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January 07, 1928 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1928-01-07

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P krlr, ftrfi-






(14Pjt and rendered quite ineffective. Noth-
ing could be done. The men died.
It has been brought out since that
Published every morning except MondayI
during the University year by the Board in as early as 1911 Germany had equip-
Control ofSladernt Publications. ment which would speedily salvage a
Member o Western Conference Editorial submarine in such a condition. In
Association. later years other countries followed
The Associated Press is exclusively en- suit. Statements from naval head-
ttiled to.Ahe-.use for republication of all news quarters declare that even such equip-
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise ment would not raise the S-4. But'
credited in this paper and the local news pub-sb
lished herein. since 1911 there have been innumer-
able refinements in business, industry,I
Entered, atsthepostoffice at .n Arbor, and common living facilities.
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- Still it is rather incongruous that
ser iptnal.by carrier, $4,oo; by mail, while salvaging equipment is possible
$4.50. , yfor certain size craft, it is not avail-
nard Street, able for others, especially when there
Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business 21214. are such others in use.

News that British students from
Oxford and Cambridge have been "SEVENTH HEAVEN"
staging riots of the old time Michigan
variety has created great excitement In certain respects "Seventh
among leading educators of Ann Ar- Heaven" is one of the most perfect
bor. shows which Mimes has attempted
* * * this season. It is a rather. peculiar
The possibility that there may be combination of melodrama, tragi-com-
some connection between the British edy, and drama. This mixture could
riots and the disturbances incident to
the opening of the new Michigan thea- lead to but one thing, and that is an
ter is the leading topic of discussion. almost unbelievable amount of hokum.
In other words, it is the work of a
master craftsman-one who knows the

' _


Telephone 4925
Editor......................Ellis B. Merry
Editor Michigan Weekly.. Charles E. Behyer
Staff Editor...............Philp C. Brooks
City Edior............. Coutland C. Smith
Wpmen's Editor...........Marian L. Welles
Sports Editor...........HerbertCE. Vedder
Theater, Books and Music.Vincent C. Wall, Jr.
Telegraph Editor...........Ross W. Ross
Assistant City Fditor.....Richard C. Kurvink
* Night Editors
Robert :K. Finch G. Thomas McKean
J Stewart ooker Kenneth G. Patrick}
Paul J. kIern Nelson J. Smith, Jr.
Milton Kirshbaum
Esther 4pnderson Marion McDonald
Margaret' Arthur Richard H. Milroy
Emmons A. Bonfield Charles S. Monroe
Jean Campbell- Catherine Price
Jessie Cthu I Harold L. Passman
Clarenc Nj;dlson Morris W. Quinn
Margaret gross Rita Rosenthal
Valborg Imasid Pierce Rosenberg
Marjorie liollrer FIdward J. Ryan
James B. Freeman D avd Schsever
Robert j -:Gessner Eleanor Scribner
Elaine E. Gruber Corinne Schwarz
Alice Ifgelshaw Robert G. Silbar
Joseph IE. IHowell Howard F . Siron
J. Walli&-e Iusen Rowena Stillman
Charles V. kaufm an Sylvia Stone
WilliamF& Kerby George Tilley
Lawrence .R .Klein Edward L. Warner. Jr.
Donald J. Kline Benjamin S. Washer
Sally Knbox Leo 1. Yoedicke
lack L.: Tait. Jr Joseph Zwerdling
John H, Mloney
Telephone 21214
Assistan Mnager.... George H. Annable Jr.,
Advertising....Pichard A. Meyer
Advertisingl.............Arthur M. Hinkley
Advertising.............Edwrd L. Hulse
Advertis pg. .......John W. Ruswinckel
Account :.. ..........Raymond Wachter
Circulat ' .....George B. Ahn, Jr.
Publicati .... .......,Harvey Talcott
- -Assistants
Fred Bai3k Hal A. Jaehn
George £rFlaey James Jordan
Marie Buinser Marion Kerr
Jamies O." ren - Dorothy Lyons
ames$ t oope Thales N. Lenington
Charles X (Quell Catherine McKinven
Barbara. - iMmel W. A. Mahaffy
Helen IPna r-: Francis Patrick
Mary D4'yely George M. Perrett
Bessie . Egeland Alex K. Scherer
Ona Felker Frank Schuler
Ben Fishman Bernice Schook
Katherine Frochne Mary Slate
Douglass Fuller George Spater
Beatrice Gicenberg Wilbert Stephenson
Helen r fa f Ruth Thompson
Herbert Goldberg Herbert E. Varnu
E. J. Hammer Lawrence Walkly
Carl W. Hammer IHannah Waller
Ray Hoffith'' -
night 1'ier-NELSON J. SMITH, Jr.
Withthe 6opening of each new se-
mester comes a new plan for classifi-
cation and enrollment of students, and
the opening of the second semester of
the present year will be no exception.
Alread~ythe University officials are in
the field vith a new scheme of classi-
fication for. the College of Literature,
Science, ad the Arts, and the enor-
mous work of re-enrolling Michigan's
student body is well under way.
It is only natural that these new
plans should cause considerable con-
fusion the first time they are tried,
and it is not to be expected that the
present one will be any exception in
that regard. Nevertheless, each new
scheme which has been inaugurated
In the past -few years has been a de-
cided improvement over its predeces-
sor, and froi a theoretical standpoint,
at least, tde new plan now in opera-
tion is ceortainly an improvement over
its predecssor.
The lin4s two and three hours long
that used,[ to occur within the memory
of the mlt upperclassmen have been
practicalN eliminated in the past year
or- two. Without a doubt the new
system yill go even further in the
eliminatin of delay and the introduc-
tion of efficent methods. If it does
this, or if I-- promises to do this, it
certainly' eerves the unqualified co-
operatio o the University student
body. '

