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December 07, 1927 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-12-07

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Irv) ®

JUNIOR WOMEN JHL Turkish Women And Women Of Turkey CON SALE VILLIChristmas Season Brings Out Several
Are Distinct ferms, Declares Armenian New Greeting Cards In Store Displays

111! U IIIML1 "WhIiat shall I tell you, how shall I the politics of today. But I know this,
say it so you will understand? You that in the provinces, at least, there
is-n suh thing as "woinans' free-
Tryouts For Speaking Parts Are Few iaVe vs;uch donrentilas and back-isnsd mn g aspeaking now of
But Masculine Roles Are ground, you Americans." It was a Turkish women. They are too unedu-
Fairly Popular problem that Aghavnie Kulujian had cated, too illiterate, and I have never
encountered, as I soon discovered. known a Turkish woman to work for
TRYOUTS WILL CONTINUE Miss Kulujian is an Armenian whose an education. Armenians and Greeks,
nativcoutryis Turkey, and it was yes; but the Turkish woman is only
With songs that varied from the my desire to find out about the poll- educated if her parents are wealthy.
"n ak,, tics, customs and dress as well as the They talk of woman as a political
"Indian Love Call' to"Black Bottom"general standing of women there. j power there, and the public is senti-
and dance steps that covered an equal "You see, what is true of one part mentally moved. But what is a gov-
range, junior women entered the pre- of the country, Constantinople, for I ernment without education? I, person-
liminary tryouts held yesterday after- instance, or the more accessable parts ally believe that maybe in centuries to
noon in University hall auditorium doesn't hold true at all for the rest of come women may have freedom, but I
which mark the opening of the produc- the country. Constantinople is quite don't think they have it now, at all.
tion of the 24th annual Junior Girls modern and European in dress and Oh, in Constantinople, it is talked
Play. customs. People come there, and see, about, but- Turkey is in its transit-
Tryouts will be continued tomorrow and say, 'Turkey.' But communication ional period, much like that during
ach Fday, n4t Caswe Anglk hall is so poor throughout the land that the Napoleonic rule. Brute force
each day, in Sarah Caswell Angell halldf the dress in most other places remains dominates culture, and culture won't
12 o'lock Saturday in Sarah Caswell the same picturesque dress that has rebel because it is culture. Politics
abt ('nl worn'11 for years.-the long, very and freedom mean more to us than
Ang hall. gevery 1iull bright colored bloomers, they do to you. It is a vit a l question, a
the footlights yesterday only a small I ith the long, richly embroidered, life question, not just one of repub-
sei trigt dess, split at the sides that lican, democrat, or of suffrage.
outmbor speing ts. Masre hary- haugs over tIhemi, and the elaborate "hre is no question of race pre-
out for speaking parts Male charac- 1 ;flbleoA es ta swa judic~e in Turkey, or soon won't be.
terizations were in fairly good demand. color-ul blro. At least, that is what ;-
The majority of the tryouts brought it would be now, if there are people There will be no other race left in
their own piano accompanists, and hadleft to wear it. After the massacres, t t but the Tr am t
peaedac t),aidsvrlx-You loow.g not to tell you things lbhat woulId
prepared dance steps, and several ex- IV ost of iss Klulu ian's relatives Ic (onsidered prejudiced, but it is hard
pressed a willingness merely to "flit" -to s1yu il udestnd
on command. This consists of a few were victims of these Turkish slautht- u W s 1lerstan a w
impromptu steps to show the individ- rs. After a moment she continued. T
uai's sense of rhythm and time. Christian women in Turkey never passed forbidding poligamy. Yes, and
zeals snseof hytm ad tme.another that woman mlay be conisidi-
"For those who are trying out for wore the veil until the Turks came.nm
speaking parts, recitations with dram- That is, they never hid their faces. It eyed as candidates for office, but it
atic situation, which will exhibit in a Iw s'' n s y 01 coirs, th s n o tn. at som a
measure at least the individual's Turkish women did because their re-jstandljoint. Maybe soniday-
dramatic ability, are advised'' stated ligion demhanded it, though there is a
Prof. John L. Brumin, head of the de- law now that forbids the wearing of PROCEEDS FROM BALL
partment of journalism, who is direct- TO 0 TO LEAGUE FUND
iug the play. You must re'remib'r, there is a bi
The Charleston, a popular dance in difference between Turkish women, According to Florence Holmes, '29,
the tryouts last year, was not used by and women of Tuikey. Of. course, I
the dancers yesterday. have not been there for several years, treasurer of the Pan-Ilellenic ball, the
and I cannot say just exactly about net proceeds realized this year from
VACATION COURSES WILL the ball was $665. This money will be
r r- STRESSES DANGER turned over to the Woman's league to

