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January 05, 1928 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-01-05

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PACE ~FObtfl


TIT~RThYJAXNT'Af. ,r ),f

f . over with amicable enthusiasm for the
United States in spite of Lindbergh. IN A P P R E CIATION
What we need most of all to achieve
Published every morning except Monday PROF. HiERBEIRT S. M ALIL RY
during the University year by the Board in international understanding now in

Control of Student Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
tiled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lished herein.
Entered at the postoffice at tonn Arbor,
Vichigan, as second class matter. Special rate
>f postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
m;Ister General.
Suscription by carrier, $4,oo; by mail,
s Offices:tAnn Arbor Press Building, May-
Bard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business 2=214.
Telephone 4925
editor. .F.llis 13. Merry
Editor Michigan Weekly. .Charles E. Behymer
Staff Editor...............Philip C. Brooks
City Editor. ..........Courtland C. Smith
Women's Editor........... Marian L. Welles
Sports Editor.............Herbert E. Vedler
rheater, Books and Music.Vincent C. Wall, Jr.
Telegraph Editor............. Ross W. Ross
Assistant City Fditor.....Richard C. Kurvink
Night Editors
Robert E. Finch G. Thomas McKean
J. Stewart Hooker Kenneth G. Patrick
Paul J. Kern Nelson J. Smith, Jr.
Milton Kirshbaum
Esther Anderson John IL Maloney
Margaret Arthur Marion McDonald
Emmons A. Bonfield Richard H. Milroy
btratton Duck Charles S. Monroe
Jean Campbell Catherine Price
Jessie Church Harold L. Passman
William B3. Davis Morris W. Quinn
Clarence N. Edelson Rita Rosenthal
Margaret Gross Pierce Rosenberg
Valborg Egeland Edward J. Ryan
Marjorie Follmer David Scheyer
James B. Freeman Eleanor Scribner
Robert 3. Gessner Corinne Schwarz
Elaine E. Gruber Robert G. Silbar
Alice Hageishaw H1oward V. Simaon
Joseph . Howell Rowena Stillman
J. Wallace B ushen Sylvia Stone
Charles R. Kaufman George Tilley
William F. Kerby Edward L. Warner, Jr.
Lawrence R. Klein Benjamin S. Washer
Donald J. Kline Leo J. Yoedicke
Sally Knox Joseph Zwerdling
Jack L. Lait, Jr.
Telephone 21214
Assistant Manager.... George H. Annable, Jr.
Advertising...............Richard A. Meyer
Advertising ...............Arthur M. Hinkley
Advertising... ... Edward L. Hulse
Advertising............John W. Ruswinckel
Accounts................Raymond Wachter
Circulation.............George B. Ahn, Jr.
Publication.................Harvey Talcott
Fred Babcock Hal A. Jaehn
George Bradley James Jordan
Marie Brumler Marion Kerr
James 0. Brown Dorothy Lyons
James B. Cooper Thales N. Leningtou
Charles K. (orrell Catherine McKinven
Barbara Cronell W. A. Mahaffy
H-elen Dancer Francis Patrick
Mary D~iyely George M. Perrett
Bessie U Egeland Alex K. Scherer
Ona Felker Frank Schuler
Ben Fishman Bernice Schook
Katherine Frochne Mary Slate
Douglass Fuller George Spater
Beatri,-e Greenberg Wilbert Stephenson
Helen Gross Ruth Thompson
Herbert Goldberg HerbertE. V rnum
E. J. Hammer Lawrence Walkley
arl W Hammer Hannah Waller
Ray Hoelich

