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December 08, 1927 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-12-08

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Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Memb r of. Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
ttiled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lished herein.
Entered at the postoffice at t nn Arbor,
Michigan, as secondclass matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
mp~stcr General.
Suscription by carrier, $4,oo; by mail,
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
card Street.
Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business 21214.
Telephone 4925
Editor......................Ellis B. Merry
Editor Michigan Weekly.. Charles E. Behymer
Staff Editor...............Philip C. Brooks
City Editor... ......Courtland C. Smith
Women's Editor......... .Marian L. Welles
Sports Editor.:.........Herbert E. Vedder
Theater, Books and Music.Vincent C. Wall, Jr.
Telegraph Editor ............. Ross W. Ross
Assistant City Fditor.....Richard C. Kurvink
Night Editors
Rtbert E. Finch G. Thomas McKean
. Stewart Hooker Kenneth G. Patrick
Paul J. Kern 1't' Nelson J. Smith, Jr.
Esther Anderson,, John II. Maloney
R4argaret Arthur Marion McDonald
Emmons A. Bonf ild Richard H. Milroy
Stratton Buck Charles S. Monroe
jean Campbell Catherine Price
Jessie. Church.....Harold L. Passman
William B. Davis;"f Morris W. Quinn
Iarence N. EDelsp Rita Rosenthal
(argaret Gross Pierce Rosenberg
Valborg Egeland Edward J. Ryan
Marjorie Follmer I)avid Scheyer
ames B. Freeman, Eleanor Scribner
ktobert J. Gessnei Corinne Schwarz
s~ais eGraid yert G. Silbar
Alice Hagelshaw i ward F. Simon
.,;o Howel t l?.- F>Sitnons
J. Wallace Hushen IRowena Stillman
harles R Kaufman ylvia Stone
William F. Kei.)y' ;eorge Tilley
Lawrence R. X11I Edward L. Warner, Jr.
Donald J. Kline -Benjamin S. Washer
Sally Knox Leo J. Yoedicke
Jack L. Lait, Jr. Joseph Zwerdling
Telephone 21214

insisting that the eight hour day be
introduced in the foundries beginning
next year. On the other hand, circum-
stances show that the Ruhr captains
should have known six months ago
that the eight hour day would be in-
troduced on Jan. 1, 1928.
In view of the fact that the iron
and steel industry is said to be more
flourishing than ever before, and that
no less than 300,000 men would be
immediately thrown out of work, it
would be extremely regrettable if the
apparent threat of the Ruhr indus-
trialists were put into effect. In the
meantime all eyes are turned expect-
antly toward the first day of next
month with perhaps undue conster-

"The Michigan Union opera will be


divided into two squads next year,"
E. Shortimer Muter, official inspector TONIGHT: The Mlimes present their
of all Union operas, announced yes- twienty.second annual opera, "The
terday afternoon. "One will go out Sai1e to You," in the Whitney theater

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Fountain Pens, Desk Sets and Typewriters are doubly welcome when
backed by Specialized Service.
Pretty Christmas wrapping without extra charge
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Assistant Manager.... George H. Annable, Jr.
Advertising ....... .Richard A. Meyer
Advertising ...............Arthur M. Hinkley
Advertising ..Edw rd L. Hulse
Advertising ............John W. Ruswinckei
Accounts...............Raymond Wachter
Circulation............. George B., Ahn, Jr.
Publication.................Harvey Talcott
Fred Babcock Hal A. Jaehn
George Bradley James Jordan
Marie Brumler Marion Kerr
-ames O. Br-wn Dorothy Lyons
James B. Coopew Thales N. Lenington
Charles K. (orrell Catherine McKinven
Barbara Cromell W. A. Mahaffy
Ielen Dancer Francis Patrick
Mary Dively George M. Perrett
Bessie U. E.geland Alex K. Scherer
Ona Felker Frank Schuler
Ben Fishman Bernice Schook
Katherine Frochne Mary Slate
Douglass Fuller George Spater
Beatrice Greenberg Wilbert Stephenson
Helen Gross Ruth Thompson
Herbert Goldberg Herbert E Varnum
E. J. Hatimer. Lawrence Walkley
Carl W. Hamrrer Hannah Waller
Ray Hotelich