With the approach of Christmas the !Christmas cheer.
u I rTin houses,- -gur-s,

various book and supply stores vie Splashes of cols
"Going, going, gone!" Offering the with one another in displaying new and scenery ma]
articles remainoing from the Women's and distinctive greeting cards. The expressive of t
League and Interchurch Bazaar, the widespread desire for cards that will spirit. Perhaps
comniittee has aninountced anlauction wdsraleiefrcrs htwl prt ehp
salemtotbe held at7 oclock Tur- be unique and to some degree, at least, peers down fror
sale to be held at 7:15 o'clock Thurs- 1rgn hs uee n rnig"ery hit
day night at ]Martha Cook building. original has succeeded in bringing Merry. Christm
It has leen customary in past years forth designs that are both attractive village below. S

)lor in house figtil es,


the various cards
warm Christmas
goblin-like figure
a tower to" cry

Schedule of class basketball
practices until Christmas is as
Freshman on Monday and
Wednesday at 5 o'clock.
Sophomores on Monday and
Wednesday at 4 o'clock.
Juniors on Tuesday and Thurs-
day at 4 o'clock.
Seniors .on Tuesday and
Thursday at 6 o'clock.

to auction off articles after 9 o'clock and beautiful.
on the closing night 'of the bazaar. A card sold by one store which hast
This season the articles have been proved tremendously popular bearst
checked, and sorted thus assuring a picture resembling an etching. Some
system of accounting forall articles of these cards are large and really
not sold at the marked prices. suitable for framing. The scenes
Janice Peck, '28, will officiate with pictured on the more striking cardsE
the gavel at the auction, and Lucy are not from biblical stories nor do
Seeley, '28, treasurer, of the bazaar, they depict the ordinary Santa ClausI
will act as clerk. I events. Rather do they portray.
Among the articles to be sold at the}streets and homes in the England of
auction are card table covers, artistic earlier centuries-cathedrals, narrow
tapestry pictures, pieces of furniture,! streets, and houses with peaked roofs
incliuding tables, bookshelves, maga- an<ihwnos
zine racli-,p-Ainted in bright harmon- ad ig wdos. .
iziH roes nd in bright baimn Some of the most distinctive cards
shia AeslO A and piecs t hilunder- shown are in half-tones, while others
seek effectiveness through biilliant,
wear and pajamas, towels, and bathing s
sui bas my b ha a autio p21c's'colors. And every ghere does one( find
sit bags may be hadl at auction prices. the brightly lined envelope. In manyi
Dolls for children and also college . .
women andi a limited number of felt cases the warm hues of the limfnl
d silk pillow cnlude the list of re- ly exceed the brilliancy of th e
a i ilk articles.tcard itself, and kg rcneive s rthe greet-
All of the less expensive articles, ing from a background of warmth and
ranging from 50 cents to one dollar in
pricc weresold before the close of the Pirty Will Be Held
bazaar and shared with pillows and
lingerie the place o best selling! In(Parlors Of GyM
I Instead of the Women's League
EASTERN STORES party being held in Sarah Caswell
HAVE STAG N IGHT Angellhall, as forierly announced, it
1 " will take place in the parlors of Bar'-
hecautse men a- eil0brr11s. d when hour gymnasium because of the use of
p iogfor therwives if here are the hall for Junior Girls' play try-
( -hopps r outs. The party will be Friday, Dec.
vomneu about, a new plan has been in- , .s
auguratedl in the east, which has been 9, from 4 to 6 o'clock in the parlors
adlipte in western cities now, of of Barbour gymnasium.
y having a "stag night," about two Edna Mower's orchestra will play
weeks before Christmas, in which the ifor dancing. Besides this there willi
store. i opened one night and 011y 'be special entertainment features in;
men are allowed to shop. They are the way of singing and dancing. Re-
allowed to smoke and are made to feel freshments will be served. The dec-I
at their ease. This plan is very popu- Irorations for the occasion will be in
lar with the men, who have shown the spirit of the winter season.
iheir approval by requesting the Arrangements are in charge of
stores which have tried it to repeat it I Kathryn Butler, '30, who is assisted
the next year. Men, according to one by the social committee of the Wom-
of the department stores here, do not en's league. The following are mem-
begin to think about Christmas pies- bers of the committee: : Ellen Groff,
emits until about the week before '28, chairman; Kathryn Butler, '30;
Christmas. Esther Anderson, '30; Elizabeth Mc-
rCurdy, '29; Jean .npw, '28; Katherine
Field, '29.
E1)1Ubi A'V iLNAh t A0 '_ung _ _
1 A summer of Eropean travel
ladie. Aplply with references to
IvlitS. II. W. CAKE
11r45 Washtenaw. Dial 3597
- - - _ ___-~ ___

