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December 06, 1927 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-12-06

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Scholarship Of Entrants In Forensic
Contests Was Vnusually High
According To Records
Statistics recently compiled by'
Thomas C. Trueblood, professor emer-
itus of public speaking, give the his-
tory of the University's efforts in both
oratory and debating from the time of'
the first oratorical contest in 1891 to
the present day. For 30 years, accord-!
ing to the figures, the University led
the other seven colleges and uni-
versities in the Northern Oratorical
league. This period lasted from 1891
to 1922. Since 1922, however, North-
western university has led the league.I
The league was organized in Ann
Arbor in 1890 and held its first con-
test in 1891. At its inception, it was!
composed of the Universities of Iowa,
Wisconsin, Illinois, Minnesota, Chi-
cago, Michigan, Northwestern and;
Oberlin college. Oberlin and Chicago{
have dropped out of the league, in re-
cent years. The standings for the!
entire elapsed time since the organiza-;


f"7 }r T 37 e 7 Aye Q v a-ro. vr-«.. me . u ."rea . ire . . , . _ _ _ .. _

U 7

UP 1EBA TES lishe d in 1919.

. -... to.R A. IV. J.TN ;

The Central Debating league was
organized in 1897, and is composed of
three schools, Northwestern, Ohio, a'n(
Michigan. At the start of the league,
Chicago was a member, but when it
withdrew, Ohio entered.
The Midwest Debating league was
organized in 1914, holding the first do-
bate in 1915. Michigan, Illinois, and
Wisconsin make up the association.
Of the eight schools in the United
States that the University has debated,
only two hold an edge in the victory
column. Ohio State university has
won five times while dropping only
three, and- Indiana university has won
once, losing not at all. Michigan's
easiest victim seems to have been
Wisconsin, as the University has de-
feated that, institution 11 times, and
has been vanquished only four times.
Successful Internationally
In the international field, the Uni-
versity has been very successful, win-
ning from Oxford, Manchester, Leeds,
Exeter, and Bristol colleges in an in-
vasion of England during 1926, and
losing only once, to Cambridge col-
lege on that trip. The latter school
also defeated the University when it
visited the United States.
One of the pecpliarities of the facts

as reviewed Professor Trueblood
was in regard to the admission of
women to the arsity debating teams.
rhis first happened in 1920, and for
two years there was one woman on
each1 team, affirmative and negative,
which represemi ed the University. The
peculiar fact is that uone of these
teams lost a debate. The women's
teams have not been as successful as
the men's, except when the women
add the four undefeated Varsity teams
to their lists, said Professor True-
Professor Trueblood became a pro-
fessor emeritus in August, 1926, im-
mediately after the return of the de-j
bating team from its trip to England.
The total figures given for the results
of all Varsity debates are up to and
including 1926.
The University and the University
of 'Pennsylvania held four debates as
the result of special arrangements,
Michigau winning three and losing
WASHINGTON- Dr. Melville March
of the zoology department discovered
a new species of the beetle last

lGold Foolb-lk M il lB 1e~ ei
f :1) I t'!rc :In Id Sat irda y
At Alu't ii us1"


Each gradu:tiing member of tl 197
football squal is to receive a rin;.
fittingly inscribel a I the amunu1l u I
troit Alumni "Bust" in appreiatio
of the service rendered to Michigai
teams through his ei orts, it was an-
nouncel this week. Coid footbal also
will be lresen(ed to the ia'e team
at that time.
The banquet this year will be held
Saturday Might at a lDclt it hotel. Al
of the football squad, the coachi ii
staff, and several of the adniist-ra
tive board will be the guests of the
affair. No definite program has been
announced, but the usual cus ltoimN will
be followed in having speeches by the
retiring captain, the captain-elect, the
coaches, prominent alumni, aul other
Inotables (A football circeles.
Captain Oosterban, Michigan's only
three-time all-American, will be pre-
sented with a special gold football, a
token that is annually donated to any
member of the team who make oth
all-American squad. <Saturday's
will make the third that- Oostcrbaaii
has received within the past few
weeks since the close of the 1927 foot-
ball se ason.'



Thomas C. Tr1%;ebood.
University of uouthern California for
several years, and was a delegate to
the Washington conference on peace,
and is now with the Japanese delega-
tion at the conference at Geneva on
arms limitation.i

