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November 13, 1927 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-11-13

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SUNDAY. 'N*OVr,,AlDr4,Tl 11. lq27

.T.........T... ............ . . .............Ml . T

7~,l .t. k. Z. t l / 1' 1'. .l l l I' I L f , I : . I

Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.

that the principal difference will be
that this class will enter its profes-
sional careers with a high school
rather than a college background.
The difficulty probably lies a great

Member of Western Conference Editorial deal deeper that Professor Spaulding

The Associated Press is exclusively en-
ttiled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lished herein.
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, astsecond class matter. Special rate
)t postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
mte tr General.
Suscription by carrier, $4,oo; by mail,
Offices:tAnn Arbor Press Building, May-
nard Street.
Phones Editorial, 4925; Business 11214.
Telephone 4925
Editor.................. ...Ellis B. Merry
Editor Michigan Weekly.,.Charles E. Behymer
Staff Editor...............IPhilip C. Brooks
City Editor..............Courtland C. Smith
Women's Editor...........Marian L. Welles
SportsEditor.............Herbert.E. Vedder
Theater, Books and Music. Vincent C. Wall, Jr.
r'elegraph Editor.......... .. Ross W. Ross
Assistant City Editor..Richard C. Kurvink
Night Editors
Robert E. Finch G.gThomas McKean
J. Stewart hooker Kenneth G. Patrick
Paul J. Kern NelsonJ.. Smith, Jr.
Milton Kirshbaumn
Esther Anderson Tack L. Lait, Jr.
MargaretqArthur Marion 'McDonald
Emmons A. Bonfield Richard H. Milroy
bratton Buck Charles S. Monroe
Jean Campbell Catherine Price
Jessie Church Harold L. Passman
William B. Davis Morris W. Quinn
Clarence N. Edelson Pierce Rosenberg
Margaret Gross David Scheyer
Valborg Egeland Eleanor Scribner
Marjorie Follmier Robert G. Silbar
James 3. Freeman Howard F. Simon
Robert J. Gessner . George E. Simons
Elaine E. Gruber Rowena Stillman
Alice Hagelshaw Sylvia Stone
Joseph E. Howell George Tilley
Charles R. Kaufman Edward L. Warner, Jr.
Lawrence R. Klein Benjamin S. Washer
Donald J. Kline Leo J. Voedicke
Sally Knox Joseph Zwerdling
Telephone 21214
Assistant Manager.... George H. Annable, Jr.
Advertising.............Richard A. Meyer
Advertising .-.............Arthur M. Hinkley
Advertising...... ..Edward L. Hulse
Advertising.............ohn W. Ruswinckel]
Accouints... ... ...Raymon~d VWachter
Circulation............. George B. Ahn, Jr.
Publicatiotu.................Harvey Talcott
Fred Babcock Hal A. Jaehn
George Bradley James Jordan
Marie Brumler Marion Kerr
James 0. Brawn -Dorothy Lyons
James B. Coopet Thales N. Lenington
Charles K. Correll Catherine McKinven
Barbara Cromell W. A. Mahaffy
Helen Dancer Francis Patrick
"Mary Dively George M. Perrett
Bessie U. Egeland Alex K. Scherer"
Ona Felker Frank Schuler
Ben Fishman Bernice Schook
Katbert'ne Frochne-" Mary Slate
Douglass Fuller George Seater
Beatrice Greenberg Wilbert Stephenson
Helen Gross Ruth Thompson
Herbert Goldberg Herbert E. Varnum
E.. J. Hammer Lawrence Walkley
Carl W. Hammer HannaheWaller
Ray Hotelich
Night Editors-McKEAN and KERN

