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January 07, 1928 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-01-07

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"" . 6ATt IMA?, ?AN"tJ'APM'7, 92g


AT IPUPAU l0 unitno HnvnnnnrISirrFENCING ART FOR; Material As Produced By Ma lhnson's AM; 11 U 0


pi ~~fI1~ i u n u u in YI!f Wi h eegiilinig 61, the Scn

Ytnu nRnN : iunLol i

TO Y11PillETA lsIgMA
ALU, 31 ;

S I 1"t I
F0 )It

Twenity-Oniie ieber (ii,.it atde 'The
MllichiganC ha pter Wio :Ml w
High Average
T'o encourage and reward Ighi
scholarship anoong the women of the
freshmen classes of the University, a
chapter of the national honorary so-
rority, Alpha Lambda Delta, is now in
the process of organization here. At
a meeting held yesterday afternoon,
the group of 21 women from the soph-
omore class who are eligible to char-
ter membership in the sorority voted
to petition the national organlization
for a. chapter at Michigan. Margaret
Ohison, '30, was elected to act as the
semi-permanent chairman for the
chapter, and Marjorie Folmrer, '30,
'was chosen secretary.
Like Phi 'Eta Sign:-a, national lion-
orary fraternity for freshmen men,
Alpha Lambda Delta aims to give re-
cognition to freshman women who
have atttained high scholarship and
to impress upon them that it is their
responsibility to stimulate scholarship
throughout their college career.
Charter members shall, according tc-
the national constitution of the or-
ganization,, be selected from the
freshm'an class of the year preceed-
ing the installation of a chapter. Any-
freshman woman making an average
of at least half A and half 13, or
equivalent, in her first semester with
a normal schedule is automatically
elected to membership in Alpha
Lambda without further restriction.
The 21 women of the class of 1930
who have been selected for charter
membership are: Marjorie R. Bettler,
Katherine Chase, Marie Evelyn Cim i-
ni, Bessie V. Egeland, E. Valborg Ege-
land, Margaret Irene Fead, Marjorie
E. Follmer, Jean Adele Gilman, Doro-