evidence of good faith. It is to be
hoped that the actions of France in
regard to the present negotiations will'
demonstrate a quality of cooperative
good-will which can do much to clear
up the more or less strained attitude
of the two nations at present.
Culminating a period of agitation
and construction campus amusement
seekers will tonight open a new field
to themselves when the doors swing
in on the new Michigan theater. Con-j
gratulations are in order for the man-
agers, the city of Ann Arbor, and
especially the patrons. The local dis-
trict has long been under-supplied ,
with entertainment facilities, as gen-
erations of graduates who have been
injected into the Arcade or the Ma-
jestic by main force will testify, and
the indications are that the communityj
will fully recompense the promoters
for the expense to which they have
jbeen put.
The passing of the 8:40 jam, how-
ever, will mark another milestone that
is slipped by, but it is' a creditableE
passing at least. It is logical that the
urge for the enthusiastic rioting of the
past will be in a way dampened by the
newness and modernity of the Michi-
It has been remarked that Herbert I
Hoover did not make a decisive bid
for the presidential nomination in
1924 because he was far from beingj
a practical politician. As the time
for the 1928 convention approaches,
however, it seems evident that the
need for political acumen on the part
of the noted engineer or his friendsV
has become less necessary though it
is very probably much greater.
In the last six months, the Hoover'
"boom" has advanced tremendously.
Regarded as the administration can-4
didate ;since the definite withdrawal
of President Coolidge, Secretary Hoo-
ver seems to have the confidence of
the East, the financial interests, and
large followings throughout the rest ofI
the country.
His support is very slightly manu-
factured as in the case of many can-
didates but is rightfully based on pub-
lic confidence in his ability. As foodj
administrator during the war, as head
of the commerce department and as a
noted engineer, Mr. Hoover has shown
himself capable of handling large
situations with all the necessary at-E
tention to detail. Of the three out-
standing men of the present cabinet
including Mellon and Kellogg, Secre-
tary Hoover is the most available for
the presidential nomination.

Faculty members itimately ac-
quainted with Professor Mallory have
expressed their appreciation for his
endeavors and personality in the fol-


lowing messages: TONIGHT: The opening of the
Professor Mallory's work in the Michigan theater with "The Hero of
department of rhetoric has been of the Night" and Ida May Chadwick and
conspicuous value, for in his quiet and company in a legitimate bill
effective way he has known how to e
make a real contact between teacher
and student, a sort of contact which JOHN ERSKINE
made the student his admiring and There has been quite a bit of spec-
grateful friend for life. All who knew ulation.concerning the soloist for the
him were influenced by his fine spirit New York Symphony in its appear-
and rare literary taste. ance here in February. All sorts of
In the present discussion concern-
ing the organization of the work of eligible performers were mentioned.
the University college Professor Mal- Some thought that it would be quite
lory has shown a breadth of vision tricky if George Gershwin would come
which has greatly impressed his col- out to play his Concerto in F. Since
leagues and it is much to be regretted it is dedicated to Damrosch, and in
that his untimely end should have
the orchestra's repertoire, and since
come at the moment when lhe was
entering upon a career of wider in- Mr. Gershwin will be in Detroit about1
fluence and usefulness. - John R. that time in a recital it probably
Effinger. could have been arranged. Then some
hoped for Yelly d'Aranyi, the Princess
I have known Mallory ever since de Broglie who is Ernest Newman's
we were graduate students together favorite, &nd a dozen others of the
in New Haven. His most casual stu- newcomers.
dents knew him for a remarkable However. the School of Music has
teacher and the more discriminating really gone beyond all expectation and
could appreciate the sensitive fineness has at last officially announced John
of his mind: but those who knew him Erskine as the soloist for the occa-
intimately, and there are many in all sion. It has been though probable
walks of life, realize that his rarest that Mr. Erskine would be the choice
qualities were a singularly sweet for soie time, bu t it is finally certain
character and a genius for feendship that lie will play the Schumann con-
such that to chat with him, as I did certo in A at the time.
recently after a long separation, was Mr. Erskine is, of course, more
like a pleasant homecoming. famous in a literary way, chiefly from
It is one of the tragic aspects of our the shameless way in whicl he has
crowded lives that we have no timeI treated Sir Galahad, Eve, Adam, Helen
to cultivate friendship, this greatest of Troy and some other famous ladies
of blessings, and suddenly we have all of gentlemen whose reputations have
the time in the world for vain regrets. heretofore been unassailed. His pop-
-Charles Philip Wagner. clarity in this field of the historical
novel has dwindled somewhat of late.




