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December 14, 1927 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-12-14

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f t~ . iwwir~r niir~~

I I N D E T Representative To F1
Student Federation
Commenting on the third annual
meeting of the National Student Feder-
ation of America, which will convene
S COLLEGE uv tr I tomorrow at Lincoln, Nebraska, Mrs.
Betty Higley, '26, who was the wom-


National Student Federation of Ameri.a
Meets li Third Annual Conference
At Lincoln, Nebraska
Meeting for their third annual con-
vention, more than 180 colleges and uni-
yersities of the country will be repre-
sented at the sessions of the National
Student Federation of America, which
will take place at Lincoln, Neb., to-
morrow, Friday and Saturday.
University of Michigan vill be rep-
resented by three delegates who left
yesterday for the convention: Cynthia
Hawkins, '29, will represent the Wom-
en's league; Charles Gilbert, '28, the
Student council; and Jo Chamberlin,
'28, managing editor of The Daily, has
been invited to speak before the con-
ference on the subject of "Student
The federation is an outgrowth of
the Intercollegiate World Court Con-
gress which met at Princton in De-
cember, 1925. During the ensuing
year it established relations with the
International Federation of Students
and promoted European travel for
American students. It is now repre-
sented in the Confederation Inter-
nationale de Etudiants. Last summer
more than 200 students went abroad
in small groups under the auspices
of the American federation through
arrangements made by the Open Road
commission. They were received by
the national student unions, and
through this intimate contact with the
foreign student, it is felt that greater
spirit of sympathy and cooperation is
being built up. This one of the pri-
mary aims of the federation.
The federation at its first meeting
in 1925 was concerned chiefly with po-
litical questions, and the World court
held first place among these prob-
lems. At the second gathering, which
was held at the University of Michi-
gan, it was decided that these ques-
tions were so far above the practical
life of the students that small interest
could be aroused in them. Attention
was, .therefore, turned to particular
problems of student life, including col-
lege athletics, student government,
the curriculum, and the like.
These will hold the interest of the
delegates at Nebraska this year. Fra-
ternities will also be brought up for
discussion. The establishing of bonds
of friendship among the students of
the various countries, through travel
and study, will also claim attention,
being one of the foremost considera-
tions of the federation.
Miss Hawkins will present the ques-
tion of vocational guidance and' the
work of. the World Fellowship com-
mittee, as problems of interest to
Michigan women.
Stanford Leader Is
Advocate Of Women
In College Sports
r "Nothing can create a real interest
In women's athletics on the campus as
Tong as we have no intercollegiate
competition says Barbara Fenwick,
president of the W. A. A. at Stanford
A vital organization can not be
formed as long as the program is local
and only the few who actually take
part in the inter-class games are con-
cerned, according to Miss Fenwick.
The reason assigned by Miss Fenwick
for the lack of interest on the campus
as a whole in women's athletics is that
they have nothing to show for them.
students of the Industrial Arts class-
es are making toys to be given to poor
children at la Christmas party.

