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September 20, 1927 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1927-09-20

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- a n

FQ tJ }Y 1l011
I', M} aCO}
If o I e w 1inir)i'in_.at t ionf), ?I1- '.
term i~t ~ tni g, 1o~in ,an
1sophom ores m ay also U)Tj)I) ta e r ig or
golf fo' Er creit.( O' t'I(i !} '~l'i.
"An ourof x ri. ayay or ver
4 I c ytewrt 31a'ey, womenrs go
ties for o lmo orexrcise Teou t-r L ti tyac scus
bl, ifery, and br olin rhso IriiT ou ac(h hveriv<
fal tat dlte gynathsium, Mis Ellai- ::r , '" "nlo has be <,fco f widely
I~awlifgr maneinstrcs.tori corrcivf,-ondothoolrubi o ic
oner, and wfr.; ib ldfrom4 t(? tti t1hrlo- in:f hapin
evr T~sday . ; a n Turda, (th I sip he sewohetr"mn
]and F7ridII"aynfrm 4,t1ing r.Iane ln o oet n
turdOay afternoon,. upp1 zer-class A 'ror °and ;=T'1wil e a ths lmeh,
lw:fm1?v .( played a demnltsttln.1ion hockey she w:ill grve1:.,s,. Ct .in to the or
game for 'Sthe bnfIt of th FreshmIener olled + ."IlJt i:in 'the go)lf cou('rse's.Un-
womTeln .I Freshmen >grops hi77 ae al- 1111th lis t; 'ime thee l.sses w; !])_ilme
ready e2C liitod heir athetic ab ltyi ' li' he i at! ]jj ing f lIssEhl Mc-Pr
In a [nee-i }<t ball. It t It is worthy of r tick f the Pliy;se 'ii : : iiducaio
asm among th! e. I~lfoarge p alroanc led1_,lass is rap'.i y filling up. As
success ftul and woelfrthy f' i( behneing e- c urs. t nthe end ' of tis time thex
A booktclet publish t7ed by ths]Lae Worn- last~: T1 t ya n hiec is in the base-~r
e's Athle' [;ttic assoiat'"io, and ( also t1 ', I nt of Ba:+r hou~;,!tt, _ 'r!gmnsim il he
pi ted coies fthe cotitt ];l'l'ion ofl usC'~Ed This indoor' corse haspr7oved
W;OIA iiA. -'','P always ava r ftiabl In MissVry satifatory and h.as prav;'E',ided
Mcaomick ]II'lfsofe farin Harbo u gy mtn piwo then f the Women c;an1pr atice
<n slum alhT,. I'a ]Tr; h rf.,t''l ne(asr, r.~liy 'iln p
tl:C l' ?!i1[iF?1'1.Tl') Ul.1:for lle l" 'i~: S ' I 71 X15 18 ('i1P t1"ltt]]P ' ]l, . ) I I1

The MvC #isers of Womn wel ~; -
' come the girls f 1927 -1928 to
thteCapus wi v C th the hope that.<<
3they mt w iith friendship andi
utlers'tading'I. 1and{ in wh' icl h tey
u iset tihe tmost the ,]pp;rtunl-
ities for learnting wh Aa ichtheir
Un12£iesity offers,
s GACE Rt1C'i:ARJ);




at he e;.I, ViE?
tuiig of

113''j -1 t a heUnvst t hIll'y(ar is v iion o1 f _llb)' ag f O ld uj8 t " With i hok. a }fy.u
'1', Ione dorm itor are woking a ~l' i res 'etus. E' mm mis'1:1 ;L.(' bala, i ', arm n o h papo
ii( ou ('THt. l';1 il 1:refnhlyc'' :, ; , !cnsider. I in f o .i td' l e mig w, e , .El vabeh W
X13n1, ".Co pe, oo liif''i xho P 3t'. I:I.. .>( t tii,3, ti uIn the m:1,ant>:.ne a cll has hi
hasl' no e r :" e tt,3 From CoZl''fl un t i ia li- p :ln sre el'(' I i~n.' i m t>:1.''i.'l .orallju iorwo en nf
i, 'conomics at B, aiG (! ~ '.';(1'reCol, _ ~~ i'..e i ;'i ... r lyr icsaiforI, the p. lay. All p1
[g'"'L 1'1 ,'1'n , 'ii"l , 17tt;-i . who..P'ould' like:i: to .try1'lth..ir i;a



fir!: -i '.?a i xng a ion , the

1 i s. ,, ; ,, :, . r: : ;
C;1i .11C , i'._, .., iii; C (' ." ?1;. C f1 t
- ' _ a

