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December 07, 1927 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-12-07

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"E)EDY cM~ ,12

Published every morning except Monday
Turing the University year by the Board in7
Control of Student Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
ttiled to the use for republication of all news1
dispatches creditedto it or not otherwisej
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
Entered at the postoffice at [nn Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
>f postage granted by Third Assistant Post-;
m, ster General.
Suseription by carrier, $4,oo; by mail,'
Offices :Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
.ard Street.,
Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business 21214.
Telephone 4925,
Editor....................Ellis B. Merry
Editor Michigan Weekly.. Charles E. Behymer
Staff Editor ..... .....Philip C. Brooks
City Editor............Courtland C. Smith
Women's Editor....... ....Marian L. Welles
Sports Editor............. Herbert E. Veder
rheater, Books and Music.Vincent C. Wall, Jr.
relegraph Editor. .......Ross W. Ross
kasistant City Editor.....Richard C. Kurvink
Night Editors
Robert E. rinch G. Thomas McKean
J. Stewart Rooker Kenneth G. Patrick
Paul J. Kern Nelson J. Smith, Jr.
Milton Kiirshbaum
Esther Anderson Jack L. Lait. Jr.
Margaret Arthur Marion McDonald
Emmons A. Bonfield Richard H. Milroy
Wtratton Euck Charles S. Monroe
Jean Campbell"' Catherine Price
essie Chureh Harold L. Passman
iliam B. Dayis Morris W. Quinn
Clarence N. Edelson Pierce Rosenberg
Margaret Gross David Scheyer
Vaiborg Egeland Eleanor Scribner
11arjorie., FcllW; r ,,,~ Robert G. Silbar
James B. Freeman - Howard F. Sitnon
Robert J. Ge s~r. George E. Simons
Elaine E .Gre Rowena Stilman
Alice Hagelshaw Sylvia Stone
Joseph E. Howell George Tilley
Charle's R 'Kaui tian Edward L. Warner, Jr.
Lawrence R. Klein Benjamin S. Washer
Donald J'. Kline r Leo J. Yoedicke
Sally Knox Joseph Zwerdling
'Telephone 21214
Assistant Manger.... George H. Annable, Jr.
Advertising ..............Richard A. Meyer
Advertising ...............Arthur M. Hinkley.
Advertising...............Edward L. Hulse
Advertising...........John W. Ruswinckel
Accounts...............Raymond Wachter
Circulation'- . .........George B. Ain, Jr.
Publication. .............Harvey Talcott
Fred Babcock Hal A. Jaehn
George Bradley.. James Jordan
Marip Brumler'" Marion Kerr
Iamen '.. Btewn Dorothy Lyons
ames B.'C&qez Thales N. Lenington
Charles K. Correl' Catherine McKinven
Barbara Cromell W. A. Mahaffy
Helen Dancer Francis Patrick
Mary DivelY George M. Perrett
Bessie U. LggIand Alex K. Scherer
Ona Felker Frank Schuler
Ben 1"siman Bernice Schook
Katherine Frochne Mary Slate
Douglass Fuller George Spater
Beatrice.Greeberg ..Wilbert Stephenson
Helen Gross ---' ' Ruth Thompson
Herbert Goldberg Herbert h. Varnum
E.,J.4: Harr zre-,- .Lawrence Walkley
Carl W. Hammer Hannah Waller
flRay ilotehecb
Night Editor - ROBERT E. FINCH

national committee for the choice of
the motor city as headquarters. Moneyr
is no object-for the funds have been'
raised-and they have the advantage'
of representing the metropolis of a
state that has voted loyally in the
Republican columns for years.
Kansas City and San Francisco are
the leading competitors with Detroit
for the honor of the convention, and
while it is perhaps unjust to disparage,
such glowing enthusiasm as Detroit
has shown, it seems mightily at this'
stage as though Kansas City will with-
out a doubt get the call, for several
First and foremost, Chairman But-
ler of the Republican national com-
mittee favors Kansas City, and hisI
reasons are extremely plain. Kansas
City, in the first place, is in the heart
of the Middle West-in the heart of a
section which the Republicans must
look to above all others for success
in tle 1928 campaign. The West is
none too favorable to the Republicans
since the farm relief fiasco of last
spring, and the compliment of giving
them the convention would not be lost
on the voters of the corn belt.
Detroit, on the other hand, repre-
sents the interests of a state which
has not deflected from the Republican
ranks on a presidential election in
years and years, and it represents the
interests of a state whose vote is'
safely in the Republican column with-
out any flattery or any outside stim-
ulant. Detroit, to be brutally frank,
has nothing to offer in a political way.
On the whole it would be pretty safe
to venture a prediction, on the basis
of this situation, that unless the per-
sonal influence of betroit's master
politicians completely sways the na-
tional committee, there is not one
chance in ten of the Republican con-
vention being held in Detroit in the
summer of 1928.

