r ;Aw prejudieced inre gard to the case. 1
C 11'lWhatever the reason may be, the
Published every morning'except Monday coc filtrtst ev nsc
during the U'niversity year by the Board in, 4 a catpac,, e~ specially* in a trial con-
Lont;,ol of Student Publications. i~e'nn the nationail government, isl
Member of Western Conference Editorial surely a bit inconsistent with the
«. commonly acep1terl ideas ini this coon-i
Th sscatdPress isc o lusvly 'en- try. The United( States, more than any
ttilto h s o eulcto falnw
dispat hes; credited to it or not otherwise other nation, Stanids for progress and1
cried tl in ;his paper and the local news pb enlightenment in all fields.
the-at.AnnInasmuch as th~e pre.edlcnt andI na-
Entered a h otfiea n Arbor,I ti onal ideals are not sufficient to pre-r
M'dichigan, as second class matter. Special rate
Of postag'e granted by Third Assistant Post- vent the introduction of illiterates intoi
m',ster General.' jury service, it would seem that actionj
Suscrptio by arrir, $,oo;by ;miin the form of state legislation might.
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- b odtigfrtecuty
nard Street.
Phones: Vditorial, 4925 ; business 221T4. _______________
. 1i
M1ichigan's representatives at thej
linoisirae football goamnea net Saturday
il etrae t nhonor unique TON IGIIT: 'Tie Mi qesr:iret "Onl
1the annuals of stadium history. Approvalii" by Freder3(ik L llsdalCin
[iey have been allotted seats directlyter laera8:f)&eli
rthe center ofthe field. tir teaer * *3
The (lie has been cast. The tickets I eursi hs I ftu
re here anti, we hope, cannot be0 tak- and pointed(1drama cn~ea~eats
a. away. The dream of the lay when tic courage to produce anything liJe
very Michigan student can see his ;Charles Ranm Kennedy's "The Servantk
!a in action has conmc true. Even in the House.'' While the play is wecll
tough he must travel for hundlreds
the - I accepted in the fieldi of dlramati
fmiles to bring it about,th triumph }
Flrsoza1 Eongraved
Now on Display. Make your selections early.
Both Ends of
Sthe Diagonial
Telephone 4925~
Editor..............Ellis B. Merry
Editor michig=an Weekly.. Charles E. Behymer
Staff Editor......... ... .Philip C. Brooks
City Editor.............. Courtland C. Smith
Women's Ed!itor....... .... Marian L,. Welles
Sports Editor.............iHerbert E: Ved'ler
Theater, Rooks and Music.Vincent C. Wall, Jr.
Telegraph Editor..............Ross W. Ross
Assistant City Editor..Richard C. Kurvink
Night Editors
Robert V. Finch C. Thomas McKean
J. Stewart Hlooker K~enneth G. Patrick
Paul J. Kern Nelson J. Smith, Jr.
Milton Kirshbaum
Esther Anderson lack L,. bait. Jr.
Margaret Arthur Marion MacDonald
Emnmons A. Bonfield Richard Il. Milroy
btratton Buck Charlcs S. Monroe
3Jcan C'ampbell Catherine Price
Jessie Church Mary E. Ptolemy
Sydney M. Cowan Harold L. Tassman
William B1. Davis Morris W. Quinn
William C. Davis Pierce Rosenberg
Clarence N. Edelson David Scheyer
Margaret Gross Eleanior Scribner
Valborg lgeland Robert G. Silbar
Marjorie Follmer Howard V. Simon
James B3. Freeman George E. Simons
Robert J. Gessner Rowena Stillman
Elaine E. Gruber Sylvia Stone
Alice Hagelshaw George Tilley
Joseph 1 . Howell Edward L. Warner, Jr.
