U -
Buckley Beleves That A lPrevious
Sales Records Will lie Broken
For Local Siowing
Tickets for the 22nd annual Union
Opera, "The Same To You," which
were placed on general sale Monday
of this week, have been selling at a
rapid rate. When applications have
been accounted for it is thought by the
treasurer, Paul Buckley, that previous
selling records will be broken. Popu-
larity of the local performances has
been growing during the past years,
according to Mr. Buckley.
General sale of tickets for Univer-
sity women will open today at the box
office in Hill auditorium. The sepa-
rate sale has always been customary.
Prices range from ,$3 for the boxes
and entire main floor to $2.50, $2, and
$1.50 for balcony seats, according to
"The Same to You" will make its
bow to caipus audiences next Monday
night at the Whitney theater, and will
continue throughout the week, playing
a matinee on Saturday afternoon.
t Daily rehearsals are being held with
the casts and choruses together, and
final revision of the whole perform-
ance is being made under the direc-
tion of E. Mortimer Shuter, general
Preparations are being made by the
various comittees for the trip
through the principal cities of Michi-
gan, Ohio, and the East, which will
be undertaken during the Christmas
recess. The first of these perform-
ances will be at the Auditorium in
Chicago Friday night, Dec. 16. This
is the last day during which sessions
will be held before the holidays, and
the Opera company will leave that
afternoon on a special train, carrying
scenery and wardrobes. Three per-
formances will be given in Detroit.
following this, and afterwards a tour
of Michigan cities will begin. The final
shows will be given in the East, and
the trip will end in Cincinnati, Dec.
Announcement has been made of
five $1,000 fellowships in transporta-
tion open to senior engineering stu-
dents of this University.
The scholarships, which are offered
annually by the graduate school of
Yale University, are awarded on the
basis of scholastic record. The con-
test is national in scope, although
preference is given to the sons of rail-
road men or students who have them-
ls done- railroad work.
OH10 STATE-The average cost of
four-year course at the Ohio State
university is estimated to be $4,000.
Three-fourths of this amount is per-
sonal cost to the- student, the remain-
ing expense assumed by the state and
federal government.
CALIFORNIA-College women are
becoming smaller and college men
larger, according to investigations
made by the department of physical
education at the University of Cali-
OKLAHOMA-Students of the Uni-
versity of Oklahoma held a mass
'meeting recently to find out why the
Universitly of Oklahoma autbjorities
were so strict.
Ex r~osn for the first time. the jeal-
ously ,;,.trued sec rets of the German
Admiral:y with regard to the mame-
moth, super-long-range guns with
which they shelled Paris in the spring
and sunmner of 1918, Colonel Henry
W. Miller, professor of mechanism
and drawing, has prepared a book
fwhich lie will publish soon under the
Sjtitle of "Shellifire."
Thesecrets of the construction and
Soperationof the guns have never be-
fore been disclosed in their entirety,
and in Germany even now it is held
treasonable to speak of the guns.
Only last September two men who
appeared at the American embassy
with secrets for sale about the tin-
ternal ballistics of high pressure guns
were tried for treason on the ground
that they were attempting to dispose
of the secrets of the guns used to shell
Paris from, a distance of 75 miles.
Col. Miller has gathered his informa-
tion for the book from documents in
his possession, the nature and source
of which can never be revealed for
diplomatic reasons, from conversa-
tions which he held with those in a
position tio know about the guns, and
from the two very indefinite stories
written by Germans after the war
about the guns.
A German ship commander, who
was ballistic commander of the field
forces in charge of the guns has pub-
lished a short account of the guns in
a book !of war stories by sea captains,
and Colonel Bauer, for a time chief
of staff under Ludendorff, has written
another account: which is very non-
committal as to details.
Col. Miller during the Great War
was chief engineer o: heavy artillery
for the American expeditionary forces,
and was present in Paris on March 23
when the first shells struck. TheE
"Bi,4 Berthas," as they were called,
were brought to his attention imned-
iately and he began his investigation
which has culminated in this book
which he has written for the lay read-
er although it is accurate history and
technical in detail.
The author hopes to have it pub-1
lished simultaneously in English,
French, and German. In Germany it
wlbethe first ti~me that th eo e
have been told the whole store. 'It, is s*~~ ~I1~JLi~
hard to tell," Col. Miller said, "what -
the attitide of the German govern- (Oy Assoiemted Press)
ment will be. There is, however, noth- WASHINGTON, Nov. 30.--Arrange-
ing they can do about it. The war
on2o jn l nffl l flfl ,x]
ments under which it is believed for-
cost us$ G,U00,{1t1,tlU0, and weoughi
to get some secrets out of it." eign-born Canadians now commuting
Col. Miller discloses in his ook theI across the border to employment in
principle behind the gun which gave the United States will be able to ad-
it such tremendous range. A physi- ;just themselves to American immigra-
cist by the name -of Von Eberhardt, as- lion laws without hardship was an-
sistant to Rausenbergen of the Kruppz
company, called attention to the fact nounced last night by the State de-
that if sufficient muzzle velocity could partment after prolonged conferences
be imparted to a projectle to get it with the Labor department. The sit-
12 miles above the earth where the at- uation as it now stands is understood
mosphere is only one tenth as dense
as at the surface, it would travel three to be satisfactory to the Canadian gov-
fourths of its lhorizontal distance in a ernment.
