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January 08, 1928 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-01-08

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Dramatist Will Present "Father and
Dad;" Gov. Ilitltie Is Second
On 1928 Schedule
Gay MacLaren, dram-atist, who has


()"aze Conducts Experiments To
Effect Of Fasting Upon
Sense Of Smell


John A. Glaze, instructor in psy-


een termed "a one-woman theatrical Mrclhology, has recently completed a
ampany," will be the next speaker test for the sensitivity of odors while
a the current Oratorical Association fasting. A 10-year-old boy also took
ecture series, when she appears in the experiment, fasting for five days
ill auditorium Feb. 9. as compared to 10 for Glaze.
A w a is acLaren. in In the experiment the alfactometer
A few years ago Miss laarnil
ux Ann Arbor appearance, presented was used, and seven odors were em-
Enter Madame," in Hill auditorium. ployed, ranging from acidiphidity to .
[er presentation this year will be Russian leather, and including bees-
Father and Dad." Those who at- s*. wax, balsam, cedarwood, and rubber.
nded Edwin M. Whitney's perform- Glaze found that there was a remark-
ace of "The Tailor Made Man" Dec. able increase in the sensitivity ofc
3 will derive equal enjoyment from ( cv. Albert C. itchie. I smell, odors often being recognized 10
iss MacLaren's performance, aC- A notable figure in present day times as sharply as under normal cir-1
ording to Oratorical Association pOlitis, especially in the questions cumstances. His cOnclusions were
ficials, the nature of her perform- of prohibition and the protection of that man is more sensitive while fast-1
ace resembling that of Mr. WhitneyI states' rights. He will speak here ing than before, and this continuesc
Following Miss MacLaren will Feb. 15. for a time after the period is over.t
>m'e Governor Albert C. Ritchie, of Last summer Glaze fasted for 17,
aryland, who at the present time is ARMY MAN W ILL days, with a companion who fasted 33I
ne of the outstanding political fig- TNTPECT R. T C days. This time he tested for steadi-I
res in the United States. Governor *NSPECT R. 0.'- - "C.ness of movements and sensitivity of
itchie has gained particular promi- odor. He discovered that a man who
ence for his views on the duties of Major-General William Lassiter will has been fasting is steadier nerved
ie Federal government, and their of- be in Ann Arbor Friday, Jan. 13, for than before the process, and in his
cts upon the states, which have re- the purpose of visiting the University recent experiment he verified this
ilted from a careful study of that and inspecting the work that is being point, and the points relating to
roblem. done in the military science depart- odors. A peculiar result noted was
"Centralization of Government" will ment. General Lassiter has had a that if a test which was tried before
e the subject of Governor Ritchie's distinguished record in the army, from i fasting fell off during the operation
Idress here. the time that he graduated from West it was certain to make rapid post-fast
The concluding speaker on this Point in 1888. He served with the acceleration, and reach a much highert
ear's series will be Syud Hossain, battery at the attack and capture of degree of action.<
ast Indian orator, who will appear Santiago, Cuba,'in July, 1898; he was During the last vacation Glaze at-
ere Feb. 20. Hailed by many as one appointed commander of the 51st Field tended the American Psychological
the most brilliant lecturers who Artillery Brigade in Boston, Mass., in convention at the University of Ohio,7
ave appeared in America, Mr. 'Ios- September, 1917; during the heroic and delivered a talk on nonsense syl-
nn was, in 1920, one of the three St. Miriel offensive, he commanded lables. He found 2,050 syllables com-
>ecial delegates elected to present the famous "Red Arrow" 32nd divis- posed of two constants and a vowel
Le Indian case at the Near Eastern ion, and in 1926 he succeeded Major- between them.
eace settlement, and in 1921 attend- General John J. Pershing as head of Testing 30 students for the 'signifi-
I the Washington conference for the Tacna-Arica plebescite- cance of the words, he discovered only
mnitation of arnaments as press rep- 106 words that had ea forc
sentative from India. by Rev. G. S. Hickey, '68; "A Lucky 1 . no meaning
Mr. Hossain has chosen for the Number" by I. K. Friedman, '98. any of the participants, 116 called up
plc oss letur here "astern nd A' letter has been received from definite words and meanings, while
estern Ideals." Christian F. Gauss, '98, who is now the intermediate numbers meant
_s__I .d_______wuniversity, saying something to at least one of the stu-
_______ _ dean at Princeton udents. syig
that he is sending his book, "The Ger- dents. -
Jdon Gets Several man Emperor." Another book that is
Vorks From-on its way to the Union is "Ann Arbor EDUCATIONAL CLUB WILL 1
ksA m Tales" by Karl'E. Harriman, '98. MEET ON MONDAY NIGHTI
Special shelves have been set aside The Men's Educational club will
Books are being received by the in Pendleton library for the alumni hold its first meeting of the new yeart
nion for addition to alumni shelves books when they reach here. Fifty at 7 o'clock, Monday night, in room
Pendleton library. The work which letters have been sent to various 302 of the Union. Prof. William A.
as started recently toward obtaining alumni who are known to have pub- Frayer of the history department willt
.1 books written by alumni of the lished books, and efforts are being discuss the administrative problems ofI
niversity has been successful and made to obtain a complete list of all the Freshmen week which was intro-I
any books have already been re- alumni authors so that attempts may duced to the University for the firstI
ived. be made to obtain their works. Offi- time this past fall. Professor Frayerc
The latest received are "Life and cers of the Alumni association, heads was chairman of the committee int
e Student" by Prof. C. H. Cooley, of the University library, and W. E. charge of the arrangements and carry-j
7, head of the sociology department Nissen, '29, chairman, compose the ing-out of the program for the enter-t
the University; "Art and the Heart" Union library committee. ing students.

