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November 02, 1927 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1927-11-02

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5 T
101* A

7 -S


k L

Juniors Retain Lead In Competition
For Championship; Others Con.
tinue In Equal Standing
Play in the second round series of
games in the inter-class hockey tour-
nament started yesterday with the
junior team triumphing over the
freshmen by a 4 to 0 score while the
seniors downed the sophomores in a
close game, 2 to 1. By winning yes-.
terday, the junior eleven maintained
its lead in the championship compe-
tition with four victories already to
its credit. The freshman, sophomore,
and senior teams have about an equal
standing in the tournament running.
Five minutes after the opening of
the junior-freshman .game, the junior
team started its scoring and repeated
its rush for the goal at the o 'ng of
the second period, but was unable
laterto maintain the pace. Idividual
playing'on the part of the junior for-
wards was noticeable during the en-
tire game, the players forgetting to
pass the ball to teammates and there-
by slowing up the progress of the
game. Confidence on the part'of the
junior team made .play uninteresting
despite the fight and pep displayed by
the freshmen.
Zauer was high scorer of the game
with 3 goals to her credit, however,
failure to keep her position on the
field prevented her from sharing star-
ring honors with Miller, Middlewood
and Hawkins of the junior team. For
the freshmen, Eaman and O'Neal
played the best game, with O'Neal
playing -a beautiful defensive. But
fpr her hard shots and obstruction
the junior team might have piled up
an overwhelming score.
The . senior-sophomore game was
played with more fight and the play-
ors showed a seemingly greater know-
ledge of the game than was displayed
in the previous game. Cooperation
4n the part of both teams character-
ied the playing and was a deciding
factor for the winning team.
ie game was a struggle between
the forwards of the two teams, the
lall generally being sent to the sides
of the field, placing the brunt of the
btattle on the wing players. During
the re'malnvIg time the oval sallied
back and forth at the hands of the
insides and center forwards.-
Bloom, Crane, and Bush stood out
Apr the sophomores, and Sibley was
responsible"fdr the sophomore score.
For the simrs, Child and Hoover
itarred. Hardy played her usual good
game at goal. Darkness hindered the
MIayers at the close of the game.
The lineups for the two winning
teams were as follows:
Juniors Position Seniors
GrInnelL' RW' Bush
Strasser RI Welch
auer CF Child
Hawkins LI I1ausmer
Levine LW Hoover
Hartwig RH Hough
Cooley CH Beaumont
Mllcer LH Brumler
Shook RB , Treadw'ell
Jones LB Answorth
Middlewood G Hardy
Officials: Campbell, Child, Trall,

Pagan Virtues Are Praised By Woman
Who Is To Speak At Convocation Here
"I hate religious people!" was the ple around them intolerably selfish."
exclamation of Miss Maude Royden, When we ask why this is so, Miss
whose preaching at the City Temple, cn not rig tlbethat self-sacrife
London, has made here eloquence ple unless they have moral courage.
known in the entire English-speaking Christians nowadays lay great stress
world. Miss Royden did not mean, as on toleration and courtesy. It seems
she later explained, that she dislikes to Miss Royden that "it is easy for
really -religiouspeople. What she did us to persuade ourselves that we have
mean was that unless the Christian to practise the Christian virtues of
gentleness and grace when our real

EAST AS ,SINGLE jJNITjj At last Egyptian women are being
provided with opportunities equal





Atlantic Monthly for November
prints an article on women's colleges;
written jointly by the presidents of
Barnard, Bryn Mawr, Mount Holyoke,
Radcliff, Smith, Vassar, and Welles-
ley colleges. These seven colleges
are alike enough in history, develop-
ment, and present interests to be
discussed as a unit, and a composite
picture of them is used to illustrate
the general situation in which many
others share.

with men for higher education.
Schools are springing up all; over
the country and the demand for wo-
men teachers is in excess of the sup-
ply. Women can now sit for examin-
ations of exactly the same standards
as those for the boys.
The Government Higher 'Elemen-
tary Training College for women
teachers, which is situated at Bulak,
a populous district of Cairo, close
to the right bank of the Nile, is one
of the most up-to-date of these
schools. This college was first opened

