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November 29, 1927 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-11-29

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1 1 L l~avrrrv ra r xa r I

t rarer

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of
the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until
3:30 p.,in. (11:30 a. mn. Saturday.)
Volume . TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 20.Number 00.
Notice in re Purchase of Annuities:
The attention of all members of the Faculty who b)y the term of their ap-j
pointment are obligated to purchase old age annuities or who have the priv-
ilege of purchiasinlg such annuities, is respectfully called to the fact that the
annuity rates of the Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association will be
somewhat increased beginning January 1, 1928. rThere will be an appreciable
saving to all who perect their arrangements for taking annuities before the
end of the present calendar year.Shre .mt.
General Committee on the University College:
The third meeting of the General Committee on the University College will
be held in room D, Alumni Memorial Hail, at 4:15 p.m., on Wednesday, No-
vember 30, 1927.
The tentative report of the sub-committee on Faculty will be discussed.
Ira 3. Smith, Secretary.
University Lecture:
Professor Enno Littmann of the Department of Semitic Philology, Uni-
versity of Tubingen, will lecture in English on "The Origins of the Arabian
Nights," at 4:15 p.m., Friday, December 2, in the Natural Science Auditorium.
The public is cordially invited.Y obis
F. E.llobjin 4
Admniustrative Board, College of Literature, Science, andii the Arts:
There wil be a meeting of the Administrative Board Wednesday, No-
vember 30, at 4:10 in my office. Cases of discipline are to be considered and'
student members are expected to attend.I
John IL. Eftinyger, Dean.

Clas dus se bytheExeutien Council at $2 are payable to group lead
ers during week of November 29.
j - Daniel Rose, Treasurer..
Senior Ednent ion (' s RPpresentattives:j
T~hera will be a meeting of all representatives of the 'Senior I7,dt at ion
class on Wednesday, November 30, in room 109 Tapp~an h all at 7 :30. All
members please be present.
I1 Pauline Zeller, Secret ary.
j You havhe ,a little less than a week in which to get your order slips for'
SENIOR f"ICTUREIS from the business office of the MICIIIANENSIAN and
secure appointment:, with the photographers. SENIORS of all colleges5 are
urged to attend to this matter immediately if they wish to have their piei ue
in the 1928 year book. This applies also to those who have already gotten
their order sips but who have not yet matte their appointment:
Bry an [[nut, Editor.
Botanical Seminar meeuts Tuesday, November 29, at 4:30, 13173 N.S.
Building. P~aper~ by H. H. Bartlett, "The Presentation of the Osmotic 't'heory
by Teachers of Biology." 3. J.L Dav is.
French Lecture:
The opening lecture of the Cerele Francais program will be given Wed-

on n oomat7 :5 iu.Threwill he0 papers read and gene ra)l discussion Soplhomore Prom C'ommlittee:
on1 contemi;poraryAmrian Iotry. All 'who are inte rested are cordia;;lly in- The~re will lie an importanltme-
vited. 111,::o1'All members or the oph1om'e
Kiatiierinie Lnr:doer, Peiet rmCmitea :0o,'lock .In the
t ion'2. ;htie room numbellhr will 1be
)(1 (ic in lilln :lo;td o t h bl ) linl )].).3111 n1t1
,.11 1)wllb K c1, oohling of 11 C ircolo I2tal iano X dasa vn igIe wof the i'loP .
at 7 : loo'loci:, room 202 South Win,-. A musical program will hepeete. ~og F. llilw1,ooh, Chairmlia.
by the m em~tlbers. A. i (flilio, President. S u e t , E c k
fatetlieti Cllith : he n ata t. a ThePilg1rim1:c,"1' 2'
L111icli on lfol. the club will be served in the:> Michigan Union, on Wed- Twill be i~,rfor I11athe tueuK1
nesdayr, Ncvemnbr.-r 30, at 1 ':15 x.m1.................ctl tteSho f1ls'.ui
SValis- * Ijenlon. tor Turdayevniglt lceml; bRl

Si, at S :15 o'clock. A chlo tn:, of1'6 t
Prc~i~l nh :Voics ad orchestraL o42() pla~rrs, all
'11e 2 go tar intel in-AIi ill h1heldl at the (Clhamiber of ( oniiierce, I ui-,-} lwn from the studentt body and
(ay cv . illI ~ T, c. I. 111 i" rill be Servedi at 6 :30 o'clock. Followijug tie undelr the ,diretion 11of Hoy S.Lag
dir je ', Mr. C . lt. WalIgreen, h :Ld of the Walgrcen C'haini of Drug st ores will liaiii will p7resen t the canita ta. rf11~f
atidross t h13 u ,=. :ng cin '" '1. rinacy and the Chain Store System.'' Visitors 1"na will be sutppliinEnted by
;ar av ay S- -c .e.piano solos by Philip Stern and


It. C. Ryce, President.