x 1
J. Pierpont Morgan, center, new States Steel, and others. Morgan
chairman of the board of the United is 60.
States Steel corporation, has been James A. Farrel, left, as president
head of J. P. Morgan and Com- rof the United States Steel corpora-
pany sinc 1913, when he succeeded j tion, is the +second of the triumvirate
his father. He is director of many guiding the destinies of the organiza-
corporations, chief among which a re tion. Ile is 64. Farrel rose froire the
the Aetna Insurance company, Dis- ranks, beginning his career as a
count Corporation of New York, In- laborer in a steel wire irmill at New
ternational Mercantile 'Marine comr- I-aven, Conn., at 16. He is also direc-
pany, the Pullman company, United tor of a number of corporations.
"It was of great interest to me (dur- for Europe. We can and should mnake
ing a recent visit to Geneva to come a careful and continuous study within
in contact for the first time with con- our own borders of the rates and na-
tinental Europeans in an atmosphere ture of assimilation of our various
obviously well calculated to bring nationalities, races and creeds. The
out all the tendencies to coopei lion value to Eurone of such a. study con-
which they might possess," President sists in the fact that we are trying
Clarence Cook Little declared in a in the United S'tates on a large lab-
recent Associated Press interview. oratory scale, an experiment which
"Although generalization is difli- Europe may try for herself later on
cult, a great number of those in au-
thority seem to be interested in co- an even larger or national scale.
cperation on the basis of protection "We may find, in the new American
of their own national rights and priv- who will thus be developed contact
ileges. The birth of any cooperative points with the various ancestral na-
organization under a psychological tions, such as now exists between the
impetus of that type cannot be as amilies of our older colonist., and
constructive and idealistic or, I be- their mother countries.
lieve, as permanent as it might be un- I"It is not unconceivable that in the
der other less selfish circumstances. future the United States will be the
"Thus in an organzation like the great arbitrator and peacemaker of
League of Nations there appears to be the world, because into her make-up
no natural impulse for some of the elements will enter which should en-
states who are constituent members able her to understand the point of
to ally themselves with certain of the view of European states far better
other states. an she does it present. Every young
"On the other hand, the work of American should be shown that our
the League on problems of sanitation, problems and those of Europe will
hygiene and education should give be solved by careful nd sym-pathetic
the nations of Europe their first real study of the constituent factors which
opportunity to meet on a. ground of are common to both."
common constructive effort, and this
to rise superior to the interests of A linguistic institute for study and

