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December 04, 1927 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-12-04

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SUNDAY, TDEc"EMDr'fl 4. 1A1.2_


rte.. " 'M PAGE FIVE,

f -- -.- -. - - -


II IIIL rSATaC-EUCTIN S MPRTNTUUlILIrt Of College Loyalty, Declares Palma


r'1liziIt,«-id ittation is so comparat- Men do not wish a liberal education, Ie~ t13 .A
iy !y,(,w to tOe oilier type of edu- they want only that which will help Aic e yl.A
c'ationtha it , a Yet, its merits can not them in their career and procession., Bundling Brothers Sophomore Circus
l-,., +~It.,rFF."r~i. ~r ic t r n1i1icn ri VYjA~fije '"rrtril n 0 10 Ih 0cter a p nros- 1%'l little et i t'n~ari u ini}CkLZ 1V 1'. u

"1, myself, should prefer a womanj part of the college.
dlent ist,'' declared Rafael Palma, pei "American universities are the rich-
(let o te .i~nvesit ofth Phlip jista greater lphilanthropic espirit here

oe a: yut e r iie s the opRinion of
Fifty Per Cent Of Articles :Donated '1y lror-, ilItward Y. MclCluskey of;
League Hlouses And Sororities the , iwJO i i'(lu:atioli. However, he
Are Sold First Day hei:sii) (0-edlucation. it teaches
both )ir;'i'nacid xvoiien to mingle, which
CANDY BOOTH IS POPULAR will 'e an aid t(oIthem in their life
__after college, A a rule, continues
Upwards of 2,500 persons attended Proft(is''r McClusky, the mnen and
theWomn'sleaue nd ntechuchw olnen th at attend schools other than
the omens lagueandIntechu co-educational schools do not receive
:Bazaar held Friday and Saturday at superior education. There are many
B~arbour gymnasium, according to anI that appear thus hut it is due to the
estimation made by Jean McKaig, '28 i type of family they are from. The
general chairman of this year's Christ-1 scholastic averages of both sexes are
mas sale. Approximately 1,000 payed I bu h aecocue rfso
Mkfll W fl

lion and have more time for know- frrnpr s.Its wvI1 )balanced pro-

the entrance fee from 1 to 9 o'clock 1
Friday, the remainder of the totalI
number making their purchases Sat-t
urday. f
Fifty per cent of the articles to bel
sold by the league and donated by
women's houses on campus were dis-
posed of Friday. Contrary to the u~sual
custom, there will be no auction sale
of the remaining articles, it was stat-!f
ed. Particularly popular with the pur-
chasers was the display of silk lini-jt
gerie. The 50 cent, 75 cent, and $1II
counter was patronizedi by those peek-;l
ing inexpensive gifts, thle velvet cov-
ered hangers being a good value fo:,
th esnbepie Fifty dollars was realized by Ite
candy booth, and the entertainment
features attracted the majority o!' thej
crowds en route to the sophioreui'e
circus performances. The fortutne
tellers found that despite educational
influences of a university life, man11YI
studlents retainedj their sup~erst it ions
and sought to Ica4rn their fture fates.
The most popular of the side-=shows
provedl to be the fish pond, andl the
skits produced from last year's Junior
Girls' Play.
Miss Louise Douglas, chairman of the .
churches of Ann Arbor, reported1 thaI
' the profits of this year's sales wotild
not be as large as those of previous
The committee assisting the general
chairman were: Josephine Welch,
'29, assistant chairman; Lucy Seeley,I
'28, treasurer; Dorothy Morehouse, '2,
entertainment; Helen Rankin, '29,
articles, Mary Bowen, '29, candy; Ar-
lene Unsworth, '28, janitor service;,
Ruth Leland, '29, tea room ;' Virginia
Gies, '29, decorations; Florence Watch-l
pocket, '29, posters; Mary Hlildat
Evans, '29, marking; Mary Alice3
Moore, '29, placing; Janice Peck, '28,
sellers; Marva Hough, '28, door com-
mittee; Margaret Arthur, '29, public-
To Honor Dr. Powers
At Tea On Tuesday
Honoring Dr. H. IH. Powers andi Mrs.
Powers of the Bureau of University
travel, a tea will be given at 4 o'clock
Tuesday afternoon at the Pi Beta Phi;
house. An invitation is extended to allt
Michigan women who are interested in
European travel whether they plan to
go this summer or not.
A special group from Michigan is
being organized to take a trip through
England, Germany, Switzerland, Italy
and France this summer and Dr.
Powers will probably have a number
of things to offer regarding this trip
as well as many others.

