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November 11, 1927 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-11-11

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T1-LFLLBHfY 1L.V[-L \ 1'f 11La. 1a L'.A 4* *a.~ E~it .

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Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial
Asso~ i.t ion.
The Associated Pres* is exclusively en-
vilcd to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
crditcd in this paper and the local news pub-
lished herein.
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
)t postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
moster General.
Suscription by carrier, $4,oo; by mail,
$4.50. 1
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
nard Street.
Phones:.Editorial, 4925; Business 21214.
Telephone 4925
Editor......................Ellis B. ierry
Editor Michigan Weekly.. Charles E. Behymer
Staff Editor...............Philip C. Brooks
City Editor..............Courtland C. Smith
Women's Editor...........Marian L. Welles
Sports Editor.......i.....JHerbert E. Vedder
Theater, Books and Music.Vincent C. Wall, Jr.
Telegraph Editor.............Ross W. Ross
Assistant City Editor.....Richard C. Kurvink
Night Editors
Robert E. Finch G. Thomas McKean
J. Stewart Hooker Kenneth G. Patrick
Paul J. Kern Nelson J. Smith, Jr.
Milton Kirshbaumn
Esther Anderson Jack L. L ait, Jr. t,
Margaret Arthur Marion McDonald
Emmons A. Bonfield Richard H. Miroy
'tratton Buck Charles S. Monroe
Jean Campbell Catherine Price
Jessie Church DIaroldIL. Passman
William B. Davis Morris W. Quinn
Clarence N. Edelson Pierce Rosenberg
Mar gaet Gross David Scheyer
Valbor g fgclaid Eleanor Scribner
1lf arcri i'EuImer Robert G. Silbar
James B. Freeman Howard F. Simon
Robert J. Gessner George E. Simons
Elaine IT. Gruber Rowena Stillman
Alice Hageishaw Sylvia Stone
Joseph E. Howell George Tilley
Charles R. Kaufman Edward L. Warner Jr.
Lawrence R. Klein Benjamin S. Washer
Donald J. Kline Leo J. Yoedicke
SallyI Knox Joseph Zwerdling
Telephone 21214
Assistant Manager... . George H.NAnnable, Jr.
Advertising..............inchard A. Meyer
Advertising ...............Arthur M. Hinkley
Advertising . .........Edward L.ilulse
Advertising............John W. Ruswinckel
Accounts...... ..Raymon~d Wachter
Circulation.............George B. Ahn, Jr.
Publication ........ ......Harvey Talcott
Assistants G
Fred Babcock Hal A. Jachn
George Bradley James Jordan
Marie Brumler Marion Kerr
James 0. Brown Dorothy Lyons
James B. Coope Thales N. Lenington
Charles K.(n-e11 Catherine McKinven
Sarbara Cromell W. A. Mahaffy
Helen Dancer Frandis Patrick
Mary Divel ~ George M. Perrett
Bessie U.,Egelani Alex K. Scherer
Ona Felker Frank Schuler
Ben Fishman ernice Schook
Katherine Frochne Mary Slate
Douglass Fuller George Spater
Beatrice Greenberg Wilbert Stephenson
Helen Gross Ruth Thompson
Herbert Goldberg Herbert E. Varnum
E. J. HIlammer Lawrence Walkley
Can W. Hammer Hannah Waller7
Ray Hotelich