For more than two weeks, while
the subn arine S-4 has lain on the bot-
tom off Provincetown with the bodies
of its crew bottled up within, there
have flown back charges and counter-
charges, all seeking to fix the blame
on certa i shoulders. But with the
recovery f some of the crew and
the publishing of the log of the ill-
fated craft the commotion has taken
a differe'nt turn-from passing the
buck to seeking a cure.
The flat facts of the last hours that
were lived in the submarine are
brought out much more powerfully4

Now there will be investigating, andy
it is possible that the door will get a
new lock. But the government has
already lost more than one horse.
A recent survey conducted at the I
University of Minnesota among more
than 1,000 women students indicates,,
according to the surveyors, that the
students investigated do not know
'how to study. There is nothing in
the nature of a sensational revelation
in this-quite the contrary-for with-C
out a doubt a similar survey of our
own campus would show only similar
It is a curious thing that University
students, having for their business the
acquisition 4f facts and knowledge,
should employ such woefully ineffi-
cient methods as they do to such a
large degree in acquiring knowledge.
It is curious that this business of
studying has never been reduced to
scientific precision by the acute minds
which have preceded us; and it is
anomalous as well as curious that
men and women engaged in learned!
pursuits should have learned so littleI
about the implements of their profes-
Still, as we round the bend toward
the close of the present semester, it
is only too apparent that the greatf
bulk of all studying is done by hap-
hazard methods-students picking up

Plans for an expedition to investi-
gate the riot situation in England
were laid at a special meeting of the
Rolls Executive board yesterday eve-
I ding.
Equipped with the best scientific
devices available, the expedition left
early this morning by aeroplane for
England, where they will attempt to
[gain all information possible on the
riot situation.
Oscar, wonder horse, W. I. Thomp-'
son, Chicago agitator, Mefistofele,
Rolls greatest scientist, C. Cathcart.
Smutz, Student council representa-
tive, Harve Emery,ex-football1 coach,
and other prominent personages were
-appointed as members of the expedi-
tion by the sub-committee named by
-the Rolls executives.
The big wind and bluff man from
Chicago was in good spirits as he
hopped into the Rolls Ann Arbor to
1 London plane. I don't know what it's
all about, he whispered to members
of the America First foundation who
had gathered to see him depart, but
I bet the Britisn have something to do,
with it!
* * *

