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December 03, 1927 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-12-03

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Three Faculty Members Given Leaves
O: Absence; German Will
Lecture Here.
Extension of the present ruling on
the use of automobiles by Michigan I
students to include the summer ses-
sion of the University was decided -
upon by the Board of Regents of the
University at their meeting last night. -
This addition to the present ruling
makes the use of automobiles by the
student body impossible for the whole I
year. The plan of enforcement will
be the same during the summer as
that in use during the winter.'
The Regents also decided that all 1eniJ
students who were injured in wrecks Who has resignedi as head of th-
in which an automobile was being ; elgian cainet along with all of hisj
used in violation "of the ban would associates.I
be treated at the expenseo of the Uni-
versity health service.A
The protest of the Interfraternity ~
council, which Avas recently drafted i VI o 0E f n oe pnbfr en umte
andl voted UPOn before being suhmitted
to the Regents, was not considered by fl
fact that it was submitted too late U [f 1J PI M E R
to come under the ruling that all coin---
munications must be submitted in Still Pictures Of Grand March Will
-writing two weeks before-the meet- I Be 'Taken And Solld Before I
ing. ( Prom Is Over
Under the regular order of business --
the Regents accepted the gift of 761 DESK CLOCKS ARE FAVORSC
volumnes from the private library
of Professor Fred Newton Scott, for- Arrangements have been completed
mer head of the rhetoric department for the filming of motion pictures of
who resigined last spring. i o h imn fmto itrso
e lt spri. t the annual Sophomore Prom which
Accept Sum, For Present Report is to be held next Friday night in theI
The Metropolitan Life Insurance ball room of the Union, it was an-
Co., of New York, has given $1,000 to nou need by Lawvrence E. Walkley, '30,
the University to be used in the pre- chairman of the ucity comkee
paration of a research report on Ipublicity committee
"Health Essentials as Applied to for the event. The Reograms comp-
Children." This sum was accepted by any, of Lansing, is to make the pic-
the Regents. tire, and it will be used in connection
with their newsreel displays.
Winners of the Phillips Classical Still pictures of the grand march
$cholarship for proficiency in Greek will be taken and will be developed
and Latin were anounced and the and sold during the latter part of
decisions were approved by the Re- evenig. According to George

Officers Certain Fraternity Donations
Will Swell $70) Now Collected
To More Than $1,000 Mark
With more than $700 in .actual cash
on hand as the result of their two tag
days, and the group donations from
the fraternities and sororities on the
campus not tabulated, Galens, honor-
ary medical society, last night brought
its drive for funds to provide a Christ-"
mas party and Christmas gifts for the
hospital children to a successful
Officers of the organization are con-
fident that when the fraternity and
sorority donations have been complet-
ly counted, the total will be well over
the desired amount of $1,000. Many of
the donations from these sources will
not be made until after meetings to be
held Monday night, and since the total
sum remaining to be raised is less
than $300, those in charge of the drive
were confident last night that the de-
'sired amount will be secured.-
To Make Permanent Purc~hase.
The success of the drive; according
to Glenn Carmichael, '28M, chairman
of the committee in charge from
Galens, will permit several permanent
purchase for the benefit of the chil-
dren in the hospital in addition to the
regular gifts and party planned.
The two tag days attempted yester-
day and Thursday on the campus were
the first attempt ever made to raise
funds for the purpose of giving the
children at the hospital a Christmas
party. A number of large individual
donations and several fraternity dona-
tions were received before the drive
started, and on Thursday more than
$300 was raised from the sale of tags
on the campus.
Yesterday's Total Is $400.
Yesterday the sale of tags was even
larger, and \he total for the day was
more than $400, bringing the total
from the sale of tags alone to more
Ihry 007i Thi d tngin frn tho