I 1 OhIIU ILit hiII F 1 spLrt, flencing, is to be offered iby Miss ka
_ - _ . . C Killa Itawlil ngs , of Iii lp lYS."c"al educa- 2
1 [by Ar leuc (rilii. :lillid ('C. ea t- ion department. Only a limnited 111111i-
cher. Soph ie 1I, Ihiniels, Virginia I ar- her1 ' ('i' ronas '*ill be Pc rnittIt eto
nice I' '~'''' i'"'" t- (t c' Ilie ('hises 1 ie tnl( of I h
nl, lza beth Loomjis', ClrarI:N. Mt nertecasetetmeoll(
Ich1lI, L ouise AlInI yre, Grace Neal, i'('giila iti Ilstrilctio101 periods to be ((c-Q
Mkargaret, la. Oh son , MaryK atheie idied '(1((won it l a lii (I Ilograll in-
'Orr, Franlces lI:.a e, Helen(11 iial a] phi. V crested in thle 'sp)0rt ill the ofic~(e of
and Franc(es Sacket t. Al iss; MRawlings on Alondla\'. Janary (
All freshmia a womn Vbiwhosuacceed ("at 4:15 'locli It ias1 igent thiat 1
ill makinig anl iv''ia 2 e o 'hanlf Aanid all those desiring to participate ina
half B this semester will be eligible the aact ivity be pi ' sent tat lbhis mieet -
to membership in Alpha Lalmbdia IDel- al' t
Init iation for these women will prob)'i_ Rawlings there will be every oiipoi'-
b echelchar o lphax smetetunity _for those inltere.sted to be'omnec
Eacy behldter o lypnextLsmstel-effaicnt fencers. Miss Ra wlings re-
tasalced h osiuin e cived her training from Irene Wil-t
to shathenrado the cosiuiob iamson of 1\ill's College, in California.
designated by th ae ftesho andl was later instructed, by Mr. Rem-
at which it is established. This chiap- lac, fencing master at the Olympic
I ci wil, here ore he know as the Club in California. Prior to com ing to
M1?ichigan chlapter. TIhe embleni of the Michigan she drilled students at Mills
organizatien is a gold candle on which cleei h r ffnig etn
the Greek letters, Alpha Lambda Del- collegeatscin ti the art of fecn,(etn
tawithrgreatrsuccess.hItois theraimaof
taareengave wth ourpeals ndMiss Rawlings to develop enough in-I
n exeutveconcl.onisin o ividnals from each, the senior,
An xeutie ounilconisingofjunior, sophomore, and freshman
the president and extension chairman class in order that teams may bet
of each chapter and the treasurer of formed, and interclass competition ar-
the Illinois chiapter forms the gover'n- ranged.
ing body of Alpha Lambda Delta. The Complete instruction in elementary
treasurer of' the Illinois chapter is fencing is to be given. Stress will be
authorized to manage all financial laid on the acquiring of skill in par-
matters of national concern for a per- ries, the wrist defense movement.
iod of five years. Further drill will include practise of
lunges, feints and thrusts, however,
BY PARTIES MISS no advanced technical details are tol
RTfT4JT r y BEGAN b offered. The classes are to be de-
N U,/ votedto unexperienced fencer,. I
FASHION TO READ According to Miss Rawlings, the
work will begin with the technique oft
In our survey of the makers of lit- fotwork, including advances, retreats5
erature, we must not forget Elizabeth and lunge movements. Special treat1
?Went will be given to learning the ex-
Robinson Montagu. It is true that tention of the arm movemenits and
she never wrote anything; nor did simple parries. Upon the completion
she ever urge,, encourage, or inspire of learning these technicalities, a
anyone else to write anything. What combining of them will pormit actual
is more important, she originated the fencing. Wall practice will precede
fashion of reading. This i's a very im- actual personal encounters between
portant development. As you may the students.
remember, people had been writing "The secret of fencing is quicknes's
ever since the time of Sappho, whose of movement, control of balance,
career I sketched in the Daily recent- strength of the wrist and a keen eye,
ly; but I am unable to find reliable according to Miss Rawlings. Skill in
testimony to pi'ove that before the parries is determined by the keenness
time of Mrs. Montagu anyone ever of one's eye, the ability of one to for-
readl anything. Mrs. Montagu was see th'e direction firom which a thrust
under a considerable handicap, and or a lunge stroke is coming or the
she had some fast work to do in point to which it is direct,,(." Flex-
Iorder to catch up. But she was ibility of muscle's and muscle con-
7clever, andh knew how to concentrate tirol are other qualities to he acquired
on the sublject in hand:. She insti- in learning to fence. It is inec(essariy
tiltedl breakfast eonvei'sazionncs, that the aris legs andl the whole
luncheon lectures, andl (inner' (iscus- bodly he relaxed and alert in ordei',
,ions. As she was the sociey leader to fenceo, accoriniig to Miss Rawlings.
of' Londhon, everybodly who was in- Regular fencing equimienit (consist-
vited to heirpairties, had to go for ing (ot foils, masks, plastronis, and
rfeair his friends would think lie hadl gloves are to be used. No charge i
1weni left(lolt : andl everybody who to be made for the( use of the equiP-
c ame had to have something to say, mnent.
'which, oIf (course, would nec'essitate Not more than 20 personls will be
rcad(inug. permit ted to (enter'1 the class which
Al i's. Mont'agu oriiginat ed anotherl will meet t wice a week. it is ex-
mnad c'apirice, t hat (If wear'ing~ blueI pet'ted that regulair inter'-class bouts

