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January 04, 1928 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-01-04

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IEl]ILAD BKE IBALL r.orma Butler Has Many Interesting
Experiences While Studying In Rome
"While I was studying in Rome I ligious services at every station.
happened to see the soldiers of the "When the body reached Rome, it
Tuesday And Thursday To Be ractice Facisti sworn in as officials of the was taken throught the Via Nazionald
Days With Juiors And Freshmen King, Victor Emmanuel. Previous to ai s e d i black and
PlyngA(lcoc aisies, the word for which Marguer-
Playing At 4 (O'lWk that they and their leader, Mussolini, ita stands. Chanting monks accomp-
IAIYU i)had been independent. This took anied the gun carriage which held the
PLAYER~ ShOW NEW VIGOR place in 1924 on the second anniver- casket upon which was an immense


Strenuous basketball practice was sary of the day when Mussolini
marched upon the city of Rome and
resumed yesterday following the va- took it in October 1922," stated Dr.
cation recess with a fairly large turn- Orma Butler of the archaeological de-
out of candidates from each class ap- partment of the University in a re-
pearing for the first session. PBrac-cent interview.
ticearig orth frstsesin. rc- "The event was preceded by a par-
tice periods will continue regularly ade of the soldiers of Latium and
for the rest of the season on each Rome together with boy and girl
Tuesday and Thursday, with the scouts who sang in an enraptured way
junior and freshman teams meeting and carried bright banners of all

wreath of violets.
The body was laid in a room of the
Pantheon made entirely dark by cov-
ering the eye in the ceiling. The only
light came from two bronze lamps of
an ancient pattern which burned with
a flickering, unreal, blue flame at
either side of the stepped bier," stated
Dr. Butler.
English Women Like
Athletics, Is Opinion
Of Professor Jack

lublic School Music Uasses Develop' HI M UU
All Phases Of Work, Says Miss Higbe
I try to develop every phase of selection.INOW FOR RIFLE PlNS
public school music in my classes "To the coming generation of stu-
from teaching of appreciation to cas- dents will be taught a course in All members of the women's rifle
sifhcation of voices which in the case rhythmic orchestra or kinder symph- classes or of the rifle team may begin
of young fellows of high school age on hich will show them whichin- to shoot their qualifications for pins
I ~strumnent ought to be played in cer-
whose voices are changing is a diffi- lain parts and where the beat should at any time now, is the statement of
cult propostion," stated Miss Juva N. fall. This is done by the use of a Merle Raine, '29, manager of the rifle
Higbe of the School of Music.-I rhythm stick, sand blocks, Chinese team. In order to obtain an award, it
In my method classes the girls are blocks, and bird whistles or bells is necessary to obtain a special target
taught to become responsible super- which are made to reprsent the dif- car fsro at a Monroe Bre
visors with actual experience in pub- ferent instruments. card from Capt. L. Monroe Bricker,
lie schools-76 hours of which is re- "There are 23 in the advanced coach of the rifle team, and fire cer-
quired in training before the grades class," stated Miss Higbe, "and 18 in tain required scores. Firing must be
in the public schools of Ann Arbor," the elementary section. The object is done in the presence of the coach or
continued Miss Higbe. "They have a to give them enough experience to of one of the officers of the team.
good knowledge of orchestra and band make them have good judgment and Qualifying for silver or gold pins
formation, glee club repertoire, and ability which will make a great de- may be done only after fulfilling the
direction. One unusual feature which mand for women who have completed requirements for the earlier awards.
'hey learn to conduct is the memory the work. As well as the instruction But as soon as a bronze pin has been
^ontest which is given to the inter- in methods there is the actual experi- secured, the woman may immediately
mediate grades and the junior and ence of disciplining and interesting begin to qualify for a silver pin.
senior high schools. It consist of a the pupils. This is one of the most Silver pins may be secured from
group of records which the pupils imnortant phases, for through it the Burr Patterson and company, local
have to learn to identify from the students in my course learn that they jewelers, without extra charge, by
viewpoint of instrument, singer, and have to deal with human beings as exchanging the previously obtained
1 well as theories and principles." I bronze awards. Sirmilarly, silver pins
Health Education Is may be exchanged for gold ones.
WIL O flPE'N 'F1'L n1The last meeting of the Tuesday