(B8y Asoicated Press
GENEVA, Dee. 2-Germany today
made what was wiely interpreted as
a delicate niove for revision of the
Versailles~ treaty. This was the con-
clusion drawn from an address from
Count von Bernstorff, former German
ambassador to the United States and
now German representative at the
preparatory disarmament conference
before the security committee.
Real international security which
will reduce the possibility of conflicts
between nations implies the fixation
of frontiers which all countris can
accept, was the opinion voiced in
Garman non-official circles tonight
following upon Count von Bernstorff's
declaration that article 19 should be
given importance by the security com-
mittee in the proposed study of the
'League of Nations covenant.
This is the article which says that
the League assembly may advise re-
consideration of treaties which be-
come inapplicable. The German dele-
gate's insistence upon the inclusion
of this article was geneily felt to
point towards the Treaty of Versail-
I ---
Gargoyle Sponsoring Meeting of Men
Representing All Big Tfenr
Humor Publications
Representatives from the staffs of
the majority of the Conference school
humor magazines, as well as a few
others, are in Ann Arbor today to at-
tend the annual convention of the
Midwest College Comics association
being held at the Union.
The Michigan Gargoyle, secretary-
treasurer of the association, Is spon-
soring the convention. The program
for the meeting this morning consists
of a discussion of the advertising sit-
uation, circulation, and copyright sit-
uation. President J. M. Lansinger, of'
IItCollege Ihumor magazine, and
Donald Hoagland, of Barnhill, will de-
liver the principal address of the
lafternoon session. Andrew Johnson,
of the Chicago Phoenix, is president
of the mid-west association. A lunch-
eon and dinner is also scheduled.
The chief problem to be settled at
the sessions today is the question of
uniform advertising rates and com-
missions. Last year in the convention
held at Northwestern university, the
question confronting the m"abers
concerned the rates to be paid by Col-
lege Humor for material clipped from
the college comic monthlies. Discus-
sions are also being planned today
concerning fall circulation campaigns.
Two officers are chosen at each
convention, a president and a secre-
tary-treasurer. It is traditional that
the secretary-treasurer shall act as


Judge Praises Arguments of I'icigan
Team But Calls Ohio's Work
More Aggressive
Michigan's affirmative debate team
lost its sixth annual intercollegiateI
women's debate with Ohio last night
in Hill auditorium on the question
"Resolved that the Direct Primary
should be abolished.
On the previous evening, the nega-
tive women's team debate on the same
question at Bloomington, were de-
eated by the University of Indiana
atihirmative. It was the third women's
debate between the schools and In-
liana's second victory over Michigan.
The third leg of the triangular af-
fair between the Ohio affiirmative and
the Indiana negative was also debated
last night, the two teams meeting at
Columbus with the annual league
championship at stake as each school
had acquired one victory over Michi-
Michigan Debaters Lack Experience
Although Michigan was represented
by a totally inexperienced team in
the debate here, but one of the speak-
ers, Miriam Mitchell, '28, is graduat-
ing. The second speaker, Mary L.
Brown, '30, has two more years of
competition while the third speaker
was Pauline Winchell, '29. She, too,
is returning and should be available.
The Ohio State team was composed
of Miss Lillian Van Harlingten, Miss
Bernice Bolenbacher, and Miss Emma-
jane Berkheimer. The three spoke in
the order named.
Alternate Plan Has Strength
In commenting upon his decision,
Pro. N. J. Weiss of Albion college,
who judged the debate here, spoke
very highly of the Michigan team
especially commending them on their
delivery. He was also favorable im-
pressed with the strength of the alter-
nate plan which was offered as a sub-
stitute for the direct primary.
He rendered his decision, however,
in favor of the Ohio team because he
felt that they were the most aggres-
sive and did the best work in argu-
ment during the process of the de-
The Michigan team that made the
trip to Indiana was composed of
Laura Osgood, '28 Ed, Ruth Benfleld,
'28, and Pauline Zoller, '28 Ed. They
were accompanied by Prof. Lionel G.,
Crocker of the speech department.

Rev. E. S. Shuimaker
Head of the Anti-S'aloon league of
Indiana, whom Attorney General Ar-
through Senators Robinson and Wat-
to influence the supreme court
through Sentors Robinson and Wat-
son and Henry Lane Wilson.
Char.'s Gann en,'30L, Refused Perna itsI
At Beginning Of Year, Breaks
Rulitig Of Regents
Because he drove ar4 automobile
after a permit had been refused to,
him, Charles Gannon, '30L, has been
suspended froui the University by the
faculty of the Law School after a
recommendation by the oflice of thet
dean of sludents. The action was
taken Thursday, though the suspen-
sion was not announced until yester-
day morning.I
Gannon, it. wBas stated, has been ap-
plying for a permit to drive a car
since last sring wlmen the automobile
ban was first announced, but was re-
fused because of the fact that the of-
fice of the dean deemed his reason to
be insufficient. He lived seven blocks
from the campus and requested the
permit on the grounds that fraternity
business demanded it.
A ter applying for a permit several
times and being refused he was appre-
hended driving a car and the suspen-
sion was the result. This is the
second case this week where a stu-
dent has faced expulsion because of
violating the auto ban, Hugh Kitchen,
'30, having been suspended on Mon-
day. These are the only two cases of
expulsion that have occurred this se-
mester, however, as far as can be
I learned.
It was alleged by University author-j
itives that Gannon, when caught, at-
tempted to deceive the officials. Thisj
fact militated against him, it was said.