Night Editor-G. THOMAS McKEAN
A certain mid-Western college pub-
lication recently bewailed the hurried
state of affaifs in the modern univer-
sity, a state.vh cl prevents a student
from indulging himself in leisure
reading of his choice. It was declared
that the true purposes of education
were being defeated When such a
leisure wa . defied to one by the
exigencies 6f /1,s academic subjects
iand by the lemilands of his daily rou-
A close observation of a university
group would disclose results some-
what dissimilar to this conclusion.
There are 1)6s a fairly large per-
centage of students who do more than
their share of contemporary reading,
and who s)||, ement this by delving
into the ever4- lating library of the
past. In fact a survey of the books
in almost any fraternity or rooming
house discloses a representative part
of the newest and best in books. And
these students are not necessarily in-
active in extra-curricular activities.
A college routine as it is established.
today is admittedly strenuous, the
hours of the day many times have to
be plotted out ahead in order that
everything may come in for its share
of attention.
But in the last analysis, the student
who has a bent for literature will in-
dulge himself despite time limits.
Those who are not so inclined-they
are also many-will play the victrola
or amuse themselves at the bridge
table. The day of the cloistered educa-
tional institution has passed with the
times, and in its place is a larger,
busier-and even noiser-more bene-
ficial school., There is only a ques-
tion of adjustment.
Where great concern was registered
when t le Ruhr factories closed down
in an atteinmp at passive resistance
during the 'tpiir invasion, equal per- 1
turbation is: iiow evinced in political
and econonic circles over the recent
announcement made by iron and steel
industrialists in the Ruhr ditrict that
they intend itclose down their works

If the members of the Republican
national committee who conferred
with President Coolidge about his
candidacy in 1928 expected to prolong
that discussion with the hope that the
New Englander would finally allow
himself to be drafted, they have been
distinctly disappointed.
In no ambiguous terms, the Pres-
ident told the Republican leaders that
he regards himself as eliminated from
the presidential campaign in 1928. Had
those party leaders better appreciated
their chief's characteristics, they
would come to that decision them-
selves long ago, particularlyafter the
various assurance given to particular
With the Coolidge candidacy forci-
bly driven from their minds, the Re-
publican leaders, as also advised by
the President in his latest statement,
should turn seriously to the task of
"selecting another candidate."
Apparently the recently announced
stand of President Coolidge when he
announced that he will propose a
cruiser building program to the next
session of Congress, has caused con-
siderable consternation in Geneva,
where the preparatory disarmament
commission of the League of Nations
is 'in august council assembled. To
the disarmament commission, cruis-
ers, it seems, are the most abhorrent
things in the world. The. very idea
that the United States would propose
any such building program has shock-
ed them almost out of their senses.
England has joined the general
clamor against the further building
program of this country, and that is
where the really interesting phase of
the whole situation lies. England, it
will be remembered, is the nation
which only a few months ago at this
same Geneva refused to consider the
reduction of her cruiser strength-
when she had more cruisers than any
other nation.
Now, however, England has been
forced by pressure of economic ex-
tremity to curtail her cruiser build-
ing program, and to lay down only
one-third of the keels planned for the
impending year. Now, also, the United
States proposes a more or less am-
bitious program. This changes the
situation immensely in the eyes of
England, and from the position of
dominant disdain she would doubtless
like to shift to the position of pitiable
and sincere advocate of disarmament.
It will be remembered that once
before, when the United States pos-
sessed a complete mastery of the seas
in regard to capital ships, the English
came to Washington as very ardent
proponents of disarmament. We
scrapped our capital ships, reduced
our navy to equality, and let the years
slip away. Last summer, however,
when the situation was somewhat
changed,, and England possessed a
dominance of cruiser strength there
was no note of projected disarmament
in the attitude of the British delegates
to Geneva. Holding a predominant
place, they declined, politely, even to
consider seriously a policy which
would imperil their superiority.
Perhaps after all the most efficient
and shortest way of securing world
naval disarmament will be for the
United States to secure a position of
such dominant superiority that it will
again be able to dictate terms to its
broad-minded fellow nations, and to
attain such a preponderance of naval
strength that even the disdainful rep-
resentatives of the Westminster gov-
ernment will be glad to meet us once
again on even terms.

The breach between Russia and
England, growing ever wider since the
incident last spring when the Soviet
London ministry was raided, has
spread in what promises to be a pro-
tracted chasm with the recent an-
nouncement that Sir Austen Cham-
berlain and Maxim Litvinoff failed
to reach any sort of an agreement in
their recent conference.
The gulf that lies between friendly
arrangements between these two
countries is regrettable for both. Eng-
land can profitably maintain com-'
mercial relations with the vast west-

