J Science Research Fellowship led a round table in Municipal Gov- a thousand freshmen. Twenty in- 'SCHOOL RECORD IS STILL AN INDEX TO SUCCI
It study money In elections in ekment at the University of Virginia structors have been added to the face rOF OF
Britain and on the continent. Institute of Publiq Affairs. Professor ulty, and one new department has BELIEF VYNIVERSIT Y OF WISCONSIN P
>ok, "Readings in American Joseph R. H-a yden conducted a round been created.
)ok,"Redins i Ameica JoephR. ayde coduced roud ben reaed.The present belief that success in one in 46 of the remainder of the list "If a student be
ment," has just been published. table on "The Political Status of the Of the 2,647 students, 1,513 are re-
Ernst D. Schulz, who was an Philippine Islands" at the Institute of turning to Michigan State, while there college work does not presage suc- of graduates was successful in as tenth of his clas
tor in the department for a Politics, Williamstown, Mass., during are 1,134 new students, including cess in life dates from the beginning great a degree as the honor grad- group marked ex
of years, has accepted an As- the month of August. freshmen. Official records, show that of higher educatica in America and rates. of achieving a ca
Professorship at Lehigh Uni- Professor Robert T. Crane attended Elida Yakely, the Registrar, show that now is as mistaken as ever it was in Prof. Smith finds the reasons for uished by the ap
Mr. William M. Strachan, also the meeting of the Social Science Re- the highest attendance reached in the other generatinns, Proc. iugli Allison the prevailing American contempt of men are 40 time
r instructor in the political sci- search Council at Dartmouth College, fall term last year 2,534. From all tho e Uivsityrof Wison ih schoarship in contion of aen te 40erim
partment, has been given an -Hanover, N. H. Professor Everett S. present indications, the total enroll- Smith of the University of Wisconsin aig scholarship in the condition of are, on the avera
te Professorship at Ohio Wes- Brown spent the summer in travel in ment at State college this year will mainta nm f the leading article of a our national development which the lower nine-te:
niersity. Germany while Dr. Paul M. Cuncan- be nearly 2,800. This is by far the 1c pubisheg, Eostdnprmu upon willingness
5$or J. S. Reeves, one of the non attended the Conference of Gov- largest attendance ever recorded at cation, published n Boston. to take a chance and minimized the man's life 'that
ofd .ra~tes'which etes n RCoernors at Mackinac Island during July that school. I In general, 14 of each 15 honor rewards of patient thorough training. prophecy of his
ed e mjele a o a graduates attained success, while but IHe concludes: years' college rec
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