Professor William Herbert Iobbs,.
cn.hC i A 1C


NAST r[s TDe
Norma ShearerI
U lii


scourge of the . C. A., ar n c-.;uy
y x
of the malicious pacifistic element TONGT: "The Same To You,"
that is creeping into our midst, slip- Michigan L'iOn Operl, at the Whitney!
Theater at 8:15 o'clock.
ped up on his duty when lie allowed
Sherwood Eddy ten whole minutes to "THE SAME TO YOU"
spread his propaganda in Ann Arbor A Review, by Nelson J. Smith, Jr.
yesterday afternoon. In the impartial and honest his-
Detroit tories which "Sport" Herman, former
Eddy arrived via bus fromDetroi bill poster, and "Balmy Bill" Thomp-
at 2:30. By 2:40 he had been reached son of Chicago will some day write or
by a representative of the S. C. A. and cause to be written, let it never be
warned. Much against his brave pro- known that the Mimes of the Univer-
tests he was bundled into a sedan sity of Michigan are pikers when it
with drawn shades and hurried away comes to stealing a show. They do
td Ypsilanti, before he could be reach- the job in the best manner, with all
ed by the gathering R. 0. T. C. mob. of the gusto and bravado in the world,
* * * and they peddle the result with pride
"Professor Hobbs is very sorry he as an original creation. To steal a
missed Mr. Eddy," declared Sandy, pharse from Christopher Morley, "they
his unofficial spokesman. "There are are not to picayune to recognize good
a number of matters he would have work, even though the other fellow
liked to discuss with him" "did it."
* ' fBud Lewis does the best job of