has indicated, and probably lies in the
very roots of a social organization
which awards a position of respect
and prominence to the "white collarI
man" while it refuses to award a
similar presatigento the man who
works with his hands.
We have mass education in the
West, to be sure, and we no doubt edu-
cate a number of men and women
who are not highly fit for the train-
ing they receive. It remains to be
proved, howevr,, that any product of
our mass educational system is the
worse off for having received his col-
lege training, and until this is sustain-
ed the case of the extremely conserva-
tive selective educators seems rather
As might be expected, the German
press and German official opinion has
treated somewhat lightly the recent
communication of Seymour Parker
Gilbert in which he charges "over-
borrowing and overspending" to the
the German Reich. To be sure, Mr.
Gilbert (Agent General for Repara-
tions,) based his statement on sound
facts, but in the face of prompt and
regular payments of foreign obliga-!
tions on the part of Germany; he can
hardly expect to be sustained in his
Perhaps Germany has been some-
what imprudent in its expenditures,
and to that length Gilbert is justified,
but as long as she meets her foreign
obligations with the clock-like pre-
cision of the present, there can cer-
tainly be no deep-seated error in her
financial policy.
Following the recent conference of
Representative Charles Winter of
Wyoming with President Coolidge on
the question of the Boulder Canyon
dam, and with the impending seven-
state conference to be held in Denver
on the same subject, hopes for the
consummation of the great Boulder
Canyon power and irrigation project
seem brighter than they have since
the last session of Congress filibuster-
ed to its close.
Just why the government should
hesitate to build such a dam, which
cengineers admit would prevent floods
in the Imperial Valley, irrigate thou-
sands 'of acres, and pay for itself with
power in a few years, is difficult to
see, and if the conference at Denver
brings the states into accord, there
seems to be no legitimate reason why
the Boulder Canyon dam should not
become a reality with the passing of

0'n E , ~x L L
:tl N K.
Back in his cozy office at the Whit
Ilouse, President Coolidge sat in con-
ference. Also telling stories were the
Secretary of War and Secretary o
the Navy. Just as the Secretary o
War was telling one he heard at las
night's performance, in rushed a mes
senger boy. "Where's the president?
he gasped.
Mr. Coolidge talked as much as
usual and reached for the yellow
sheet. "Army 18, Notre Dame O," it
read. He passed it over his feet to
the other two. They read and smiled
happily. "Bet Billy Mitchell is sure
sore about that," remarked the Secre
tary of War.
* * *
Each buried himself with his
thought, each thinking of what de-
motion they would next hand the army
firebrand. Another messenger rushed
in just as they had arrived at buck
private. The president tore this open
glanced at at, and his face fell. More
silently, he handed it over for inspec
The Secretary of the Navy paled
There was a deep silence; then Ca
upset the dope and broke it (the sil
ence). "I'll bet ex-Admiral MacGruder
is thumbing his nose in our direction
now," he remarked. "Let's move."
a * *
A near riot was caused in the center
of State street yesterday afternoon
when a student casually perusing his
new Students' Directory found that i
was complete, having even the section
of names beginning with M andl N.
* * *. ,
"We are at a loss to explain this,'
the editor declared in a personal in
terview granted to Rolls representa
tive tomorrow afternoon, "Since it wa
our intention to let none of these per
feet books out of the office."
Since the arrival of Professor Jack
students in the engineering colleg
have been asking how come the li
students have started calling the profs
by their first names.
* * m
Rumors are going abot that th
Navy goat was not the Navy goat, i
you see what we mean. .We agree: the
Navy goat was never that white!
The goat was misunderstood in one
case though, and for that, we feel ex
tremely sorry for him. A lady on our
right couldn't see down the field very
well and remarked to her escort or
husband (we don't know which as we
didn't ask) "Oh, isn't it too bad tha
they have to bring that poor sheep ou
here in front of all this crowd?" Later
it came closer and she found that
strangely enough, her poor lamb wore
* * *
Somehow, we just couldn't enjoy
that game. There were lots of scor.
ing, lots of knockdowns and kayos
lots of coeds and pretty girls around
but the whole thing was a pall.
* * *
You see, the boy friend and us upse
the dope at the Ohio game and had
seats on the 45-yard line. All during
the game, we tried to see through
various and sundry wives of the but