and stage coache
traditional sleig
through the nigh
While the ten
get away from t
expressing the r
"Peace on earth
men,". neverthel
imagine that c
cards are compl
in this domain,
are being sough
comes the idea
form. containing
fanous poet..
I reasured Ion :
season has passe
Among higher
those bearing;
Such cards. al
possess a certai

as" to the sleeping
nowflakes fill the air,
es-instead of Santa's
;h and reindeer-tear
tency seems to be to
the standardized card
eligious sentiment of
h, good will toward
less one should not
onservative greeting
etely out of date. But
also, artistic effects
tt for. From England
of a card in booklet
g a verse by some
These booklets are
after the Christmas
r priced cards are
the University seal.
though conservative,
it individuality which

W. A. A. Executive board
Friday at 5:30 o'clock at

will meet
the Cozy

There will be a meeting of the
Women's Educational club Wednesday
at 4 o'clock at Betsy Barbour.
University of Wisconsin: In a drive
for W. S. G. A. dues freshmen women
proved more conscientious than upper
classmen as was shown by a survey
of those who have yet failed to pay
their fees.
Plans for an investigation of crime
treatment and law enforcement are
being made by the Iowa Federation of

makes them popular among students. Women's clubs.

- - --'
1 ,/ ~ / f
_---- ..
l "
'" -

Two Big Hat Sales
As to Group 1 $1.00
9-12 o'clock. only
As to Group I $2.95
On sale all day
As to Both Groups:
There are:
Flattering Felts,
Smart Silks and Satins,
Modish Metallics

