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December 01, 1927 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-12-01

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TIIT'RT)A)-, TD CE) 1-1 tI 1, 1 911,

t l uif Mmoaf etIIPlan To D 1elegates
Slv 11 0111'. i al1,lai ll
To fleet Approval
GENEVA, NOV.--u.-Soviet Russia
today threw a "peace b)omb'' into the
oo)ei zs(-siojn of the preparatory

F for the Kappa Pi Siga ol-
Congressional Deans;KI FTCKT O Forbes To Testify BUIES LU IL lans Completed B vetio hc il ehl
JIL AlIn Har ding Scandal ra lpha Nu For Yearly aadStuayD.2an
II~ffl fl 'i or I fflhII~I PlFAI ug" ~ ~ '* cording to Lyle P. Eiserman, pre-
SJ-DV U LUL TUM - T HU Yt fr~ ', ~iiIC 1A)nf'l\ CI bend'it of' Alpha 'it, more than 25 dle-
a."s from the oher nine chapt er

selection (W Jack ("hapiianNs11Piece
harnd As Leaulii Orchestra For
flop) is Announiced
C'onclusion of ticket sales at the
UInon todlay and the announcement of
tele'tding orchestra that will furnish
mushc- for the University's biggest so-
cial event. of the year are two last de-
velop~ments towards the class of 1929
J-H op, which will be held in Feb-
T/-1~~'B~E Ax b1)0th was opened yesterday after-
, TY'MA.SS, B TLERnoon in the main lobby of the Union
' } xx Lere tho- e who had been sent ac-

Schilwd1z Ih'car,"s DleIy Io He Well
uFit ed To Lecinrc (On Ch- ill
M. 1". Rowley, nit--rhandising maiag-I
t 'r of t he J. L. I liidlon company of D~e-
I rili , will speii kbeforek an open meet,-
lng o' t he fusi ne:'s A lilinisi rationl
cm b, 'Friday evening at t he Uinion, at
720) o'clock. lIe will. give special at-
tentIion to He advantages anld disad-
va ntages; of (cha in organizatIioa.
Prof. Carl N. Schmialz, assistant di-
rector of the B3uresa of I311siness Re-
soarch, stat es that I.)owley is one of
tho leading department store men of
the United States and that he is ad-
1 ,haply fitted to talk on the subjectC
announeed, not only because of his p e e t c n eto s b t b c u e lej
was for several years merchandise
manager of the Associated M4erchan-
dise corporation of New York, one of
'the largest and probably the most ad- E
vanced of the group b~uying organiza-
Ic.01W t olIC1 : o Hudson';rDow iey;
wxas t}er'chandlise manager of Arnold,
srConstable and company, a New York
.deparment store.Ilie was at one
ime a member of the faculty of Nowd
York University.

101V4 lv iiithatco-education11should of kappa Phi Sigma have s^ig;nifiedl
be abolished at the University of the1jir intenation of attending the con.
Michigan, va!,the l lk stiofl debated clave.
at thle regular meeting of Alpha Nuit t was also announced at the meet-
Tw idiy ni-ht. By a vote of the u that the annual social or gt-o
member h contest wais woan by the gther nmeeting of the four debating;
negastive tea n, which consisted of societies onlthe Campus wvould b held~t
Sherman 1 rrtis, '31, Towvnsend Clark, nx Tuesday night. Several membt'r;
'8;t, and Douglass Ed wards, '31. were appointed to confer withrei-
At the business session which fol- sentatives from the other sc~i~t
lowed the debate plans were conm- formulate a program for this; party
Men's Corduroy, Plaid Lined Coats,
4 Pockets, $7.75
Men's Two-Piece Athletic Underwear, 43c
Men's Broadcloth Shirts, Collar Attached,
all sizes, white, $1.00
Men's Fancy Stripe Sox, 25c pair
An-n Arbor Dry Goods Co.
Beiveen ib Aert y and Wih11iait.s