ter-and-egg men and former alumni
who put their cash in bonds to save
the old Alma Mater from bankruptcy.
It was impossible, however. First the
lady in front would bob up as Louie
was on his way toward demoralizing
the Ohio team, and say "Oh, there's
Gertie up there! Yoo, hoo, Gertie!"
Then another would bob up and down
and do her bit toward establishing old
ties by screaming above a locomotive
"Oh, Angie! Is Bill here?" Were your
preserves allright?"
* * *
Well, all through yesterday's gamie
we kept thinking of the many thou-
sand similar instances happening
among the good seats in the 'luto-
crats' section and it made us sick.
Poor students, sitting in the wilds of
Hill street and the Mason-Dixon line,
were sacrificing their chance of see-
ing the game to save the old school
and to allow females to compare
bridge hands and canning recipes!
Oh art; oh martyrs; oh --!
* * *
We think a chappie in Life made a
fine suggestion and hereby pass it on.
He remarked that considering the fact
that the Princeton and Harvard
alumni had played a game to repatch
their differences, wouldn't it be a fine
thing if the German and Belgian
armies would stage a sham battle?
* * *
And, as usual, the scoreboards
worked as well together as the Ohio



"I, i "l Sily;:.a .. afrxd: !'. 1'1i ' " __..

al Engraved

f ,,
f A review, by Vincent Wall.
t "The Play's the Thing" which was
- current at the Garrick all this last
week is a sedulous romp of comedy-
beautifully played by Holbrook Blinn
and Martha Lorber, and staged to the
best advantage. It can easily be re-
t membered as the Ferenc Molnar piece
o which was so heartily received in New
York last year, and which is now on
the road, destined for Chicago.
It is a perfect Blinn part-not quite
so spectacular as his Napoleon or
even Pancho Lopez, but still well suit-
ed to his talent. He dominates the
show from curtain to curtain, and
k does it well. Martha Lorber, late
, danseuse of the "Follies" and now
graduated to a speaking part, hasn't
a sympathetic role, but her beauty and
poise practically save -the third act.
In the play itself there are an amus-
ing number of toothsome lines and
suavely indelicate situations, but they
' ( never become objectionable. The most
interesting points for the critic, how-
u ever, lie in the treatment. Molnar
has permitted himself to indulge in
some good-natured kidding of the
drama, and has created one of the
most unique bits of exposition that I
r have ever seen. In fact, the whole
, profession is more or less satirized,
s and it is probably on this score as
t well as Mr. Blinn's admirable per-
formance that the show has been ac-
corded as a dramatic success.
, * * *
"Take the Air," the new Gene Buck
musical comedy which will remain
s for one more week at the Cass, has
- been greatly improved during its run,
and is now about ready to brave
Broadway and the critical calico cats.
However, Mr. Buck has just about
e paid for his show in the four success-
1 ful weeks in Detroit, and hasn't a
s great deal to worry about. There have
been several changes in the book, and
several new numbers have been
e added.
f After "Take the Air" leaves, another
Buck show will come to the Cass week
after next when Leon Errol appears
in "Yours Truly" which opened in
e Detroit last Christmas.
y The first of a series of recitals for
r children will be given on Wednesday
afternoon at 4:15 o'clock. The con-
t certs will be given by the School of
t Music student orchestra under the di-
r rection of Hanns Pick, head of the
violoncello department.
* * *
THE MOB (La Horda) by Vincente
Blasco Ibanez; E. P. Dutton and Co.;
New York City; $2.50.
A review, by Nelson J. Smith, Jr.
' Just as Francois Villon is the com-
, mentator of the life of the 15th century
in France; just as Pepys occupies the
same position for the England of the
t 17th century, and Gatsworthy for the
d 119th centry, so will Ibanez go down
into the letters of the world as the
chronicler of Spanish life of the 20th'
century. His books are not only love
stories, tragedies, comedies; they are
often succint sociological tracts which
lay bare the life of the Spaniards as
under the shining scalpel of the phy-
sician of all races.
"The Mob" is the story of the at-
tempt of a mere hack writer to rise
above the lot which fortune has cast
n for him upon the green baize of her
d gaming table. And with him goes a