on the road the week the other plays
at the Whitney."
"We hope this %vill prevent the great
student exodus during the week the
show plays in Ann Arbor," declared
* * *
"The whole swimming squad will
get a chance to take part in the opera
under the new system," said Muter.
'"If any football players are good next
year they will get a chance, too. The
show will be so good we won't need
to have very good actors."
* * *
"This new plan should mean a
renaissance in the field of intercol-
legiate operas," Inspector Muter de-
clared. "It really isn't such a bad
plan, even if I did propose it myself."
Insidious rumors from Inspector
Muter's office yesterday carried the
news that the Junior Girls' play may
be included in the plans for the two-
opera system to be introduced next
* * *
.."It would give girls a chance to
make the opera," declared Muter, who
declined to verify the rumors. By in-
cluding coeducation in the opera, I do
not believe there would be any trouble
in obtaining enough candidates for
two squads."
Relieving students of the necessity
of seeing both shows is a strong fac-
tor favoring the success of such a
plan, Muter believes.
* * *
A Review, by lytti
Now that all the members of the
committees have reviewed the Opera,
I think I ought to have a chance. I
am only a member of the chorus (I'm
the blonde) but they can't put any-
thing over my head. la! Ha! Not
even a roof.
The book and the music weren't so
good (No, I'm not the one that wrote
them), but say, wasn't the dancing
swell? The costumes were gorgeous,
the show was gorgeous, the theater
was gorgeous, and all the players
were glorious. It was just wonderful.
Of course the opera is better than last
year, because I didn't play in that
one. If I wasn't so modest I could
tell you what a really good show this
The publicity committee made me
promise to ask you to tell your
parents to see the show when it goes
on the road, as it sure was good. Now
don't forget!
* * *
Favors for the Soph Prom have
come on the market at last. And the
recipients are now wondering just
what ought to be done about it.
"I haven't the nerve to pass it on
to the femme," confessed one gallant
as lie gazed at the little desk clock.
"So I bought her another favor at the
jewelry shop."
* * *
"Just a minutes work with a pocket
knife would make a good watch out of
it," he continued thoughtfully, as he
peeled off the gilt M pasted on the
* * *
"Of course we shouldn't expect too
much," he remarked, absent-mindedly
picking up the celluloid crystal from
the floor and trying to make it stay in

place. "Besides, we're all liable to1
make mistakes."
a *t * *
"You may quote me as saying that
from my long experience in attending
campus functions, from the Pan-Hellic

at 8:1i o'clock.
A Review, by Philip C. Brooks
There is no need for the advertising
given by an All-American athlete
when a show possesses an All-Ameri-
can musical comedy star like Bud
Lewis. He shows in "The Same To
You" as 3 triple threat man-com-
poser, dancer, and pianist par excel-
lence. Only an Ann Arbor audience;
intentionally unsympathetic with the
Union Opera, could give as little re-
sponse as last night's did to Lewis'
piano solo in the second act. And the
Muskegon athlete threaten's Dougall's
rating as the best dancer on the
Needless to say, their work together
was enough to put the show over. The
music throughout is excellent-rather
a consistently good series of tunes


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William Lewis and Thomas Dougall
than a futile attempt at a lot of senti-
mental ballads such as we saw last
year. "The Same To You" is in gen-
eral a good deal better than "Front
Page Stuff."
Dancing seems to vary in quality
proportionately as the size of the
group ling it. Most of the duet
dances aie excellent, and that of the
special girls' chorus is attractive and
well Okccted. Vincent Wall, who is
the best dancer and the best looking
woman in that chorus, shares with
Dougall and Lewis credit for conceiv-
ing the clever convolutions and con-
tortions of the choruses.
But unfortunately the large girls'
chorus detracts from the potential ef-
fects by lacking coordination-breaks,
uneven changes, and obvious failure
to work, together practically wrecks
their part of the show. The men's
chorus comes much nearer perfection.
The use of several actorsawho have
proved their worth in regular drama-
tic productions on the campus adds
considerably to the convincingness of
the show. Wetzel, Cristy (who must
be recognized as an excellent actor
after "Dilcy"), Bill Ramsay, Living-
stone provide the necessary comic ele-
ment in a manner which makes the
whole thing more substantial. As for
Dick Kurvink, it is -unfortunate that
he is not given more opportunity in
the last act. His brief moment of un-
stinted exuberance under the influence
of "coffee," in contrast to his work
of the first part, suggests unlimited
opportunities for a sort of humor that
would go in s'uch a show, and by some-
one who could do it.
This is a show that should go well
on the road, in the bigger theaters
where the size of the stage and the
lighting facilities " will be better. Co-
herence might be added by giving
Bob Graham a regular part instead of
sticking his very commendable sing-
ing in like the refrain from a glee
club concert. In addition he is the
only one who sings loud enough to
reach the balconies of a house like the
Chicago Auditorium.'
I should prefer "Rhapsody in Blue"
in the original, and wouldn't have
missed some of the flat wisecracks
like the one about the Missouri Com-
promise. But your "carping adoles-



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up,'? declared Kernel, "that
with favors like this can be a
* * *
' I didn't lose my temper
found a price-mark on the
exclaimed. "That was too
mean too little."
* * *

no party
until I
box," he
much, I

National Football Star,
"While at college I learned -
that the cocadition of the
throat is most important to
an athlete. Coaches and cap-
tains know that throat irri-
tation may even keep a play
er out of an important game.
For this reason, I insist that
my New York Yankees
smoke only Luckies, when
they smoke.
"I know that Luckies are
smooth and mellow and
cannot irritate the throat."
-iY /f /""


After over a year of stalling, dear
old Harvard, decidedly ex-champions
of the East, has at last decided to meet
the vulgar Westerners on the football
field at Ann Arbor.
* * *
With tile two-teaii systemu in actIon,


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