cCJpte('1 applicatlis aight exchange
dara ntcommission by formally t henk for tickets to the affair. More
]'p;i'g1lecomplete abolition of all than half of the total number sent out
land, maur ~e and air forces. were returned yesterday, and the rest
Adlmit t ingthatU the Soviet project are expected today. The booth will be
was a rad icAl suggestion, Maxim Lit- . r open from 2 until 6 o'clock. If the
vinlov, cie'01' the Soviet delegation, ~ total number of applications sent out
called for thsedijssolution of all land,\ are not redeemed by today the remain-
sea andai forces and the non-ad- i ng tickets will be placed ongnea
miitta ice of t heir existence in any con-*"*- sale at the same time tomorrow. All
celeI or hasove.those having accepted appicaiosr
'he pro«I;,.. al (amused( a profound sen- .<?i " :", urged by the committee to get them in
sat inat the (conte;crc'e, though many . immediately. The applications we re
cle tegcAi \ (,Sorito smile as if teyacepted and rejectedI by lot and ac-
('onideed hes~l~tii li~i' tha I~()' -''cording to the enrollment in the va-I
pa sitvavoutlinedl the s weep- -ions jnnior (classes in all schools and
in Sovie proect, colleg;es inl the 'University.
Th u i ,(.lgat '1)kit d ~*ark Chiapman's 1.1-piece dance lband,,
the~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ niorcrwnl1 p 50-h io~~t' -- vmlaying in Chicago, have been se-
ti hat a??Welset andmilitary supplies, .( cr1 ;n ,'I1ce by the 'ominitte ais the leadling
mas rcemclwarsmare and all Suloi " ~N.'is E rrWai' ci of Wy- orchestra for I hie J-IHop. Two other
othie cin imaterialforms of armnament lIbe01;;l,rta utclI;d R ' ctati i \' T1omalii ~~banzds will be cingag;ed in the near t'iu-I
dos ," oyed, 'that all warships, milit ariy Bt 1cri, of I 'enyl van ia have thIie lonig- tnire to supplement the work of t his
and air 'ra~lft be scrapped andl that thej est service rec'ordt in Congress, Sen- ognztoi h rhsr a ik
sysem i 'aliui lp CtWCii fo mil' 11 tom' Warren, whlo is the father-ini-law edl after Iong; deliberation by the con-
it ary t raiingr' be discontinued. of Geni. Johns ..1 ershiingg, has served mittee, duiring whichs time mnany of the
1lou'ld arl'tzy Asked. ctise('Ot ively since 1894 and lRepre- leading bands of the country werej
The Soviet delegation introduced a senartive Butlecr has sei'veil sinc(e 1897. heard and their bids c'onsideredl.j
i'eslui ionciiII ng fr Ihe inieiat Members of the commit tee wer'e guests
woi'kinig out, in detail of a drlaft con- LI'TERAXRY ~ OU.P of ariouis orchestrlas nlow platyinig in
voiiticn 1for complete general disarm- Chicago andl Detroit who were anxious
anen~kt. oninc~'iiiples submitted by ( TO E1AR O"~JNL1LL 'to play for a Michigan J-loi).
tiem. The resolution also pr'ovidedl- hpa' adarcrigogn
for ~ioc~iO('iti~i o a isamamnt rof. James !1". O'Nerill 01' the dIe- zation, now has the reputation of be-
c'oifo fi(',o not later thani M,~arch, 1928. Itrpartmnent of spech is to s peak before i tewins the mlost popular or'ch'estr'a in
Scrapptling;of' all warships andl the (IC- the American P'hilological Association Chic:ago. It is now playing during the
striat ion of all fortresses, if accepted ait its ('olveitioni in (Cincinnati during11 dinner hour at the La Salle hotel din-
by the IIIIwCIs would be (carried( out in Christmas vacation, a'cording to an ing raoom in that city, and afterxvards
a port ion of from pne to four yearsl announcement from the speech deC- at, the Bal Tabarin, one of the most



Col. Charley IR. Forbes.
Former chief of the U.S. Veterans'
'Bureau, photographed following his
release after 20 months servitude in
the. federal pentitentiary, Levensworth,t
Seans., who asserted upon his release
! hat he had "some startling facts:
which will put to shame a lot of syco-
,)hatms and caluminators" of the late
I President Harding.