en's representative to the first meet-c
ing at Princeton in 1925, said: "Many1
other countries already had such fed-
erations, which constituted organized7
student opinion on national and in-
ternational questions, capable of hav-x
ig considerable influence.e
"If the Federation can carry on the
purpose of educating the student bodyt
throughout the country toward ac
thoughtful opinion, and attitude one
political matters, it will have accomp-
lished a great deal. Then, too, thereI
is a voicing through the Federation ofI
the need of creating better feeling and
understanding among the students of
the world, and thereby among nations.
Whether or not this latter purpose can
be accomplished with any real re-
sults is as yet a question.
"One of the major difficulties fac-
ing the organization is its ever chang-
ing personnel, as students graduate.
It is felt, however, that once an actual
interest is awakened it will be carried
over after graduation. One of the
criticisms of the federation is its ideal-
istic nature; any organization, in ordert
to have an excuse for being, has to
have high ideals, something almost be-
yond reach," Mrs. Higley affirmed.
"But to attain these ideals, they must
French Designer Has
Trouble In Pleasing
American Customers
At the Art Center, New York, there
have been on exhibition designs for
silk prints by eminent American de-
signers, illustrators, and artists. The
designs are expressions of a struggle
with dynamic decoration. Some of
them show respect for humble ele-
ments. Edward J. Steichen, photog-
rapher, for instance, scatters rice ker-
nals, or buttons and thread on a
smooth surface and then photographs
them, producing interesting designs.
Charles B. Falls uses pegs and tick-
er tape in two of his designs, and
Fifth avenue traffic is used by P. V.
Carpenter. Hollywood stars, um-
brellas in a storm viewed from a
height, Coney Island roller-coasters,
and letters of the alphabet are also
woijked into designs. John Held Jr.,
uses the instruments and players of
an orchestra in a print called Rhap-
The subject matter for these prints,
one is told, is derived from American
lie. The efforts are always interest-
ing, and in some cases successful from
the point of view of agreeable and
comparitively modest fabrics. In
cases where the patterns are too
bizarre and exaggerated for costume
silks, they take their place as histor-
ical documents.
Moreover these prints are publicity.
Paris has looked at them; Germany
has talked about them; England has
bestowed on Ameica a period, the
"Renaissance of silk in America."
the Women's Athletic Association has
decided to abolish all other Varsity
sports for women it, willcontinue to
have a Varsity swimming team.
SMITH COLLEGE.-The new debat-
ing Union of Smith college will de-
bate on the subject: "Resolved: That
for college graduate women a career is
compatible with home-making.

rst Convention Of
Comments On Aims
apply practical methods, always being
on the outlook for excessive red-tape.
"The representative should be pre-
pared to speak for the university," she
went on; "and this requires that each
campus have an organized opinion to
present. In this way the vastness of
numbers with which the Federation
must deal and the amount of territory
which must be covered in order to
reach the nation's colleges will be
overcome in a measure.
"I feel that the Open Road is one of
the Federation's finest and most suc-
cessful projects," Mrs. Higley conclud-
At the convention of 1926, which was
held at the University of Michigan,
Marian L. Welles, '28, women's editor
of The Daily, was the representative
of the League;, Cynthia Hawkins, '29,
is attending the present convention in
that capacity at Nebraska.
ByV. E. ,
American women seem to consti-
tute a Waterloo for Paul Poiret,
clothes designer par excellence. This
is because they refuse to accept any
material changes in fashions which.
the French style creator introduces.
The whole thing has been analyzed
as a question of comfort. Earlier gen-
erations of women struggled about in
long cramping, itching garments
which were too wide or too narrow in
the wrong places. When a fashion be-
came unbearable and rebellion became
acute, the style dictators would make
"changes," substituting for the ob-
jectionable style another equally un-
comfortable but uncomfortable in a
different way.
But for the last ten years or so
there have been no significant changes
in women's dress. Poiret, having es-
tablished shorts, finds it impossible to
persuade the American women to ac-
cept longs. They have, seemingly,
achieved the acme of comfort and re-
fuse to countenance any great change.
True it is that modern fashions are
attractive and becoming, but so have
all styles been-in their day. The big
fact is that the American woman,
having become accustomed to clothes
that give the greatest possible free-
dom, will not be coerced into wearing
anything that hampers her enjoyment
of life. Poiret may create and re-
create, but his patrons will have none
of it, unless he includes the big item
of comfort-comfort according to
twentieth century standards-in the
makeup of his models.




