Published cvery morning excel
during the University year by th
Control of Student Publications.
M ember of Western Conferenc
liberate intent do not belong to the
common run. It does not follow,
however, that the murderer is insane
pt Monday
e Board in because he is brutal, nor irresponsible
'ii hr
e Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
title l to'the use for republication of all news
dispatches crediteld to it or not otherwise
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Editor.... .... ......Ellis B. Merry
Editor Michigan Weekly..Charles E. Behymer
Staff' Editor........ ......lPhilip. C. Brooks
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Women's Editor...........Marian I,. Welles
Sports ditor...........Herb-ert E. Vedder
Theater, Books and Music.Vincent C. Wall, Jr.
Telegraph Editoi<.%........... Ross W. Ross
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Night Editors
IRobert E. Finch ; C. Thomas McKean
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Beatrice Greenberg Ruth iThomnpson
Helen Gross Herbert E. Varnum
E. J. Hammer Lawrence Walkley
Carl W. 1Hammxer Hannah "Wallen
"ay Hotelich
Night Edior--K. G. PATRICK
Recent charges by Dr. Thomas K.
Gruber, superintendent of the Detroit
receiving hospital for the insane, that
the Michigan! state facilities for the
care of the demented are woefully in-
adequate have been substantiated by
Prof. Arthur Evans Wood of the
sociology department. Many danger-
ously insane persons, it appears, are
allowed to roam the streets for lack
of accommodations, and Dr. Gruber,
at least, preqicts that "Michigan will
pay for her parsimony in blood."
If these chages are true, and there
is every reasonto believe that they
are, the state of Michigan cannot
awaken too son to the necessity of
hospital constrnction. It is a matter
Inot only of ,fairness to the general
public, but oa;fairness to the insanef
themselves that the state provide ade-
quate care for them; and the potential
danger of allowing freedom to derang-
ed persons is a peril which no com-
inunity can afford.
It is a curious commentary on our
system of democratic government that
the voters will re-elect men who have
built a thousand miles of concrete
road, and still Will not rise up in arms
when their state institutions are com-
pletely inadequate. Michigan ap-
parently needs, and needs badly,
facilities for the care of insane
persons. Thee 'proper care of these
persons is a requirement which should
command the attention of the whole
state. If our prisions are behind our
needs, it is-titiethat we increased our
provisions, fo-i the confinement of
persons unfit to be at large, whether1
Insane or crimiial, must always be
one of the cardinlal policies of a com-
nonwealth wich hopes to secure life
and happiness fo its citizens.
Originally it seems to have been
the intention of the men who framed
our criminal codes that murder and
the more heinous crimes should be'
punished by liedvy sentences. In re-
cent years the system of justice has
developed queer- quirks and twists,
however, under the dextrous hands of
astute criminal lawyers. The present
System seems to be punishment for
the minor offenders and pleas of in-
sanity by those who commit crimes
because his crime is heinous.
The Loeb and Leopold case several1
years ago first gave us an idea of what
a clever attorney with a weak case
may achieve. More recently, however,
the Remus murder case and at the
present time the Hickman murder
case have brought the insanity plea
much closer home, and into a much
more despicable light.
If a hold-up man is surprised by the
police, and in his attempt to escape
fires and kills one of his pursuers he
has not a chance of his liberty. No
a jury will find him insane, and he is
doomed to spend the rest of his
natural life behind the bars. Let the
same man kidnap a 12 year old child,
however, and kill her by tightening a
wire around her throat, and then cut
her corpse limb from limb and throw
her from an automobile in front of
her father and his chances of being
declared insane are excellent indeed.
The crime is so horrible as to be be-
yond even the imagination of the ordi-
nary juror.
What this does to our system of
justice is interesting indeed. It de-
velops a process whereby the brutal
and fiendish murderer is able to
escape under the protecting wing of!
the law, while his companion who
does a clean jdb is doomed. The net
result of the system is a process
which nullifies our whole criminal
procedure in the case of our most
appalling crimes, and which breaks
down our criminal procedure in one
of its most vital functions.
For the crazed maniac who commits
a crime without any conception of the
actual circumstances involved the
plea of insanity is perhaps justifiable.
For the cool deliberate murderer of
the Hickman type, who commits the
most horrible crimes known to man-
kind with diabolical and immutable
precision there is no penalty too
severe nor no machination of the law
too vindictive. It is to be sincerely
hoped that the California jury which
tries Hickman will not be duped by
the insanity plea of a clever criminal
attorney into nullification of society's
criminal laws.
The third annual conference on race
betterment has been concluded at Bat-
tle Creek, with the record of being
probablytthe mostsuccessful confer-
ence on the subject ever held. More
than 100 prominent scientists, includ-
ing Dr. Alfred S. Warthin and Pres-
ident Clarence Cook Little of our own
University, spoke at the meetings, and
if nothing very definite was decided,
a great deal that was theoretical was
Without a doubt the next generation
is going to see the problem of race
betterment and determination of
hereditary factors in a very prominent
light. The sound basis of birth con-
trol as a means of improving the gen-
eral stock of the generations that are
too follow is continually gaining
wider acceptance, and it would not be
at all surprising to see the issue enter
our legislative chambers in an ad-
vanced form within the next few
years. Scientific investigation which
must precede this action is certainly
of high value, and conferences such
as the recent one at Battle Creek de-
serve the attention of thinking per-
sons throughout the world.