loge thus far has been almost entirely
by chance rather than logic, and the
remarkable thing about it all is that
our institutions of five and ten thou-
sand students are able to fulfill their
functions as well as they do.
Mass education issues a challenge
to. educators and practical men
throughout the country. Mr. Work
himself is probably wrong in suggest-
ing that the cost of education should
be raised to eliminate the unfit, for
after all, there is very little relation
between economic solvency and intel-
lectual capability. Some rational so-
lution is bound to come; and it is only
through the application of sound
thinking and analytical criticism,
such as Mr. Work's, that this solution
can be r ached at all.
Obviously the ideal state is general
education without mass education. It
is plain that the University should al-
low development of individual in-
itiative and interests which is not
possible under the present practice.
It is plain that forcing the majority
of responsible students to wait for
the minority of irresponsible and un-
intelligent students, as now practiced,
is a poignant defect with present edu-
cational methods and administrators.
All these problems and more, must be
solved if American education is to re-
turn to the idealistic standard in
which spirit it was founded.
It is barely two hundred years since
the first university was founded in the
United States, and yet, at the present
time, half of the college population of
the world is enrolled in American
schools. This condition has come
about suddenly since the war. Ameri-
can education has not had time to
develop its methods to ,meet the in-
coming tide, and the res/ult is large
and glaring defects-defects of in-
struction, policy, and student develop-
Michigan, by her proposed Univer-
sity college, has taken the lead in at-
tempting to solve these problems.
Other universities are awake and ex-
perimenting. Whatever the outcome
of these various trials may be, they
deserve the unqualified support of
every person interested in the future
of higher education, for through them,
and through them, alone, can the
American universities lose the defects
of mass education.
The sage of Philadelphia, H. L,
Mencken has recently given his appro-
bation of another war, to be fought
as soon as it can be arranged, in
order that his craving for excitement
may be satisfied. Mr. Mencken can
see no harm in great conflicts, says
that the horrors of battle have been
greatly exaggerated, that the music
of guns is fpod and drink to the sol-
dier, and that such a precipitation is*
necessary to stir the world-of which
he is a member-out of its stupid
The great following that has ac-
crued to the critic through his
courageous and scornful denunciation
of dead fundamentalism is apt to be
tardy in supporting him on such a de-
mand. Most of his circus parade
broadsides loosed at things and people1
that' the modern world has outgrown
have seemed to have something of'
sincerity behind them, and have heldl
the field for that very reason. But
even the most broad-minded of his
readers must put his tongue in his
cheek when he reads such a bulletin
as this last. It can almost be billed
as a public display of asininity wheni
a man who is past the military age,+
with no war record, sits back in his;
chair and calls for bloodshed on the

grounds that soldiers are not happy
without it and that he himself would
rather see - from Philadelphia of
course-any number of countries at
each 'others throats than anly vision
f industry and commerce working
for world prosperity.
President Coolidge has remained
non-committal on all plans of world
peace that have been submitted to him
so far, although he has recently dis-
played interest in that one presented
by Wickham Steed, an English editor.
Ihe Steed idea called for an agree-
ment on the part of the United States,
not in conjunction with any other na-
tion, to give no aid to a country in-
rolving itself in a conflict through its
>wn aggression. This would mean, of

And now it appears that the under-
classmen at least found gumption
enough to paint up the sidewalks. The GUY MAIER AND LEE PATTISON
fact that they raised the money to A review, by Philip C. Brooks I
buy the paint is not half as surpris-
ing as that they had enough interest Displaying a technique which is
in the fall games, and not enough of brilliant without being ostentatious,
the notorious "class spirit," to do the accurate but not showy, neither like
work tho tri t Li -Ory o I'T ItO _+I 1 I