imistress with whom, he says, "he lived
in greater felicity and decency than
half the married men of Madrid ac-
complished with their wives." From
fortune to poverty, with passion and
love intertwined, and finally to the
death of the mistress, the story
sweeps, taking its measure of one's
sympathy and understanding by its
very realism. And the hero is left
with a baby who is destined, as the
story ends, to send him out to face
1 the world as a new man, a man of
iron who will take from the world
that which he desires. A melodrama-
tic ending, indeed, which does little
justice to an otherwise powerful and
interesting book of life and lives.
* * *
Noel Coward's "Fallen Angels" will
be the first play from the pen of that
playwright to grace Broadway this
season. It will be done by the Actors'
Theater and will be directed by
Guthrie McClintic.
* * *
O. P. Heggie, last seen in the all-j
star revival of "Trelawney of the,

Now on Display.

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.... _ ..

THE EASTERNER OPINES the next session of Congress.
Prof. Walter R. Spaulding, of Har-_
vard, who visited the University this EDITORIAL COMMENT
week was reported as being "some-
what aghast" at the large scale edu- HAIL THE REFORMERS!
cational methods of. the Middle West. (From the Daily Princetonian)
Such an effect is. probably quite nat- I We feel that the University of,
ural to a man accustomed to the quiet Michigan, and particularly President
solemnity of Harvard; but the re- Little, are highly to be commended
marks which Professor Spaulding for their departure from the ranks of
made in regard to our educational in- safe and sane tradition into the select
stitutions and policies can hardly pass company of reformers. As described
without comment. in yesterday's Princetonian, Michigan
In the first place the Harvard edu- will, after next fall, confer two year
cator opined that the wholesale educa- diplomas on those of its students it
tion provided by the states in the considers unadapted to the pursuit of
West has the effect of bringing to the more specialized work in upperclass
universities a large number of stu- years.
dents who would be better off at work It would undoubtedly be unwise for
in the world. This opinion, shared, of many universities, among them+
course, by many other prominent men, Princeton, to follow Michigan's lead,
seems so totally unfounded on fact as but we hope-and believe-that some
to be rather a contradiction of the will. One of the beauties of the plan
principles upon which our whole edu- is that it. will make a college that's
cational structure rests. different-this country has enoughl
To be sure, there are large numbers universities of exactly the same typej
of students who probably get very lit- now. There is no one type of college
tie, if anything, out of college. But that will be best for each individual's
immediately we are confronted with requirements, and the more different
the question of how to elininate these kinds of instiutions we have, the bet-
students before they enter univer- ter will individual needs and prefer-
sities. The first and serious obstacle ences be taken care of, and the more
which blocks such a path is the prac- likely we shall be to make progress.
tical impossibility of ascertaining, There are obvious difficulties in the
with any degree of accuracy, just what working out of such a plan as Michi- i
students will succeed on the basis of gan's which make the attempt even
their high school records. Of course more courageous. Just how shall the
there are certain broad classes where line be drawn between those students
the intellectual development is simply who are to be honorably discharged
inadequate, which are to a large ex- at the end of two years, and those
tent eliminated now, but just how far who are to be encouraged to continue
this process of elimination from state their education? Mere marks are not
universities should go is a very diffi- a sufficient criterion-President Little
cult question to answer. himself confesses that he has little
Then there is always the trite but confidence in examination results.
nevertheless potent point that even a And can the two-years student be giv-
mediocre intellect with a university en anything of Ia.ting value in that
education is a more useful specimen time?
than the same intellect uneducated. It With Michigan trying the two year
sounds well and good in theory to diploma; with Wisconsin studying
hold that the state is wasting money separate civilizations as a whole in-
in proN iding educational facilities for stead of disconnected miscellaneous
these average men and women, but courses; with Antioch combining man-1
in practice the prospect of throwing ual and mental labor in its curricu-
them into the world with high school lum; with Harvard introducing two
educations is not so promising either. week "reading periods" before ex-
To contend for a moment that this aminations; with Princeton experi-

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Chicklen a la King
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Parker's "No Enpense After
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able Permanite.
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fold Point that yields to any hand
yet never loses shape.

Asparagus Salad
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Coffee, Tea or M li2
Home-made Apple Pie or Ice Cream
11:30to 8 p. .


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