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January 04, 1928 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-01-04

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ffiir1Pian wattj 4
Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.

,..ac.,r __aa., ar4- .__.- -! ,_a I

ending witn little accomplshed. un j
the other hand the contacts of stu-a
dents from different colleges and uni-
versities with others were of the help- '
ful sort in the solution of various
problems of student government, the
honor system, and the like. a Imese
In its third year the organization With toes frozen, ears nipped
has.O a. firm ha -bsin nnn hi h th f,,fntilp through and through, noses fiery red


Menber of Western Conference Editorial

- - - ------------ - - I

The Associated Press is exclusively en-
ttiled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lished herrin.,
Entered at the postoffice at 4'nn Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
0f postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
master general.
Suscription by carrier, $4,oo; by mail,
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
iard Street.
Phons Editorial, 4925 ; Business 2t214.

Telephone 492t
editor................Ellis U. Merry
Editor Michigan Weekly..Charles E. Behymer
Staff Editor .......Philip C. Brooks
Cits l~dilor............ Courtland C. Smith
Women's ,lIitor....... ..Marian L. Welles
Sports Editor...........Herbert E. Vedder
cheater, poks and Music.Vincent C. Wall, Jr.
r'elegir aph Editor.. .. .....Ross W. Ross
esistant City Editor.....Richard C. Kurvink
Night Editors
r{obert l,. Finch G. Thomas McKean
I Stewart Ikooker Kenneth G. Patrick
'aul 3. Kern Nelson J. Smith, Jr
Milton Kirshbaum
4sther Arderson John 11. Maloney
Margaret Arthur Marion McDonald
Emrnons A. Bonfield Richard 1. Milroy
,tratton Duck Charles S. Monroe
fean Campbell Catherine Price
jessie Church Harold L. Passman
William 11. Davis Morris WN. Quinn
larence N. Edelson Rita Rosenthal
Aargaret Gross fierce kosenberg
Valborg 11g'clandi FElward J. Ryan
Vlarjorie Follmer f av''I 'eh1' -'
fames 13. Freeman El:eanor Scribner
Robert J. Gessner Loriie Schwarz
laine Q.(Gruber 12obcrt G. Silbar
:Mice Hagelshaw HoIward F Simon
Joseph tF. Howell Rowena Stillman
J. Wallaice Hushen Sylvia Stone
'harles , Kaufman George Tilley
William F. Kerby Edward L. Warner. Jr.
4awrence R. Klein Benjamin S. Washer
Donald J. Fline Leo J. Yoedicke
Sally Knox Joseph Zwerdling
lack I,,. Lait, Jr.

il 3a 11m11 upo 1( W1C1 ie tuu uc
can be built. Decentralization has
been the reason for the failure of;
countless student organizations. This1
trouble seems to have been avoided
by the establishment of a central
office. Whether or not the Federation
will grow to be the power it is in
many European countries will be de-
termined by the work of present offi-
cials. The machinery, lacking at the
Ann Arbor conference, has been
established. The work of the organiza-
tion can and should go on at increased
Quite unlike the ancient and now
extinct bravados whose pomp and dar-
ing overcame the barriers of Mexican
castles, and outposts, the winning
smile and modest manner of Colonel
Charles A. Lindbergh has won for him
the affection of not only Mexico but
almost all of Central America. What 1
one equally daring in another day
might have done with his sword,
Lindbergh has dne with his heart and
Far more eventful than the wildest
tale of fiction is the story of the young
American who has conquered, body
and soul, the inhabitants of Mexico,
Guatemala, Honduras, a n d San
Salvador. Nothing could be more
stirring than the thought of thousands
upon thousands of people anxious to
yield themselves up to Lindbergh
magic; people representing countries
whose attitude, .if not hostile toward
this country, was at least at one time
America should not flatter itself by
trying to term Charlie Lindbergh, "a1
typical American." He lacks in good
measure, characteristic American con-
ceit; but he possesses, nevertheless,
open-mindedness; frankness, sincerity
and cold determination that is not to
be disregarded. And where other
ambassadors have dreamt of rosy
castles in the air where peace and
good will might hold sway, this good
will Ambassador from America has
visited the castles on earth and done
more toward bringing about such a
spirit than any other one individual
in American history.
It is to be hoped that while Colonel
Lindbergh wings his way through
Central America and into the hearts{
of the populace, his safety will not be
forgotten. America needs Lindy-and
more like him.

