
Sept. 24, '27.
To the Editor:
Your paper this morning refers to
the suggestion of Dr. Burroughs, fol-
lowing Sir Arthur Keith's recent state-
ments before the meeting of the Brit-
ish Association for the Advancement
of Science, that it would be a goodj
thing if we could all take a scientific
holiday and close up every laboratory
for ten years while we shift and as-
similate all this new "maze of revo-
lutionary knowledge"--for, says the
Bishop, "human nature is not fitted to
be entrusted safely with the enormous
powers which science is putting with-
in its reach."
It is easy to point out, as Professor
Cooley has done so well in that treas-
ure of mellow wisdom-"Life and the
Student"-that "the timid Christian
is afraid of a rough-and-tumble hand-
ling of the facts. He wants to take
out an insurance policy on what he is
used to regarding as sacred, to lock
it up in a safe at a bank. He has no
real confidence in its vitality; would
protect it, protect it to death. He
will use force to suppress opposition,
or rather get others to use it for him,
because he does not trust the freedom
he is supposed to cherish." It is easy
to pile up-and some one should con-
stantly pile up before the church-
evidence of what Principal Jacks of
Oxford in his happy terminology calls
the "lost radiance of the Christian re-
ligon,' and, indeed, of its practical
impotence in the life of the world to-
day. But in the end we shall go back,
as the Bishop does, to human nature,
i.e. to the everyday problems of human
beings who are "not yet fitted to be
entrusted safely with the enormous
powers which science is putting with-
in its reach." And the question arises:
"What is the Church doing to lead the
'man in the street' to such personal
experience of dynamic spiritual- and
ethical reality as will be adequate for
his needs in a world much changed be-
cause of the ,tremendous advance
made in other fields during the quarter
of a century in which the church is
accused of having been dormant?"
This question is one of vast and vital
implications, and cannot be solved or
dismissed by declaring a mental holi-
day but rather by bringing the best
brains everywhere to bear on a tre-
mendously complicated situation on
which the nature of the immediate
future of the race seems largely to
depend. It has not been an easy task
for the church to get adjusted to the
new knowledge of which, in the nature
of things, its leaders could hardly
speak with any large degree of first-
hand understanding, but it is a task
which should have been earnestly and
honestly tackled in a spirit of ad-
venturesome .co-operation that would
welcome truth wherever found. Be-
cause they have sidestepped or been
deliberately dishonest in their atti-
tude to changing viewpoints, the
church and its auxiliary organiza-
tions, now largely preoccupied with
buildings and budgets, have failed to
meet the needs of and lost caste with
the generation which is now going to
apply the new knowledge to the prob-
lelems of the world and solve them,-
if they can.
The hope of the world, so far as the
religion of Jesus is concerned, is in
the increasing number of eager, cyni-

cal, idealizing, puzzled, keen-witted,
eiancipated group of young men and
women who have discovered the
church's betrayal of the principles of
Jesus. They have come to have noth-
ing but contempt-or still more dead-
ly, indifference-for the ecclesiastical
reading of the Sermon on the Mount
with one eye, the other being pain-
fully squinting at the collection plate
to see if anyone is seriously offended.
And they will go almost any length to
regaiji lost leadership of Jesus in the
e affairs of state and church. The an-
swer to the church is in its master's
answer to Nicodemus: "You must be
born again!" What the church needs
today as much as nineteen hundred
years ago, is a complete change of
mind and vision. It needs to be pulled
out of itself; it needs to loose all the
non-essentials which in some remote
past may have been of great value,
but nowJiave lost all meaning. One
looks in vain in the deliberations of
the recent Lausanne Conference for
anything that really touches any of
men's serious problems.
If the churches ultimately fail to
become the, community beacon lights
they were meant to be, it is possible
that that function will increasingly
pass on to our schools and colleges,
and that much spiritual strength.may
come to us in working with those who
must guide the destiny of laborers

Published with the intention of tak-
ing the news of the campus to the
folks back home, the first issue of the
Michigan Weekly yesterday came into
The new publication is not very 1
big, but it at least appears to be bet-t
ter than its name might suggest to
the illiterate.c
. . *
The success i obtaining subscrip-c
tions is believed by some to be due
to President Little's endorsement, be-t
cause' of his great and constantly in-6
creasing popularity among the stu-d
s* *s
Due to a misfortune of a purely ac-~
cidental nature, the special moving1
picture program Sunday afternoon
scheduled as a part of Rolls Fresh-
man week, very narrowly missed beingr
a failure. Members of the Student
Council who were in charge of the1
affair almost forgot to make the
necessary arrangements with Baron
Butterfield, owner of Ann Arbor's
three super-theaters.
However late Sunday morning one ofa
the boys suddenly forgot he was aI
councilman and got busy. And as a1
result, the program was saved.
* * * -
Ten freshmen were on hand and inI
allotted seats when the first pictureI
flickered across the screen. Two more{
arrived at 3 o'clock to check in on the{
attendance rolls and see the remain-'
der of the performance.
* * *
The program came to an abrupt end
half an hour before the scheduled
time, when the operator delayed in
changing reels. The audience decided
they had seen enough, and departed
before the action could be resumed.
* * *
It had been planned to present the
main picture of each of Ann Arbor's
movie houses. However, by the time
all the animated cartoons, news reels
and slapsticks had been run off, time
was left only for the presentation of
part of 'the' Rae's feature offering.
* * *
Managers of the local theaters were
extremely disappointed over the re-
sult. "We will continue showing the
pictures for several days,' declared
their spokesman, "so that all may
have a.chance to see them."
Dear Ben:
One week we were treated like
kings, and then suddenly things
changed. For next year, I suggest all
Freshmen shall be warned, and told
to provide themselves with the follow-
ing euipment:
1 pair of trousers cut off at knees.
(Saves rolling.)
1 coat with sleeves sewed in back-
1 extra seat for trousers. (Saves
embarrassment after 15 minutes of
inland rowing.)'
1 set of telephone linemen's climb-
1 public speaking text.
1 copy of "How to Propose."
1 policeman's whistle.
1 pair of running shoes. (May make
other articles unnecessary.)
I leave it to your humane instincts
to see that in future years all Fresh-