Lester Of Chicago Makes Special Trip
To Fit And Alter Creations
For Cast And Chorus
"The Same To You," the 22nd an-
nual Union Opera presented by Mimes
of the Michigan Union, will move
down to the Whitney theater tonight
for the first intensive dress rehearsal
The opening performances of the pro-
duction will be given all next week
at the Whitney, beginning Monday'
night and concluding with a matmnee
and night performance on Saturday.
From now until the first curtain
rises at 8:30 o'clock Monday night
the full facilities of the Mimes and
Opera organizations will be turned
into getting the production into shape
for its short but extensive ,isason.
Ever since last spring choruses have
been rehearsing steps and routines
in the Mimes. theater, and now after
multidudinous changes, cuts, and in-
terpolations, the work of these three
groups is ready to put into costume
before the newlybuilt settings of "The
Same To You."
The full staff of directors and com-
mitteemen has been working over-
time for weeks, preparing the annual
extravaganza, and many of the tasks
are now complete. Practically all of
the publicity has been taken care of
since the opening of school in the
fall, and this has been distributed all
oeer the sections of the country
where the Opera will play and Where
there are homes of members of the
cast and choruses. This practice in
the east has led to spreading the rep-
utation of the production all over the
country, and contributing to the fame
of the Michigan Union and the Uni-
Orchestra Is Increased
Other committees, designed to look
after the extensive wardrobes of the
company, the music and selling of
printed scores, make-up, stage-nan-
agement and other activities are but
now beginning on their tasks. The
orchestra that is accompanying the
production this year is larger than
Lester, of Chicago, who is again
responsible for the costuming of the
Opera, and who has specially created
innumerable models and brought oth-
,rds from Paris for "The Same To
You," will be again in Ann Arbor to-
day to look after the fittings and al-
terings of the costumes. He was here
earliersin the semester to arrrange
for design plates in harmony with
the scenes of the show, and for spec-
ial pictures to be taken in Chicago
by the Raymor Studios. The costumes
arrived yesterday by the trunkload
including shoes, hats, stockings, aid
all other accoutrements necessary to
transform the chorus men into ladies
of the ensemble. These must all be
fitted separately by Lester, and in
some cases last minute designs must
be contrived.
For the past week the cast, which
has heretofore rehearsed separately,
has been combined with the choruses
and specialty numbers, following the
business of welding all the parts into
one show. The principals of the pro-
duction are W. Davidson Harbaugh,
'28, George Randall, '29, William M.
Lewis, Jr., '29, and C. Lyman Crane,
'29, while other leads in the cast are
Thomas J. Dougall, '28, Robert Wet-
zel, '28, Paul Samson, '30M, Louis
Gilbert, '28, Richard C. Kurvink, '29,
William Ramsay, '28, and ' Harlan

Cristy, '29.
Graham I Sing
Dougall, with Vincent C. Wall, Jr.,
'28, are authors of- the show, and
Lewis and Crane are responsible for
most of the dancing specialties. Lew-
is will again do a piano novelty, and
Robert Graham, '28, will sing the
principal song numbers, "R issian -
Rose," and "Indigo Strain." There will
be a special quartet from" the Varsity
Gleen club accompanying the. Opera.
The programs for the local rer-
formances of the Opera have arrived,
and are featured by an attractive cov-
er made from the regular poster, the
design of Theodore Rogvoy, '2SA.
They contain the short histories of
Mimes and the Union, and are replete
with views of the members of the
cast and of the showing in the mak-
ing. The programs were made up
under the direction of Arthur M.
Hinkley, '29, and Alex Scherer. '30.