(from sheer cold only, mind you), andASI RABILI'
icicles hangin. from their eyebrow s, With the Christmas slump concluded
the Rolls Executive board makes this and no great damage done, the box
pathetic attempt to welcome you back offices have assumed their customary
to the fair city of Ann Arbor. gross, and a dozen new shows have
* * ened with some success. "Paris
THlE WO ,t RM,, TATTI oud"'is Philip Barry's (consolationl
BE I'L EIINS.12Nprize for having written "John" and
'We call the weather balmy, wheezed 'Yhite Wings"; "Behold the Bride-
the Degenerated Senior, because that's groom" with Judith Anderson and by
the way it affects a person. George Kelley is almost as popular;
aml Show Boat, oinening under the

- i I

'Jhe largest-sellinq
ti qu lily pencil
it/ vvorUd
black -
iegrees Superlative in quality,
the world-famous
copyig EN S
At all
dealers EU
Buy give best service and
a longest wear.
dOzen Plain ends, per doz. $1.00
Rubber ends, per doz. 1.20
American Pencil Co., 215 Fifth Ave., N.Y.
N Makersof UNIQUE Thhi Lead
Colored Pencils in 12 colors--$1.00 per doz.

Supplies for Students in All Colleges
You will find here a complete line of supplies for school.
Evcrything that you want for study or for your room is here.
PhIonte "17.11111 S. UNIVERSITY 1Phone 171 t


* * * silken gonfalon of Mr. Ziegfeld is
CHRS SECDpacking them at his new theater. It
SEND is ever so in the theater-always the
Every year we resolve to send out expectation and prediction of new
at least a few Christmas cards. And triumphs, with few elogies or eulogies
just as regularly we go right ahead for the old.
and forget all about it. * * *
The local drama rejuvenation will
This year we tried a new system. 'list )Times production of Austin
We mgde up a number of special cards Strong's "Seventh Heaven" as the
that we never intended to send. Not initial project. The cast will be in re-
that they are inappropriate, but it hearsal all this week, and the show
awill open next Monday for the week
Save-the-Postman League, and it was j of January 9. The movie version with
against the rules to send Christmas Janet Gaynor and Charles Farrel
cards. played a week at the Arcade theater
* *just before vacation, and was accorded
But the main reason they weren't by most critics of the cinema as one
mailed this year was because we of the ten best pictures of the year.,
didn't have any stamps. So we de- The show has been popular on the
cided to print some of them in The legitimate for some time and its
Daily, and send them out that way. longevity is attested by the fact that
* * * Helen Menken-the original Diane-
To President Little: is now playing in its London corn-
T+ P r d n t. itt p a n y .'

- - - - - - - - - - - -

--- It's -
---for -

Phone 4277

114-116 East Washington St.

The Best Coffee Sold
In Ann Arbor for

C. C.L ttl Le,
Mighty man,
We hope YOU get
An auto bani.

Telepbone 21214
Assistant Manager,.....George H. Annable, Jr.
Advertising.............Richard A. Meyer
Advertising ...............Arthur M. Hinkley
Advertising...............Edward L. Hulse
Advertising.... ......John"W. Ruswinckel
Accounts .............. .Raymond Wachter
Circulation...........George B. An, Jr.
Publicatior..............Harvey Talcott
Fred Babcock Hal A. Jaehn
George Bradley James Jordan
Marie Brumler Mar-ion Kerr
{ames 0. Brnwn Dorothy Lyons
ames 13. Coxpet Thales N. Lenington
Charles K. Correll Catherine McKiuven
Barbara Cromell W. A. Mahaffy
Helen Dancer Francis Patrick
.Mary Dively George M. Perrett
Bessie U. Egeland Alex K. Scherer
Ona Felker Frank Schuler
Ben Fishiman Bernice Schook
Katherine Frochne Mary Slate
Douglass Fuller George Spater
Beatrice Greenberg Wilbert Stephenson
Helen Gross Ruth Thompson
Herbert Goldberg Herbert E. Varnum
E. J. Hammer Lawrence Walkley
Carl W. Hammer Hannah Waller
Ray Hotelich
Night Editor-PAUL J. KERN