I47R IC ON 1 }C '~'. E on :las:t ear.'s w i; , l:l i have been
._..._- ~average ,ofl 5 1 I per cent hligher than 1
Wi4 th the open lu_ inofth Me ] presen hC, t efr etil.-.- The gener:1?2il xal soro-
'yar com tim Ie neaCr rea7liza tion (A itires rank a :;litle hligher t'han all sor -
plans f eoff 'O~r'it?''ihe L[''iversimy t' orities. wh, ich::is, 79: and t the 'rank is
1Ichigan for ny y;r ears. Actul con;- .15 p 7ercenL t above all women, adi
str uctive work on the new Womten' s diut ~ 'ra tes. a. d-cidedl~y highIer !
leag ue buildling ;will be commenced oyn seol sipthn h,.nierit-a {
N;ovem ber716, after five years Cof in+ - Vhole. I
te nsive campaigning and lwork ont ihe' Colleg ite > 2orosis-has takni ii
phart of University 'women and alumi ii ' , " (} 'h Ouxega, as the headl
As a reward for all the effort wih i t <, lngof 2.Th
I pended , the entir'e amount ofthe o. ther sror ities foll Iowin ordet ilr; 1'i
c ons t rtonand equipment of the BEela P1hi, 81.25; AIlhajChi Omega;I81i,
. building has been pledged and more Phi Sigm a Sigma ; 80.7, Garnia Phi
'than lhalf the amount has ibeen paud IBeta; S .5l, Alp ha p1hi, 802,25; Thetaj
into the league treafsury in actual ;PIhi . IIAl t;1ri~ antti?7i
cashI. The presenthproblemn coanfront- f: pha . SO:,'t1~. ; relta Gammoa, 79.75
t he commnittee raising fundslies' Alpha, 79i .50; Kappa Dlfta, 79.10t; Cltwi
pt '11" agg ltfor a sum i' Ifto Omega :, 79; A- lpha Oriron Pi, 78.75;
!as an e cndowmiet for thIe lbuilding A _lp l: 'i hhi~il; IiPhi, 78.33Alha Xi;
which must ever Ibe ;inctreas1ig. 1T'lta. 7.,_,;: Alpha laruinia l.= 'ta,. -
lians for the buririlg, which h ave 3a; Del ia ]et"a I)elt, .25; Kappa 1 ;,
been in the pssressiocn of the LUni rKpp ,Gmm , 7; ela et. 6.
'versity for the five years tof caaign- 7r J':' S igm Kapa,, .66; and Ph~i;
ing,;.were las t year rIev;5t ?:11' (fise11e jta ". ' .
arch 'itect, I. lK. Pond, of Chicagoto o men O~l's d r-i?.!'ltiesranked h : igher
muectt the icreasing demand for than ithe ave, rage b "r all wome r n lby a
ch'irnges. The'building as it is now cd- slhit frac;ton of a pint. Nao iow
. srihed is intended, to be the ideal aen' s organ1. irztions c:. et four r league
r epresentation ~of efficienicyr. The archi- housese t l i iIr;W thie avera ge of C
tecitre of the buildling will be of the r 7t) ercent.~x
,most delicate typ}e, and 'will be some- ____ ._ _________
thing of a 'femtinizedl union ty'Ie.' The 1 to tnarrowed in, I h e I inerest. The
I butilding is planned as being lower iii hilux'aGry wiich is toe be 'ne f . th'
;line and more luxuriouts than timti ,e't in the st;.ate 'wil i undrlr
men's lbuild ing. The ball r ~t ,romad i ~'("'iloii (._i wo nun vera ' i-;n Ii
the dining room are. to 01)11 n awxh aditxete ufcetyi
i patiot, keplt attractive with fereyte'vr~t cta ieayavs
S an d flow ers. - t"x xi i'' a hh hem' a,3 c <id. ,c'
as directors for Cthe 1building. will be_.. .______.
chosen in accordanxe with the ideals '7The m nu poiaanceraof romen bth l as
expounded in the architect2ure . They .. l nipeople aad ,ms -uslmers in the
rwill necessarily be of he fixnes(t]lumltrade win:; ,; 3_ r. uty emphas izedr
Calibre, interested in womxen, and cyet at a convention-. Ii; 'Ti a.
Lane Hall Tavern._ .
.CoetEa lc i o.n
Weivtsout opr oi'cnisetha',{a nai
da#uwihnay ntecty odqult ndsrie
da eeotly iBotanydi i $6 . ciy, c S inge eiI, t i( and serice
j 5, ~Sate"Street at Washington

Suelti ). m'eceivcd her i~ Maste' degI[' t Mis oo?:ho sto ;!, I 'oiie.e Ihoe r esr
Coubi 'xieriylatY(ii' hi0 wok oxhx raiza .ti :i a tare:' regarding thelay are. asP11
sh peilze'nstdesciuetd ]te Alrell' Cvly one fr.II.)'.ternity ha l, -" in tiei wthinEh1?bet
wilmhmeecnmyan t ; 0' wic ndcte ttt 8 'eIh tly,.
-;ihw,'-Int-r he-. 'n( i -181; , ' ;] s . i 11 c 1", l ~c; ' ._ __ ,__r_.. - -.