at 4 o'clock and the sophomore and
senior players practicing at 5 o'clock.
The junior candidates were the first
to show their skill on the floor yes-
terday. Two sixes were picked com-
posed of junior players entirely and
were matched against each other. Al-
though play was ragged, the bas-
keteers displayed exceptional pep and
seemed rested and eager to improve
their gamey
The vacation period put additional
enthusiasm into the senior and fresh-
man team enthusiasts. As a result
the floorwork of the two groups
proved to be much more speedy and
flashes of real teamwork was ex-
hibited. The practice 'session was
mostly devoted to individual exer-
cises on ball passing, jumping and
the technical points of the game be-
fore two teams were matched against
each , other. Cooperative teamwork
was the major weakness of the groups
and much improvement will be neces-
sary in basket shooting and free
throw attempts before close games of
any kind will get under way.
The practices will be held under the
suprevision of Miss Figge and Miss
Campbell of the physical education de-
partment and will be more specialized
as the season advances. According to
Miss Campbell all the players seem
in good physcial condition following
their rest and appear to have a re-
newed vigor as they take the floor.
Much improvement must be made be-
fore any kind of a real game will be
played, Miss Campbell announced, the
players needing to round into form in
practically every department of the
Davies Prophesies
Women's Dominance
According to a statement made by
John Langdon Davies, English scien-
tist and writer, in his book "A Short
History of Women," women of the
future will dominate the men.
This prophecy is based on a survey
of the history of woman's place in
society from the earliest days up to
the present and upon actual condi-
tions in America and Russia today.
The American women are finding
themselves amply provided with the
means of discovering that their own
sex is betterseducatedand will con-
tinue the practice of disintellectualiz-
ing men until the latter occupy a very
negligible place in life. Women will
supposedly dominate the arts and lit-
erature and reorganize social insti-
tutions to suit themselves.
Dr. Nicolas Murray Butler, presi-
dent of the Carnegie Endowment of
International peace, made public a
New Year's message to the Frankfur-
ter Zeitung congratulating the Ger-
man nation for its progress since the
World war.
Professor Henri Pieron of the Uni-
versity of Paris believes feelings guide

styles and colors. The whole present-
ed a most vivid picture as the men
progressed in their ornamental uni-
forms down past the Coliseum and
through the Arch of Constantine. A
part of the proc"sion to note was the

bicycle band which rode its vehicles "Most amusing of sports to watch in
and played in a way which was the women's colleges in England is
worthy of its section, the sharp shoot- rowing, says Prof. Peter Munro Jack
ers who rode out on their wheels for of the rhetoric department. The men
quick action." stand along the river banks and cheer
"Another memorable event was the the girls. The most remarkable thing;
celebration of the 1600th anniversary is the way they block the river and
of the founding of the Church of St. provent other boats from passing.
John Lateran," continued Dr. Butler. The teams is made up of eight girls
"Previous to this time Pope Leo XIII who are chosen from the college. A
had been buried in St. Peters because man coaches the team which goes out
his tomb in the Church of St. John on the river every afternoon from
Lateran was not completed at his October until June. They practice more
death. When the time came for the for the exercise and enjoyment than
anniversary requests became so urg- for the purpose of outside competition
ent to have his body removed that it in which they indulge very seldom.
was decided to take it to the Church Women's hockey on the other hand
of St. John Lateran in the dead of is worth watching, believes Prof.
night, so as not to cause a stir. It t Jack. The English women's game is
was announced in the papers the next played hard and fast and is therefore
morning. He was put in a room very exciting. They play in ordinary
draped in black with its architecture gym clothes without shoulder or shin
outlined by guilt ribbons. The only guards.
light was candle flame and an effec- In recent years women have started
tive pencil shadow from the ceiling !to play soccer and cricket; not be-
which fell upon the golden crown." cause they like it particularly, but
"In 1926 Queen Marguerita, the first just to keep up the fiction that women
queen and an exceedlingly beloved are equal to men.
woman, died in her villa of northern Basketball is only played by young
Italy. It was her wish to be buried girls in the finishing schools. Prof.
quietly with her family but the peo- Jack expressed the desire to see
pie wanted her body in the Pantheon basketball introduced into England by
with her husband and the king con- American students. He saw his first
sented to their desire, so it was sent basketball game Dec. 10 and thought
south with beautiful, impressive, re- it was more exciting than football.
English girl's basketball is mere
NEWSPAPER STAFF child's play in comparison.
Riding is fairly popular. The wom-
HAS ONL Y WAOMEN en are good hunters. All in all the
English college women are hardier
Except for the pressroom work, the than the American women. She is
Portage Denfocrat-Register, the only more physically fit because of many
daily newspaper in Columbia county generations of training.