men are provided with these articles.
A Freshman.
* * *
The would-be fiery-tongued mem,
bers of our campus debating societies
will get hot tonight in the opening
program of the season.
* * *
Up at Adelphi the huskies will fight
ti out over the proposition that fra.
ternities are detrimental to Freshmen.
If they had only held the question over
until initiation time, they would have
little difficulty in finding plenty of
Frosh to support the affirmative.'
* * *
After observing specimens of theI
men of '31 who are displaying them-
selves so prominently about the
campus the big question appears to be
whether the fraternities are not the
ones most liable to harm.
AMONG other things, painting the
window sills on the old Physics build-
ing can scarcely be called gilding the
A freshman standing in front of
Angell Hall stepped boldly up to an
upperclassman and said "Will you
please tell me where the campus is?"

Editor's Note: The curtain is ris-
ing on the New York season, and little
comment has been made about it in
this column. Since it is an intention
to keep as much abreast of the pass-
ing show in Gotham as possible, a
contributor submits the following
thumbnail comment of the shows now
current in Broadway theaters:)
Tidings from Manhattan, home of
the carnivals and peep-shows, seem to
bear witness that Thespis, Muse of the
dramatist's agile typewriter, lies
prostrate, stricken perhaps by the
caloric Indian Summer. The man-
agers and producers, devout if calcu-
lating worshippers at her temple are,
indeed, but now beginning to revive
her with their offerings.
Prominent among those votive pul-
motors and blood-transfusions by
which the showmen strive to bring
last season's bloom back to Thespis'
cheeks, one finds "Burlesuqe" a salty
Odyssey of the Columbia wheel. It
is a postgraduate of the "Broadway"
school of playwriting, said even to
challenge that turbulent saga in color
and adroitness. "The Command to
Love," another offering of but yes-
terday, is declared to be akin to the
ruby epics of the smoking-cars in its
boudoir manner of telling how a
French ambassador gave his All for
his county. It is a jocular anecdote,
quite unfit for relation in this chaste
sheet; Miss Mary Nash and other
notables are involved in its judicious
"Women Go On Forever," which
features Miss Mary Boland, lately a
Cradle Snatcher, is also rumored to
be no show to take your Aunt Sarah
from Walla Walla to, lest she cut you
off in her will.. It Is a bitter, gritty,
and somehow fine tragedy, barely on
speaking terms with the decencies;
and dealing cross-sectionally with the
inmates of a cheap boarding house.
One episode concerns the seduction of
a sex-starved spinster by a blind boy
who fancies her beautiful. "The Trial
of Mary Dugan," in which the Platin-
um-tressed Miss Ann Harding is again
suffering prettily, is the latest of the
trick-plays. The scene is a court-
room throughout; the curtain never
falls,courtrecesses taking the place
of act divisions. An exhilarating
frameup by the author of "The 13th
Chair," it tells of a Follies girl who
apparently has slain her sugar daddy,
lest she succumb to his bedroom
blandishments - thus demonstrating
that the wages of sin is a good box-
office report.
"Revelry," on the other hand, is an
intriguing, if Democratic, rattling of
the bones of a Republican administra-
tion, just past with Berton Churchill
of "Alias the Deacon" as an alchholic
and amative President of these United
States, an ingenuous zero who sui-
cides to foil impeachment. And in
"Four Walls," John Golden, hitherto
the most Listerine of the impresarios,
touches the unsanitary if profitable
pitch of a gangster's life and loves,
thus leaving the kindergarten of the
drama for its first grade.
For those quaint souls who still
cling to the decencies of the theater,
there is G. S. Kaufman's "Wild Man
of Borneo," a rich cartoon of a lov-
able but unveracious side-show fakir
of the Gay '90's. There .is also "Pic-

wick," which puts Dickens' pinguid
hero on the stage as he should be put
-if he must be. The drama is often
at its worst when a book-worm; and
"Pickwick," while entertaining when
considered, as a series of tableaux-
vivants, takes a bit too long to pass a
given point to be valid drama.
As for the revels and saturnalia,
chief among them is of course the al-
ways vendible "Follies," in which the
M. Ziegfeld, wresting back his mantle
from the predacious Shubert's returns
to knock the revue customers for a
row of Venus de Milos. Also promi-
nent are "Padlocks of 1927," Texas
Guinan's gay and untidy attack on the
civic virtues; "Good News," Joe Col-
lege set to music; the Negro "Rang
Tang," a fleet and dull-witted pick-
aninnny with the licorice Miller and
'Lyles; "A La Carte," an intimate re-
view, notable chiefly for its sketches
by Mr. George Kelly, an album of
acid photographs of the American
burgess. And then, for those old
enough to vote, there is always Win-
throp Ames' "Mikado," with Gilbert's
tartest verses set to Sullivan's sugar-
ed score. ...... So goes the season.
-By Robert Wetzel.
The Shuberts are planning, in a
quiet way, to build another theater in

. {


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