Charles R. Kaufman Leo J. Yoedicke
Donald J. Kline Joseph Zwcrdling
Sally Knoxc
The practical failure of the recenit
naval parley held in (leneva calls to
the fore the great danger t hat is in-
current in the calling 01'int ernational:hsbe oi '"~"' 1 ~ i-'
conferences; when the end is too weak-*** with symbolism anrdti wle 1:'acl
ly defined and when the possibility of IHarry Tillotson, t i'ket czalir of file pi'ogr ess of the act ion makes a =.*tl t
reaching that end( has not been in A teia5OIti1,gca 1its transference to the boards. More-
samewis deermned I ory exlan~tionk when called before
some=ise1dtermned. i.'*+*, . '0121Iiteystrdyover, the trick of using Christ as the;
Rumor now has it that Jap~an is ~~3sed~
contemplating the invitation of manyafternWon. "It was all I hadu to give proaoiti"ologranvly
ntosto attend another such parley. them," le explained. and to the jadled taste of theater
Since she is vitally interested in the Thrum *soipists it i liottie
The trimphat Illinois, together
questioStillhtheaplay tisenMa.leen-epyys
quetio ad hs awas tkena can Iwith the two student representatives
ing part in the discussions, she inidi-athOiogmraia masterpiece, and the cast which 1 -ill
cates that she -wishes the question t onh of theo amts at last a raia present it this Saturday night in the
teprogram of "Athletics for pinyws'ne i proa u
settled peaceably and effectively iial. -i in. Ciasiuner Alislersofthsu-
the near future, eris* *hale A *s lteo
Before such a conference is called,_________________I________ Theater. Guild, heads thle cast in the
it 'should be the concern of the large j v ole of Mahnson. Tphe company is
nain o h ord t etrieSTAIJUM STAIDERINGS rather recently on the road, since Al-
whether or not there is a prob~able "After getting such good seats jlais was until a few wees ago a mem-
ground for agreement on the sub.ject. for the Illinois game,' stat ed the I her of the Chicago cast of "TIhe f
Walter iPridgemnan, First Lord (of the traveling senior, "I wouldni't Barker." The sets are by Kate Law,-
Adirly n edo h ~iih even feel bad if Illinois won thoe son, technical director of the Theater,
delegation to the recent-, Geneva .oil game." Guild.f
ference, in commenting on the failureJ***
of that conference said, "We should ."1.W FNiE IGII I I ) E FRONT'I FROMi
TIHE WOLVES HOWL CI lRESIAS," by Milt gross; N ew
I hvelikd o hvereahe anagee The attempts of Ohio State alumiii York: Geor~e 11. IDoran Compilanly:
ment if the terms had been satisfac- t utterha otalcahsm
tory' to us." ha otbl oc i 2?197;31.00)
plybecusehis 'team was defeated Arve yBnai ot
It should be the dzitty of the pers'ons5 here last Saturday, is a dlirect insult ATevew y Bijaaii ot
who call the conference to determine Upon the first reading o il heofrhn heattd ha h a Mi n ite htriyof zi sn ceGosslaetdtrc infol h
ftions take on the propositions and the fil flteaue' el I<ti
measreswhich are to be introduced, grace to be beaten by a Michigan runny. Unfortunately, however, Iwa
T]he failure of such large nations of *em *al t etrie htitwa ili
the world to agree lends only a spirit about. Bunt after four subseqjuent1
of utiityto uchconerecesin he Recalling that Ohio was defeated' readings, although it wasn't quite so
futureand disouragesthereto preceding week by Northwestern} funny, I emerged triumphant with the
futue, nd iscurags te rst f withiout making any particular fuss full story off the"gnsn xrm
the orl. Tereis n resonforabout it, it appears that they are; mingly grivvious" that featured that
"gong t bind wen he hol woldmaking a rather nasty crack at the mmrbe"eeie w iewt
is awaiting the outcome.meoal"Dc brtofie it
comparative prowess of the Wolver- host wan ivvning privvious."