Professor Solomon Gingerich of the
English department believes that the
tendency of college is to set itself off
from the rh st of the world and tends
to make it more or less artifical. To
pla~ce mewn and women in separate
schools makes it even more artifical.
According to Professor Gingerich the
general amount of knowledge for both
is the same, there are few courses
from which either sex should be ex-
eluded. A great (deal of the opposition
to eoo-ed tii is caused1 by the sne
Imotive which insisted formerly on
vvoifleii wearinlg veils.
Accordintg to Pern'fari'l te Voto, in-
st.1-110'or of 1lg] ish 'at. Northwest er
in1 h~is aricie i the September Harp-
ei':, \Volii2l tend~s to becomle a type
ati ( olir civil izat ion providing the
!Moldl thle type is that of a sa lesnanl.
lii.ii i is' one ot the fitelds of
'wli vit v at t he 1 'niv'rsity concerning
wvhich the woinen show the greatest
ijut et'St. In my producing group thet
' girls morie Ithan doubl)1e the n-mark.
17, which the men mnake. A similar
,)rol)o1tioin is seen in the class in act-
)Ig with its 20 women and only seveni
liela." stated Prof. Earle Fleischman
-it' the 5speeth iel artnilent.
''A numiber (if these women have
11)110 n'itable wNor'k on the campus in
1 tudeni 5 product ions andl their capac-
ity and capabilities are recognized.
Frances Johnson played in the first
MNIimes p~roduction of the year, 'The
Bad Man,' and Leone Lee had the lead-
ing, role in 'He Who Gets Slapped'
last year. Florence Tennant played
'Portia' opposite my 'Shylock' in the
production of The Merchant of
Venice' which was lput on under the
lispices of the Saginaw Little Theater.
"Another fact. of note is that all of
the nu'mbci1s of the committees for the
Junijor Gilhs' play are in my classes
'xcept (oilt, Elizabeth Wellman. In
lmy tourse s ares girls who take active
part in the business of the theater
like Elizabeth M'vcCurdy who has
tliatrgt of the box office at the Mimes.
'Then Marie Hartwig has the pro-
gramns while Lois Webb has the
poster display work. Margaret Cole
submitted original designs' for pro-
grams and window cards for public
productions for the year.
"The work of the producing groups
has a great appeal to women who en-
joy the presenting of the plays which
are chosen. This year's group in-
cludes 'Sun-up,' by Lulu Vollmer,
'Tlell-P~ent Fer Heaven,' by Hatcher
Hughes, 'Saturday's Children,' by Max-
well Anderson, and 'The Guardsman,'
by Ferenc Molnar."
"The acting class," continued Pro-