Union I'resh mini G(roups :
Meetings tonight at 7:15 in the Union. Programs have been arranged for
groui:s under the following leaders:
C. Miller..............................Room 316.

"Dio possente" from "Foust" with or-
chest ral accomnpaniment by Roberit
Graham. The general public is In-
E. V. Moore.



nesdaa, November 30, at 4:15 oclock in Naural 6clen1ce taUui1.u1Li1I £uu'.Irg.................om319
Declos of the Office National des Universities yet Ecoles Francases will give j. Lwr...... ....................... Room30.ApaN:
an illustrated lecture on "Claude Monet." WLwy.. ........... om32 lh u
Tickets for the whole series may be procured from the Secretary o, the J. C. Waver, Chairman Unerclass Committee. Meeting tonight at 7:30 o'clock. All
Romance Language Department, room 104, South Wing. Rene Talamon. members aire urged to be present for
the final preparations for the Con-
'.':lelphi Houe o Reprsentatii es: clay-,. Committees will be appointed
Physics C_"oliofnlnitfl? The House will meet this evening to discuss the question of Philippine and will meet in order to detail 'their
Areport will be given on the Chicago meeting of the American Physical h'n ricwihwl b upre yntv Flpns n poe by work. Theprga will consist of a
Society, at 4:1u o'clock 'Tuesday in room 1041, East Physics Builing. Those; the Iepolblicanipoga members of the h ouse. All visitors ae welcome to the open1 debate between the freshman members
interested are invited to attend. se-sionr, whih b gins pomptly a 7:30 o'clock. Active nmembers are re-i of the Society.
W. VF. Colby. e oext et to e precsentI for the. closed session to settle old business. layle E.PIsernan, President.
--Robert J. Gessner, Speaker. ________
TeAnAbrdvso ofteDetroit chaprtcr will hold a meeting oi, BERAILIN-A new proces is being
Thursday, Dec. 1, at 7:30 p.m.' in rconm 3201 Ea]st Engineerinig Building. Pro- lcoiru', Lew m, .tid Iierehurch llm'oar eeoe yteMnrlOladCa
lessor A. E. Whlite will discuss some impress ions re(-eived (uring his recent' Thor, ill be a n 'eeting of the centiral connitl cc at 4 ocitk today ,it tiliaton companyern wherein motor
[ripto Erop. '-rboir g~rnasru. Ffuel is et rcted from raw coal.
All tudents interested in metallurgy are invited. J eatn N1e Kaig, General Chairman. . . .f..
__ _. ! W ,., Tt.,:i.oo"d l .i~ra n n


Fclty, 'oillege of Literature, Science, and the Arts:
Wlid pmester report cards are now being distributed through the Dean'sI

vemberl)) *30 the names of all studIent, whose standing is at, this time D or E.
'.1 hose grades should clot indicate merely the mark received on the mid1(-
semester examination, if such an examination is given. More cards, if needed, ;Iforth, LiterVarIy Society:
can be had at my office. There will be a meeting of Port ia
These cards should be used only for reports of the work of students en-'
rolled in this college. Mary A. Cutting, Secretary to Assistant. Dean. ( Phi [IONh kappa :
---- - 1Important c ,entc; for the com ing
F mgiieering Students and Faclty:? week are as Polows:
Mr. John F. Stevens, president of the A. S. C. E., will speak at a smoker' 1. Candidates will be examined on
given under the auspices of the Engineering Society on Tusdy November 29.j their papers, which were received lastI
It will be held in the Union Ballroom at 7:30 p. m. An admission fee of fifty Friday, tonight at. 7 p.m., at TLappan
cents will be charged to cover the cost of smokes, entertainment, and refresh- Bail. All active andl associate meml-j
ments. Tickets may be obtained in the West Engineering Building Monday or h er s are reque sted to attend this ex-
Tuesday. 11 . 3M. Shoemiaiker, Chairman A. S. M. E. amination.
1. ail. Salmnimd, Chairman A. S. C. E, . 2.. Active members of the Fraternity
L. J. Van TuyI, Chairman A. Ii. h E. E. 4 will meEt Wednesday at 7 p.m. in
__________________Tappan Hall for the purpose of elect-
Bureau of Appoitmaents-C, D, E, and F:j ing new members, both active and as-
All candidates enrolled with the Bureau of Appointments whose names 3 oi. FraIntaio ie ilb
begin with C, DE, or F, are requested to call at the office, room 102 Tappan c. onfredFiiyafteron t4wplm.,
Hall, for interviews this week. Office hours for this purpose will be held fromcofreFidyatnont4pm.
9 to 12 a.m., and 2 to 4 p.m., November 29, 30 andl December 1, andl 2. Michigan Union. This will be fol-I
Hlelent Shamaboughi, Secretary. loe ( G p~m.) by the initiation ban-k
(o T~r harles .~uMc'1(pnv Pres.i-

