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PAtA. j2J~ :f{~ ~IJ <tAY, JA>UARY 8, 1g2~
Record Nf tmber O Fr ater~nitie Listed
...: ;..In Prelimdama"ry Gamres For
I By Herbert F,. Vedder
One of the tragedies of the sports M ~cKendree, a southerni Illinois col-
world is the small amount of recog- lege of 2Q0 students, and proceeded
nition accorded to som'e of the hard- to "bury" himself there. He tossed
Wch erites To Use Height In Passing
Attack; Badgers Will Play
. Bounce Poss I
Michigan's basketball quintet, which
opened its defense of its 1927 Con- Arrow shows Gibby Welsh. Pitts-
burgh's fleetfooted all-American back
ference title against Northwestern who is off on one of his customary
last night, will attempt to con- gains. Booth is seen right in front
tinue the drive for the 1928 champion- of him running interference, while
ship tomorrow night at Madison when the Stanford gridmen in the white
they go into action against Dr. Walter jerseys are trying to break through.
Mleanwell's University of lWisconsin The game was played in the Rose
five. bowl at Pasadena on New Years day.
Wisconsin is one of the three teams Welsh, who turned in one of the
in the Wesetrn Conference which best performances of his brilliant car-
emerged out of the serie of prelim- eer, did much to raise the Eastern
inary non-conference battles without prestige which had been dealt a severe
a single loss, having handily defeated blow when the all-Eastern team led by
every one of its four opponents it met such celebrities as Caldwell of Yale,
in the practice skirmishes this year. 1 tLane of Dartmouth, Joesting of Mn-
Thidgers To Use Full Strength nesota, an(I Presiell of Nebraska went
Thaf°"Wisconsin wishes to place down to a 16-6 defeat before an all-
itself 4q an obstacle in Michigan's Western aggregation on Christmas
way to the third consecutive Western Monday in Kezar stadium at San Fran-
Conference basketball title is indicat- cisco.
ed by the fact that Dr. Meanwell, the But despite Welsh's efforts the Pan-
wily (lardnial coach, will pit' his LINEMEN FAVORED
strongest line-up against the invading
Behr, who leads the Badger pack,
will be stationed at one of the for- Linemen are favored over backfield
ward positions. At the other forward players as captains of Big Ten grid
berth, ,there will be Andres, who is teams, according to the 1928 selections
playing his seventh year of high for football leaders. .Five Conference
school and college basketball along-rid pilots for 1928 will hold own
side Captain Behr. Foster will start at line positions, while only two will
center, and Hotchkiss and Nelson at, perform in the backfield.
the guards. Ohio State will have no regular
Iicthigun T4 Start S apta Lineul) captain next year, as a new one will
It is expected that Captain Harri- be elected before each game. Indiana,
gan, 9dsterbaan, Raber, Rose, and on the other hand, will have two grid
Chapman, who started against North- leaders,- while Wisconsin has not an-
western-last night, will face the Wis- led ile Wisconsin as ot
nouned its 128 pilot as yet.
consinfive when te opening whistle George Rich, Michigan fullbak,
is soud. McCoy, who was benched GereRcMhia fula,
and Walter Holmer, Northwestern
in favor of Rose just before the Wild- halfback, are the backs who will lead
cat game, Gawne, Lovell, and Nyland, their teams on the football field next
will probably be inserted in the lin-
up before the fray is terminated. Tfall'
Tomorrow's game will offer a study Twvo tackles, Richard Brown of
in contrasts in more than one man-Iwa and Saul Weislow of Chicago,
ner. The two combating teams, in have been electel to the captaincy of
the first instance, offer men of con- their teams. George Gibson, a guard,
trasting height, the Michigan players is to succeed the great Herb Joesting
being tall, while the Wisconsin team as leader of Minnesota's Thundering
made up, for the most part, of Herd. Purdue has chosen Harvey
players of short stature. . Olson, a center, to captain the Boiler-
The difference in height should maker eleven.
proe agyntaeou Io te Wlvrins, Indiana's dual captain system
prove .avantageous to the Wolverines, proved successful at the Hoosier in-
who Will be able to play the ball in stitution this year. It will be repeat-
the air rather than on the floor as ed in 1928, with Chuck Bennett, half-
they have done heretofore. Wisconsin back, leading the Indianla team on
will necessarily play a floor game for baestnan tate so
offense, and Robert Matthews, a
a majoF part of the time. . I guard, directing the defensive play.
