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September 22, 1927 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-09-22

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'ub ishedl every morning except Monday
ing the University year by the Board in
ntrol of Student Publications.
dember of Western Conference Editorial
'he Associated Press is exclusively en-
d to the use for republication of all news
>atches credited to it or not otherwise
ited in this paper and the local news pub-I
ed herein.,
:ntered at the postofice at Ann Arbor,
higan, as second class matter. Special rate
postage grantel by Third Assistant Post-
;er General.
ascription by carrier, $4,oo; by mail,
flces: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
d Street.
hones: Editorial, 492S; Business 21214.-
Telephone 492i
or................Ellis R. Merry
( Editor................Philip C. Brooks
Editor.............Courtland C. Smith
for Michigan Weekly.,.Charles E. Behymer
nen's Editor...........Marian Lj. Wellesl
ts.Editor.............Herbert E. Ved'lerc
ter, Books and Music.Vincent C. Wall, Jr.
gaph Editor.............boss W. Ross
stant City Editor........Richard Kurvink
Night Editorst
ert E. Finch G. Thomas McKean f
tewart Hooker Kenneth C. Patrick
I J. Kern Nelson J. Smith, Jr. i
on Kirshbaum[I'

'gime, and coincident with that attempt
has grown a rising tide of national
patriotism which would expel foreign
interests-including the American.
It is inevitable in this situation that
the official representation of the
United States is in Mexico City of
paramount importance. Recently
James Sheffield, worn by the cares of
the office has resigned, and in his
place President Coolidge has ap-
pointed Dwight W. Morrow, a Wall
street banker and personal friend of.
the President. Whether the choice will
prove wise or not is a problem which
time alone can solve, but on the face
of things there are conditions which
augur trouble for all parties in this
latest appointment.
In the first place the principal dif-
ficulties which the United States has
had with Mexico have been based on
the question of commercial interests
held by Americans within the Mexi-,
can republic. It is only reasonable to
suppose that the man chosen for the
ambassadorship should be in a po-
sition to act as mediator between
these interests and the Mexican gov-
ernment-perhaps even as an arbiter
in their difficulties-but in the face
of this situation Mr. Coolidge has
chosen one who symbolizes all that
the American commercial classes
stand for, a Wall street man through
and through, trained in the school of
J. P. Morgan.
Naturally the Mexican government'
will have to accept the man, but his
residence and official status can not
but constitute a source of constant an-
noyance to all administration that is
already harrassed by everf variety of
radicalism that the world has to offer.
Perhaps the appointment of Mr. Mor-
row will be vindicated' in time, but on
the surface of things it looks as
though President Coolidge might have
done well to go outside the circle of
his personal friends in choosing the
new Mexican ambassador.

* * *
Dr. Tom Lovell, University of Michi-
gan newsboy par excellence, yesterday
announced his intentidn of taking his
acknowledged talent in singing and
lecturing before the country in a
,ation-wide tour.
* * * :
"A good, live manager is all I am
vaiting for," stated Dr. Tom to a Rolls
special correspondent. "There ought
to be some good, live chap with
enough ability to put such a tour
across. That's all I'm waiting for
right now."
* * * *
s "There's millions uf dollars in it,"
burst out the doctor. "I am known by
100,000 grads, and there's not a one
of them but would be willing and glad
to pay $5 a seat to hear me speak to
them again. They all know my repu-
** *
When asked what sort of a program
he had planned, Dr. Lovell waxed en-'
thusiastic. "It's the same thing I've
been telling them, in rooms and fra-j
ternities, for the past 15 years," he
stated. "I'm going to expose the rot-t
ten teaching in this University, just
like I've been doing for years." .
* * *
"What do these msen know aboutl
mankind?" exploded the noted lee.
turer. "Where is the man -who stood
by and watched a monkey change into
a mani Where is that man? What is
his nameI Where did'he live? Where is.E
his written record of what he saw,c
What do they know about it? I tell youc
God made man,' and not a lot of wind-
bag scientists."
* * *
"Science," explained the doctor, "isf
all a fake. And what's more, I can
prove it. It's the simplest thing in the
world. It's just like A, B and C. That's
what I've been telling them right heret
in rooms and fraternities, for the lasti
15 years."