' K - u II O Ueu eIthan $ . ' e aona lons from ie
gents. Those wvho will receive this ''"~"' ~ ~"b idl~ I.Ilt Ul~~I31~1 1
gets ho$ ewhoillreceiveis, '31; olbrook, '30E, general chairman of fraternities and sororities are expect.
priemof$50hagessyivi'nWilsEne31y the formal, something novel has been ed to total more than the remaining
Wood'31, and Marjorie 3ttler, '30. promised in the formation of the $300 when counted, and such sums
grand march. The march will be led I may be sent to Galens, in care of
lr ear. dmI by Miss Dorothy Hay Williams, '29 Glenn Carmichael at 300 North Ingalls
arship last year..of Ann Arbor, who will attend as the street, until Tuesday night. The
Leaves of absence were granted to ;tguest of Holbrook. money will benefit more than 450 chil-
Irof. Burke Shartell, who will spend Desk clocks, appropriately engrav- dren who will be confined in the Uni-
the second semester in study in Ger- I ed with yellow M's on red back- versity hospital on Christmas day.;
many; and Prof. Alford I. Lee, who grounds have been secured as favors, Expressing his appreciation of the
will have his leave January through- and these will be distributed from 1 response of the student body last
out the rest of the year, and Profes- until 5:30 o'clock on Wednesday and night, Carmichael, chairman of the
sor Otto La Porte, who will spend the Thursday in the lobby of the Union, drive, said, "Galens society appreci-
second semester in Japan lecturing instead of only Wednesday, as was 'ates very much the generous way ini
before the Imperial Institute of Phy- previously announced. The favor which the student body has responded
Fr andc ial Reeak pri. g- I cards which were included with the to this drive. The results have
Franck Will Speaik Ini Spring dance tickets must be presented in equalled our fondest expectations."
Prof. J. Franck of the University of rder to secure the tokens. Corsages H
Gettengel accepted the invitation of will not be worn at the dance. HOLD DISCUSSION
the Regents onpresent aPseries of I Floral decorations are to be hung UPON FLOOD BILL
Franck, who wil spend a week lectur- y the GoodhewtFloralshop, and will
ing here, is a Nobel prize winner, the Ie t i tnd hayrit. Te (By Associated Press)
prize having been awa ded 'for work orchestra pit an chaperones' booth GTON, Dec. 2.-The ques
in electroni's. wiLl be daborately trimmed to carry tio of federal jurisdiction over flood
PresiderntClarence Cook Little sug- u the Christmas theme. Some 50 problems was raised by the HouseI
ested to the Regents that the labora- sChristmas trees, some trimmed and flood control committee as a group
tories and clasrooms on the campus soutt hoom to lend to tle-atio for the first time today, at a confer-
be put to as much use during the day !md atmos- ence with Alfred A. Weeks, special as-j
as possible. An interpretation of this of the scene. Other decorative sistaht to Attorney-General Sergeant,
suggestion, which was approved by i means along the same scheme will bc which was called to obtain legal ad-
the Regents, is that pro:essors and !used. vice preliminary to drafting a bill to
icts pare still onl sale in time101)- protect the Mississippi valley fr on
instructors will have to work later of the Union and will remain >so te th ss ayr
in the aft e.noons aind on Saturdays. t toverflow.
The account of the new procedure unt the latter part of next week. The confeence followed closely an
to be followed in the admittance of -___ ----- ( announcement that the Army en-
:medical school freshnen beginning WILL HONOR OSTRBAAN I gineers' plan for control of the Missis-
:next fall will be found on page two sippi probably will reach Secretary
of this isue of The :Daily. A tribute will be paid to Cap- , Davis of the War department tomor-
- -tamn Benny Oosterbaan, chosen I row, for transmission to Congress at
EorKAll-American end for his the opening session Monday. Major-
WESTERNaRStAiKd cecutveyeyar, ne tGeneral Jadlwin, chief of the Army I
FOR ASSURANCES iMonday night during the General engineers, has disclosed a general'
Motors Radio hour, when "The outline of the plan in addresses, with
('y Ass itd Press) Victors" will be played as a trib- indications that it will weave together
WASIHNGTO, Dec. .-At the Re- ute to mBenie. This information I aspects of flood control work such
publican old guard in the Senate per- wa -s received late last night from 1jas construction of spillways, reser-
uected its party organization today at I the New York office of the Gen- voirs by-passes.
,o cenference preliminary to the oii m-eral Motors corporation, where Such extensive projects are expect-
ing of thme 70th Congress Monday I (Ithe program will be broadcast. . ed to precipitate a discussion of fed-
We-stern Republican independent,__ eral jurisdiction against states rights.