Old1I B ig" ''ll.anidl the niia 1;toni tonis, anldelaboratechiuet's head-- H I Ii I Ul I f HI U UIIL II
parks had(1thiri day, ii-dei'i Anici i- (1ress. The Navajos have givell a de-
canl skyscra pci's, i'(Ilci'-coas ei's. aid signi based on Illie b lan ket inot ifs I ami-
1~ivi trel1 as arie hli i g theirs anil now oils thle world ovri. The delica I bead 'I'sl idel Iwayto( geltIthie real winl-
tiie :\nici'ice aI iiv ian is e('cimii in for',work whici(h apipear's eoithelieti, bag ter''spir'it is to revert, to thie cus-;
a share in tle piiblicit y (o si lb ll'i is. a 11( ot her' factors of the (c~eemoniil I t ns o_ thbe ''gay 90*s'' before the lime
The' hiouise' of la I iiisiiis in Irod n ci ig ocostumie ofthtle Shoslone tribe fur- Of a U lt(Iiiiill(:ilcSa a ~limb i ut o a en! -
-a seiries o, 152 di fferenit pattIerns. ea cii iiished a design for an unulsual 'Ih'int,
on1e ha sedl oil(the . designls or lviol ifs developed in a (color' s(hc m( of 1sofntter i'aniii("gqsp~e e( i iigaway (Ive'r the
I) r dIiffer'ent. Indiiam iinets. :blute back grondo1 v it h i'oti fs iii dark now behlind a pranIicinig horse lo the
I ,eonl Baklst lilide thle tir'st of l ItO;> QIII ne, oran~ge, yellowV.'and( llack, .I iuiC of 1tbe jin'i in ; sleigh bells. At
designs soilie "'('i i'ago, a i(Iiiurn~ished{l 11'' l s' ontstandlii.; (1eign, pci'- least most stildelits in Ann Arbor
th liea for 1 the series. Ile(died, in w- slaps, is t hat -whose basis is the Sioux $ s'iiito, tina: this i.;s(>, ii X(' we cal
eve', hiefoire the thenie was devolooied Nxar:uIbonniet , witlii its crest of eagle!.
and tihe prinuts have only been in- feathers--ilie dIistiguishing mark of lIndge by the calls Gnii v Iu nllisl,
Itioducied this season. Bakst 's design (valor' andi1bi'avery--and1( its lone;" Iwho0 rents5 'iut ter's aniid horses', has re-
was inspired1 by I lopi Indian 1)1(1 :ss. triarlner ichiiigneairly to the ('eived ali'eady. Ilie sa s that at the
signifying rain and t hundei', wined andt ground. This priint is done1WiW' drllW ;tirst noi(w flak(} lie is blesiege() with
cilouds. gi'enu, ofi'gi'ay. and is ext remejly at he demandls of insistent students tfor
The pr'int based on the tirappings of at' i('ve. in ally (It these shiades. Since
the Crow Indiani on the war' path isj the Sioux were a warlike trible, this ictes h ipy wl~ eiv
another outstanding design. There are design is especially symboihc. ta lihn antsatd
shieldIs hearig the emblems of se- Other Indian trib~es supplylillg1in1- "But when the season (hoes start,
^ret, societies, rattles, tom toms, I1II~Ci- terial for designs are the Iiroquois, thene's the time that shows the stu-
cine sticks, ando eagles' feathers, all the Pueblo, the Pomi; the Cheyen~ne, dnsral iei.Wy 'ehd1
worked into a particularly beautiful; the Comanche, the Arapaho, the Cite,
anIeoaiedsg. Oeo h the Zuni, and the Cherokee. cr' 14 horses out, and still 12 or 141
color combinations is fit shades ofI Not only are these prints beautifulj couples waiting in the house to go
brown with touches of red and blue. #-and they are as attractive made tip cut." H-e says the season isnt (de-
Another interesting print was _n- i as in the piece-but they make one pendable, that it comes and goes, but
spired by the ceremonial regalia of realize the beauty that was alld is the it usually l asts into- February. Hl(*
the B'lackfoot sun dance, with its hi-; Indian's. Each triibe has -,oiietlIilngig enme lisle 1 that a year ago there
son skulls, medicine bundles, rattles, significant to offer, for their designs were 65 (lays of sleighing, but last
f~j (are symbolical of their beliefs and year only 35. He advises dIrivers to
FORMER ADV ERTIS/ INU Custom's. avoidI going round the bloulevards in
Li A R IVE ADICE The d~esigns are more variedl than the cutter as it is quite rough out
LEtRhVE DI e Egpinoeofeea.fwyastebucutrcabedieal
ago, and should bring to the rest of over town.
"People usually express surprise the worldl a conception of the ver- The m'ain thing to remembe?, he
weo h lanomicstas my w r"e choenI satile art of the American Indian. If says, is to dress warmly enough, and
Ecnmisasll wr,"dclrdthe Americana prints are -o he re- that this is priual odavc
Mrs.Rut Enge, nstucto ineco garded as historical records of the I to the women. T'hose who come p re-
nomies, in an interview. "While it is times, the Amiercan Indian :series I paredI to enjoy a sleigh ride in silk
a field generally lpreen~'pted bIy men, should be held in esteem as nu hose and thin gloved and dresses will
there is no particular reason why a ments to the original American.coebk with blue lips, and numbi

W,. A. A. tbomb' rpoint, al'e given for

Today w~ill mark the second m'cet-
ilig 0 the Saturd'(ay niiniijg electlivoe
daniciiig class. bl iss J husoi will he at
lihe gynasiuim fi'om10: 30 ut~il 12
anid those people xx'ho are, interested
ii this extra'i tihe splent:011 danc'iing
Amy ('unic} at aniy t iie betwieen thoso