1 jines. } The whole story has a dsicl,
CAM\PUS OPINION It's certainly a lot of fun to notice ,Yooltide" atmosphere, from the mys-
Annonymious communications will be the various actionis causedl by Michi- terious visitor who turns out not to be
disregar-ded. The names of communi- 1gail teams at other schools. At North- SnaCasbttedsyeeao
cants will, however, be regarded as SnaCasbttedsyeeaa
confidential upon request. Letters pub- western in the event of a victory, no1 boy, to Looey turning on the steam on
fished should not be construed as ex- matter how won, they burn down the SnaCasPilbu h olnt
pressin~g the editorial opinion of TheSatCluFetbumwoold
Daily. stadiumn and break off relations for a' qez hog h ie n h
year or more that their glory may re- wedding party interrupted by an ex-
IN ANSWER n main undimmed. At Harvard sonic- I plosion that spreads all the characters
The ever-growing popularity of
is due to its unequalled writing quality, large ink capacity and durability,.
combined with factory service by the makers right hei-c in Ann Arbor.
315, State Street
The U. of M. Pen
Telephone 21214
Assistant Manager.... George H. Annable,
Advertising .............. Fichard A. Meyer
Advertising . ............Arthur M. Hinkley
Advertising............... Edward L. H~ulse
Advertising ............ John W. Ruswinckel
Accounts..... ......... .. Raymond Wachter
Circulation ... .........George B. Ahn, Jr.
Publication.............Harvey, Talcott
Fred Babcock Jhal A. Jaehn
George Bradlley James Jordan
Marie Blrumler Marion Kerr
James 0. 13rown D~orothy Lyons
James B. Cooper Thales N. Leninkzton
Charles K. C'or'ell ('athierine MeKinven
Barbara Croniell WV. A. Mahaffy
MelenelDancer Francis Patrick
Mary Dive l y George M. Perrett
Bessie IT. Egelan" Alex K. Scherer
Ona Felker Frank Schuler
Baen Fishman Pernice School:
Katherine Ftrochne Mary Slate
Douglass Fuller Gecorge Seater
Beatrice Greenberg Wilbert Stephenson
Helen Gross Ruth Thompson
Herbert G3oldberg Herbert E. Varnum
E. J. Hammer Lawrence Walklcy
Carl W. Hammer Hannah Waller
Ray IHotelich
Night Editor-K. G. PATRICK
return, $1.35, via Electric Lines.
Tiickets sold Friday, Saturday
an~d Sunday. Good returning
Sunthlay and Monday of WEEK-'
EN'D purchased.
Ann Arbor andl Ypsilanti-Fare
One Way, 24c, Round Trip,
43c--Mid-Week (Tues., Wed.,
Thnrs , Fri.) Round T'rip Excur-
sioni Fare, 36c.
There is not the slightest doubt but!
'what the appearance of the band
greatly enhances the impression which
Michigan can make at out of town
games. There is likewise no doubt
but what the student body has a right
to expect that the band will accom-
pany the team to at least a moderate I
number of out of town games as a re-
suit of the 50 cent fee which each stu-
dent pays for that purpose. This, year
there has been considerable criticism
because of the fact that the musicians
are going to attend only the Chicago
contest; but a careful investigation
of the subject can only be convincing
that the single trip is completely jus-
tifiable in -iew of the extraordinary
number of other expenses involved.
In the first place the band receives
as a maximum from student tuition
about $4,000 a year, since the only
fees taken are from full time students
remaining through the year. A trip to,
Chicago costs approxinmately $1,200,
and a trip to Illinois would cost at
least $2,400. Ordinarily with the fees
received, Robert A. Campbell, trea -
urer of the University who handles
the finances of thle band, would 1)0
able to send the men on two out of the
out-of-town trips.
This year, however, the uniforms
of the band were in generally bad comn-
dition and many of them had to be re-
placed. More than $2,000 was spent
In this fashion, and intaddition several
costly instruments were purchased,
including bass horns and drums.
In all, the Chicago trip and the new
equipment will require this year more,
than $3,500 of the total budget. A
small surplus must, be saved for the
opening of the next school year, and
tihe cost of music and a banquet in the
spring must still be deducted.