meant to start beating the mru
the Choral Union and Extra Con-

rgaret Arthur Donald J. Kline
,ander N. Sally Knox
Bochnowski Jack L. ait, Jr.
imons A. Bonfield Richard H. Milroy
Caton D. Buck Charles S. Monroe
ni Campbell Cathierine Price
ie Church Mary E. Ptolemy
ney M. Cowan Harold L. Passman
:Ian Cristy Mforris W. Quinn
iam B. Davis Pierce Rosenberg
am C. Davis David Scheyer
spn de la Vergne Robert ('. ilbar
ille L. Dowzer Howard F. Simon
thV. Egeland George E. Simons
jorie Follmer Sylvia Stone
es .B. reeman Mary Lou Taylor
iert J. 'Gessner George Tilley
tn L. Goldstein Edward L. Warner,
ne Guber. George Wohlgemuth
phl Nowell Leo J. oedicke
rles Ka fman Joseph Zwerdling


Telephone 21214
Assistant Manager.... George H. Annable, Jr.
Advertising ...........Richard A. Meyer'
Advertising .............Arthur M. Hinckley.
Advertising ....... . Edward L. Hulse
Advertising . .y . .. Join XW. Rusw"inckei
Accounts . ... ...Raymond Wachter
Circulation.George B. Ahl, Jr.
Publication............. Harvey Talcott

I Babcock'
re Bradley
es 0. Brown
es B. Cooper
les K. Corre
ie U. Egelan
.glass Fuller
Bert Goldberg
H. Goodman
W. Hammer

Ray Hlofelich
Marsden R. Hubbard
Hal A. Jaehn
James Jordan
ll Thaes N. Len ington
.d W. A. Mahaffy
George M. Perrett
Alex K. Scherer
William L. Schloss
Herbert E. Varnum

For many years in the past there,
h:as been, at the time of registration,
n righteous protest at a system which
was necessary but never the less try-
ing on- the. patience of thousands of
prospective students and students re-
turning once again to complete their
education.'It seemed, from the stand-
point of the student,' that many of the
things that were required by the ex-
igencies of wholesale bookkeeping
were entirely chargeable to mere "red
tape" and would-be "efficiency" sys-
This year marked a pleasant depar-
ture fromthe usual. The offices of the
Registrar and the Recorder, cooperat-
ing with the treasurer, spent many-
months lat spring studying the situa-
tion from the standpoint of the stu-
dent. The faced the situation as one
which needed remedy-and they earn-
estly so lit a remedy which would
benefit loth the students and the Uni-
Versity dals.
The s pdand the ease with which
it was po sble to register and classify
this year showed that the efforts had
gone a long way in the right direction.
Much of the needless "standing in line"
was eliminated. And throughout the

Out of the midst of the platitudes
that are uisually necessarily attendant
i upon a dedication, there came the
other day a wistful statement for the
future. President Coolidge, delivering
the principal -address at the opening
ceremonies for the Lincoln Memorial'
library at the South Dakota State Col-
lege, presented his hearers with the'
hought that unless the colleges were
consecrated to the worship of truth,
to be reverently approached by youth,
that all their science and all their art1
could never be the means of true ad-
There is something more there than
the bald statement, a feeling corrob-
orated by a single glance at our own
campus, where reverence is at best a
rather elusive quality. It is noteworthy
that the President should have made his'
observation coincident with the joining
of a library with a college. Through his
,words he seems to lean toward the
softening and developing quality of
books as a saving grace in too-highly
organized education. It is through lit-
erature that the immediate confusions
of the campus can be brought into a
different light for the individual; it'
is through the words and the hopes
of others that the finer appreciation
is gained.
There is something more in learning
and life, the President said, than mere
acquisition of wealth and mere knowl-
edge that are first set up to students.
He believes that where we advance,
!admiration must lead the way; and
that these institutions of learning may
be approached in that spirit, they must"
assume the character of temples. First
among these temples he wisely sets
the library, and upon the shoulders'
of that building he sets the burden of
eliminating waste in the educational
process through a working contact
with its treasures.
f With the beginning of this college'