To the room-mate:
My New Year's wish for you, dear
I hope you're feeling fine;
I hope I'll like all your new ties;
And hope you won't like mine.
To a sweet coed:
Remember all the lovely dates
You have in your home town.
I want to hear how darling boys
Just follow you around.
To Mayor Smith of Detroit:
Merry Christmas, Mayor dear,
We're waiting for your better beer.
To a well-meaning instructor:
With all my tact I make this
Since teaching's simply not your
A better job may be your fate
In nineteen hundred twenty-eight.
'* * *
State Officer Hill, official Univer-
sity motor cop No. 2, spent a hard day
on Friday, December 16, drumming up
student enthusiasm for the auto reg-
ulations and spreading typical Christ-
mas greetings from the President.
* * *



HEtRBERT S. MALLORY Annonymous communications will be
disregarded. The names of communi-
It was with a tremendous shock cants will, however, be regarded as
confidential upon request. Letters pub.
that the University student body lished should not be construed as ex-
ts rt of the tpressing the editorial opinion of The
learned upon its return ofhetragic Daily.
death of Prof. Herbert S. Mallory of
the rhetoric department in an acci- A REPLY
dent Friday. night. Never of an as- To the Editor:
suming or aggressive disposition, Pro- This article is based upon the
fessor Mallory gained close personal proposition that there is at least one
contacts with large numbers of his thing more important in the life of a
students. paralleled by few members Michigan man than the privilege of;
of the University staff, and his loss driving an automobile, namely, the art
to those who were privileged to know of being a gentleman.
him thus personally comes as a dou- The writer read the criticism of
ble blow. President Little's Christmas Message,
Judged by the 20 years of service by "Disgusted Student," which ap-
on the University faculty, Professor peared on the editorial page of The
Mallory had achieved no mean emi- Daily for December 16. He was only
nence in his chosen field. Such con- one out of hundreds of students who
sideration, moreover, could scarcely were chagrined and humiliated to seeI
help bringing realization of the prom- that some member of our own student
ise which lay before this scholarly body, in an attempt to misrepresent
teacher yet in his prime, and pervert President Little's Christ-
Michigan will find it hard to re- mas Message, could be so rude in mak-
place Professor Mallory the man if ing such uncouth and asinine remarks.
she is able to replace Professor Mal- The University of Michigan as a
lory the teacher. The loss of the center of culture and learning, enjoys
kind and unselfish personality which a prestige of which her student body,
affected the lives of so many students faculty, alumni, and friends every-
is even as regrettable as the loss of where are justly proud. The Michigan
the brilliant teacher. Spirit is the incarnation of honesty,
honor and fair play. The State of
TH NATIONAL STUVDENT Michigan graciously offers to the
11E DERATION youth of our country, for a nominal
At the close of the Ann Arbor ses- fee, the privileges and benefits of a
sion of the National Student Federa- university training second to none in
tion in 1'2(, considerable discussion America. The least that any recipient
was raised as to just what had been of that privilege can do, by way of
accomplished during the conference. appreciation to the tax payers of the
It was the o'inion of The Daily that state, is to observe those elementary
little was accomplished from a prac- rules of fair play and common courte-
tical uoint of view but that the possi- sy, such as characterize any gentle-
bilities ef a future for the organization man.
were great. The recent meeting in The writer has no criticism to make
Linco'n, Nebraska, leads one to be-j of any person who voices an honest
lieve thatthe same situation still ex- and valid opinion against the present
ists alhough sonic progress has been auto ban. Furthermore he has never
made uward a Federation which had the privilege of knowing Pres-
should er forward a definite work ident Little personally; but he has
of national and international scope lived on the campus of Michigan long1
during thn present year. enough to respect her faculty and her
Laboring under the handicap of institutions. He believes that "Dis-
having its president resign in the gusted Student," (who so manfully
midst of the year's work, the confer- hides himself under that cognomen)
ence met at Lincoln, the results of is not typical of the true Michigan
the year's work clearly showing that man or woman. Such people as "Dis-
another year without a central office gusted Student" and his type are
might bring on the end of the or- primarily the basic explanation for