h2ost for thme next convention. Another I
rling provides that the secretary- Rules for the conduct of rushing0
treasurer automatically becomes pres- ( during Freshman Week will be dis- 1ORATORY CONTEST
ident of the next year's organizations. cussed at the meeting of the Interfra- W4-' BY ALPHA NU
ternity council to be held at 4:30 ON BY3 ALPHA 1N'U
o'clock next Monday afternoon in room)
304 of the Union. Alpha Nu, the local chapter of Kap-I
The report of a committee, consist- pa Phi Sigma, won first place in the
ingof Ellis Merry, '28, William C. oratory contest which was held yes-
nn n(rPusch, '28, Wayne Schroeder, '28 and terday afternoon at the initial meetingI
J. B. Wood who were appointed at the of the delegates, when Lyle E. Eiser-
last meeting, will be presented. At the man,.'30L, was adjudged winner by the
previous meeting it was decided not official representatives of the chap-
( Uy Associaited Press) to take hasty action on the matter oftesothscey.
Chicago.-Footballcdeferringrushing, although the Uni- The declamation contest was won
ofChe , Westrn Coi'anc wenthosversity authorities have threatened to by Lester A. Weintrott who represent-
of the Western Conference went on affair into their own hands, e te Philomatehan chapter at the
record today as opposing any tamper- asthe clain that 'using activities University of Illinois. Eiserman's
lg with thme gridi'on code for 1928. interferred with the Freshman Week oration was entitled "Do You Con-
If idthe National Rules, h committee de- program. The report of the commit- sider Life Worth Living," and Wein-
s tee will present regulations for con- trott's declamation was a selection
Big Tell gridiron mentors desire that trolling rushing during this period. from, Edgar Allen Poe's "Tell-Tale
neyneaw ul~ef' _ h g mo aeffct, or The Judiciary council of the Interfra- Heart."
an yeaece g, ternity group has full power to en- At the banquet at the Union, Lyle
~ive a an to fit the new regula~ force any such regulations by placing E. Eise-man, '30L, president of Alpha
tionS into their training~ and style otf
I ime rules of 1927awereond st of offenders on probation. I Nu, acted as toastmaster. Fred Hos-
play. The rules of 1927 were found to Wayne Schroeder, '28, president of kins, national president of Kappa Phi!
be generally satisfactory, but some the council and Edward Wachs, '29, Sigma, was unable to attend the con-j
clarification was requestedwa secretary, will report on the meetings vention. Professor Emeritus Thomas
oe proposed change there of the Interfraternity Conference, held C. Trueblood, Prof. Gail E. Densmore,
a close vote of five to four. This was in New York city on Nov. 26 and 27, and Carl G. Brandt, all of the speeclh
the toti actumovetalline. Last sin-which they attemided as representa- department of the University, were
ter the cross bar was set back to the tives from Michigan. guests at the banquet..!
end zone, ten yards back of the final
chalk mark, and many a point after, DISTINCTIVE PERFORMANCE PROMIS ED,
touchdown went astray. Field goal ! FOR OPENING OF "THE SAME TO YOU"1
kicking in the Big Ten became a lost V
art, only one beiig made in the entire Probably the only performance of age to get on the stage, he would see
on. dl discussion of proposals its kind ever given of any opera, is one of the most peculiar audiences of
to eliin te hed trssy n for p ot af r that of the opening night and that of all experience. W hitney theater seat-
to eliminate the try for point after'Th meT 'te2 dana holders are reputed to have a flavor
touchdown brought forth no formal "The Same To You," the 22nd annual hlesaerptdt aeafao
action. offering of the Mimes promises to be all their own no matter what the at-
Ilittle different. Opening nights are traction-whether it be Mrs. Fiske
The coaches asked the national com- most part replete with thrills, haughtily eyeing the gallery, or the
ittee to clarify the rules on the and strayed music tenth company of somebody's follies
backward or lateral pass. and par- ____ .,_- . . .-rnnin- nrosmective eve nver the

f I!


submitted their demands for defini e
assurance that theie would be a vote WA TER COLOR EXH
at the coming session on what they S IJN D A Y IN A LUM
recall as three outstanding issues, as.
Adequate farm relief legislation on Water colors, representative of the
the basis of the MNary-Haugeiiln ,I foremost artists in this field, will be
to be reported from committee on orI displayed at an exhibition beginning
before Feb. 1. r Sunday afternoon at the gallery of
CAlumni Memorial hall. -
A bill to limit the jurisdiction of Seventy-six water colors, selected
:federal courts in the issuance of in~ from the works of American, Mexican,
junctions. Australian and English artists will be
A resolution for a thorough investi- shown. These were chosen from the
-tivld~ t10 n-ev f # United r, hin~~a -hihit of theAmerican

hibit have not yet been hung, but
Prof. Bruce Donaldson, of the fine arts
department, says that it will be one
of the finest shows ever held here.
Selected as it is, from a much larger
collection all the various types of
water color work are displayed at
their best, selections by both men and
Women from varying schools of art


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