As was only to be expected, the
documents recently produced by Wil-
liam R. Hearst purporting to show
that the Mexican government had paid
four American senators more than a
million dollars for their support of a
pro-Mexican legislative program have
been exposed as false. If anyone even
doubted that the four senators names
were innocent, his fears should now
be set completely at rest, for even the
handwriting experts employed by- Mr.
Hearst himself have decided against
the authenticity of the documents.
To waste invectives against the
policy of journalism which publishes
such documents first and attempts to
verify them afterwards is out of place.
Rather more fitting it would be for
America to laugh long and loudly at
the recent complete failure to hoax
the American public for a moment
with the publication. Such is the
reputation of the Hearst newspapers
that even before the myth was ex-
ploded nearly every respectable news-
paper in the United States had rallied
to the defense of the integrity of the
four senators named. And whatever
the general level of intelligence may
be, it must be admitted that the Amer-
ican public was not "taken in" by the
recent fake.
Senator Woodbridge N. Ferris has
found that the vast majority of those
who have made great names for them-
selves in science, history, or politics
or other fields of endeavor, have died
in their 50's.
The Takeoff, Rolls own transat-
lantic plane, bearing members of the
special commission appointed by the
Rolls Executive board to study riot
conditions in England, should have
been nearing its destination at an
early hour last night.
** * *
(By radio from the Takeoff)
Benjamin Bolt
Ann Arbor
Are passing over land 'stop sounds
of firing convinced Thompson we are
lost over Chicago stop pilot assures us
it is Ireland.
* * *
Benjamin Bolt
U. S. A.
The Rolls transatlantic plane has
landed in front of Buckingham palace.
Congratulations! Everyone safe but
Thompson who is horseback riding
with the prince.
* * *
lresent Austin Strong's "Sevenithl
Ifeaven" in their theater at 8:30)
"Seventh Heaven" is a brilliantly
colorful show-with the colors applied
with a trowel, perhaps, lbut still con-
vincing in production. With a back-
ground of the Paris slums, the wine-
T.'_ ._...3E1.__.A T ..+ v ..,. 1R-
Students received a tremendous
gain in their struggle for recognition
by University officials as a result of
the meeting of the Board of Regentsc
last Friday.
After months and months of effort,t
petitions, and campus opinions theirE
dream has at last come true. They
have been recognized by the Regents.t
* * *
The Interfraternity council asked
the Regents what their auto ban wase
all about. And the Regents answeredl
that it would be to the advantage ofI
the University to continue the ban.
* * *
The next step will be for the stu-
dents to attempt to obtain an answerf
from their "paters" that carries at
least a small amount of information.
* * *
C. S. M., Rolls photographer, has
been quite busy lately explaining the
fact that his reputed snap-shot off
Baron Butterfield, taken at the offi-
cial opening of the Michigan theater,1
closely resembled one of Professor
Hobbs which appeared in the roto-
gravure section of Rolls just before
* * . *
In addition, other witnesses reportl
that a picture of Santa Claus, which
also appeared in a recent issue, was
identical to the snapshots of both the
Baron' and the explorer of the bar-
«* «
SThe explanation is offered by Ker-
nel that one of the others wore the
suit to the opening night performance,
but after the first show he loaned it
to Butterfield, as he thoughthlie ought
to have a chance to escape to Green-
The combined picture of Santa
Claus, Professor Hobbs, and Baron
Butterfield that caused all the trouble.
* * *
Although not restricted to members
of that calss, the editorship of Toasted
Rolls for the coming semester offers
a particularly good opportunity for a
If, in spite of your belief that this
is the best University in the world,
you feel there are a few things that
might be improved, here is your
chance to get in your say in the most
effective manner.
The work will not interfere with the
important business of graduation. The
appointment lasts only until a week
or so after the new managing editor
is selected in the spring. That leaves
the closing weeks of the semester free
for other affairs.
* * *
The present opportunity to conduct
Toasted Rolls for the greater part of
his last semester offers to some
Senior a wonderful chance to effec-
tively round out his college career.
* * *
Every student wishing to try out
for the position should submit his
The following are unabridged ex-
cerpts from reviews of "The Same to tIIIII18[IIIhI 18888881IIIIIIIIIIIIII
You," the twenty-second annual Union
opera, which was presented during
the holidays in twelve cities in the Osteopathic Physicians
east and middle west: Dial 5669
Chicago Tribune-There was some- Drs. Bert and Beth
thing startlingly different last night Haberer
in the annual production of Mimes of 338 Maynard Street
the University of Michigan as unfold- Specializing in Feet
ed last night in the Auditorium. The
usual college show seems to have 1OORTABLE
been stowed away and in place a TYPEWRITERS
series of stage pictures rivaling pro- Corona, IUnderwood,
fessional productions, but having far Reinington, Royal.