It isn't necessary to save
your money to go to France
this summer.. gust spend
your spare time helping The
Literary Guild enroll new
members . and we will re-
ward you with a tour of
Europe. You pick any one
of six fascinating trips. Only
a limited number from each
college are eligible. Write
to Director of Tours
55 Fifth Avenue




S.1at Sturdy, $1.00) to $2..
1'Nights, $1 to $3.5
5 SChWAB & 11ADEL} !Present
Forty Flazpper Fresides
A DE LYIA (himself)
- an(d His Orchestr'a

The most intimate financial rela-
tionship with Herbert S. Mallory over
a period of some twenty years, bothI
as his banker and in a personal way,
brought added c umuilative evidence of
his sterlitig worth and honesty.
As a nartial evidence of Iis a little
I incident not more than two weeks old
is typical of the man. In company we
called at the home of a couple from
whom in years gone by he had bought
property to have them sign a deed.
When Professor Mallory produced the
document for them to sign they both
signed the instrument without first
reading it-certainly complete evi-
dence as to the faith that his ac-
quaintances had in his complete hon-
Professor Mallory was a man of re-
markably keen judgment as to real
estate values and had the courage to
back up his vision as to future values'
I with action, in every case with most
gratifying results.-Carl F. Braun.

due to a great deal of imitation, and
to the fact that nothing has quite lived
up to his initial treatment of Helen of
Troy. Mr. Erskine is, nevertheless,
rather famous as an amateur pianist,
although they say that he plays rather
** *
"FACE VALUE": A Novel by J. L.
Campl. .E. P. Dutton and Company,
New York. 1927. $2.50.
A review, by David Scheyer
The first thing observed on opening
"Face Value" is the bright scarlet in-
side cover. And of such lurid hue is
the whole volume.
Serge English was an illegitimatE
child to begin with, a fact which
seems quite inevitable after the intro-
duction to his mother, a lady, who be-
gan her journey at Odessa in a fourth
class carriage and arrived in Paris
wearing a diamond braclet and neck-
lace. Then he was born in the bawdy
house of Madame Rey in the Rue

e k
: E
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-Nights, 50e o $.
Sat. Xa., 50c to $0.00
- j Eli A NCI1NE


Great GValuesmm
A saving on shoes that will give you
Ten Dollars worth and more is cer-
tainly the one shoe buy you don't want
to miss. Our finest styles and leathers
for your selection ... regular quality
- Florsheims at this reduced price.

--- .



Woodward, at Eliot
Pop. Mats. Thurs., Sat., 50c, 75c.j
Nights, 75c to '$1.50
Second and Last Week
Miss Bonstelle plays


Night Editor--J.


Marked achievement by a teacher
with subsequent recognition can
hardly help but bring greater interest
to his pupils working in the same field
under his guidance. The former's ac-
complishment intimately acquaint the
student with the results ofsgreater
talent and endeavor a:, well as giving
him greater faithi in the guidance of
his instructor.
It is with double gratification then
that the University may receive the
announcement of the awards to Jean
Paul Slusser and Victor V. Slocum of
the faculty of the architectural college
for their excellent exhibits in painting
and sculpture respectively at the re-
cent Detroit Institute of Arts compe-
Besides the added incentive to local
art students, the University derives a
righteous pride in the accomplish-
ments of its faculty with the proof of
the superior talent and instruction
which it contains.
With the expiration of the Franco-
American arbitration pact less than
a month away, Premier Briand has
apparently begun to take an interest
in the renewal of the agreement, and
has finally asked our own State De-
partment for details of the plan whichI
they have submitted to him. Coming
as it does after several months ofI
procrastination on the part of theI
French premier, the new conduct is
gratifying indeed, and even promises
some actual accomplishment.
It is very certain that the proposals
of France for agreements amounting
to alliance are out of the question, in
spite of the fact, that such proposals
have apparently blinded that nation;
to the possibility of rational negotia-
tions. It is quite possible, on the'
other hand, that some agreement such
as proposed by our own government,
outlawing war between the two na-
tions and making arbitration compul-
sory in many cases, can finally be
adonted to the advantage of both. I


