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November 02, 1927 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-11-02

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t tt r

Published every morning wicept Monday
during the Universit' year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
ttiled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
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Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
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tnster General.
Suscription by carrier, $4,oo; by mail,
Offices:tAnn Arbor Press Building, May-
Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business 2124.
Telephone 492
Editor.......................Ellis B. Merry
Editor Michigan Weekly..Charles E. Behymer
Staff Editor................Philip C. Brooks
City Editor.............Courtland C. Smith
Women's Editor..........Marian L. Welles
Sports Editor.............Herbert E. Veddet
Theater, Books and Music.Vincent C. Wall, Jr.
Telegraph Editor.............Ross W. Ross
Assistant City Editor.....Richard C. Kurvink
Night Editors
Robert E. finch G. Thomas MeKean
J. Stewart Hooker Kenneth G. Patrick
Paul J. Kern t Nelso tJ. Smith, Jr.
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Emmons A. Bonfield Marion McDonald
I cratton Buck Richard H. Milroy
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Valborg Egeland Robert G. Silbar
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'Beatrice Greenberg Wilber. Stephenson
Helen Gross Ruth Thompson
Ierbert Goidberg herbert h. Varnun
E. J. Hammer LawrInce Walkley
Carl . Hammer Hannah Waller
Ray Iloteich'-
Having successfully survived the
manifold delays of the immigration
laws, Prof. P. M. Jack, newly appoint-
ed head of the rhetoric department,
has at last arrived. -
Professor Jack is a young man, of
the type which Michigan has secured
in increasing numbers in recent years.
Hle graduated from Aberdeen univer-
sity in 1920, and was inmedately ap-
Pointed assistant urofessor of English
there. With the exception of one year
spent in study at Cambridge, he has
been a member of the faculty of Aber-
deen university from that time until
this fall.
Netiehr Aberdeen or Cambrilge,
however, possessed rhetoric depart-
ments completely isolated from the
study of English as our own rhetoric
department is. For this reason the

method of teaching here will be new
to the 32 year old man who will take
charge of it, and no revolutionary
strides can be expected-at least until
le has had time to become acquainted
with our methods.
It will be many years before Pro-
fessor Jack will be able to build a rep-
utation, moreover, comparable to that
of such nationally known rhetoricians
as Prof. Fred Newton Scott and Prof.
Thomas Rankin, who have been so
long connected with the University.
They have lifted the department here
to the high place it now occupies and
have given it the distinction and pres-
tige of years of their work.
Th inspiring thing about our new
faculty member, however, is his youth.
Professor Jack will grow with Mich-
igan. The genial disposition and the
twinkling eyes which arrived here
Monday will become a part of Mich-
igan as the men before him have be-
conie a part of this tJiversity. To
say that Michigan expects great things
of Professor Jack would be too trite
and superfluous; but to say that Mich-
igan will give her new rhetoric head
the fullest measure of co-operation of
which she is capable is only a fair
One of the most crying needs of the ;

Regents, a fund of $30,600 has been
appropriated for this work, and the
results, even to date, have been nota-
ble indeed. Several researches have
been continued which would other-
.wise have had to be dropped and a
large number of concrete accomplish-
ments have been made which wouldl
otherwise have been impossible.
Photostatic copies with which to
chased from the fund where originals
were unattainable, an appropr'ation
has been made for further investiga-
tion of spectra by the physics depart-
ment, and in several cases appropria-
tions for clerical help have made the
compilation of records possible.
The Board of Regents is to be com-
mended for having supported a worth-
while project with the establishment
of this fund, and it is to be sincerely
hoped that the University may never
again lack the facilities for research.
Steps now pending which may more
severely discipline Rear Admiral
Thomas P. Magruder have called to
the minds of many the long line of
meyn who have been forced to tread
the same path. This naval officer who
insisted upon revealing conditions in
the navy and who recommended the
scrapping of the Atlantic bases has
been preceded by others such as the
late Maj. Gen. Leonard Wood, Brig.
Gen. William Mitchell, Admiral Wil-
liam S. Sims, and Theodore Roose-
velt. Sims is the only one of tht
group who has ever escaped the blight
Two imporant factors of the pres-
ent national defense system are direct-
ly traceable to the criticism of this
group, and many more are indirectly
connected. In almost every instance
the advice has been taken but the ad-
visor flagellated for his presumption
that anything could be wrong with the
system. , The activities of General
Wood in particular have since led to
the firmly-established system of cit-
izens training camps, although at the
time the plan was advanced, any uni-
versal military preparedness was de-
cried. General Wood found his pun-
ishment in being denied a high com-
mand in the American Expeditionary
Vice Admiral Sims, through the me-
dium of his criticism started when
still a lieutenant, effected the changed
system of training American naval
gunners, and today American mark-
manship is recognized as premier.
But even Admiral Sims had to cut
through the protests of the navy de-
partment and win the interest of
President Roosevelt himself. General
Mitchell's attempt to benefit aviation
resulted in his forced resignation, but
aviation benefited just the same.
It would seem rather unjust that
men high up in the service of the
United States should be flayed for
their suggestions at the instigation of
sticklers for form, when the justice of
their criticism is evident in its final
adoption for the good of the service.
Czechoslovakia last week celebrated
its sixth anniversary as an independ-
ent state. For any Balkan govern-
Ment to celebrate its sixth anniversary
is considerable of a feat; but when
we bear in mind the inauspicious be-
ginnings of Czechoslovakia, amid a
veritable maelstrom of seething pol-
itics and revolutions, this successai
survival is particularly notable.
Today the Czechs seem to be, o all
the Balkan nations, the most stable.
Their country has not once been torn