11. Wood

,ieti .:: 80 IookTao ,da(ly afternioon.

)_" ofc~)~S (lerany, haIs started work
o" ;o 1101501 llu11c thathe says will
carry 100 passengers_.

Literary Society this evening in the

.--- - ... .

. s ++4 ?' .Nw + !.rr7t*;r*v+.,_.,,. ;rq vr ":w .'.."' : r'."Sr:'%^x}.; " ?rtir i. .'?' "uhvtu +u +w.. rrvrr.

.. t:..... _ _.rSf s_...: {.!.. _ s ..._r_... ..... _ _ - s_ . . . . . . .... . . . ..........: :^s: : r _.............:: t.........".":r"t... _ r...._._..... h".. X rr .112u11t::. ...... _ ._ _ ._ .._......., .. .


--a-- .vo Wn y{r,.{ {. a:{" v;v: y }.%.'".'"':':;" y:' ~''l=':~a%:$' :
." trJL




English 159:
The make-up test for my Shakespeare course will be given today at
4:15 o'clock, 2225 A.H.
0. C. Campbell.
Speech 31:
Professor Muyskens will lecture today, Tuesday at 4 o'clock in room
25, Angell Hall. Lionel Crocker.
Entering Sophomore and Upperclass Women and Those Who Have Not Fin.
fishied the Requirement in Hygiene Lectures:
The fifth Hygiene Lecture will be given on Tuesday, November 29th, at
4 o'clock in Sarah Caswell Angell Hall. Bring blue books.
1Margaret Bell, Ml. D.
Freshmen Groiup :
All members of my group are invited to my house this evening at 7:30.
R. C. Angell.

dent of the Mvichigan State Normal Col-
lege, will speak on the. subject, "TrJhe
Rise of the Teachers College."
IL . I acNitt, President.
The regular meeting will be held
Wednesday at 8 p.m., at 1954 Cam-
bridge Road. E. M. Gale is to speak
on "China."
N. C. Fisk, Clerk.
Sophomore Prom Tickets :
B3eginning today tickets for the
Sophiomore Prom will be on sale
only at the ticket booth ini the lobby
of the Union firom 3: 15 to 5:8
B1. IL. Carr, Chairinan Ticket Coin-




fester 'el l smok+errs
dojit ne with
e so lets ...


I Wednesday Night, Eight to Tena

Dancing at our midweek party is

enjoyable, because

every effort has been made to afford everyone two hours of
pleasant recreation. The music by Bill. Watkins and his
Wolverines is wonderful.
Danscing cveryWcducsda y, Friday aid Sat urday Nights

*. but watch how other smokers are changing to ChesterfIld!



~Granger' s Academy

,"% :. _;.:.. - .+:tiJ'P1.".'.t ... 1. : .YJ _ _ T" A RI'A iii: 't I +y A

SThe Same to You The Same to You The Same to You*The Samre to You The Sax-te to You The Samre to You ThFle Same to You The Same to You '1
S E E "Bud Lewis," Tom Dougall, Louis Gilbert, "Buck" Samson, and many other stars
EAR Many New Snappy, Catchy Tunes played by Two Big Orchestras, one on the stage
SEE Elaborate Stage Settings, many gorgeous costumes, and new, beautiful effects

Phe Saxe to Youl ,




In the 22nd Annual imes-Union Opera


General Ticket Sale Now at Main Desk of Michigan Uni on



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