In normal years the band will be
able to take two trips on its budget;
but this year has seen exceptionally
heavy expense and for that reason
such will not be possible. It is re-
grettable, to be sure, that the Varsity,
band can not march down the field at
Urbana playing the "Victors" but it is
sound business not to send them, and
on that score entirely justifiable.
CTo the Editor:
I heartily agree with "F.R." '28 Liit.,
and "C.G., '30 Law, that the present
automlobile situation has given rise
to so many and conflicting stories and
rumors that can be set at rest only by'
a set, of answers. Furthermore, I do
Inot believe that the questions asked E
!by F.R." '28 Lit., and ,"C.G." '30 Law, 1
Ibegin to complete the list. There are
many others whichl can be rightfully
and justly asked. Therefore, I would
be very glad to talk: over with anyone
in regard to the nunierous questions
Iwhiichi have arisen from the automobile
regulation. I thoroughly believe that
a frank discussion will do much to
dispel nmamiy of the misunderstanldings.
The following is an attenipt to an-
swer the questions in yesterdlay's~
(1) Mir. Emery is Assistant to the
Dean of Students, not Assistant Dean
of Students. To the best of my knowl-
edge thlere is not any basis for calling
Mr. Emery, Assistant Dean, except er-
roneouIs press rport[.
(2) Nt). Thle Office of the Dean of
Students has not in any way hold( up
disciplinary measures as a threat in
the enforcenient of the automobile
ruling, iior has it attempted by coer-
cion to force all students to fall in
(3) Tihe Office of the Dean of Stu- It
dents has no disciplinary authority.
It may suggest disciplinary action.
If° thie student objects to tihe suggested
action, lie or she may ask to have tile
case referred to the University Coml-
mittee on Discipline, or to the Advis-
emrs of Women, as the case may ble.
(4) No. Due to the unusually large
number of interviews, which Mr. Em-1
cry has been forced to have, and alsot
due to thme fact that lie is responsible
fomr checking up on the violations 01'
the ruling, lie has found it most diffi-
cult to see students at all times. L
(5) The University, in the enforce-
ment of this rule, has used the serv-
ices of several mn to check up oiit
the automobile situationi. They are1
not officers in any sense and no0 secrett
has been made of their employment. t
(6) Mr. Emery has no police power, t
which will allow him to stop motor
ve'hicles in the streets of Anmn ArborI
or anywhere else.
(7) The officer, who is primarily jI
one reads a sport page printed out-
side Boston, and they decide that per-
haps it would be against their policy
to help dedicate thle new stadium, antd
it might be preferable to schedule
some other "strong western team"
with a lesser reputation, such as In-
diana or Purdue. No wonder Ohio has
bred a family of coach-robbers.
Instead of such vain endeavomrs, if
other teams are to win, it seems that
sonic sort of organization ought to be
formed. Since the coaches are mainly
responsible for the success of their
teams, they ought to begin the move-
To give them a start, we suggest
the formation of a new associationi,
"The Society of Downtrodden Football
To be eligible to this organization,
each coach must presemit positive evi-
dence that his services are repugnant
to a representative body of alumni. A
petitionl circulatetd throughl various
cities, Grand Rapids for example,
would be ample evidence.
Among time measures to be consider-
ed by thle association should be a plan
I t) provide better compensation forI
football players. Means of excluding
all protestinig alumni from the ganies
would be0 most desirable. And, among'
th11r things, thiep ought to provitde
sonie means of keeping Fielding H.
Yost upon the retired list.
A special delegation of.. engineers
has been appointed to investigate the
teaclmifmgs of Milton C. Work, inter-
national bridge expert, who will (hem-
onstrate his methods this afternoon
at the Union.
IEThe whole engineerin g college has
beenl stirred to the depths by the fact
that an authority on bridges has been,
brought to the University withlout
their special sanction, anti the (delega-
tion will be ready, to challenge any
false statements made by the upstart.