by a revolution since the republic, was
founded, and for six years they have
quietly and sanely progressed. They
have raised themselves from the ruins
of 1920 to a positon of leadership
among the smaller nations of Europe;
and on the sixth brihtday of their in-
dependence it is indeed fitting that
the people of the United States should
join with President Coolidge in ex-I
tending a greeting to Czechoslovakia.
France, Belgium, Poland, Roumania,
Czechoslovakia, and Jugoslavia! An
alliance to be consummated within the
next ten days by a final treaty between
France and Jugoslavia if the dis-
patches can be believed.
If the alliance should chance to be-
come more than a mere expression of
amity, as the French official state-
ments claim it to be at present, then
the only logical coures for Italy and
Germany will be another alliance to l
counteract it. This maneuvering for!
the balance of power is the most ex-
plosive mixture which . Europe can
concoct, and Locarno, the League of!
Nations, and disarmament confer-
ences are all likely to topple if a newl
struggle for this elusive balance is
seriously undertaken.
It is to be hoped, of course, that this
agreement is not aggressive, and in-
deed there is no reason to suppose1
that it is. Anything which portends a1
struggle between various alliances for

After a year of trials and tribula-
tions, auto-less and haggard, students
of the University of Illinois have at
last come to a solution of their prob-
* * *
They still walk to their classes but
on dates they suffer not a bit. It is
the unwritten rule. that every rooming
house for women must have at least
one porch swing.
But the sororities have still better
facilities for taking care of the poor
male. None are complete without
three to five swings and copious new
vines on porches in addition to the.
customary sofas.
* * *
Of course it has taken Illinois more
than a year to arrive at this solution.
D'Artagnan and Tiny Tim have great
faith in the ingenuity and brilliance of
Michigan mentality-give us a year
and we'll have a solution too.
This column is temporarily being
conducted by D'Artagnan
and Tiny Tim
Help! Help!
* * * .
Although the railroads will profit
heavily by the lack of cars for stu-
dents in which to drive to the out of
town games, many novel methods of
transportation will not doubt be used.
Here is one which would not be so
profitable to the railroads, though. It
has advantages. For instance, the
rider would be in front of the smoke-
stack and wouldn't get as dirty as
riding the blinds.
And then there was the one about.
the man who hung onto the landing
gear of ansairplane. Probably few
cases of this will be seen this week,
though. Chicago isn't worth working
that hard to get to.
* * *
Some dispute has arisen as to under
what time system are the Mimes boys
running their time pieces. At the
performance Saturday night, one-half
of the female leads was proclaiming
about her sweetie's failure to be home
at a quarter to two. Loudly and fully
she proclaimed on the subject, much
to the enjoyment of all who heard.
* * *
Just as she finished her dissertation
on men who aren't home at 2 o'clock,
the beautiful time piece which adorned
the mantle began to chime in harmon-
ious notes: One-two-three-four---
five-six-seven-eight-nine - ten -
* * *t