Is there anything to the rumor that
is floating about the campus in re-
gard to a party about to happen?
There certainly is!
Here's everything about it: Who?-
members of the W. A. A. What?-The
first affair of the year at which the
new members are introduced, and the
old ones get re-acquainted! When?-
From* 7:30 until 9:30 o'clock Thurs-
day evening, Nov. 3. Where?-Sarah

The following hockey games will
be played today: at 4 o'clock, on the
old field, Kappa D~elta vs. Martha
Cook; at 4 o'clock, on the new field,
Alpha Phi vs. Adelia Cheever; at 5
o'clock, on the old field, Alpha Omi-
cron Pi vs. Delta Gamma.
Mrs. Stewart Hanley will be at the
University golf course on Thursday,
from 2 to 5, to teach golf. As many
women as possible are asked to be

graces are firmly tounded on the ev-
ery-day "pagan" virtues, they are
likely to seem unpleasant.
Miis Royden, who is perhaps the
best-known woman lecturer in the
world, is to speak.
She is the daughter of the late Sir,
Thombas Royden, Bart. She was born.
in 1876, was educated at Oxford, and
has become famous for her writings
and speeches on the economic, ethical,

trouble is that we have not the pagan
virtue of courage to begin with!"
As for humility, "It is loathesome;
it disgusts. We must have the pagan
virtue of self-respect before we dare
to have the Christian virtue of hu-
Miss Royden concludes: "Christ had
strength of character, courage of
mind and body, great physical cour-
age as well as great moral courage.
In him every Christian grace was
founded upon the rock of honor and
loyalty, courage and justice, a pierc-
ing vision, a great strength. It is only
the strong who can really be gentle.
The gentleness of the feeble has in
it something that repels; but the gen-
tleness of strength, whether strengh
of body,;or strength of spirit, or both
together, as with Christ, is adorable."
"Out-think the other fellow," said


Caswell Angell hall in Barbour gym- There will be a final meeting of the
nasium. How?-Membership in the chairmen of the Freshman spread
organization depends upon payment committees at 3 o'clock, Thursday,
of dues as well as points won! Nov. 3, in Barbour gymnasium. A
Those who have mailed a check for final report must be given at this
their dues to Audrey Wvright this time to Margaret Babcock, general
week in answer to her circdlar letter chairman.
will be given membership cards at
the door Thursday night. Those whose
dues have been paid since registra- Ruth Elder Consents
tion week are very cordially invited n
to come to the party. More informa- To Pose For Artist



and religious aspects of the Women's
- People, Miss Royden believes, are
quite justified in disliking "the kind
of person-so terribly common -who
seeks to practise the Christian virtu-
es of humility and self-sacrifice and
love and peace before he has got
courage and honesty or honor."
When Christ tells Christians to
take up their cross and follow Him,
he means they must be willing to
sacrifice themselves. And !yet, de-
clares this writer, "there are people
who do this, who secrifice themselves
up to the last limit of sacrifice and
who only succeed in making the peo-
Sophomores Choose
McKee As Chairman

Prof. Frayer yesterday' in a lecture to
his class in European history. This'
does not mean that one should strive
to be a philosophist or a wizard of
any sort, but the fact remains that
the man who is above average is al-
ways just a few steps ahead of the
other fellow in his thinking.
Bismark himself said that people
attributed too much to him. He said.
that he, at least, could *not be com-
pared to the chess player who foresaw
a check-mate from the very first
move. He was satisfied if he could
manage to keep a couple of jumps
ahead of the majority of people.
"The main thing in diplomacy," said
Frayer in conclusion of this thought,
"the main thing in anything which in-
volves a struggle, is to think ahead
of your opponents."
Northwvestern Builds
Houses On New Plan