W~e have all makes.
more plot and beauty than the average Some in colored duco finishes.
collegiate extravaganza set out to cap-
ture the admiring eyes of the alumni.
Detroit Free Press-The twenty- 17 Nickels Arcade. Phone 6615.
second edition of the annual Michigan
Union opera from the UniversityF HT
workshop made its appearance Satur- THE J-HOP GIRL
day evening in Orchestra hall and IS LOVELY
was received with favor which mark- In a Louise Boulanger creation
ed more than alumni interest and of White Faille. It is typical
personal interest in those who en- of 1928 fashions with its
livened the occasion. imaginative silhouette, deep
Toledo Blade-Possessed of an un- decollatage back and appear-
. an cc of Non-conformity and
usually witty book and some excellent ancem Nnty
music, "The Same to You," annual 1Her Ruby Velvet Evening
opera of the University of Michigan Wrap with its White Fox Collar
was presented last night before a completes a perfect costume.
large and exceptionally enthusiastic
Saginaw News-Courier-A larger
audience or a warmer one could not'
very well be packed inside the walls
of the Auditorium than that which
turned out Monday night and was as
zestful in reception as was the com-
pany in production.
Buffalo News-The Michigan Union
"opera" presented in the Buffalo Con-
sistory Wednesday evening, drew . .. u_
laughter and applause from an audi-
ence of more than 3200 persons.
Public Ledger (Philadelphia) -The
"Mimes" of the University of Michigan
Union came to Philadelphia and, at
the Academy of Music last night of-
fered what was probably the most
gorgeous and certainly the peppiest
of all similar pieces shown here thus
The Evening Bulletin (Philadelphia) Mimes belongs the credit
of one of the best college shows seen
in Philadelphia. Add these courses to your Uni-
* * * versity courses and be prepared
CLAIRE AMBLER": A Novel by for a position in a great and
Booth Tarkington. Doubleday, Doran interesting profession where em-
and ompnyNewYor. 128.25 ployment is certain and the
and Company, New York. 1928. 253 opportunity for advancement un-
pages. $2.40. surpassed.
(Courtesy of the Print and Book Shop,
Ann Arbor.)
A Review by David Scheyer
In reading "Claire Ambler" we 1ost
the last vestiges of a long standing _ 1.
prejudice against Indiana's most loud-
ly touted son. Here is a novel thatP
shows in full bloom the seeds of mas- y
terful comprehension which were evi-
dent in "Alice Adams." But "Claire
Ambler" as far surpasses "Alice .
Adams" as that work does "The Mag-
nificent Ambersons" or "Ramsey Mil-
Rugs and Carpets
eClend--szed--Re pa r
1032 Green St.
Phoie 8115
St. Andrew's Church
8:00 a. m.-Holy Communion
11:00 a. m.-Morning Prayer.
Preacher: Dr. Frederick Grant
7:30 p. m.-Service for Feast of Light.
Harris Hall
shops and alleys of Montmarte, there
are several vividly etched characters: 1 1 1 1 1 N 1 1 I 1 U 1 1U 1 11 1
Nana, Diane's sister-a woman of the
streets, drunken 'and a she-ceil;? Drop In-Bring Your Friends
Pierre, the sewer rat-Chico's iand; >
old Boul, with his faithful Heloise;
Arlette, a bar-maid; and others who For a
lend romance and atmosphere to thej/
picture of the "Hole-in-the-Sock"
where the action of the first act takes Sunday
plac.. S ndayEvening.'Lunch
It is an interesting play-immense- - Variety-Qualty-Service
ly moral as all John Golden shows
are, but possessed of the right amountIz
of humor, pathos and romance andBo
drama to insure an entertaining eve- = 3
,, .15' Nickels Arcade
9:30 a. m.-holy Communion.
6:15 p. m.-Student Supper.
Speaker: Dr. Frederick Grant
Supplies for Students in All Colleges
You will find here a complete line of supplies for school.
Everything that you want for study or for your room is here.
Phone 4744 1111 S. FNIVERSITY Phone 4744
Just a R ealx
Good Time
T 'is the opinion of everyone who
I goes to Granger's that they
have a wonderful time, Te smoot
foor,- not overly crowded, and the
cong enial grosup gi ,e that feeling
of" real enjoyment to every minute.
And then there is the music. Bill
Watkins and his Wolverines fur-
nish it and their snappy fox-trots
are irresistible.
Dancing Every
Si ednesday, Friday
Claire Ambler is the American girl
-selfish and self-centered, yet willing
to sacrifice herself when the crisis
comes; artificial and a little cruel; but
lovable and at times sadly wistful.=
Booth Tarkington has performed a -
I scrupulously analytical piece of
craftsm anship in t e portraying t e youngLa y nd t e r s l is a c m e e a d
lady and the result is a complete and-
sympathetic picture.
The novel deals with Claire at three
periods; eighteen, twenty-one, and
twenty-five. In the first section, "The
Birth of Thought," there are some F UD
rather distasteful passages in the Wil-
lie Baxter style of conversational after only one ad in the
horseplay, a type of asininity we Daily. If you have lost
steadfastly refuse to believe is real- _ somethig a classte a
'h , = is a good investment.