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September 24, 1927 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-09-24

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Miss Johnson Sees Justification For
Greek Sororities In Group Loyalty
As the first week of rushing draws believes, Is purely barbarous and may
to a close, a number of interesting prove disastrous to sensitive girls, Un-
opinions on sororities in general are less she is a very strong and inde-
voiced by Miss Beatrice Johnson, one pendent girl, the disappointed rushee
of the advisers to women. is likely to feel that her college career
"On the whole, sororities are a dis is blasted at the start.
tinct power which, when utilized Miss Norrs Would Abolish Fraterni-
wisely, can do a great deal of good in ties.
university life In spite of many un- "It remains," says Mrs. Norris, "to
desirable features, I feel that they abolish this ridiculous system of frat-
justify their existence. There are many
girls who have no stimulus toward ernity and sorority rushing. If our col-
achievement simply for their own leges stand for anything at all, they
sake, When they belong to a group, stand for the democratic ideal, and to
however, they feel a real urge toward nitroduce little hotbeds of snobbery
achievement for that group's glory, into their very heart, and to put social
'On the other hand," says Miss John- dictatorship into the hands of un-
son, "if a sorority does not evaluate formed girls is stupidity on the part
clearly, it is apt to interpret the sister- of us grownups.
hood idea too leniently. For example, "My hearty congratulations go to
if a girl is not spending enough time those great schools that have abol-
on her studies, it may be necessary, ished the whole foolish system. And to
though not pleasant, to urge her to the girls who enter this fall and suffer
work harder. And the duty of the the humiliations of it, where it sur-
group does not end there, for it must vives, one can only wish for wise
try to enforce its high standards. mothers, who will give them a little
RiJ!Shing, Is Necessary Evil. wholesome advice."
"As for rushing, I consider it a nec- In conclusion Mrs. Norris writes:
essary evil. In many cases, it is not "College years ought to be happy
thoroughly enjoyed by either the sor- years. They are the last youthful, ir-
ority members or'the rushees. The in- responsible years of a woman's life.
tense and exaggerated attentions A little honest, aristocratic 'kindness
shown to the girls being rushed are a on the part of the influential girls,
distinct contrast to the everyday rela- and a little patience and courage on
tionships shown to the girls after they the part of the shy and unwanted
are pledged. Perhaps a longer and less strangers, would remove this particu-
intense period of rushing would be lar blot from the universities' escutch-
worthy of consideration." eon and save hundreds of our finest
In the opinion of the adviser, fresh-I girls and boys from that lasting dis-
men who are not being rushed should advantage that itis popular now to
clearly understand that as indepen- call the 'inferiority complex. "
lent students they possess a greater
freedom for self-expression duringo
heir college career. The fact that they fl
re not invited to join a sorority is M*c
by no means an indication of inferi-
rity. Returning
"There may be many explanations A lmni
or failure to make a sorority," con-
inued Miss Johnson. "Some of these Alumni headquarters for Michigan
re the largeness of Michigan, the nec- football games will be continued this
ssary limitation of sorority member- year by the Alumni Association of
ship, and the fact that many freshmen the University of Michgian as it has
do not happen to know anyone to rec- done for the last four years. Head-
>mmend them. quarters for all alumni will be locat-
"Many invitations to sorority mem- ed in the lobby of the Union for all
jership are based upon a two-weeks' home games with the exception of the
icquaintanceship, and naturally this! Ohio Weslyan game.
neans that frequently the most worth- At the Illinois game headquarters
while girls from a permanent point for Michigan men, alumni and stu-.
>f view are overlooked. Some of the dents alike, will be established at the
finest and most accomplished alumnae Urbana Lincoln hotel. Headquarters
>f the University of Michigan have re- for all Michigan men at the Chicago
nained by choice or otherwise, free game will be at ihe Windermere
rom sorority affiliation. i hotel, which is only five blocks from
Real Worth Will Find Sympathy. the stadium. At Madison the Park
"Real ability,' the adviser adds, hotel will be the rendezvous of the
'will manifest itself regardless of Michigan supporters. Studonts are
ommendation from the crowds. cordially invited to make use of these
rherefore, if a girl lives up to the headquarters by the invitation of te
>est that is in her and a certain organ- Alumni association.
zation wants that type of person, she
will eventually find herself sur- PITTSBURGH-Lloyd Waner of the
rounded by a sympathetic group." Pirates tied the major league record
"These tolerant and optimistic opin by knocking out his 179th single of
ons are in distinct contrast to those'the season.
ecently expressed by Kathleen Norris,
he well-known novelist. "Colleges Mrs. Olive G. Ricker, Chicago, has
stand for the democratic ideal," re- been selected as executive secretary of
narks Mrs. Morris, "but instead they the National Bar Associations.
i-e often hotbeds of snobbery.
"In many Greek letter societies," Mrs. Ralph W. Bailey, '00, has been
writes the novelist, "if ten members appointed Associate in French at the
an be admitted, forty are rushed. University of California.
After a few days' acquaintance ten
re chosen and invited to membership, Christian Endeavors of Cleveland
while the remaining thirty are not have declared, Mrs. Coolidge a model
)nly slighted and hurt, but often ac- of Christian American womanhood,
ually ignored." whose habits of dress, conduct and
This custom of rushing, Mrs. Norris thought may well be emulated by
young women of thejation.

Yesterday's Announenient Erred Ini
Date of Party; Will Be At
8:30 O'Clock.
Entering upperclass women are in-
vited to be the guests of Mortarboard
and Senior society at a party to be
given at 8:30 o'clock tonight, instead
of last night as appearing in the Daily
yesterday in Sarah Caswell Angell
Hall. This party is given early in the
year so that the entering women may
become acquainted with each other
and with the older members of their
class as well as with the leaders of
the various activities on campus.
There will be refreshments and all
upperclass women are urged to come.
The patronesses for this party are as
follows: Dr. Margaret Bell of the
Physical Education department; Miss
Ethel McCormick, Mrs. John Van
Sickle, Miss Annis Hall, Miss Janet
Cummings, Miss Pauline Hodgson,
Miss Laurie Campbell, Miss Ella
Rawlings, and Miss lone Johnson, all
of the Physical Education department.
The Advisors to Women, Miss Grace
Richards, Miss Alice Lloyd, and Miss
Beatrice Johnson will also act as pat-
Freshmen and Sophomore hockey
practice was postponed. Thursday be-
cause of rain, but all Freshmen and
Sophomores are asked to report next
Tuesday at 5 o'clock at Palmer field.
Junior and senior practice took place
as scheduled, but many more people'
are needed for the squads. Everyone
may come out Tuesday for practice,
Juniors and seniors at 4 o'clock and
freshmen and sophomores at 5 o'clock.
fMlle Chaume, French title holder,
has entered the Women's Golf tourna-
ment in New York.
Sara Chase Willson, '00, is associate
medical director of the Maccabees of-
fice, Detroit.
The first woman to win a post in
the American diplomatic service, Miss
Lucile Atcherson of Cdlunmbs, Ohio,
has resigned from her career to marry
Dr. George Morris Curtis, of Chicago.

Freshmen Week Activities Are Popular
With New Women Is Belief Of Adviser

According To Cora, Girls Aren't As
Interesting To Talk To As Ride With

.- -. ... ...
Are the Smart Autumn fats
5.00 to $16.50
Puyear and HMintz
537 E. Liberty
.,.... .........


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