medium offering negligible resistance. The new plan calls for the back-
To accomplish this the enormous dating of applications for 'immigra-
muzzle velocity of one mile a second -
would have to-be given the shell. tions visas, required of foreign-born
Canadians under immigration order
SOUTER TO TALK number 86, which becomes effective at
midnight tomorrow, to the date of
ON "LA TIN BIBLE'' their application for border-crossing
cards they now hold. The result will
Republican Majority
Prospect For Coming
Session Of Congress
(Special to The Daily)
WASHINGTON, Nov. 30.-Although
holding a paper majority of a single
vote in the new senate, the Repub-
licans appeared certain today of or-
ganizing the seventietn congress when
it convenes next Monday.
The process will be an easy one in
the house, where the Republicans hold
a substantial majority, but in the sen-
ate they can accomplish it only with
Democratic votes. The organization
of either house or senate carries with
it committee chairmanships, the nam -
ing of parliamentary officials, consid-
erable patronage and a larger repre-
sentation on committees. It also in-
cludes responsibility for legislation.
Assisted By Deins.
The Republicans will be aided in
gaining nominal control of the senate
by Democratic leaders who do not
wish to assume responsibility for leg-
islation in a hostile congress on the
eve of a presidential election The
These three union leaders are urg- Snapped in Washington, they are,
lig President Coolidge to call a con- from deft to right: John Lewis, presi-
ference of miners and operators in det of the United Mine Workers of
America; William Green, presidlent of
central and western Pennsylvania and American Feen of o,
. the American Federation of Labor,
Ohio and other regions affected by the an Frank Morrison, secretary of that
soft coal strike which is now on. 'organization.
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Pun -1Irli
Dr. Alexander Souter, regius pro- be to give this group, in the event GIVES- *- Democrats prefer to have the Repub-
fessor of humanity at the University they have made application for immi- KALAMAZOO GIVESI MEMBERSHIP IS LARGE licans remain in titular control, inas-
of Aberdeen, will deliver it University rations, visas, a degree of priority GILBER T BANQUE T. - much as neither party will be able to
in the granting of visas and enable Registration at the Union so far this enact legislation without assistance
lecture here at 4:15, Dec. 8 in the them to evade the long waiting list at Louis Gilbert '28 Michigan's all- year has exceeded the total number from the other.
Natural Science auditorium pn the the bottom of which they would other- The Republican insurgents, who
subject of "The Latin Bible." I wise stand. Conference half-back, will be honored recorded last year by 200 The num- bolted the party four years ago to
Professor Souter is an international Coupled for this plan for expedit- with a banquet Saturday night, Dec ber, however, is far from a complete elect a Democrat chairman of the
authority on the Greek and Latin Bi- ing immigration visas for the 1,000 or 3, in Kalamazoo given by the Univer- . powerful interstate commerce com-
so individuals involved is the fact that i registration and the ofice on the third mittee, apparently planned no such
ble, haing hel the poitions f Yatessity of Michigan alumni clib and civcypanenosc
examination by immigration officials .rganizatifloor will be kept open every after- fight this year.
professor of new testament Greek at at the border under the new order will nogatisxteonsoof ohaoloc.y.l The insurgents appeared ready to
Oxford, Stone lecturer, Princeton The- recuire considerable time which, it is Fielding H. Yost, Director of Atl- noon this week from 3 to 5 oclock. All go along with the regular Republi-
ological Seminary, and lecturer at the expected, will permit virtually all of letics and Coach Elton E. Wieman will men must have their Union cards in cans in organizing the senate, as
Southern P a ist Theologica! Semi- the forengn-horn Canadians in this also be present at the affair as speak- prder to obtain full benefit from the many of their own members now hold
class to obtain visas before it is neit n s. privileges of this organization, high committee assignments under the
nary.essary to deny them entry. Republican leadership.s..
Dr. Souter has also published nu-e- -----
Iierous works on the Greek and Latin _11 111 litl f11 1111 111 1111 111 1111 111 1111 111 11IiI I IIlilIIIII 111 111 1111 111 1111 111 1 111 111 1[ il l 1 111
Bibles, among them "A Text and Can-
on of tme New Test ament," "A Pocket
Lexicon of the Creek New Testament."
.and a translation of "'Tertullian's
Treatises." In addition Professor Sou-
ter edited "orac Latinae" and "Ter-
tuhiani Apologet iculs,"' and has alsow
contributed numerous articies to va
rions classical and theological magaI--+
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