"After Midnight"
(Not a night club picture)
This "Ad" with 10e, otherwse
25c. It's worth more.
~~~ ~ ~ ~ R A E

1111 SOUth U. 1111 South U.






"I should have liked very much tot
have stayed and debated with Profes-
sor Hobbs and his assistant again,"e
Mr. Eddy is said to have said. "I shallc
never forget the wonderful publicity he t
secured for me last year. He must bef
an adept in such matters."1
* * *
Immediate appointment of a new
motorcycle officer was the fruit of the
resolution adopted by the Rolls Exe-
cutive board last week, demandingf
that protection of students againstI
themselves be provided, by the Uni-I

Annonymous communications will be
disregarded. The names of communi- I
cants will, however, be regarded as
confidential upon request. Letters pub-
lished should not be construed as ex-
pressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. 1
To the Editor:
Why not tell the truth? I feel sure
that your readers and the campus in1
general would appreciate an honest-
to-God review for a change instead
of these perpetrations often resorted
to in filling up the space in the fourth
column of the editorial page of The
After reading your review of The
Same To You's premiere, it occurred
to me that perhaps that crack in Rolls
that the list of reviewers correspond-
ing with the Opera publicity commit-

TWO TEAMS tee was just about true. The so-called
The new plan whereby Conference review might well 'have been written
universities will each have two teams before the show for who, may I ask,
would write "and a chorus that had
next year instead of one should not be not the masculine freakishness usual-
over-rated in significance. It is im- ly present" after seeing the Opera's
portant, to be sure, to. the. cause of premiere.
"athletics for all" since it allows To be perfectly frank, "The Same
twice as many men to compete in the To You" is a good enough show to
intercollegiate games, but as far as stand honest criticism and truth tell-
changing the general athletic system ing. The reviews that have been cur-
is concerned, it amounts to no more rent for three years (that I know of)
than providing games for the reserve scarcely tell the truth about the good
squad. points of the play, being afraid, ap-
The system adopted should not be parently, of being oversanguine.
confused with the original plan pro- It is difficult to imagine any better
posed by President Clarence Cook dancing than that of Lewis and Dou-
Little a year ago, when he advocated gal as "Sally and the "hoofer" even'
the provision of two teams of equal in the best of stage presentations.'
strength to play home and home Both are great! Then there is thisj
games on the same day. President boy, Ramsey, playing the part of a
Little's plan would have done away "tough Jane" in a gang. "She" is
with . student exodusses on football great and the best character in the
week-ends and also would have large- show and her deep masculine voice'
ly solved the ticket situation. The fits in perfectly. A word of praise is
present plan does neither. due to Jimmie, the bondsalesman-
It is foolish to suppose, for instance, also the maid and butler not to speak
that the students of the University of that "chawming" lad from Scotland
will remain in town over a week-end Yard, played by Robert Wetzel.
to see the reserve team play Albion The men's chorus is O. K., in fact,
or Otterbein or the University of De- good; but ye Gods-that so-called
troit when thQ irst team is engaged women's chorus!! There were not
in a champiofiship battle with Ohio more than one or two places where
State or Illinois at Columbus or Ur- the "girls" could be rated as better
bana. It is likewise foolish to sup- than passable. True, they should im-
pose that the demand for tickets to prove (they can't get much worse),
these contests between minor Michi- but why not tell the truth. Then
gan colleges and the reserve squad is there is that toe-dancing number by
going to be sufficient to alleviate in five of the "ladies" of the cast. What
any large measure the demand for reason there can be for leaving that
tickets for the classic-battles with the atrocity in the show is hard to con-
Navy and + 1'iviesota. ceive!
If the two team system is brought, The Chorines and these with the
in time, to the point where the two flowery names-viz., Hildegarde Hol-
teams are of nearly equal strength (a lyhock et al-were rather fierce. On
proposition which seems extremely the other hand, credit for most charm-
-ifficult on the face of it), the prob- ing femininity must be given to Lewis.
lems <-f student excursions and in- Ramsay and Harbaugh make fine
adequacy of sta'dia may be partially "fems."
overcome. Until that time, however, But why not review and criticize,
intercollegiate football will go on giving credit where due and not when
largely as it has to the present day, i not due, instead of trying to pass that
t'with the addition of games for the I old superficial "line" of abstruse-
reserves; and the new plan, and its ness. Tell the truth-it won't hurt
provisions, ca not be expected to pro- the box office receipts, because the
duce any revolutionary changes. Ann Arbor population want to see tjhe

; .

* * *
Members of the board were indig-
nant over the retaining of the motor-
cycle as a part of the protection pro-
gram. Their suggestion for a new
kind of equipment was disregarded.s
4 * * *
"While it is a question whether the
University could possibly provide a
fool-proof means of locomotion for
those it sees fit to eiploy,' declaredt
Aristide, "still we hate to see our;
resolution treated the save as those
of the Student Council"
Rumors that the University will
hereafter be responsible for paying
hospital bills of all students engaging
in automobile accidents, another meas-
ure long advocated by many of the
Rolls board, were confirmed in a re-
port that did not come from the pres-
idential office.
* * *
The statement was as follows: "The
University has adopted a policy of
providing for every need of its stu-
Opposition to such a measure was
stirred up by Kernel in a fiery speechE
before the Rolls Executive board.
"Student automobile accidents are al-
ready greater than at this time last
year," he declared. "If they keep on