The 'pace or rapidity with which
the two teams play the ball down theR
floor will also show two opposite PUCKSTERS DISPLAV GOOD
styles of play. The Cardinal players DEFENSE IN FIRST GAV
work the ball down the floor slowly,_
deliberately via the celebrated bounce Although lacking the punch neces-
pass. > ichigan, on the other hand, v sary to produce a score, Michigan's
plays a fast, rushing floor game. hockey team showed a good defense
Use Contrastive Styles Of Play against the University of Western On-
The Michigan team is wholly an tario in their first game of the season
offensive five, while Wisconsin is a Friday night. The 4-0 defeat at the
defensive team as has been indicated hands of the Canadians was not sur-
in the games played by the two in the prising, as their team had been prac-
preliminary engagements this season. ticing since last November, while the
Michigan has amassed large scores in Wolverine sextet had been on the ice
-every contest, and has allowed its only a week.
rivals to pile up no inconsiderable Eddie Lowrey made his debut as
number of points. Wisconsin, stress- a Michigan coach in Friday's game.
ing its defense always, has allowed His players showed much potential
its offense to suffer, scoring consider- power that will be developed as the
ably less points per game than the season progresses.
Maize and Blue cagers. Three lettermen, Maney, Copeland,
Following the tussle with the Bad- and Jones, were in the Michigan line-
gers, the Wolverines will return to up. Maney was particularly fast on
Ann Arbor to prepare for the open- the ice, showing up well at the center
ing of the local Big Ten season position. Steve Jones, captain of the
against India:' nversity next Sat- 1927 team, played his usual steady
urday nghit game at goal, making several remark-
-- -- - -- ble stops.
Er aLAY lHart, iorward, and Shea, defense,
made their initial bow as Wolverine
ON PACWiC COAS CUJB puckmen. Shea displayed a good de-
fensive game, helping to keep the
(P y Asociatcd Press) score of the Canadians dow.
Emil "Irish" Meusel, former 4 ew--
York Giant outfielder and last sea- The University of Nebraska piled
son with the Toledo Aneriean asso- up a total of )11 points while holding
ciation club, was signed today by the opposinf elevens to 59 in the past sea-
Oakland Pacific coast league team. son.
theyrs lost a 7-6 verdict to the Stanford
Cardinals mainly through the play-
ing of "Biff" H offman, fullback and
"Flashy" Dick Hyland who was
selected as all-American halfback in
i 926 by Lawrence Perry.
This game was expected to help in
clearing up the title claims to the
mythical championship as Pittsburgh
was undefeated and a victory over the
Westerners would have helped their
claims but Stanford's victory failed to
help the Cardinals as they had already
been defeated on two occasions.