AD[[ 10H AIM[LI That the building and grounds de- tenance work, look after over 4,000
partment of the University is very ex- thermostats and the electricians have ONOIIUIIILUHIIJUI
tensive and its system well worked two men who do nothing else but re-
out was clearly shown in a review place burnt out lamps and fuses. Ossip Gabrilowitsch was honored pn
durera I Perites 'rg of its organization given by Edward These two departments receive up-
Research BueuDeciMs tonday evening following his concert
erk Coauresces ' C. Pardon, head of the department. wards of 100 trouble calls every nine
Work_____ouise Approximately $786,910.00 was spent hours, varying from leaky faucets to in Hill auditorium by the girls of
ENTRATS R Lby this department during the past burst water mains or from some small Martha Cook dormitory at one of the
ENTRANTS ARE LIMITED year of which sum $143,000 was spent buzzer trouble to a hung up moving largest and most successful faculty
for maintenance of buildings including picture demonstration at a lecture, receptions of the season.
Retail training" is a field of work the cost of materials, which usually not to mention the continuous flow of Over one hundred and twenty guests
that appeals to many women in choos- is one-half of the total cost. Other orders for new work or alterations. were present at this pre-holiday func-
ing their professions, and the Re- y large items are coal, $260,000; water, All special equipment for labor- tion following the concert, all of whom
ser Burauo eail ain in in gas and electricity, $60,000, and power atories, libraries, classrooms and had the opportunity of meeting and
search Bureau f Por Retail Training in plant maintenance, $25,000. similar types of work are constructed talking to the noted musician.
the University of Pittsburgh is one This division of the University is by the building and grounds depart- Following the assembly supper was,
of the three schools in the country sub-divided into eight departments. ment who employ engineers and served in the dining room of the dormi-
where preparation for such work may The janitor service is the largest of draftsmen to lay out this work. At tory where the guests were- enter-
be secured. Mrs. HIellen Shambaugh. these divisions and takes care of all the present time these tradesmen are tained until after midnight.
of the Bureau of Appointments here at the campus buildings and the night altering the old surgical ward at the Among the faculty present there
Michigan, is a graduate of the Re- watch service. The night watchmen convalescent hospital, at a cost of were: President and Mrs. Clarence
search Bureau, and is much interestede- make their rounds every two hours $25,000. Cook Little, Pres. Emeritus Harry
in the work. She has the distinction to various parts of each building The painting department takes care Hutchins, Dean and Mrs. George Pat-
of being the first Michigan woman to where clock stations are installed and of jobs varying in size from touching terson, and Dean and Mrs. Carl G.
enter the school. Mrs. Shambaugh where their watchmen's clocks are up an old chair to the interior dec- Huber, besides many others, including
declaredin an interview yesterdaychecked. orating of such buildings as Hill Regent Walter H. Sawyer and Mr. and
that the training offered by such a The laundry is the second largest auditorium, Alumni Memorial hall, Mrs. Ira Smith.
school fits a woman tor work in the division. They average better than and many other large jobs involving
training schools and large department 22,500 pieces washed and ironed daily. the expenditure of $9,000 or more. Artist taesNee
stores, for buyers, for work in em- This department has recently been en- The power plant supplies steam heat1States
oyent departmets, and for train- larged with an addition to the building and electric power to all the campus S InI Homes
yng in public schools. She was in and the installation of more than $20,- buildings and hospitals which travels
this latter field herself for a time. 000 worth of new machinery consisting through more than three and one-half Remarkably few musicians combine
This work consists in conducting of washing machines, dryers, extrac- miles bf tunnels. This plant also the roles fo executive artist and critic
training courses for sales people in tors, mangles and special ironing de- heats and softens water at the rate and in none ha' the combination been
streningatursesnotlrgaeseoughtovices.of 55,000 gallons per hour and pumps more happy than in Mme. Olga Samar-
have training departments of their At the present time a larger num- it to the various buildings. off, famous equally as pianist, musi-
hgh ber of electricians and steamfitterslThe grounds department takes care cian and critic.
ae ndoign socolenr whare employed than ordinarily, due to of the shrubbery, grass, trees, side- Mme. Samaroff is well known in
"The course offered by the bureau the installation of electrical, plumb- walks of the campus. They not only musical circles. No less noted an ar-
is interesting," aid Mrs. Shambaugh. ing and ventilation equipment in the mend broken sidewalks but build tist than Josef Hofhnan recently de-
"It is a one-year course, with a pre- new architectural and museum build-. new ones. During the summer this scribed her as an "exceptionally fine
requisite of two months experience ings. The plumbing department, as a department has as many as 90 men in pianist, a thorough musician, an ex-
in selling. During the course, half the small side issue of their daily main- its employ. cellent writer with not only a keen,
analytical mind, but a constructive
time is spent in stores, where expert- attitude towards the art of criticism."
ence is gained in the different depart- 74When asked as to the great musical
ments, such as selling, employment, Orchesis will meet tonight at 7:45 POSTER CONTEST FOR PLAY. need of the country Mie. Samaroff re-
adjustment of complaints, and train- o'clock in Sarah Caswell Angell hall. plied: "More musical homes."
ing. The Junior elective dancing class All junior women interested -lied:_"Moremusical __omes."
"Only 15 students are admitted to taught by Vera Johnston, '29, will be in contributing posters for the
the course each year, and these go on held at 5 o'clock Mondays and Wednes- ( annual Junior Girls' Play poster EDUCATIONAL TRAVEL
fellowship. Each applicant is person- days in Sarah Caswell Angell hall un- contest are asked to meet at 5 A summer of European travel
ally interviewed before she is finally til actual rehearsals of the Junior o'clock tomorrow at Betsy Bar- acombined with study for young
accepted, and her record in college is Girls' play begin. bour dormitory. ladies. Apply with references to
taken into consideration as well as her All women who were unable to try MRS. H. W. CAK 3597
serious interest in the work. The bu- out for the Junior Girls' Play during 1145 Washtenaw.
reau is maintained by 17 of the larg- the past week of tryouts, will be
est department stores in Pittsburgh. given another opportunity to do so on...........................................................
In fact, it was organized by seven of Tuesday, Jan. 3, the day that school
these stores in 1918 in order to in- reopens. According tb present plans
augurate a program for careful study he tryouts at that time will take place
of personnel problems in the field of u rm 4 to 6 o'clock in Sarah Caswellc
retailing. Angell hall or Barbour gymnasium.
"There are several Michigan won-m Women are asked to watch The Daily --
en interested in the school this year for further announcements with re- I
and I am hoping that.at least one of gard to both this tryout and the
them will be accepted," said Mrs. (second trpouts for women who .quali-
Shambaugh in conclusion. fied last week.