Condemniuis 'control Now Exercised B3
;.United States Voverniment hn
Central America
"Resolved, that the control now ex-
ercised by the United States govern-
meat in Panama, Nicaragua, and Sal-
vador should be condemned," is the
proposition which has been chosen
for the Mid-West league debates to
be held next semester with Wiscon-
sin and Illinois.
Tryouts for the Mid-West league
debates are to be held during the
Myron C. Taylor, right, new chair- first week of the second semester,
man of the finance committee of th Prof.Jarres M. O'Neill stated yester-
t is day. They will consist of five minute
United States Steel corporation, speeches on either side of the ques-
the third member named to run the tion which is to be used in nthe lea-
$2,500,0,000 corporation. He began gue debates.
practicing law in New York in 1894, g From the men who try out a squad
later becoming identified with the cot- will be chosen of 16 men and this
ton textile industry, building up var- will finally be cut down until six
ous textile industries through con- I men are selected for the contests.
solidatiens. He is a director of rail-IAny University student in good stand-
roads, banks and other corporations. ing is eligible for the team, Professor
MONEY FOR NEW Oe'llstated
. The Mid-West league was organized
FORESTRY PLANT in 1915 and consists each year of a
IS APPROPRIATED triangular debate between the three
- schools, Illinois, Wisconsin and Mich-
Due to recent action of the Board igan. Previous to 1915, Michigan had
of Regents, funds have been appro- j engaged in a number of debates with
priated for the adaption of the old Wisconsin and in that year Illinois
University hospital heating plant in- was added to vary the monotony o?
to a laboratory for the School of the dual debates.
Forestry and Conservation. By this The coming debates in March will
plan the forestry school will add over mark the thirteenth year that the
5,000 square feet of floor space to its Mid-West league debates have been
preentt (equipment. The newly-ac- held. In the contests last year the
quired building will be used to test Michigan negative team travelled to
all mechanical properties of wood, ac- Illinois and was beaten, while no de-
cording to Prof. Robert T. Craig Jr., cision was given in the contest be-
instructor in wood utilization prob- tween the Michigan affirmative and
lem-. Ithe Wisconsin negative teams in Hill
Equipment for testing of timber for auditorium.
tortion, twisting power, elasticity, and Illinois will meet the Michigan
columnar pressure will be undertaken affirmative team in Ann Arbor this
when the plant is transformed into year, while the Michigan negative'
the laboratory. All equipment for wood will debate Wisconsin at Madison.



utilization now located in the base-
ment of Natural Science building will
be moved to the new location. Also to
be installed will be the equipment
used in wood preservation. Experi-
meats in creosoting and preserving
railroad ties, fence posts, and poles
will be undertaken here.
"It is our idea to test out the known
processes of wood testing on the dif-
ferent species and to endeavor to
k develop new methods which might be
applicable to the utilization of tim-
ber," Professor Craig said. "An ex-
perimental dry kiln will be erected to
study dry kiln, methods. The drying
of woods is more important than is
ordinary thought. Mechanical strains
which are apt to develop in woods
after cutting must be eased or the

wood will split and crack. These
strains would be prevented by proper
drying artifically than allowing the
lumber to season out in the open."
A library for the School of Forestry
and Conservation 'will be installed in
the portion of the Natural Science
building to be vacated by the ro-
moval of the laboratories to the hos-
lpital heating plant.
"The new location has the advan-
tage of having railroad facilities
which will be of aid in shipping in
heavy material," Professor Craig
stated. "This will greatly aid us in
being able to cooperate with various
industries of the state in an attempt
to solve their problems in wood

nation or smal

1 group of na- research in language has been created
by the Linguistic lSociety of America.
can do much It will cenvene at Yale next summer.


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