- -_

0 1

Pride in Appearance
Woolen socks de-m
m nda care in launder-

under the Soviet scheme.
"Amedt force is a weapon in the
hands of the Great Powers for the op-
pr'essinof 1 the peoples in small and
colonial countries and the complete
abolition o:: armaments is at pi'esent
the only ,eal means of guaranteeing
security andi affording a guarantee!
against the outbreak of war," was one
of the striking phrases in the Soviet
Another was that the existence of
armaments and their tendency to
growth, "~by their very nature, in-
evitab~ly lead to armed conflicts be-
twei nat ions (ldiverting the peasants
from lpca;.cefu I productive labor and
briningin <a train of countless dis-
Wantl No Walitig.
As the Rtussians desired a draft con-
vention framed} immediately, they did
not favor waiting for additional inter-
nationatl security, a question which is
very close to the hearts of many
Pie ssureless
Writes Like
a Breeze
Never tires. Never
PA ,Ef holds you back.
writes themesfast.
it f Kl t Choice of six grad-
uated pen points,
14K gold, iiim
irdu-tipped, tempered
- to hold shape you
likea,no matter who
borrows it.
5 colors-Lac-
quer-Red, Mandia-
rin Yellow, Lapis
La zuli Blue, Jade
Green - all black -
! f1 tipped-or flashing
Black and Gold.
Smartest -looking,
smartest - writing
a pen you know.
Balanced like a
golf club, 28%o
.I lighter than when
1 !! made with rubber.
i 32 pen patents
cover it.
One good pen to I
last for years
_ saves money.
Over-size $7. Jun-
for or Lady size $5.
Look for "Geo. S.
Parker- Duof old" F
? a3,,on barrel -that's
a3 l the genuine. At
all dealers.

paitmeilt. lie will talk on the "Re-
lat ion of Speech Education to Philolo-
gy and Linguistics."
Professor O'Neill addressed the Na-
tional Council of Teachers of English,
last Saturday, at their meeting in Chi-
cago, lecturing on "Speech Training
for English Teachers." Professor
O'Neill also is to speak on the sixth
radio program of the University, Dec.
9. His topic has not been announced.
European nations, p~articularly France.j
After introdluctionL of the Russian
resolution, the afternoon session of
the commission adljourned, but not be-
fore Dr. J. J. Loudon, of H1olla nd, who
presided, had declared it was clear the

exclusive of Chicago night clubs. Dur-
ing the past summer the band could
be heard at the La Salle hotel roof
garden. There is among the personnel
a singing trio, and the orchestra has a
store of specialties and features with
which to entertain. It plays for the
-most part straight dance time.
difference between the Russian view-
point andl that of the other nations
was not in its aim, but in its method
of approach to the problem.
BERLIN.-The crew of the D-1230
has decided to give up the attempt to
fly to America this year, the Junkers
Co. announcedl.


They require at-




With our

In the World of Style
Ono 1 unist b" 11;0'1, for' xtibtle ('hanges ('reep into vogue as the season
adlveiic, s. Don't miss seeing the new high colored
arivhing d,-ily
$9.75 and $14.95




turnthemto you soft
fluffy and in their or-w
al iz. uch treat-
en tis oly one ofthe
features ofVarsity





F' __________________

the "iMaY'

Laundry equipment.


Women's League and Inter-Church
Friday, December 2-1 p. m.-9 p. m.
Saturday, December 3-9 a. m.-9 p. m.



_ LUNDI~y Co.


flli fill

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