In these seven colleges 600 in 1903, but in 1918 a supplementary 11
graduates a n d 8,000 undergrad- course of two years' training wasv
uates are studying. The latter, living added to equip the students who, weret
in college halls as they do, form more prepared to become teachers in thed
or less compactly woven communities elementary schools. During the first t
and at least two great advantages can year only twenty students attended;
be set down in its favor. First, it yeathere are 305 students. Kinder-
provides an atmosphere in which hard garten, domestic science, and gener-r
and continuous mental work is pos- al courses are offered. Those who
sible. There is in general an have completed a two years' course
understanding be1tween the women's and have passed their final examina-
college andnthe student that she hag tions successfullyt are eventually
come to work seriously at a task drafted on to teach in the elementary
which is important to her as an in- schools.
dividual and important because she In 1926 there were opened up 400l
is later to make a serious contribu- schools, this year 600 are being op-t
tion to her community. Work is not ened. It is hoped that in 19 years.
seasonal, being interrupted by inter- there will be enough schools so that
collegiate athletic matches or other all the men and women of Egypt wil l'
similar distractions. have an opportunity to attend school.
The second great advantage of life At the college at Bulak, the build-
in the women's colleges is that it ings are well planned, a'nd airy, en-I
brings the girl into touch with a va- closed by a high wall, with a garden
riety of human beings. The women's in the center. Near the entrance is
college acts in every case as a land- -the headmistress' house, on the other1
lord of shifting tenants. In not one side of the entrance is a house forl
has the sorority system sprung up, some of the other mistresses. Beyond
bringing in its train- whatever its these is a long line of classrooms, a
advantages may be- tere disadvan- large studio, and a fine gymnasium.
tages of the small intimate group with Over these rooms are the dormitories,
its limited responsibility in ,contrast for all the women in attendance live
to the wider interests and the demo- there.
cratic rubbing of elbows of the At present the school affords ac-
larger college community. The sex commodations which are hardly large
and age of the individuals in the enough to meet the requirements of
community may be monotonous, but the school, but a new wing will be
little else about them is. The students finished next year which will include
who live in these halls together are more dormitories, a museum, library
drawn from a wide range. Mount Hol- and hospital wards.
yoke, Smith, and Wellesley, for ex- The students wear a uniform, con-
ample, draw respectively sixty, six- sisting of a rose-colored linen overall
tv-six and seventy per cent of their and a white veil, the latter being worn
students . from states outside New only during class time, as the Koran
England. I rule is that no woman may appear
The day of the alumnae, even in before a strange man without her
the oldest women's colleges, hasn't hair covered. The expenses are all
been a long one, and graduates of the borne by the government, and those
first classes at Vassar, Wellesley, and who are taking the second year of
Smith are still in evidence; but in the supplementary course receive one
spite of its brevity, the record of the pound a month as pocket money, to
graduate has prcved her intelligence; encourage them to continue with the
persistance, and public spirit. Of' the course.
professional women among the num-j- - -
her the great majority have gone schools are largely recruited from
into teaching, 25 percent of Barnard, these alumnae.
Radcliff, Smith, and Wellesley gradu- One of the greatest problems with
ates, and from Mount Holyoke 50 per the women's college is in the secur-
cent. Probably the greatest number ing of endowments.- Faculties of the
of them are in public schools, but best calibre, laboratory equipment,
they make up in large measure the and libraries must be maintained in
teaching staffs of the private schools order to keep up the standards these
in the East and the headships of the colleges have set for themselves. Fees
private schools are largely in their have been raised for this purpose and
holding. They have from the begin- the result is that though the great

tion about this same subject tomor-
Find r^ :ts have just been com-
puted for the amount of money which t
the Women's League made last week
by the sale to the general public of
crysanthemums. There were two
booths where these flowers were sold
and in both booths together thea
amount of money was more than
$117.00. The flowers came from Al-]
bion and because the large commer-
cial chrysanthemums bloomed a week
before the Ohio-Michigan football
game the florists were forced to send
only the small corsage chrysanthe-
mums. These proved more popular,
however, than was at first expected,
but it is thought that a larger sale
would have been made possible.- if
the larger flowers had been available.
Next week a similay sale of chry-
santhemums will be given before the
Navy-Michigan game but it is antici-
pated that the large commercial chry-
santhemums will be available for this
This sale was carried on under the
auspices of the Undergraduate cam-
paign committee of she Women's
lans on women's smoking have been
lifted here and several houses have
furnished smoking rooms. From a
survey of 20 sororities it was discov-
ered that from 50 to 75 per cent of the
women, including freshmen, smoke.