ledge, individuality, and " cutural ,pis fe ttn na neve
deeomn.D ooblee htgramnkept the hi.l 'est o. the audience pns fe ttigi itriew th
tevelpcatn eofowomeiveyns- rmttrhtaiita hn wihIdurngna*his visit to Ann Arbor, that 1ti
frm trtt fnih atin wih sI heeuctonofwme s er ecs ;many o the 1,700 women students in Ia:
sa ry if fu tu re so c ie ty is in te re ste d in .5seld o mU ev e t IM' c t e'( o f p ro d~ u c tio nls M a n ila fo llo w th e d e n istry c o u rse . T h e }tali e l ed c t o a n if o l g e s s o n i r y a m e u s i i n a u e . J t F p e i e t b l e v d h t w m n w u d
expectedl to have anything to do with w henl we mlight have tired of clowns, make more careful, sympathetic, and
it. along came a charming tight-rope per- considerate doctors.
Edna Yost, graduate of a co-educa- former to make us forget them, and The pharmacy school at the U~ni-
tional college and a contributor to the f it went. versity of the Philippines has the
larpers magazine believes that co-edut oid cnrw tern- largest enrollment of women students,
caton s aver goti hig for both' master was serious and amusing and; according to President Palma. This is
partes oncened Ata scoolforsuccessfully filled in the right word considlered a fitting and practical car-
iwoengly theyibecomeindthere at the right time. Dorothy. McKee was' eer for women because they can estab-
intotig hi okadohra master clown. Loretta Townsend lish drug stor s and still continue
women. In this way they have no out- anti Virginia Arms as trapeze acro- their career without any dlifficulties
let for their natural emotions and be- bats, and Louisa Soukoup as the tight- even after marriage. Many women are
comehomsexul. ut t isJus asrope walker were other stellar per- preparing themselves to teach but the
beeia omnas otne isformers. number enrolled in law anti medicine
Yost. A co-educated man more often The tumbling act, though not per-( is negligible, the Filipino educator
ha eun epc o n etrfect, was well done and also interest- said.I
understanding of women which in- ing. We had to laugh once or twiceI Dormitories for women under uni-
creases his possibility for future hap- ;when someone would chance to flop in 'versity jurisdiction are highly ap-E
piness. Ohe midst of an exacting feat, but for preved by President :Palma. He point-
,all-\Ve kriow that inlight have been in- eed out that st le University of Philip- ;
NO0TI1CES teisl:'d s o we vwonlt, kick a bout it. flue'' had ne risi anis of obt aining cn
it~ i:~ug i-etlui tes endless practice tibil fo r ii clti a.ventutret. Thle
The Book sect ion ofI' the Paclt nltie ii it(rs of the aIct had drilled president belhi evedl thiat students Iiv -
Women's club will maeet at the home leeI ( 0 iii tfor several weeks. ing foi' foul. years in a homie which is
of Mrs. L. W. Keeler, 11.35(Granger. tardn rgnli i '11 ie i0 i iiV'Uiycampiu rs i'0
on "u eday.Dci'. Bat '15p. i. i's. t 'ula gl'cei I deal to the high calibre alsofeel thant the y Iliemrselves are a
Emory Sink will assist Mi's. IK'eler 011h ics s'elit1t- aR h
as hostess. nallSo o teymak th LizifeWILL IPRESENT RECITAL l
the wtifs dog;, and also the eilephant,;1i
There -will be a meeting of kalplt'a i u irs an's iias lws li'v- 1"d1i Ii lhtIts thlie duitatitonal1
Phi at 5::30 o'clock Tuesday, 1Dec. ( n6, , s ve'vil a wl iesd(iltctor1) 0ofitheI)t, iiot n lmhony or- e
at Wesley hall. 'PT'e(-i'nlsorig(o wll eitt it' sea] -1,ra~iii''cet awl iv eialTedy
a ii li e i'ose anrd lilti ' (ost 111110o:' Itle c eta Nil gva rctl '' l
tigt rpe a Il~e. ti'ct ttri 01Al ssDet'.6, at PattIerigi IIaulit mii uni. Miss t
UNIVESITY P SO'l'i11)AK t St louk . tisc , creaiio'tns merit istsbe-lbel tsis beinig bi'oght tio Ann Arbor(c
--A course in radio annciuncing 'has oftI ingenulit} put it their' by thle uicit sect ion of thle Fatculty;t tS I''lwlscu.I'
been placed on the regu lai' cu!ici design bligarid eut11. Viina _____
lum of the university and a dozen : Houghiton, whlo vas inlt'charge cif cos-
stdents haive already(IVenro'lee in imlesantd mt cup. ideservxes comntied-
m101 . .; O( at ion for her w tirl anid that, 1' her
thle first class ot' its Ikind to be offer- t'comnlid tee.
ed. It is contductedl by a professor publ- Ma rjor'y \luffley, chair'man of stunts, i r
lic speaking and the laboratory work ,W'aa larg~ely responsible for the at'tingR e an
is ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n doebfoetemirpoe fail m''ornlimg and credit for the se-R el
is dne bfor themicrphoe o(;'ess (if these phases tif thle circutsisj
KVSL), the broadcasting station of the largely dJue to tier work. D~orothy INc-
university. INec, gene ilaheiairmii, superintenled And At Suw
-pl the organizationl of the whole splendid Iepniea
Teold workship of Thomas show-. Inep niea

ian in the Philippines toward educa-
on. But our university is very young
Ln it takes many years to develop in-
Suggestions for a name for the
cafeteria lunch room of the Wom-
en's league building will be re-
ceivedl until Monday, Dec. 12.
Tphe name should be catchy, at-
tractive and representati.e pf
hospitality and good taste.
The judge will be Miss Anna
Lloyd, chairman of the commit-
tee of Advisers to women, four
undergraduate women and the
Aframed illustrated map of
j s e'es of the alumnae council. I!
Ant ia Arbor will be presented to
thle uadegraduate wvoman hand-
ing in the winning name. ti
'''.'is to hear a production
if its nat ive Irand~ opera which 'wax
written by Perry S. Willianis, exocu-
t' secr'etary o(It he, MinneapolisCiv-
ic, and Coniere assot'ia tion. It was
-ivt'll 'a sllt'(essf ii lrenmier'e ill Pert -
and, Ore.. a. yeari'a go. The :story .is
of an Indian maiden's trag ic love ani
t ends in hier (doath by drown ing in
lie Mississippi river. Thie ureseaf
ceast will include mnenihii's (of tho M 1'e-
lo'ading oi'ga niza Iions.
cch Prices !
nd Expensive