Former Track Coach
Dies In W lkesbarre
Class A C'Ihanipionship
Twenty games, played on five
courts in the Waterman gymnasium,
will mark the first preliminary round
of the interfraternity basketball meet
for the class A championship to be
held tomorrow night from 7 to 10
o'clock. Each game will be of 20
minutes duration with five minutes in-
termission between the 10 minute
halves. With a record number of
teams participating this year, consid-
erable interest is being evinced by the
followers of the sport. Due to the
fact that there are 74 teams entered in
the championship match, the prelim-
inary games will be carried over to
the second semester. There are no
games scheduled from January 19 to
February 7 because of the final ex-
The following teams are scheduled
to play Monday night: beginning at
7 o'clock, Beta Theta Pi vs Alpha
Delta Phi, Alpha Sigma Phi vs Theta
.'Xi; Phi Kappa Phi vs Alpha Kappa
Psi; B and G vs B and G. Delta Chi
vs Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Delta Epsi-
lon vs Kappa Sigma; Pi Lambda Phi
Announcement of the recent death vs Delta Sigma Phi; Delta Kappa
of Dr. Alvin C. Kraenzlein in a Wilk- Epsilon vs Psi Omega; Chi Psi vs
esbarre, Pa., hospital reca~lN to those Zet Psi; Delta Phi vs Phi Deltaj
,Theta; Delta Sigma Pi vs Phi MuI
familiar with early Michigan trac'k Delta; Trigon vs Alpha Tau Omega;
laurels the period of Wo:verlne su- Delta Tau Delta vs Psi Upsilon;
premacy on the cinder path enjoyed Lambda Chi Alpha vs Alpha Rho Chi;
in the two seasons of '11 and '12 wh,!n Delta Alpha Epsilon vs Phi Beta Pi'
Dr. Kraenzlein coached the squad jAlpha Phi Delta vs Phi Epsilon Pi;
here. Phi Chi, vs Zeta Beta Tau; SigmaI
Such stars as the Craig brothers, Delta Sigma vs Phi Lambda Kappa;
Ralph and "Jimmie," Joe Horner. Alpha Kappa vs Sigma Pi; and Phi
Hugh Gamble, and Carroll Haff wore Epsilon Kappa, vs Alpha Omega.
the Maize and Blue in those days and -------- -
almost habitually carried the colors CW
to victory in dual meets with Eastern1% r 1n l restlrs
teams. Craig and Haff earned Olym- O Through Iowa
pie honors, the former gaining first io r
place in the 100 meters dash at the MADISON-Final preparation for
1912 contests at Stockholm. the Big Ten wrestling season is be-
Dr. Kraenzlein, himself was one of ing undergone by 'the Wisconsin mat-
the greatest all around track athletes men in a two-day tour through Iowa.
of his day. While competing for the Coach George Hitchcock has made it
University of Pennsylvania he was a practice for several years to meet
developed under the great "Mike" some of the strongest wrestling
Murphy, until finally he established schools in the middle west prior to
the world record of :23 2-5 in the the opening conference match.
220 yard low hurdles which mark en- The Badgers on this trip, will take
dured for 15 years until the perform- on Iowa State at Ames and Cornell
ance of Charles Brookins, of Iowa. college at Mt. Vernon. Iowa State re-
After retiring from actual coaching cognizes the nmat sport as on a par
duties at Michigan Dr. Kraenzlein with football and basketball, and us-
was hired by German authorities to nally has a more powerful team than
coach the Olympic athletes. any of the Big Ten schools,
est working of all athletes.
This is particularly true in the
case of men emanating from the
smaller institutions of learning.
It is very seldom or almost never
that men on the teams of these
little schools are ever heard of,
no matter how fine athletes they
may be.
Evar S'wanson, the "Lombard Fly-
er," is a good example of this. Sev-
eral years ago he was a star on the
baseball teairr of Lombard college at
Galeshurg, Illinois, and in addition
earned for himself a wonderful repu-
tation locally for his great work at
quarterback for Lombard.
Illinois critics mentionef him
freely with many of the stars of .
larger schools, but hid only rec-
ognition was from Eckersall who,
if I recall rightly, gave him hon-
orable mention.
Finally, however, Swanson has ac-
quired some measure'of fame at least,
being center fielder and lead-off man
for the San Francisco Mission club
of the Pacific Coast league.
Another example of what itj
means to be playing.for a small
school is that of Larry Betten-
court, great pivot man of St.
Mary's grid team.
For two years Bettencourt was fed
on a bread and water diet of pub-
licity, and then something happened
-St. Mary's beat mighty Stanford-
and the avenue to his recognition was
And even though records are
records, there are . examples of
incongruity in track.