('y Associated Press)
PARIS, Nov. 1- Ruth Elder has
consented to have her features im-
mortalized in bronze.
The girl flyer from America posed
today in the studio of Lugovico Au-
teri Marazzini an Italian sculptor of
an aristocratic Florentine family, Ma-
razzini reproduced her profile, which
will be cast into medal
Miss Elder spent part of the after-
noon motoring about Paris and took
a trip to Versailles where she dis-
played keen interest in the famous
MINNESOTA-Investligation into the
will of Cecil Rhodes disclosed the fact
that only male citizens of the United
States are eligible for the Rhodes



Woodward, at Eliot
Week Beginning Monday, October 31
NIGhT'S: 75c, $.5-o.Mats. Tues.,
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Would You Marry a Chorus Girl?
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Beginning Sunday Night, Oct. 30
Prices: Nights, $° to $3.50; Wed. and
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Landed Like Lindbergh
New Musical Comedy

A general meeting of the sopho-
more class was held yesterday after-
noon for the purpose of electing offi-
cers to serve o7 the committee of
the Sophomore Circus. Out of a field
of six can'didates, Dorothy McKee was
elected chairman, and Margaret Sib-
ley, defeated for that office by only
three votes, was elected assistant
It was decided at the meeting that
according to the custom established
in previous years, five performances
of the circus would be given. It will
be presented on Friday afternoon and
evening; Saturday morning for the
town children; and Saturday after-
noon and evening for adults.
The results of last year's circus
were read. More than $250, repre-
senting a clear profit, was turned over
to the Women's League.
Miss Beatrice Johnson, of the Board
of Advisors to Women, gave a short
talk in which she explained the aim
of the Sophomore Circus. "T devel-
op friendship," she said, "and to
broaden acquaintanceship makes for,
unity among Sophomore women, since,
this circus is the only tradition that
the class has ever had."
To be able . to, hold office on the
committees of the circus, women must
be scholastically eligible.

New sorority houses at Northwest-
ern, built by the university and fi-
nanced by the chapters, are located
in two quadrangles one block from
the campus.
The houses are all arranged around
a general court later to be sunken
gardens. Each house has a terrace
and passageway of stone squares.
Two of the houses are furnished in
early American style and others are
of an earlier period, but the arrange-
ment of rooms in each is quite differ-
The Faculty Women's Club will
hold its next meeting in the form of
a card party at the Michigan Union,
Nov. 3, at 2:30 o'clock. All those who
are planning to attend are asked to
notify one of the following memb'ers:
Mrs. Earl Dow, 9427; Mrs. A. B. Peck,
3278; or Mrs. W. L. Badger, 6352. It
is also requested that each one com-
ing to the party bring pencils and
This party offers another opportun-
ity for members to become acquainted
with each other, and it is urged that
as many as possible attend. At this
time, also, the treasurer will be glad
to accept any dues that have not been
paid hitherto.



H"". . . hi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..!!!"!!!!!alttii!!!! .. . . . . . ii!1!ails!!i

ernoons, between classes, you will find the


ning also taught in the college as mass of students are of that clas
well as the school. On all alumnae which has neither poverty nor riches,
lists of professional occupations the this group is slowly but steadily de-
doctor follows the teacher, and the creasing to give way to the more
women in the great eastern medical wealthy ones.

excellent place for refreshments.'


e afternoon we are serving tea; maltcd milks,

LANSING-As a part of .the orien-
tation course in home economics,
freshman women will live four days in
the new practice house.
DE PAUW--Sophomore women at
DePauw University, have chosen for
their class garb, sweat shirts, sten-
ciled in black.
1Vlichigan state College are preparing
for a beauty contest that will be held
there in November.


sodas, sundaes, cold drinks, and dainty sand-
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For many years our Flowers
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