M U SI -
-- -
TONIGHT: Dalles Frantz, pianist, in
the Students' Recital at 8 o'clock in
the School of Music auditorium.
TONIGHT: Comedy Club presents
"Duley" at 8:30 o'clock in the MNimes
Early in September, Cosmo Hamil-
ton's play "Pickwick," after a year in
the hinterland, came to New York,
sedately settled down in the metro-
polis, and quietly waited that those
might come who would.
But it happened that on'e night,
some bored dramatic critics dropped
in to view the English comedy. And
then the denunciations began. Rob-
ert Benchley, George Jean Nathan, and
all their brothers hastened to hurl
their most deprecatory adjectives.
"Pickwick" was "stiff," "tedious," a
"Punch and Judy show," and various
other etceteras.
Much as we respect Mr. Benchley,
Mr. Nathan, et al, we wish to imme-
diately spring to our feet and distinct-
ly state that "Pickwick" is' the ulti-
mate achievement in dramatizing the
gentle humour, the charming naivety,
and the pastoral scene; in short the
elements that make the "Pickwick
Papers" so refreshing in this modern
era of the super-sex, inhibitions and
John Cumberland in the kindly role
of Samuel Pickwick, was the realiza-
tion of an ideal.
And so with the rest of the cast,
notably Charles McNaughton as Sam
Weller, Hugh Miller as Alfred Jingle,
and the massive Bruce Winston in
the part of Sergeant Buzzfuzz. They
brought Pickwick, not to the life, but
from the book to the stage. Which,
for those who have read and re-read
the vagaries of the famed Club, is cer-
tainly enough. D. F. S.
Comedy Club presents tonight in the
Mimes theater their first production
of the year, "Dulcy," in which George
S. Kaufman and Marc Connelly have -
collaborated to glorify the American
dumbelle. with tremendous bromidic
The complete cast is as follows:
Phyllis Loughton..............Dulcy
Charles Livingston ..... Mr. Van Dyke
Thurston Thieme.....Wiliamv Parker
Lillian Setchell........ Angela Forbes
Harlan Cristy ................ Sterritt
George Priehs ... Mr. Blair Patterson
William Bishop .............. Gordon
Vera Johnson ........... Mrs. Forbes
Richard Woellhaf...... Vincent Leach
Samuel Bonnell...........Mr. Forbes
Robert Adams.................Henry
The direction of the production is by
Robert Wetzell. S
Other books in the fiction field e
which have won more than passing
notice rank among them "The Grand-
mothers," the Harper prize novel,
which is somewhat similar to the At-
lantic Prize work in that it deals with g.
the family. Frederick Taber Cooper --
in his review has characterized it as
the musty pictures in the old family
album come to life. Glenway West-
cott has done something very fine with
the book and the after effect is in the
direction of philosophy.
I. G. Wells, in his latest novel,
"Meanwhile," has more nearly fol-
lowed out his rather idealistic for-

mula for good novel writing than in
any other of his works. His idea is
that any random page torn without
beginning or end from the book should
be so written and should contain so
much of the story as to hold the read-
er's attention. The theme of the story
is the last year's general strike in
England but for this once Wells is
more interested in intelligent young
people than in oldsters of the Clissold
type. Social theory is not the whole
of the book which in its writing is
splendidly mature.
Louis Bromfield's "A Good Woman"
which has been reviewed before in
this column is still the topic of Fall
book chat. Bromfield has tremendous
dramatic power, and that with his
ability to view the social scene as aI 14





From then one, we didn't believe a
word she said and were fully con-
vinced that her missing man had a
right to be out! Most women is pre-
varicators anyway! C. S. M.
* * *
We wondered w.hy those braggarts
who predict scores on the sports page
didn't have a chirp to offer after last
* * *
After careful investigation we man-
aged to learn that our contemporaries
fell off a few percentage points. Of
the 33 teams picked to win, 23 did so
but 7 of the trusted lost and two oth-
ers only squirmed through with ties.
* * *
Though it is not yet two months
since school opened this fall, high
hope was expressed in some quarters
yesterday that there will be a student
directory published before spring.
* * *
The Mi(hig-anenslan staff (publish-
ers of the directory) are, as usual,
blameless as new born babes. This is
more easily believed wheat one realizes
that in teir innocent unconsciousness
they probably lave nerVer heard of
student directories.
* * *
The books may be used for comic
valentines on St. Valentine's day if
they appear by that time.
* * *
If it comes to the worst, everyone


whole have earned him comparison
with John Galsworthy. The book is a
powerful, genuine picture. R. L. A.
* * *
"Crime," the Samuel Shipman and
John Hymer play which was fairly
successful in New York last season
is an outstanding success in London.
* * *
Constance Collier this week returns
to the stage in "John"-the Philip
Barry play which is being produced by
the Actors' Theater, under the direc-
tion of Guthrie McClintic. Miss Col-
lier has been absent from Broadway
for nine years-almost since her


ww ibe mov edt a class ahiead andtI L1
book will appear during registration,
week next fall.


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