Miss IcOina ale.
Who for the second time has been
awarded the second prize of $100 in
the National Four-H leadership con-
test, conducted by the U.S. department
of agriculture, to discover which
young person has done the most to
advance the work of boys' and girls'
clubs in the farm districts. Miss Gale,



F eatured At Texas


who is 1S years old, is from Ypsilanti. Health programs which combine
work in the physical training depart-o
'ENSIAN TRYOUTS ment with the preventative phases oft
TO OCCUR TODA y health education have been started at i
the University of Texas this year.-
Tryouts for the lower staff of the At the beginning of the school year
Trygats for thello ehtaffdofathe detailed examinations were given tof
Michiganensian will be held at 3 all freshman women and transferV
o'clock today at the Press building, students and grades were given in allf
according to an announcement made points-health, posture, and feet form.
by Laura Soile, '2S, women's editor. From the results of these examina-
All women on the eligibility list of tosteP aia riin ciiyI
thead n o lee {' 't ibons the physical training activity-in
the advisors of vomen may participate which the women are allowed to take t
in this activity. fhe work (uring the part is determined. Women with a Q
first of the week will consist chiefly healthy grade of A are allowed to en-
o roll in any activity. Those having a
more women making the lower staff, grade of 13 may take part in any
member's of the upper staff are chosenI
regular physical training but are re-i
for the succeeding year. It has also stricted from competitive sports. C
been customary for the editors of the grades place one in corrective gym-j
school year book to present a Michi~- nastics and s i a rest class. Cer-s
ganensian to those tryouts winning tain regular gymnastic classes havet
special recogniticn for their efficiency been arranged for women retceiving
and regularity, poor rating in posture or feet form.
Of the 860 women examined, 61 per
NOcICES Cent were 10 or more pounds under-
weight andi~ 14 per cent were 10 or
Mummers ,Dramatic society will more pounds over weight, while onlyT
hold a business meeting with a pro- 2> pcr cent of all the women ex-M
grain at 4 o'clock on Thursday, tan. amined were normal weight. Only 8
5, at the Delta Zeta house. per cent of the women received a
posture grade of A while the majority
Spectacles used on race horses of them received average grades. The
lately bettered the animals' time as same was found to be true of foot1
much as three se:a nd forsa quarter 1tests.
of a mile. Of the health grades (6 per cent of
those - examined received A; 15 perc
1iINNESOTA-The largest number cnt B;; 9 per cent C; and 3 per cent
of municpial piamphlets in the United D. The other 7 per cent were deferred
States is contained in the municipal for further examination before a
reference bureau here. health grade would be given.
Rugs and Carpets

77 LJiszd WI A'r r V- Iclass in firing will be held next week,
HOUSE NEXT WEEK and of the Monday class the week
following, according to Captain Brick-
The new women's field house will er. This comp'etes a schedule of 12
open its doors for the first time next meetings for each class. Any woman
Wednesday afternoon, Jan. 11 for an who has not attended all the meetings
informal opening and house warming of her class and wishes to receive
for all members and guests of the W. A. A. points for her- work in rifle
Women's Athletic association. The may attend the Monday or Tuesday
formal opening of the new building classes, or both, in order to make up
will not be held until spring when the the time missed.
field house is completely finished.
The executive board of W.A.A. Willi MAKE TEA ROOM
act as hostesses to all members and
prospective members of the associa- OF M'GILL GRILL
tion in the main lounge around a
grate fire from 5:30 until 7:30 o'clock. Mcill university women, whether
A tour of inspection will be made I escorted or not, will be able in the
around the field house after which I future to partake of their afternoon
supper will be served. The hardwood tea in the grill room of the Union
floors have been entirely completed house. This plan was made possible
so that dancing will be a main (liver- by a decision of the Union house com-
sion as well as the singing of songs, mittee, ratified by the student council,
and a general get-to-gether for a good V to open the grill room as a tea-room
time is in store. between 4 and 6 o'clock every after-
Members of W.A.A. and prospective noon except Sautrday.
members will receive guest cards Hereafter, McGill women students
through the mail. These cards will will be able to sit in the "seats of the
unable each to bring a friend who is mighty," in other words, in the seats
not eligible for W.A.A. membership. and at the places occupied by the var-
Members must bring their member- sity football team during the last two
ship kards to be admitted to the months.