12 regilau' dances. The ('class was
t.1art e soon after Thanlsgiving, but
ciiue to aIigreatnmany interruptions be-
toi'e vacation, no0 more meetings of
the class wer'e heldh. Miss Johnson an-
n ounces that. there will he 2 m'orc
classes bleore exanlmiations. today and
next S'atulrday. The class will also be
'onitinuled next semester.'
iNo credit except W., A. A. points
ar'e given for this work, its purpose is
primarily to give those people who
are interested in dancing a further
opportunity, and preliminary to the
tryouts for Orchesis which will take
place during the early part of the
new semester.
In recent interviews with over- 367
women students of the' University of
Michigan, approximately 360 of them
[admitted that they had earned their
first five cents gathering potato bugs
for grandfather on the farm. The
rates paid for this service varied,
ranging from five cents a hundred, to
50 cents for 500. One student proudly
cfboasts that she earned five dollars in
1one afternoon- at this occupation,
Iwithout iusing the munltiplica~tion #a-"

Restored recently to its original
grandeur "Brandon on the James"
has been reopened. Brandon is lo-
cated at Richmond, Va., and was once
the home of Judith Shakespeare,
daughter of William Shakespeai'e.
An old fashioned "housewarming"
completed the restoration (If the
estate. Invitations were sent (lit by
Robert W. Daniels of New York.
owner of the estate. Among the many
famous personages to be present at
the celehr'ation were: Mi's. 'Woodrow
Wilson, Mr. and Mr's. William Mc-
Adoo. Mu'. andlMr's. John WV.IDavis,
and Commander and Mrs. Richard
Evelyn Byrd.
Brandon dates rac'k to the earliest
colonial period, girantedh to1 Johni
Martin, a friend of Captain JIohn
Smith and a member (If His Majesty's
first estate through a grant.
In its dining iroomis the home lia'
the famous collection of Byrd por-
traits brought over by Westover when
the. daughter of the thir'd William
Byrd, ancestor of Commander Byrd;
was married to Benjamin Harrison.
In one of the dining r'ooms a ring
hangs from the chandelier. It is not
known whether it was placed there
by the request of a former mistress or
is the key to some forgotten romance.
But the ring hws been there longer
than the oldest reu~dent can remem-
ber. The gardens of the estate are
among the most beautiful in the slate.

woman shiouil avoid it. Woineu have
invaded practical business with great
success and I see no reason why they
should not he successful in the study-
ing and teaching of the theory under-
lying all business.
"I first became interested in Eco-
nomics while an undergraduate at the
University of Washington in Seattle.
I specialized- in advertising in the
College of Business Admirdstration
and later wvent to work, as an a?iver-
tising manager of a small store." she
This work did not hold a permanernt
;ippeal for Mrs. Engle anti so ste' re-
t a ('11(1 tot thle i e n for' 11' iadlu-
it e s tuidy. Later she be( i mie'thle fi ist.
womInan 10 be given (iu01opportiiunity to
teach elementarly econoniie's itl te
University of Washington.
Mirs. Ennl(' is nown teacllinu iin the
ecoiioii:'cs (lepaliient, ofIt e I nivxci'-
city (If M~ichigani. In cn« : to the
(uestiin. ''1)oyolu thIinku{ .v-myy 1-i odentI
can pi'ofit by econIiomic'snasI tught aitI
Michigan ?'"she replied Ilia, she, '( Itj
the departmnit offered a w\ite (niotugli 1
assor'tment (it ('ils-'5('5to MOOet h e
need of evei'y stuident at all iu~t crest ed
in Ithe slubjec't. ''Any sItudentI ~vpabile
oft r'eacin lg sohionmore sI aiidi ng in thbe
I iii \'cisit y ('all pri't iby ii stidy (Ifeceo-
n 115ii miad eveiy stuiident 515111 d Havne
at least so(,1 id eaiof whialt it is all
a bout . No sti mleit ('1an giini mu c'h from
'iny ceimrse. howverel, unless le his
'tome interest in it. but there arc veryV
zewv who llveui intei'est at all ini
economie pr'oblems."'