Two years ago the Women's Col-
leges of the University of Oxford be-
gan to organize a Summer Vacation
Course of American Women Teachers
and Graduates. The venture has
proved so successful that a third
course will be held next summer.
From July 6 to July 27 American wom-
en may live in the Colleges, go.to lec-
tures, dine in the halls, read in the
University libraries and join in pic-
nics, games and execursions just a
if they were keeping term in Oxford.
The subject of the Course will be
'England in the Nineteenth Century:
1815-1900." Lectures will be given by
well known men and women upon the
art, literature, history, politics, econ-
omics, and science of the period under
discussion. Discussion groups wlI be
formed under the leadershp of the
lecturers. Among these lecturers will
be Laurence Houseman, G. M. Trev-
elyn, E, de Selincourt, G. D. H. Cole,
and H. J. Laski.
Begin to prepare the world to re-
ceive your own peculiar contributions
as women, and stop trying to con-
form yourselves to the business
world, urges Mrs. Frederick M. Paist,'
of Wayne,. Pa., at a dinner recently
given to 500 women in International
House, New York, one of a chain in
cities arranged by the Business and
Professional Women's Clubs of the
National Y.M.C.A.
Everyone does not have spectacu-
lar adventures, Mrs. Baist said, but
the average business woman can bring
adventure into everyday affairs. She
counciled the woman in an office to
try saving some of her salary to help
Capes are popuiar on the Riviera
and at Palm Bcach this season.
Detroit Theaters
- .-. - .

Danger in the trend of modera edu-'
cation toward specialization and tech-
nical training were discussed by Dr.
I,!. C. Eisilen, president of Garret
Biblical institute, before the students3
of the College of the Pacific recently.
"The aim of education," said the
speaker, "is to fit men and women for
an active part in practical life, but the
emphasis on practical has some real,
dangers. There is a danger in the ?
modern emphliasis of creating a lot of
machines and forgetting that the first1
emphasis should be placed upon mak-
ing a real man or woman who can,
enter into the complex of life and be-a
cause of a well rounded personality I
can make worth-while contributions."
In discussing what is needed in edu-
cation, Dr. Eiselen said, "We do need I
technically trained doctors, teachers,
and professional men and women and
they cannot be overlooked, but a great-
er need is to have strong, noble, well-
rounded men and women who with
their technical training can throw
personality into their .work."

go in the erection o the Woman's
league building.
The proceeds show an increase of
$65 over the proceeds obtained from
the ball last year and is $165 over
those obtained in 1925.
Two carloads of women with uke-
leles at the University of Texas rushed
Leap Year by about five weeks when
they serenaded several boy's boarding
houses adjacent to the campus. That
the performance was appreciated was
evidenced by the precarious hanging
out of the windows on the part of the
male students and the generous ap-
plause furnished.





~ A ~



Service weight and chiffon


V4Gi D)V'<
Water Wave. ..1.00 Finger Wave.. 1 .00 (jI
Marcel..........75 Manicure .....75
Shampoo-........50 Arch. ... 50
1110 S. Un versity I) l1 761
-- -p e-e-ah-e-eenIt
matchles perfme-creTi ngnhga
rI m e f c l1
O.sophlsticafed temperaments
# --F- supreme achievement of
matchless perfume--creating the at-
mosphere of delicate illustriousness.
Parfum L'Origan is internationally
favored above all French perfumes.

Rarely are Style and Service More Smartly
Combined Than in These Hose at


Tw o eeks, g. sunmd, oee. I
Presents a New Musical
Romance of Ari'itocra ii'
England and te Od West
Prices: Nights, $1.00 to $.350.
Matinees, $1.0 to $2.50, plus tax

Twice Dally-2:15 and 8:15
Presented by Carl Laemmle
Prices-Nights, 50c, 75c, $1.00,
$1.50. Matinees, 50c, 75c, $1.00.
All Seats Reserved

"' i
.. er t

hose are cleverly reinforced
at toe and heel to insure long
service. Of a clear, even tex-
ture, they may be chosen in
the most desired shades of
the season. And these are
the most reasonably priced
For brown footwear
Nutmeg Merida
For black footwear
bronze nude evenglow dust
For evening footwear

French Nude


Atmosphere Ecstasy

Woodward, at Eliot
B 0N S T E L L E
taid Week
Beginning Mon., e
The Gleason Tabor Laugh

N OT before, we believe, have such fine four-thread service chiffon
that are silk to the very top been priced so unusually low. They
be had in a wide range of new winter shades-those featured here are
a few of the many shades to match all costumes. This low price prevails




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