Detroit will be the starting point of
the tour, according to Doctor Lovell's
plans. S'aginaw will be the next stop.
And from there, the route will swing
toward the great open spaces, which
as the speaker explains, are filled with
Michigan men.
The doctor's announcement came as
a complete surprise to the campus.
Shocked BMOCs and large numbers
of common students have been pass-
ing all day, inquiring solicitiously as
to the bombshell of the unofficial cam-
pus professor. Many have pleaded with
him to remain, but the doctor remains
firm in his resolve to appear before
the alumni. "Only a good, live man-
ager," he repeats, "and I'll be on my
' * * *
m E

cert series yesterday, and I forgot
everything about it; but it is not an
omission due to any negative quality
in that program. Every lover of things
musical should have whooped with joy
when he saw the dodger announcing
the artists. Gigh, Raisa, Rimini, Cha-
liapin, Maier and Pattison, Hofmann
and Luboshutz, and the letroit and
New York Symphonies-it really is the
prodigal entertainment that C e
Sink and Earl Moore have ever i%'o-
Not only is there an exceptional
group of those artists who can be de-
pended on for something interesting,
but the others-the ones who'have
almost' arrived bit not quite, and who
aren't yet commanding a four-figure
salary-are worth going to hear. Myra
Hess, who is the English pianiste you
heard so much about last season, is
finishing the Extra Concert group, and
Paul Rochanski, who fills in on the
Choral Union group, is the Russian
violinist Olin Downes got so excited
about year before last. And if you like
it,, there is Mr. Christiansen's St. Olaf
Lutheran choir, and the Flonzaley
quartet, which is probably about the
bestia the field of chamber music
Gigi opens the show in about twot
weeks, and letshould make it suffic-
iently, noisy. This opening is a little
earlier than usual because Gilgi's
elates at the Metropolian are mixed up
some way. And anyway, he only sings
about once or twice a year in the
provinces, so they were lucky to get
him at all. Gilgi is about the third or
fourth best tenor in the world. Rich-
ard Crooks has a voice of better
quality, and Martinelli sings with
greater artistry. His English articula-
tion used'to be terrible-but I imagine
hell sing mostly in Italian-and he is
immensely popular.
Giacomo Rimini and his wife Rose
Raisa-they call her the female
Rimini-usually give a few joint re-
citals during the season, and if I told
you what they get for it you wouldn't
believe me. There's much more that
can be said about them, for Rosa is
grande dame at the Chicago Civic just
now, and with Rimini, who usually.
sings their Francesoda Rimini and
their Isabean, they form a formidable
Moreover, the concerts and recitals
are all woithy of as much shouting as
any columnist is capable of, and more
extensive comment on the other num-
bers of both series will appear later;
you can't go wrong no matter how
many adjectives you use about either.
ommends both theartists and the pro-
grams with almost no reservations,
mental or otherwise. If I don't think
much of the Flonzaley quartet I'm not
mentioning the fact; the rest is too
good to be true.
* * *
A Ueview, by Vincent Wall.
Perhaps they're not so elaborately
staged this year, but at least they have
Claire Luce and a million of the most
beautiful girls in America. Not only
that, but there is Eddie Cantor to
furnsh some rather raucous humor-
and the Brox sisters to croon blues
ditties and Ruth Etting to sing them;
and Irene Delroy.
Now that the "Folhies" have attained
their majority-Mr. Ziegfeld produced
the first edition in 197-M'vr. Zieg-
feld proceeds to delve about in the
archives and produce a revue which
glorifies himself more than anyone
else. There is an opening chorus of
shop girls and sixteen society girls,
who "want to be glorified by Mr. Zieg-
feld as only Mr. Ziegfeld can." And
then Mr. Ziegfeld himself appears in
the person of Andrew Tombes and as-
sures them that 'if you have perfect
lefts and perfect rights, you'll soon be
in electric lights." As proof there is a
parade of some of the diverse alumnae
of the Ziegfeld college: Fannie Brice,
Marylyn Miller, Ann Pennington and