I have in, mind, a javelin throw-
er whom I knew all through high
school because my prep school
competed with his. Ray Goode,
the man referred to, started out
at about 155 feet in his fresh-
man year and boosted this mark
He set a county meet record
of 183 feet in his senior, year and
established quite a reputation for
himself in district and state
the spear better than 190 feet on sev-
eral occasions that seaosn, but as
to recognition-it just wasn't.
in the larger schools and uni-
versities, too, there are cases of
almost total lack of recognition
being accorded .some of the most
deserving of college athletes.
Men on minor sport teams work as
hard as any others in many instances,
and for it all they -m-ay not even get
a letter. Two examples of that whic}
are close to home are those of the
Michigan wrestling and cross coun-
try teams.
No group works much harder \han
do the cross country candidates, and
yet until this year, when there was ,,
revision of the system of awards,
probably not more than one letter
and two or three AMA's were given
Wrestling is a rather unattrac-
tive sport in the eyes of many
but there can be no doubt of the
work done by the candidates who
ara surely deserving of recogni-
Hockey, one of the fastest of all
sports, has lagged at Michigan be-
cause of facilities; so has swimming.
In the latter case, conditions have
changed and the sport is on the
In reply to those who bemoan
the lack of recognition given to
wrestlers, the fact is brought out
that Lincoln and Washington were
both wrestlers and both received
some little recognition.
Of course some will claim that they
were recognized for other qualities,
perhaps for having sense enough to
change to something othe~r than the
mat sport, but your wrestling advo-
cate will tell you that it was the
foundation of character formed in
wrestling that enabled them to do as
they did-take your choice!
Lambert Coaehed Teams Were Vic.
tors In 66 Of 101 Contests In
Last Nine Years
LAFAYETTE-Figures are nimble
and elastic, and can be arranged so
as to make things appear differently
than they sometimes are, but those
relating to the record of Coach Ward
Lambert's basketball teams since lie
assumed the coaching duties at the
Boilermaker institution in 1919 speak1
the wh'ole truth anud nothing but the
truth, and reveal that the Old Gold
and Black record in that time is the
best in the Big Ten.
Purdue has played 101 games in
the Big Ten since Lambert came here
and has won 66 and lost 35, or nearly
75 per cent victories. The Boilermak-
ers nearest rival in per, cent of gaty
es .won is Michigan, which out of
105 games has won 42 and lost 43,
and trailing on the Wolverines' heels
is Illinois, which has won 6a and lost
45 games out of 108 played. The first
division of the nine year period is
completed by Wisconsin, which has
taken 59 games and lost 49 out .of 108
During the nine year period Pur-
due has won or shared in three cham,
pionships, and only once has fallen
below the first division at the close
of the season. The .one exceptionally
poor year came in 1919.
Delving further into the records of
Lambert's 9 teams uncovers the fact
that only one Big Ten team, Michigan,
holds an edge on Purdue in point of
games won. Of seven tilts between.
Ithe Boilermakers and Wolverines,.the
latter have been victorious in' four.
Two teams have held Purdue' on even
terms during the nine years, Illinois
and Iowa, both of which have broken
even in fourteen contests with the
Boilermakers. Michigan has outscor-
ed Purdue in games played, sharing
this honor with Minnesota, but the
Gophers ha've copped only three of
eight games played.
Recod Entry Made
For English Chase
LONDON-The entry list of the
Grand National steeplechase was, re4
vised today to include 112 horses, 20
more than were recorded in 1922,
when the previous high record was
Wisconsin has been added to
the University of Michigan's
fencing schedule. Ohio State,
which was originally scheduled
for Feb. 25, will face the Michi-
gan fencers on Feb. 23 instead.
The following year Goode entered I
The Aristocrat of Almanacs
Appeals to the citizen who
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cheviots, worsteds--the
"Glen Spray" overcoats, plain
blues and oxford greys, all
reduced from
205" to 3314W3%
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