Annonymous communications will be
disregarded. The names of communi-
cants will, however, be regarded as
confidential upon request. Letters pub-
lished should not be construed as ex-
pressing the editorial opinion of The
To the Editor:
With all due respect to erudite gen-
tlemen who preside over the activities
of Waterman gymnasium, I believe
that the present course in physical
education compulsory for freshmen
does more harm than good. As you
know, every first year man takes two
hours in the gym weekly.
I am speaking for one individual
when I say that the net result of two
hours' exercise every week is a col-
lection of aches that have no bene-
ficial affect: one beconies "soft" again
before the next work out. It is hard
to enjoy the shrill of a mile run or
the sheer ecstacy of climbing a 20-
foot rope when not in condition.
This is not an indictment of phys-
ical education. The writer agrees fully
with Dr. May when he says that "you
Greek scholars and future leaders
cannot face your problems without
sound bodies." But if we must have
physical education let it be adminis-
tered in frequent, effective doses. Let
classes meet three or four times a
week, or not at all.
-L. E. H., '31.
Perhaps if a train is derailed some
time the Pere Marquette railroad will
deem it worthwhile to construct a
grade separation at the crossing on
the Ecorse road which has claimed to
this time the lives of at least five per-
sons connected with this University
in addition to others.
The navy, according to newspaper
reports, has ordered 1,000 more ma- I
rines to Nicaragua. We didn't know
before that they were back here yet
after being ordered to return.

Lepic and lived there till he was
I count myself fortunate in having eighteen. But in spite of what Lorelei
had Mallory as an intimate friend, and might call "not nice" surroundings,
in having now, as a permanent gift, Serge grew up to be the picture of
the memory of many pleasant hours innocence and the flower of purity.
with him. His modesty; his kindly When he was performing in one of
spirit; his keen interest in the world the presentatifts with which Madame
aboutthim; the variety of his inter- t tertainedtteuro nd th
ests; and the loyalty which he had for' salacious, Serge stru~ck the fancy of
his friends, his colleagues, and the a British couple who immediately
University made him an ideal friend adopted him-which appears under
and an ideal servant of the institution the circumstances, to have been an
which he served. The University has l entirely impossible action. But Mr.
lost a man it will not easily replace. Campbell does not vouch much expla-
His friends have lost a companion nation for it.
whose place in their affections can Part Two deals with the youth's ad-
never be filled.-Alexander G. Ruth~ ventures in the simply dreadful Eng-
ven. fish society. We can't recount all his
disillusionments but suffice it to say
I knew Mr. Mallorw for two months that lie finally sickens of the falsity
only. Ordinarily it would be merely and artificiality of it all and returns
air impe ce to say anythinsofato his girl friends in Paris. Just like
mlan whom oiie knew for so short a that.
time. But with Mr. Mallory it was Considerig the possibilities the
different. He was everyone's friend, nook is telt'ibly flat. The characters
and from the first. In two months I are entirely artificial, the situations
had got to love him, with a mingling are intie rifct itatiuns
of respect, admiration, and affection attempt. Don't iead it unless you have
that I believed le inspired in everyone a curiosity (as we did) to find out
with whom lie cnie in contact. I feel, what life in a notorious house in Paris
like those who have knoivn him for is like.
so much longer, that I also have lost

Albert Lewis and Sam H. Hars
Pop. Thurs. Mat. 50c to $1.50.
Sat. Mat., 50c to $2.00.
Nights, 50c to $2450

Sale Now On At
304 State St.







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We Are Our Own Manu faciurers-105 Years experience
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a great friend. We have all lost a
great gentleman and a scholar.
As a personality nothing can be said
with more certainty than that his
memory will never die so long as his
friends and students live to keep it
alive. He will continue to be a stint-I
ulation to idealism and noble thinking.
I think nothing finer can be said of
anyone, yet that makes the loss thej
more unbearable that. it should have
to be said so soon.
"They shall not grow old, as we
that are left grow old.
Age shall not wither them nor the
years condemn-
At the going down of the sun and
at its rising
We shall remember them.
-Peter Monro Jack.
My .sense of personal loss in the
death of Professor Mallory is noignant.

students of the friendship of a teach-
er who had -an uncanny insight into
their capabilities and limitations and
who could guide them to their best
development by sympathetic construe-
tion and wise, fruitful advice. ....
Modest and unselfish to a fault,
totally incapable of heralding his own
merits in his deameanor under ordi-
nary conditions Herbert Mallory was
so mild and unobtrusive that few re-
alized the latent force behind his gen-
tle manner. Intense in his convic-
tions, he thought clearly and in a I
straight line, and he expressed his
opinions fearlessly with the cogeilt
effectiveness of a flawless style. Only
laterally has the full force of his in-
tellect and powers manifested itselfJ
,to the eyes and ears of his colleagues.
By an inexplicable irony of fate, his


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