t a u g h t I n s ti l 1xi i l f n gy x n . 6 ..-e'i'- __wi l_ ..ot b e 'c i x li e d.to w_ .__
C ot l u m i.t( ' 15_r.,i- .s:L) . a] l ,_l o n e .
( j tI1:T111i (Try-out11.fox' ctheI women
ComleePn__Fr _MEN'S LEAG E The Micigan Daily, wll ix,
-___. __. ~in a m eetinlg at th U lyit-
The Univer 'it - of A ic x'g n 'i'm ;I i xdrz xi l I xy tLoxise - Por'tia lIiter~ary sod t i ti
o-'clock ftoniht. ,A]l nfImubeiiil ft {ia: ~f(X)t1.? If. t ,
dormcity.I(ttha'benremdeedan;I? ,rhurgym.sume cryWene- ill all Orczesis me'Ii?'
both ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ tac copeey an ofralydi ferondrn tesnner mk neffort to 1be lpres=
equzTippe~d by ta comuiftteeof th, <e. <51011 Of t"h. <University . These W edne.s- first meeting, wtihich wll i
Missi Stevensont, Miss loicyd, andMldytas wer, { :Ie ii i te ntu~tre of1 enedyevnn .
Goodrich.'spe('iatics. theparlorsef the gym..........r~ose .Staei
' hi Md hoset wichismoer.ramu bingo. n ver dy ndIced All gym classes are m
c a re' to M r. a n M r s'.1" I o b a x 't ' i :;o ? ',, w a t 1 e . a r str e e t. c l o t h e s t o d a yt: 1F
Mr.Ilytisa snir n he aw thc irs Wdnsdy ta asanwea<r gym cos tumes f> or is
schoolt~. atroo et [IhG?[(jion at w i ch the w orn- _ani Tr ll'sd 1ay ' clases, Befit:
tiful walnuf1t fift 10. Ti1'I;? e f 'IlrcTxhrs of the }:i casCti the ockfrd"( WomeIUn taking hicaltn.
cho0sen Zlends itse titT d lf am'll o' xe' laysact One of tthe2se t a wasi r eqiefopa 20
I"id1' homeli° t o0pere, hiC'yMrs.l,. IL SenOtrsou.The lst te
'ombi x 'd iiiSI wr ith~_tae:ofa 1f heuxr vl's te oasi ofa dy a terooin Ba hourr fl
(,xlii cry, make 'i' vryt 3(ita! xi: L 'en bicyI Mtiss Fthe1+l Mc- a ple tleasan1( t) iverion. E :i
place t ~liv tu ,.% ;1'Corm1'inckS, danc ! inlas, attended by from Ixte

A: study ofAmeh~cric an public schoo ls I

Women stude,_...4..i'T71 found {the Wednes- women. ~li~

from a
by th~e

Naio n League o tf WGomn z

Mr s. Clesta ILirette_
- Land[f --
MarY tin Jul2in
Nave Open 'Ithfc le
Beaut e Shop
R~oom 208o
Phone 3083?x.

, , tt
y y
l l ,
v " n
° !{v' r
,n i;
Y !
'-'j , l
iy '




Of}; Smart Apprel_
We '; carqy a comnplete and b eatiful lin.!e of
W .rap, F rocks, Sports Coats, Lingxerie, and
thire i{ k'i~t- fetal #Q ing ' e ef, ti n, ('4 i'epe ier-1





., e .



thi towYuawy
hoIU dirt from Fifth
Aveue itC'ISelf."

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Marvdo us ; .
Value xs


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L{&S r I±c7a "r sc
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I '..._..__.. -.m_' _....._. ,. I _.. .._. erssw _

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Onif c te o th lrest selec tions of popul ar
pr ,ice D ,_resin An rb jor. Dresses

..._.,. ._ _ _ _,.. , -I
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i i , . __ , ,
{ , . ;
,t ; , ; ,
t i
i ; ,
I '+ 1
r . } U7 n}

There's nothintg else quite like
it in .A n Arborr.


Ma it _\i~ ! . i"+. 11 ' / '
0hrS g $3.95 to r $25.00 ir" ' i . tI .
''FAT I to la p * TS- -_K,} it
;i A
$14.5to100OO < -k

It's saPleas-ure to Shop at Mack 's
Mtack's modc~ies, thi r' ; -rreslssseing < xft.'r somuc->


t :~~TI -ilg Ifferent abruptI1 .''l<, _e.!. is, tantly 1 upon t
star3tt. 1 lore, t am id 'i~xs rt ' 'rii ingT11s are
5 i CtomersT saisfi ed 1.: W-1.1 i t e ±er'. -,iu 'i . ' Ir °.'9-X

+ $.'i00


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