And the entertainment throughout
the evening is lavish-as always .. .
a Ziegfeld chorus in Sammy Lee rou-
tines . ... the Albertina Rasch girls in
a ballet of bubbles . . . . Joseph Ur-
ban settings . . . . the ponies swinging
through the trees of an African set-
ting, and singing the "Jungle Jingle"
.Ruth Etting and the Banjo In-
genues "Shaking the Blues Away"
Claire Luce riding ostrich and
looking very bored-and dancing in
white ostrich feathers with two huge
fans . .'. . twelve girls playing twelve
highly forte golden pianos . . .
To chronicle the entire show from
end to end would be impossible. But
you can depend on the "Follies" to
provide a series of novelties and some
humor. Not the intimate and subtle
humor of the "Grand Street Follies"-
mt the humor of Eddie Cantor, broad
aiid slapstick. And there are always
fhe ladies of the ensemble perfect,
from their marcelled blondness to the

d 1

"When Professor Campbell sug-
gested little green bags for bring-
ing our books to class," mused the
thoughtful Junior, 'm wondering
just what he could have meant."

, , ,

Today's Program.
8:00-12:00-Inspection tour.
1 0 o4 b-Sample classes.
5:00-6: 00-Atletic events, on
Angell Hall steps.
7:45-10:30 - General knowledge
te'st. __ ___



course of the
'lllingness to

operation a cer-
cooperate and a

ready understanding of difficulties
was apparent-
From the standpoint of the student
there wasalso a cooperation without
'which the whole plan would have been
unavailing. Students appreciated the;
effort which was being exercised in
their behalf and ,they met the situa-
tion as one which demanded their sup-
The authorities who engineered the
plan for registration are to be com-
mnended for their intelligent efforts
nd for the success of their plan, as
are the students for their cooperation.
It is to be hoped that this plan and
its success marks the beginning of a
period of letter understanding be-
tween the faculty and the students,
and an era wherein the small difficul-
ties which delay both will be ironed
out by common agreement and coop-
eration and n'ot perpetuated by grumb-
ling and remarks about "the system."
To call Mexico a hotbed of politics
would do an injustice to the compara-

. year, the new school of forestry be-
gins as a separate unit of the Uni-
versity. At its head is a man who has
served many years in the pursuit of
forestry and has made a name for,
himself in such endeavors. On its staff
are men who have forged their way .to
the front in their field, and men W.ho
are capable of imparting to others the
knowledge that is theirs.
It is' fitting that in the State of'
Michigan there should be a school of
-this kind. And it is especially fitting
because of the fact that the depart-
ment, before it reached its prese'nt
status, was preeminent in forestry and
conservation affairs in the state and
in the Middle West.
With such a staff, such a leader, and
such ideals as have been set up by
the department in previous years, the
department bids fair to prosper and'
to become one more important unit'
in that service which the University is
rendering to its students.
With seats for the Dempsey-Tunney'
fight selling at $150, the price of ad-
mission to the next Republican Na-
tional convention ought to jump to at

* * *
Most important of the events on to-
day's program for Rolls Freshman
week is the general knowledge test,
to be conducted by a picked group
from the Pan-Hellenic organization.
All Freshmen not given satisfactory
ratings by their individual instructors
will be' enrolled on the ineligibility
list, to be posted in the lobby of the
new Women's League building.
* * *
The sample classes will make up the
imost practical part of the program.
Although conducted after the manner
of reitr'alii University classes, they
will deal with subjects dearer to the
heart of the true Michigan man}
* * *
At i o'clock instrciction in choosing
courses will be g ven. All M men are
asked to be present, both to aid in the
instruction and if possible to pick up
a little knowledge for' themselves.
* * *'
The inspection tour will take in
points of interest and antiquity that
,were missed on yesterday's trip. The
feature' ev'ent will take place at the
museum. A few of the more useless-
looking freshmen will be permitted to
enter, and those who return will re-
late their experiences to their 'com-


Blenjamn Bolt.

r F:

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