w oz . ** - e rickery of moriz nosentnai in
* his earlier performances or like the
Plans have not been made public exquisite sweetness of his latest ap-
for any wholesale massacres, but from
the rapidly decreasing life in the stu- pearances, Maier and Pattison are an
dent body as a whole, we cannot de- admirable combination. Theirs is not !
rive much fear for the safety of any primarily an exhibition of the mastery
of the members of either class, of machination,ibut a delightfully ap-
preciative and sympathetic interpre-
And another thing. These ambitio s
youths must be possessed of infinite tation of a carefully selected reper-
imagination if they have the nerve to toire.
put the numbers "30," and "31" on the Guy Maier, evidently feeling in- 1
wvalks. To express a hope of being
tensely the emotion of his vehicles,
around until those distantly future
years appears like the utmost of as- -achieesthet htul(i
surance. cerity, achieves the most that could
be asked in a well-balanced coopera-
READ THE DIRECTORY tion with Lee Pattison, who appears
These people that put out the Stu- the more serious of the two, earnest
dent directory are perturbed over the and poised.
publicity Rolls has been giving them. Their program in this concert was
They don't appreciate the power of not a stupendous affair to go into
Rolls, as shown by the fact that within ecstasies about, but an interesting ar-
dasatrteclm stre saisaot u a neet r
two days after the column started Iray of numbers, diversified and well
discussing the matter, the directory balanced.
finally appeared. Outstanding in effectiveness were
the two Russian selections, Rach-
And now it is proposed by them maninoff's "Tears," and the Corona-
that as a sort of retribution, Rolls tion Scene from Moussorgsky's "Boris
urge the seniors who haven't yet Godounoff." The former is intensely
signed up for their pictures in the emotional, gripping in its sombre
'Ensian to do so at once. tone, developing through a mellifluous
succcession of blending impressions,
But it seems unreasonable to. ask to a grand climax which never comes. I
that the column support such an ab- It dies away in an exquisite quiet
solutely worthless cause. If anyone seemingly significant of all human
could produce a reason why one disappointment in the oppressing
should want a picture in the 'Ensian, ordinariness of a life which never sat-
it would be different. ifies, never provides the momentous
crisis which human imagination de-
And furthermore. It would help if mands.
someone could produce a photograph Maier and Pattison's presentation
with which its subject was satisfied, adequately expressed the sternness of
- the sustained emotion, typically Rus-
sian, typically autocratic, in "Boris."
Appreciation must be given to the
artists' own arrangements, Mr.
Maier's delightful combination of the
Chopin "Black Key" and "Butterfly"
- etudes played simultaneously, and'
Senior Admiring Paoiograph Mr. Pattison's arrangement of the
"'Boris" selection, as well as his ver-
We ordered our 'Ensian photo long sion of the "Arkansas Traveler,"
ago. played as an encore.
* * Mozart's delicate Sonata in D major,
BLOOD AND SAND! with its sweet melodic Allegro inolto,
And now come, as we go to press, its smooth flowing Andante, and its
advance copies of the scurrillous. brilliant Allegro Vivace, added pleas-j
literature published by the class of antly to the program, as did Liszt's
'30, or some equally ignominious or- paraphrase on Mozart's opera "Don
ganization. Giovanni," and the Chopin Rondo in
* * * C major, full of infinitesimal touches,
Reason is lacking why they should making up a delightfully delicate and
revive a custom of more than ten colorful whole.
years ago, when they can't claim a * * *
quarter of the justification for their FOKINE AND FOKINA
conceit which the rough and ready1 Vera and Mi T h lnirinn iry inf1


_. .._ .


1 - --"




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A new design in BlueKid and
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Tonight in Hill auditoriun
Michigan students will hold their
second gigantic pep meting in
preparation for the clash tomor-
row afternoon between the Navy
and the Wolverine elevens. Capa.
ile speakers will .address the
crowd, the band' will be present,
the glee club will lead in the
singing, the cheer leading squad
will be on deck, and movies in-
eluding those of former football
gaines 'will be shown.
Playing their first home game
ill three weeks, against a very
worthy opponent, the Varsity de.
serves unlimited support by all
Michigan backers. It is the duty
of the student body to increase
the attendaince and the enthusi-
asi record tonight even beyond
that of the first pep session.
"The University of the future must
leave the task of preparation to the
high school and the college," Secre-
tary Hubert Work, of the Department
of the Interior d:eclared recently in a
speech to the University of Pennsyl-
vania alumni. "By this method 'it can
riditself of the unWeildy masses of
unfitted students and' perform its
proper function in the fields of pro-
fessional training and the discovery
of new truths," lie continued.
Thus the problem of mass educa-
tion, ever growing in the outlying
educational districts of the country,
has come to the attegtion of the
educational officials at Washington.
Mr. Work assumes that this increase
is due to the increase in prosperity,
which is probably correct. Being es-
sentially a practical nman, Mr. Workf
also correctly concludes that the tre-
riendous public sums spent on higher
education should not be wasted.
"Thie title has come when economic
necessity as well as sound educa-
tional procedure requires clear defi-
nition of institutional..ftnctions. We
can not afford to take long forward
strides in our expansion of higher
education until we can answer, more
definitely than now seems possible,
the question of the piace of the col-