All women of the University are in-,
vited to the party to be given by the
Women's league Friday afternoon,
Dec. 9, from 4 to 6 o'clock in Sarah
Caswell Angell hall.
As this is the last big party the
league will give before the Christmas
vacation, an unusually large attend.
ance is expected. Decorations 'will
follow the spirit of the winter season.
There will be entertainment features
in the way of dancing and singing and
novelty dances. Also there will be
dancing for all accompanied by an
Arrangements for the party are in
charge of Kathryn Butler, '30, who is
assisted by the social committee of
the Women's league. Members of the
social committee are as follows: Ellen
Groff, chairman, Kathryn Butler,
Esther Anderson, Elizabeth McCurdy,
Mary Ptolemy, and Jean Dow.
It has bleen the custom of the
Women's league each yea r to give par-
ties for women onf canmpus. This
gathering will be the fourth of its
kind this year. Nnmo uncement for
further entertainment by the Women's
league will be made after the vacation.

A two-piece jersey in
'Patous' new turquoise.
The V neck is perfect
with the d'agonal geometric
effect of the blouse. And of
course she has been profes-
sionally advised as to
Agnes Mc~ntyre
Consulting Costumer
1 kckels Arcade



Chippendale, England's most famous)
cabinet designer, at No. 64) St. Mfar- M1ADISON-Women at the Universi-
tin's Lane, London, is being converted of WVisconsin have inter-class cons-
into a night club, petition in their swimming meet.
Ii -t


N ilis .. We4? to $2.50
Well. Itaf. . i'l(*to $M')
Sat. Mat.. .-i4Jv to $2.00

direct imports
Jfrom Asia and Europe
Priced Wholesale



Maxwell Anderson's Comedy
Humphrey Bogart, Ruth Hammond, Frederick Perry
and others
"Beet t Aittricall play of ifti dl (sli."- N. Y. kS111t.

Open Evenings

928 Church 0 St.



B , __ -i


OHIO-The Pan-Hellenic council at -Lessor Fleischman, "takes the lives of
the Ohio State university is checking E actors which they study in the Rom-
up on expenditures of each sorority ance of the American Theater,' by
during the past rushing seasont with glary Caroline Crawford, and they re-
a view to enforcing a money limit view them from the standpoint of per-
regulation. sonality, methods and technique and
__________________- rom that they gather the principles
J.IH. -Hoover of Battleford in west- which go to make up gotad acting. The
ern Canada dug 171 potatoes fram a :second semnesterl deals with practical
hill planted by one. It i estiniated wvork rathtrrhiatn theory and during
that the crop of his province alone 'hat time the students act in the most
will be worth over $4,300,000 this lraniatic ;scones from the good modern
year. la's.

1 *






- - - - i ~Z~b

, ^' .n1_ ci z . .1 T_ Sv T~UF_ Y1




No Willer Wavili Nec(essair
riNo KMnh3%l ead La st tito S .Mollthsii
N\o Extra ChargesB
iiVery special forX80
one week....$ .0 Ii
i A soft, loose, lustrous marcel effect with Ring-
'I let-end. A safe and gentle process. Will not
IIhair ..................... . . . IiIl
LlI1 To Extra Charges
'Ul rel.. ...'5 Steam iTreatment
HarCut.......c andi Hot O1l $1.'7' ill

The problem of the Christmas gift that must be smart,l
useful, and not too costly-perfectly solved in this exquisite{
group of "Leigh" products !
Very special, these selections from New York's smartest
beauty salon.


Cos "w

All French Room hats greatly
r uced for quick selling. Lovely
mzetallic halts that wear, so well
withl fur coats, and sonic metal-
lic and satin or' velvet combilia-
tionis are in this fine collection.
'Fake advantage of this special
offer now!

Ruby Ring Chiffons
Are sheer veils of fine silk that give no hint
of their anmazing strength

Soleils, velvets, metallic and
felts. Just think what the holi-
day season means to your hat
wardrobe! Hats priced as high
as $7.50 and $5.00 are now re-
duced j~o $2.98. The price per-
mits the purchase of several--
one for every new winter en-



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