increasing, they may raise our tui-1
* * *
Now that the University has hired
a new student protector, the plan con-
sidered by the Rolls board of hiring
a special Rolls officer to enforce the1
automobile regulations will be tempo-
rarily abandoned. Several applications
have already been received for the po-
sition. Definite action Sil not be1
taken until the next meeting.
* * *
Dear Sir:
I should like to succeed Mr. With-
row, who so carelessly relieved him-
self from duty. Following are my self-
1. I look good in a uniform; at
least I did in my Boy Scout uniform.
2. In case of accident, I will see
that my motorcycle is demolished as
well (as myself; soniething Mr. With-
row failed to do.
3. I will make a good cop for I1
have copped everything I could ever
get my hands on.
4. I am a good detective. Since
the auto ban I have run down several
pairs of hard heels.
Bobby Poe Leese.
v * *
With heart and lung examinationsj
required for prospective members of1
the choruses, it appears that the
Junior girls are going to present
something a little different in the way
of a play next sprig-
* * *
Advance reports have not sated
ivhether the girls are gIng to imitate
Mines and its Blundering Herd. or

theft in the adaptation of George
Gershwin. The tunes are all of them
excellent and they have a swing that
carries the chorus work when
the. footwork is' terrible. We'll say
for Bud that he knows a good thing
when he sees it. He didn't have to
take some second-rater pounded out
by a ham trumpet player and turn it
into a "Romany Rose." He starts
with the best and makes it fit his
need exactly. The tuneful end in this
show more than justifies the means.
Without Lewis, Dougall and Crane
this show would be flatter than the
football team at Illionis without Gil-
bert. The plot reminds one of Mr.
Canning's character who said, "Story?
,od bless you! I have none to tell,
sir." But there must be a book and
so the authors have combined "Broad-
way", "Chicago", "Burlesque" and a
lot of the other night club thrillers
to make a play. The only one they
missed was "The Cat and the Canary."
Mr. Shuter and the gods of Mimes
have achieved the professional in
everything but the chorus. Costuming,
stars, songs, music-they have all of
these things. But the chorus work
is ragged and the entrances and the
exits are crude. The only thing that
saves them at all is the fact that
Lewis (one can't talk about the show
without mentioning Lewis in each
breath) has given them some neat
touches and some clever flourishes.
The heavy hand of the publicity de-
partment almost ruins the show.
"Buck" Sampson may be a dandy
swimmer, but in this show he is one
fish that is out of water. Giving him
a lead prt, and especially letting him
sing and dance, almost ruins that part
of the show. One could do with a few
less news' stories about the B. M. 0.
C.'s for the sake of an actor. That
break is almost as bad as giving Rob-
ert Graham a solo where no solo be-
longs. He can sing (we've heard him
at convoations), but dragging that
song, Russian Rose," by the heels
in the effort to "plug" it leaves a
hole in the show that is big enough
to drop. the Library into.
When Livingstone walked out with
a sign on his back saying that he was
not Loue Gilbert, we laughed. But
10 minutes later we wished that it
had been Gilbert. We've never seen
Gibert act, but he couldn't be much
more out of place than Livingstone.
If one must have a notable in THAT
place for publicity we suggest that
they try to get the captain of the de-
bating team.
Don't get us wrong on this show,
The dancing that Lewis and Dougall
do is worth the price and the tunes
are goood. It's at least worth theprice
of a football game, and it pts the
blinkers on the last two Mimes pro-
ductions. If they can (d0 something
with the choruses and make some of
the hams in the cast sit up an take
notice it will even be good enough to
write home about. But it will mean
a lot of night work for Ernie from the
looks of the present outfit, unless he
kicks the choruses out and lets Lewis
and Dougall do all of the dancing.
"LOCOMOTIVE GOD" by Willim n
Ellery Leonard.
A Reiew, by Harold May.
To mistake W. E. Leonard's "Loco-
motive God" for a fabrication intended
to cover up some serious moral cor-
ruption would be cruelty and injustice
to one whose chief trouble is that he
has already suffered so much misun-
derstanding from those from whom he
most needed sympathy. The book is
an analysis of his feelings when, as
a very young child, he was first
ihrowit into a terror stricken state of

isolation and insecurity by the mon-
strouS and Jehovah-like approach of
a lnonmotive .and n exonsiin ofhw

for Christmas Seals today

H AS your local tubercu-
losis association mailed
some Christrias Seals to you?'
Why should you keep them?
Here's the answer: Christ-
mas Seals help finance the
Tuberculosis Associations.
These associations have already aided in
cutting the tuberculosis death rate by


more than half. Eve:y seal
you buy works directly for the
health of your community,
your friends, your family-
your health.
Send that check to your local
association today. Putt the
seals on your Christmas mail and spread
their message of health and happiness. '


- fthe orid
THE Seven Wonders of the Ancient
World were single' monuments,
glorifying one individual or at most a
small group of people. Masterpieces of
their kind, they yet had no influence on
the life of the race which created them,
and they benefited nobody.
There lies the differencc between the
old and the new civilization. The Seven
Wonders of the Modern World are the
inventions which have been ofthe greatest
benefit to the greatest number of people.
What are they? Although lists would dif-
fer radically, one item would be common
to all. The Otis Elevator would surely be
included as one of the Seven Wonders of
the M odernWorld on all lists whether em-
anating from Greece, Egypt or Turkey;
Lima in Peru,Shanghai in China or Holly-
wood, California. It is an international
convenience, dedicated not to one person
or even to one race, but to the comfort of

St atu e o fZeus k Plud ias, at O lymp iaml D aaa eu,a
t w4.
7tmpi' j~iaa a Ephiu v
.WaimgGardm of /Bb m'i




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