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battlers of the class of, say '13 could.
If they couldn't do anything else,
which is probable, those ancients at
least were successful in disregarding
manners in interclass negotiations.
* * *
If there were any prospect of a
good fight, we'd go Saturday morning.
But under the circumstances, follow-
ing the Student Council's appointment
of all Honor Men to officiate at the
games, we're glad we're not honor
*.-* *
This issue of The Paily is being
put out under difficulties. Not tech-
nical problems, but a lack of inspira-
tion. For an unkind fate, or some-
thing equally difficult, has taken both
the Managing Editor and Business
Manager out of town at one time.
* *- *
Now it is generally accepted by all
publications staff members with any
perception atsall realize that due to
the common uselessness of all busi-
ness staffs, any loss on that side is
not serious, but trying to function
without the mental, moral, and spirit-
ual leadership of a managing editor
is indeed a difficult task.
* * *
The two dignitaries have gone all
the way to Will Rogers' home state
for an intercollegiate press conven-
tion. Why, judging from the quality
of the other college papers we see,
such a convention has any excuse for
being, is beyond comprehension. Most
of these papers would fit better in a
high school convention.
* * * -
For example, the publication might
be cited which published a banner
headline across the top of its front
page, reporting the seizure of a still
in a fraternity house, which was
named, in another college in the same

ScF a v(cel Fokine are in De-I
troit tonight and tomorrow night in
a dance recital. They are supposed
to have an entirely new repertoire of
ballet creations-something new and
definitely divorced from the old con-
ception of the Ballet Russe. It is
rather disappointing to find-even
after the Russian revolution had freed
the ballet from the personal super-
vision of the czar-that their was lit-
tle change in the classic form. But
now comes the announcement that
the Fokine ballet has done this and
created something more in the foot-
steps of the "Petrouchska" and ""Coq
d'Or" ballets of Diaglieff.
* * *
Novel by Doris Peel; Houghton Miff-
lin; 1927; 305 pages. Courtesy of the
( West Wind Lending Library.
A review, by David Seheyer.
Those who like their novels well
ordered, ,rising to a thrilling climax
on page 234, with all the characters
named and numbered according to im-
portance and with the family happily
reunited in the last. chapter, will find
I no appeal in "Children of the Wind."
This novel is for you who delight in
inconsequential incidents, charmingly
told, who appreciate unimportant peo-
ple aptly depicted, who think life is
greater than plot in any book.
The only unity is the all over-
shadowing influence of Roger Blythe, !
the radical editor who never did any-
thing little. In moments of stress his
children, Justine and Bryce, always
harked back to his brave smile and
then laughed at fate and littleness.
His fluttery wife, Nellie, although she
never really knew him, remembered
him as a sort of ideal, to be adored
and unquestioned. Joan, too, felt his
presence-Joan, the daughter of Mr.
Blair, and the nicest person in the
book, dreaming, running away, talk-
ing strange child wisdom, always
loyal, always unafraid.





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course, both actual physical support'
and that of the financial and commer-
cial sort.-
Mr. Coolidge objected mainly on the
grounds that it might be difficult to
pick the aggressor under certain cir-
cumstances, and that it would always
be difficult to control the commercial
activities of the people of the United
States who were but exercising their
rights of trade. In these objections
there is the note of conservatism and
carefulness that has characterized the
whole administration, and the stand
would seem to be commendable for
its freedom from any tendency toward


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