ron or the league follows (they are Tiere is a sharp difference between
correct to the 1927 contestsj: the oratorical contests and -the debat-
Numlber of Number of ing leagues, in the opinion of Profes-
1st Places 2nd Places School sor Trucblood. The former are un-
10.......... 5 ......... Michigan limited as to the subject on which the
13.......... 5. ....Northwestern speaker may talk, and are purely in-
2...........0...........Oberlin dividualistic, while the debating teams
4.......... 11 ........Wisconsin call for confined work.
3..........1............Iowa Took Part In 103 Debates
0...........4..........Chicago The University has taken part in
3..........6 ........Minnesota 103 debates, winning 54 of them, los-
2.......... 5...........Illinois ing 35 of them, and participating in
For 30 years, Michigan led all the four without judges. The first debate
schools in the league, and it was only in the United States was held in 1892,
through the five successive first places beween Iharvard and Yale, and the
of Northwestern university that the second the following year, between
leadership has been taken away from Miigan and Wisconsin. Michigan
theLUniversity. e won the debat which was on the
Lowden Gives Awardsquestion of whether the United States
Frank O. Lowden, now a prospective should subsidize its merchant marine.
candidate for president, since 1901 The University is an active member
has donated $150 every year, divided of three debating leagues, according
between the first and second place o Professor Trueblood, which are the
men in the finals of the league icon- Central Debating league, the Midwest
tests. T a idea of offering a prize for Debati 1le adth icia-
the honor men of the contests first Ohio-Indiana league. The latter is
occurred to Mr. Lowden, when he was for women debaters only. It was at
speaking to the University in 1901. first only a dual affair between Ohio
In the contests held in 1926; Eliza-land Michigan, bt subsequently Indi-
beth L. Rabinoff, '27, regained some anw adigtn, t sso e most
of te od pestge o th Unverityana was admitted. It is also the most
of the old prestige of the University recent of the leagues, as it was estab-
when she took second prize. The con-_
tests are open to undergraduates
above freshmen, and only one repre-
sentative from, each institution is al-
lowed in the finals. Professor True-
blood explained that the students are
allowed to compete in Ann Arbor for©NOW
the Paul, R. Gray, '90, testimonial,
which anhually offers two prizes, of
$100 and $50 to the first and second
place speakers in the University con- 2:00
test. The person who takes first hon- 3:30
ors in the University contest is then ;67:00
sent to the league finals. 8:40
Professor Trueblood believes that
there is no better group of men who
graduate from the University than the
honor speakers in the league contests. I
He maintained that they were all high
in scholarship, and pointed to the
post-graduate accomplishments of
some of them as proof of his asser-
tion. Some of the more important of
the graduates are, in Professor True-
blood's opinion: Lindley G. Long, '95,
a judge at Dayton; Frank P. Sadler, -
'96, also a judge, atChicago; Charles
C. Simons, '98, another judge, at De-
troit; James H. Mays, now a congress-
man from Utah, and.Kiyo S. Inui, '06,
a Japanese diplomat.
The story of this last man is one Irites
of the most remarkable records of atme0-
scholarship ever known, in the belief -30h-40
of Professor Trueblood. When Mr. ' c0hts
Inui came to the United States, he 10-50V&E
knew no English,. but less than four
years later he took the highest prize
in oratorical accomplishments that
the whole country offers. He has been
a lecturer on international law at the
Detroit Theaters
Two Week';, reg. Sunda3, l)c.
Presents a New 3Musical
Romance of Aristocratic
England and the Old West
Prices: Nights, $1.00 to $3.50.
Matinees, $1.00 to $2.50, plus tax
Twice Iakily-2:15 and 8:15
Presented bIy Carl Laemnmle

Two hundred and thirty-three sets Rates on commercial cars vary. Up
of 1928 passenger license plates have to 2,000 pounds, it is 65 cents for each
been issued by the Ann Arbor branch 100 pounds: Over 2,000 and up tc
of the State automobile license bu- 4,000 it is 85 cents for each 100
reau, according to an announcemeft pounds; from 4,000 to 6,000, it is $1 a
made yesterday. 100 pounds and over 6,000, it is $1.25
The sale was opened Dec. 1, and has a hundred.
increased until the average is close to The Ann Ar;or branch is located
75 a day at present. Sixteen sets of in the Chamber of Commerce building
commercial plates have also been is- across from the court house. Those
sued. Those in charge of the local applying for license plates are asked
branch are urging all those who must to bring their title papers with them
get licenses to do so early and thus as these are essential to the issuance
avoid the last of the month rush. of the plates. It is further announced
Rates are essentially the same as that the bureau will secure Michigan
last year. The fee on all pleasure titles for applicants if the out of state

Above is pictured a new street through Syracuse, N.Y., on the site
section of the original Erie canal, built by Go.vernor DeWitt ChintQu, and
- abandoned. Below is a view of the canal at Syracuse before the new


now Jets of live seanm instead of sand-
con- blasts and acid washes have been us-
ed on buildings in Wiashington..

crete boulevard was constructed.
CAMBRIDGE, Mass.-The treasure
room of the Widener library of Harv-
ard University has acquired a valuable
opy of Milton's poems, once possessed
by Samuel Taylor Coleridge, the Eng-
lish poet, and bearing his signature.
Ten women are enrolled in the"
Washington School of Law, the larg-
est number since 1916.

R 0E l 01y~illg i Wa igton
T c .iR,' aJ

cars is 55 cents for each 100 pounds. certificates of title are presented.



One Wonderful Picture
s Fairbanks
Have you ever seen a Magic Rug soar
above the city bearing a Thief and a
Princess? -
Have you ever seen a white horse with
wings fly through the clouds?
Have you ever seen Magic ropes, live
dragons and bats as big as elephants?
Have you ever seen an "invisible"
This beautiful story of romance and
adventure abounds in happenings of
astounding and unbelievable magic.


Twice Afternoons
2:00 and 3:35


Twice Evenings
7:00 and 8:40

Another Attraction of the Finer Arts


ad "Chico"



Two Famous Characterizations
Possessed with those Intimate
Qualities Fear and Love Make It
A9 Thing of Jeauthy

" .
,," 1






EVENING ONLY 7:00-8:40


: a '"r r <'+ftsh>a st'r: i ' ,;'Sf}u ._h{"t.s i?",t.,



Prices--Nights, 50c, 75c, $1.00,
$1.50. Matinees, 50c, 75c, $1.00.
All Seats Reserved




Woodward, at Eliot
2nd Week
Begi ning 1o., 1Dec.
The Gleason Tabor Laugh

f IN
TIM College
Willam CollieJx
Brjiln Screen Revival of
Ale's Sen sationi-Best
Sall 01 otbail (omedies.

rnN/id Ilt. 1(T\ ( -)M rc N C



A Pre.Christ as Festival of, Fun






El .

Ii ii

i I






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