Dramatic pabulum in Detroit has
been materially augmented with the
advent of two plays and two musical
comedies. A second company of
"Good News" is about the most wel-
come entertainment in its line to be
seen in the city this season. It has a
ggood cast with Dorothy McNulty, late
of "The Great Temptations," Max
Hoffman, Jr., much improved since
his "Gay Faree" days, Dorothy Bur-
gess, Katherine Morris, Jack Haley
and some others. They have a fast
show two wonderful songs-"Good
News" and "The Varsity Drag"-
which Peggy Bernier puts over in the
merry-merry manner, and excellent
comedy. In fact it turned out to be a
theatrical marvel-it lived up to its
reputation. It is almost axiomatic in
the show business that a road com-
pany is pretty certain to turn out to
be a disappointment in certain re-
spects. But "Good News" is selling
row Z at the - Cass for every per-
The other musical show is "Just
Fancy" at the Shubert Detroit. It af-
fords pleasant entertainment, has no
niasic to speak of, some comedy by
Raymond Hitchcock and Eric Blore,
and Joseph Santley and Ivy Sawyer.
Its book is an adaptation of the
Thomas play "Just Suppose" and con-
tains some of the wistful and pallid
charm of a Barrie piece.
The plays in town-"Chicago" and
"The Spider"-are too well known
to merit much comment. The first is
a satire of the American criminal
courts, and is well written by Mau-
rine Watkins and well played by
Francine Larrimore. The second is a
trick mystery play which was very
successful in New York last season,
but which I found rather dull. Prin-
cipally because mystery plays are one
of my minor enthusiasms.
* *. *
At the Shubert theater, New York.
A review, by Morris Zwerdling.
Graduated from the hoofer class,
Harry Delmar has taken his place
with George White, George M. Cohan
and the others who have realized am-
bitions as producers. His first revue,
the "Revels," is sure-fire entertain-
ment for those who like their humor
not too subtle and close to burlesque.
Although the book has little about
which one may enthuse, it is inter-
preted by a cast which compares well
with any musical show on Broadway
today. Heading the list is Winnie
Lightner, that stout comedienne who
delights in shouting out risque song
lyrics, and Frank Fay, a straight
comic possessed of one of the best
"blues" voices I have ever heard.
Bert Lahr establishes himself in the
"Revels" as one of the funniest char-
acter comedians in the game. His trick
makeup and eccentric speech, not un-
like Joe Penner of Greenwich Villagei
Follies fame, was responsible for
making dull lines seem convulsively
No show is complete now-a-days, it
seems, without a special dancing

5 pound lots or more, Pound 38c



All day long he sped about the city.
Early in the afternoon he was ob-
served on Main street, presumably
after an inspection of the road to
Jackson and the Pulymouth road to
Detroit. Shortly after 4 o'clock he
narrowly missed a "Withrow" as lie
zoomed around the corner of Hill and
East University in his anxious search
for some violator.
* * *
Meanwhile hundreds of students
shivered in cold rooms. Although
their school work had been completed
early in the afternoon or even in the
forenoon they were waiting until the
zero hour of 6 o'clock, when all re-
strictions would be removed and they
could begin their homeward migra-
Radiators began to freeze. It grew
colder as evening began to fall.
Grimibling -was heard at the watch
party, organized at the 111011. But
still the faithful remained. Stirred
by the President's Christmas greeting,
they were intent upon observing the
spirit of the regulations.
* * *
We heard of a mighty good adress
during vacation. It seems that a real
prominent University man was lectur-
ing down in Tennessee or South
Carolina or some place about like
that. This man is a biologist, and
very much interested in mice. So he
told those poor people down there
that the mouse might some day be
the salvation of the human race. It
was such a good idea that we are
commemorating it with a little verse.
Blessing on thee, little mouse,
Terror of the boarding house;
Your life now is no disgrace;
You can save the human race.


Advertising in the Michigan Daily classified columns pays.
is very nominal and the results are very gratifying. It affords an

The cost

advertising medium at a very reasonable cost.
11m 7;,u a room to rent?
ffcw j)ou lost something?
Have i;ou something to sell?
Have you announcements that you wish made?
Do ou want to rent or bu something?
There is no better way to get what you wish than through the DAILY
classified columns. Bring or phone your ads. to
460- 171 1 4 I ee i~ f 4I

chorus, so 16 Chester Hale girls were
injected to dance in the character of
soldiers, jelly-fish, and anything else
which might furnish reason for them
to be on the stage. Their work in the
"Underseas Ballet," together with
Walters and Ellis, a European import,
made the number the show's outstand-
ing hit. The struggles of the dancing
pair with an impressive octopus re-



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