technique of dramatic construction-
but one who is almost mechanic in its
There are wonderful moments
strewn throughout all three acts. For
Chico there is a marvelous entrance
and an equally marvelous curtain for
the first act. And for Diane there is
an equally effective moment when she
snatches the whip and turns on her
absinthe-soaked sister. Even down to
the flag waving finish there are bits
that bring an audience out of their
It is all tremendously artificial, but
at the time it seems tremendously
real, and it is for that reason, perhaps
that it made such an excellent movie.
It is a show that can't be beaten and
a play that couldn't be worse.
-E. M. M.
The University Musical society an-
nounced the following program for
Paul Kochanski, violinist, who will
appear in the Choral Union series,
January 18:
Concerto A Minor ........... Vivaldi
Allegro, Largo, Presto.
Allegro-Adagio Ma Non Tanto..Bach
Praeludium E Major ...........Bach
Andante ..................... Mozart
Rondo ..............Mozart-Kreisler
Slavonic Dances G Minor.... Dvorak
Nocturne ..........Chopin-Kochanski
Hopak .. . Moussorgsky-Rachmaninoff
Walther's Prize Song from
Waltz in A Major..........Brahms
Carnaval Russe ...........Wieniawski
Pierre Luboshutz, Accompanist.
Each year the Chicago Civic Opera
company entrains on an annual pil-
grimage to carry a message of musical
culture into the more remote prov-
inces. After something like a hundred
performances in the Auditorium they
leave for a nation wide tour, carrying
with them thirty of their first string
artists and four of their most success-
ful operas-usually the ones which
carry the widest appeal to the mu-
sical layman.
This year their repertoire includes
"La Gioconda," "Madame Butterfly,"
"Carmen" and "Il Trovatore"-old
favorites all of them, with nothing
particularly original or creative, but
at least they are opera, and they will
be well done. Their four Detroit per-
formances include Thursday night,
February 16 ("La Gioconda"); Friday
night, February 17 ("Madame Butter-
fly"); Saturday matinee, February 18
("Carmen") - andI an-.. vp.inL -nr-

The Path to Success
The "Path to Success," from the financial
standpoint is clearly defined. But precaution is
necessary. If you would follow it straight and
true, you must be guided by men who know its
many tempting crossroads . . . men whose experience
as Bankers have taught them that conservatism in
money matters is the only SAFE means of making d
This Bank's officers are quali-
fled to serve you in t6lai
capacity. And they gladly
welcome your call for Advice
on Investments, Savings or any
problem you have concerning
Money and Your Future.
11S.Main St. 707 N. Univ. Ave.
.ri , . -,1 i


I'm glad I'm going, he;
the plane took off. I've

shouted as
talked so
anxious to

crumbs here and there in the hope much about England I'm
that the instructor will chance to see what it is like.
pick on that particular bit of knowl- * * *
edge for an important question. Often O'BRIEN OFFERS
this type of study is successful, often The following message
it is not; when fortunate the student was carried by the Rolls ex
considers himself worthy of the grade Mr. Scotland Yard,
he receives; when unfortunate he be- Chief of Police,
moans the fact that it was a cruel London, England:
fate which deprived him of his credit. Would like the job of
To attempt to learn' the facts of the rioteers. I am well-
any course completely is as foolish as I all modern methods, as
it is ambitious, for a large portion of few de-luxe devices of
any subject given is mere sawdust manufacture. Will brin
packing for the salient facts. Effici- squad if desired.
-ency in studying would seem to re- Tom O'B
quire that the first step be a selection Chief C
of these salient facts for study, and Ann Arbor
elimination of the unnecessary chaff I * * *
which surrounds them. That, in itself, ! BuLETIN
would constitute a tremendous step Weather calm, plenty to
forward in the program of the aver- body happy. Looks like
age college student, and would con- flight.
stitute a tremendous saver of time i ROLLS RIOT EXP
during the hectic periods of final ex-
The training which enables a stu-
dent to distinguish between these im- CAMPUS CHATTER
portant and unimportant facts is, of "This new classificat
course, quite another phase of educa- is fine,' said the Gyppe
tion. It is to be admitted, without "The only trouble is
much controversy, that the average J didn't pass the continua
Icollege student does not know how in any of my classes."