Thirteen cents a week is all the
spending money allowed orphan farm
hands in northern Greece.
Class dismissal at the University
of Minnesota is announced by a new:
automatic system of bells.

A summer of European travel
combined with study for young
ies. Apply with, references to,
1145 Washtenaw. Dial 3597

Wisconsin, is issued in its entirety
by four young women. A. A. Porter,
owner and publisher of the paper, ad-
mits that full responsibility for edi-
torials, news, circulation, advertising
and linotyping lies with the young
women. Makeup is the only work
undertaken by a man. E
Camille Madden and Ermine Zodt-4
ner, proteges of the famous Zona Gale,
write, edit, and read proof on all
copy that goes into the paper. The
business department is handled by
Sarah Worthem Roberts as advertis-
ing manager and head book-keeper,
and Lena Groth, who has charge of
circulation and classified advertising.
When not working at this occupation
Miss Roberts and Miss Groth spend
their time gathering news. At the
linotype is Ethel A. Holverson, whose
record for "clean type," Mr. Porter
said, has not been equalled by a man
since she first touched the machine
six years ago.
Miss Madden and Miss Roberts are
graduates of Baylor dollege for wom-
en in Beldon, Texas. Besides her edi-
torial work Miss Madden teaches two
dancing classes and one fencing class
a week. Miss Roberts has ambitions
to become a portrait painter.

College women do not know how
to study, is the conclusion reached
by members of the department of
physical education of the University
of Minnesota, following conferences
with 1,000 freshmen women.
Systematic studying habits were
noticeably lacking among freshmen
living at home. Women living in
"Minneapolis and St. Paul spend too
much time chatting with the family,
too much time talking over the tele-
phone, and too much time. running to
answer the d'oorbell.
Motion pictures are being intro-
duced into the police stations of Paris
to instruct new recruits. Films
descriptive ofstreet accidents, fires,
burglaries and worse are shown and
slow motion pictures are on hand to
show the workings of pickpockets.




We extend

best wishes

for a

Happy New Year
The Green Tree Inn
205 South State Street

1032 Green St.

Phone 8115

I. __________________________________._




P R I N'T I N G 4
Now that vacation is over and
School has been resumed, don't
forget your PRINTING needs.
-Come to us for an estimate.
" ) r T r 6etter impressions"


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Substantial and well-cooked food, at reasonable prices.


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Advance Styles
T HE colors and leathers that have
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wear are shown here in their most,
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Very Moderately Priced, Too
$5.85 to $8.50

Dial 5860

Smartness-that Catches the Eye
on any 7Ioulevard
As she walks down the Avenue-the
Mack & Co. clad woman is always
noticed. Groomed in perfect taste to the
smallest detail, she attracts a second


Kistwitch Sandwiches

PHONE 8805


Fountain Service

711 N. Univ. Ave.

(Over Geo. Moe's.)


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________________________________________________ __.

Start theNewe
By eating your breakfasts, lunches, dinners, between
classes or at night at Crippens Subway Sandwich
Shoppe where delicious food and fountain drinks,
especially our famed, thick, creamy Malted Milks,
are served from 7 A. M. until midnight.
Crippen Subway Sandwich Shoppe
721 N. University Ave.

glance from other smart women-very.
definite evidence of her chic.
Women searching for style-rightness
invariably come to Mack's.
22 S. ahn







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