Invasion In Industry
Field Creates NlewI
Position For Women
Wom'en are still new, though real
factors in the social and economic
problems created by their invasion in
the industrial field. Working conffi-
tieis for women in the Latin Amer-
can countries are far from being ideal
says Miss Elivira Santa Cruz Ossa in

fingers, completely disappointed. Mul- ble to an excessive degree.
lison will furnish some robes, but it One coy *maiden chose to pun, and
is a good plan to bring some of your asserted that her five senses, to
own ,and be sure of having enough, which none had been added, wero
For people who prefer a party in- hers as the result of a biological ac-
stead of the "one horse open sleigh" cident, though a happy one.
there are about six or eight big bob The five students yet unaccounted
sleighs, which wil hold 20 people, for, earned their pin money In diverse
A- driver is furnished, but because of 'Ways. One got hers through eating
the large number going, the party a dish of carrots, another from get-
is required to bring their own robes. , uig good marks in school. The other
He says if you can judge by the} three were awarded theirs for help-
great -demand for cutters by the stu- ing mama about the kitchen, doing
dents in former years, sleighing is a such menial tasks as wiping Lishes,
favorite winter, sport, running errands, and dusting.

anm article iin the Penl American Mag-
Fii'st of' all e'ounmic iindeplendience.
Ineaniiig the foundation upon '.vhicli
polit1ical andmid o(ral indlependenceCain
be based is the necessary goal . Aiter
j ha t is gained enforc(ement of lb e
InI SouthI Amer'ica in every CC.1nt u..
exc.ept Chile lvolir;en c(anniot dis pose
I'ufreely ofI her own per'sonail and ':eni-
ei'al propertyv if hem' huisand de in"'
toI intcu'fIcm'c'Thiese W011i1011 -W110(Iare '
ties orf life lose something of tbeir'
mnore] freeidom . Tboll-11she '11-,;> g a in
ii ajpi ne Sif 1hem'1' 1i':awe is one o I{
loverIthis is often lost thlroulgh pov'-
certy. And then the unhapply i'('t 11-
ship is kept up because oftehei icea-!
pacity toI darie for 'her'self.



at half price
Gift boxes of best makers

E aal out.(m'ane and tike ; Whitin, Hurd, 1hlampshi re, etc. Also
tini' a. w c s which ive wiihto ('heal'. All tinest aalty, clean stoc(k.,
P~riced, -' )0 (cult s Iop.


.io ckling 5. Heir followers had to im-
ita te hler'iln this, t oo, and t her'eby
gained fol' themselves the name of
Blues toc kings.

i-ight be
Sport two

ai'rantig I nter 1,)' II.z. 'I
the interest. taken in 11wf
year's ago.

17 'Nicht+, Arcade.

The lie ypeivrit- r anid Stalttomery Store.

- ---- - I'1The elect ivc dancing clas'will be
rF(,a(heirs of sauighai quit wvork for11 held this morning from' 10:>0 ut fil
1) igg('I' wages lealving more than 10,- 12 o'clock in the Corrective r'oomi,, of
3l00 students Without instruction. Barbour gymnasium.


t i


An. Invitation
is extended to all to visit us. We are
equipped to serve you everything in the way
of light lunches and fountain dishes.

Founta in Specials

Nooni Luncheons

Detroit Theaters
.... ..................
SMat Saturday, $1.00 to $2.;i0.
Nights, $1 to $3.50
SCHWAB & MAtiI)EL Treseiit
- Forty Flapper Fresliles
ABE LYMAN (imself)
- and is Orchestra-
Nights, 50 to $2.50.
Sat. Mat., 50c to $2.00 a

Toasted Sandwiches
Under the personal management of
Mrs. 'E. Murphy
In the new Michigan Theater Building

,3 4
' 'I 7 'ra..K-n

'I '1


;e ' Sale
y/11 US
o -,IS ~RU-69
I This, a most unusual sale of high-class shoes,
- is caused, by the necessity of clearing out the stock
f'or new spring style s. Velvet oxfords, with a short= t
-! ~vamlp andl high heel. Bi'own suede pumps and oue. I
I sti'aps with medlium liel are among this group.
$8 and $9 value's..
Just a few of the styles on sale. '$10 values.
POlt ent, with sued.e, comllinations. Black suede ox-
fords with a meditun heel. Satin brocade slippers

All Shoes Reduced


We have reduced the price on all our Silk and
Wool Hosiery. You will; find a large assortment .
of quality hose in all the winter shades and
combinations at pi'ices that ar'e 'surely surprising
for' the value they repr'esent. This is an ideal
opportunity to puirchase, twvo01' thr'ee pair of tine
hose for winter' wear'. We advise you to comne
e'arly to insure a lar'ge selection.
$1.75 to $3.50


Woodward, at Eliot
110NS$1E LL E
Pop. Mats. Thurs., Sat., 0~c, 75C.
Nights, 74c to $1.50
Second and Last Week
Miss Boustdelle plays




3 0

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