'I i° i


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We Shall Be Glad
to Serve You
Home-Made Mince Pie a
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For The Folks at Home

Hair Dyeing
Oil Treatment and
Dial 9471

To See




A New Hat

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112 East Liberty St.


7 to 9P. M.
Our store will be open
Wednesday\'night from 7 to
9 p. m. for men only. This
is an opportunity for men to
buy lovely gifts for their
wife, mother, sister or sweet
heart from our large selec-
tion of gifts she will admire.


Pre -Christmas
Selling of
Jersey Frocks
A bewildering array of smart
Jersey Frocks. Lovely tailored
frocks for the college girl and
business woman, truly smart new
frocks of Jersey-most welcome on
these winter days. The prices are
also very appealing.
$10 and $15



Have Your Home at Its
Best for the Holidays
We know how a woman feels about having

Colorful Skirts,

High Colored Felts



In All the Wanted Shades,

New high colored millinery in felts and silk ribbon hats. Colors-
rose, red, green, blue, monkey, royal blue, tan and soft shades of
brown. Styles-close fitting, off-the-face-treatments, brims and no
brimat all, low crowns and trimmings of handsome feathers and
flowers, and brilliant sparkling pins. The stock is new and plentiful.
Early shoppers are assured of best selections.
$5 1ch$7.50

her home at its best for the holidays.


not select now what you need and let us deliver
-.',~ -3 i1,1rb saf- ti rP ClYtmaC)




I:I 1 1 111


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