to London
-versed in
well as a
my own
ng picked
r, Mich.
eat, every-
a perfect

;~~i,/~ vI,
bz~ /f'
f ,.--f'



ion plan
ed Junior.
that they
tion slips

'. I Z *-u'ttS *LS'--;L J .(t)u all tvening per -
to study; and if it were not offhand, _formance on the same day of "II Tro-
the evidence of the Minnesota investi- * * * vatore."
gation should prove conclusive. It is The artists include Raisa, Marshal,
to be recognized, however, that with APPLICATIONS WANTED Formichi, Van Gordon, Lenska, Ma-
proper application of educational The announcement of the resigna- son, Rimini, Garden, Hackett, Mojica,
principles the difficulty of imperfect tion of the editor of Toasted Rolls is Lazzari, Bonelli, Cortis and a dozen
study can be overcome. not some far-fetched attempt at others whom you have heard before.
humor, neither is it a desperate at-
tempt to secure contributions. At the "HAPPY"
EDITORIAL COMMENT close of the semester, the column will
be "sold" to the highest bidder. At the Earl Carroll, New York.
.y x*AReview, by Morris Zwerdling.
TOO LATE FOR THEM The highest bidder will be the one Next we shall believe in a Santa
(From the Grand Rapids Press) who demonstrates that lie is best fitted Claus.' There actually is a musical
Fatal injury last week of Professor to carry on the work. The selection comedy on Broadway today, based on
Herbert S. Mallory of the University will be made by the managing editor I college life without stress on the big
of Michigan and Henry Thornton Win- of The Daily, aided by the present boat race with Bichloric college or the
chester, noted electrical engineer, Rolls editor. football game with Humpty university.
should revive interest in the im- Y * * But that's as far as the celebration
mediate need of an all-state program There are no special qualifications goes. "Happy" is far from the stand-I
for grade separation. I required of applicants. The position ard set by its brilliant contemporary,
r.aory and his friend drove oes not require a hypersensitive
their car into .the side of a freight sense of humor, nor any g'eat techv aimed its exit march at the backs of
train on the state trunk line between nical knowledge, nor the IQ of a the crowd, there is little left but an
Ann Arbor and Detroit via Ecorse. impression of stale jokes on stale
Snoiv had obscured vision of the vious connection with The Daily or sausage and college poetry writers.
tracks. The life of these useful men other newspaper, while advantageous, The plot, which traces the ambition
was alone worth considerably more is not required. of a budding young college poet to4
to Michigan than any sum it might compose lyrics for musical shows, is
have cost the state to separate the woefully weak and leaves many wide-
grades at this point. Applicants for the position should open spaces into which the authors
With road funds assured the high- shave pushed all the collegiate repar-
way department is proceeding to an umn. The first is usually the hardest tee gracing the college humor maga-
'wydprmeti rcedn o nso don't bedicuaeiftdos'
extensive construction campaign. discouraged if it doesn't zines from 1924 on. Some if it is still
Early announcement was that trunk getwritten swiftly enough. Te s more ancient. The music isn't much
line grade separation and other safety terial should cover local subjects as better, although bar or two lingers
k much as possibhle. From -d50 to 60 from "Lorelei," the hit waltz, and
any plans adopted. The death of Pro- typewritten lines should be about "Happy."
fessor Mallory emphasizes the sound- right. A good cast did its best with the
ness of this policy. - If it had been I - material at hand, kidding themselves
adopted a year or two ago the univer- All communications should be ad- into believing that they were college
sity would not now be mourning the dressed either to Benjamin Bolt, Rolls students having a good time with

America Discovered for $7200


Old records show that the cost of Columbus' first
expedition to America amounted, in modern exchange,
to only $7200. To finance Columbus, Isabella,
Queen of Spain, offered to pawn her jewels. Today
word comes from Spain indicating that a twentieth
century importation from the new world is fast effect-
ing a sufficient saving to ransom many royal jewels.
The Spanish Northern Railway reports that the
American equipment with which in 1924 the railroad
electrified a mountainous section of its lines from Ujo
to Pajares has accomplished the following economies:


The substations, overhead
equipment for the complete
installation, and six of the
twelve locomotives for this
particularly difficult and
successful electrification
were furnished by the Ge-
eral Electric Company. Gen-
eral Elect c quality has
attained universal reco;-
nition; the world over, you
Swill find the G-E monogram
on apparatus that is giving

1. A 55% saving in the cost of power.
2. A reduction of 40% in the number of cng ne miles for
the same traffic handled.
3. A saving of 732% in the cost of repairs and upkeep
for locomotives.
4. A saving of 63% in crew expenses.
5. A reduction of 31% in the cost of moving a ton-
kilometer of freight.
In every part of the world, electricity has replaced
less efficient methods and is saving sums far
greater than the ransom of a queen's jewels. You
will always find it an important advantage in your

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