Thinking the dents might have some
interest in this matter of bridges, wej
anti their possessions over the general
landscape. Santa narrowly escapes
arrest on the rooftop, and the story
ends happily withl "bast Yooltide
weeshies" for one anti all.
hBaieff's "Chauve Souris" withI
which Morris G est start IldIBroad way
a few seasons ago has a gain r'eturnetd
to this country under his "manage-
ment. The program planned for this
year is new but it still follows very
much the lines of thie original show,
with M. T-aieff himnself nmaking tcur-
tain speeches ini worse Eniglish thamn
before if that can be possible. Most
of the critics seemed to think thai.
the lumbering Russian spirit of the
show has become emasculated with
European manners but that this tdoes
S ubscribe
Ann Arbor
r'. Harvest- Home
Johnstonis-Betsy Ross
For Halloween and gall social
- occasions
Nickels Arcade
.""." ..........i.Y
ExhibiPon hoeec7014 Buqe
"FI:'r ~ ie
not prevent its puzling anti amusini; :°I'."," ,.Y .a", . ,j"".ga
an Amuericani audienice. - ,
H. L. A
A. reviim,by 'i'1ro iits J. .Pall.
Gene Buck presemnted ''Take the
Air" for its met ropolitan pre'miere it
(Le (kass theater lasit Sunday night,
gil showed it to be principally nitta-
ble for two One time vaudeville acts, :, Qaifati IIBll8N 1 i10 i1i lllI6!I~iltl1[ 1tt1llI~il~ lil1111 1IIIt11t1lllt t1tI11
Will Mahoney amid York and, King. .---,u-U-
Mahmomiey uses all his 01(1 vaudleville-
routine--his funny falls, his "mamnmy"I\
burlesque, his curtain speech, anti the
:.'t Ic'm HrWillie" song- which stopfpcd Io s.;
the show Sunday. Trini is t'to-feat ured 2
with him, but her only excuse for -
beimig in the cast, as far as I'm con-
cermied, is that she affortds aimoppor - RU A OWV F 1SYEAR'S BEST ~~TTLES2
tunity for Rose Kimng to do two riot- I-J S E r~D~1 L~.z
ously funny, Spanish burlesques. They
do say that the only reason Buck 7. Chans. it. (Cooley-Life and the Student...$2.50) Edward Lucas Whiite~-Wh~y Rome Fell . , .. . 3.54 -
Ihired Trimni is that Mahoney did not Eas.-Hre iand lliRonan Affairs.......... 3.5i0 Lewis IBroive-Thiat MAan Hlelne" .......... 3.00
want a starring part in his first Lindsey an([i Evetns-Tlhe Conipanionate MLar-~ - Macnair Wiilson-Lord Northclfffe.. ..... .. 5.002
legitimate venture, but preferred to riage .............. ..... 3.60
Drinkwater -Oliver Cromwell - Character2
have some feminine star featured with I larten-WotiexiLincolni Loved ............ 5.00 Study ......... . ............. 2.502
him. And thenl if the piuce failed, it ;= Smnitlh-Commtodore Yanderbilt-An Ile of Gertrude Aretz-Napoleon and His Women
would not be the J=ho y"~Atiwerican Achievement ..... .... .00.....Friends "aoe ior........ ,...............5.002
whelh had gone under. D~amn clever Ii 1mig--rtaoleoaz--'1?tC MITnof Destily. . .. 3.00 'yin Brittoui-Thie President's Daunghter.., 250
that Irishman, especially in view of Ilth11g-jV lIham . ohieuiolieri-TIhe Last of Wl ri-ihlgt -Mnata.. .60
the fact-, that if "Take the Aim"fdoes go Ithe Raltsers............. ......WllIri.-00 ligtsofMahata..... .6...
over, all tile credit must go to hmim. _ , rzo-runpso edcn. ... .. ..0
Thewig ila rask-T E Sto Fighter 5.10 law rence-Rtevolt of the JDesert......3.04
As iin "YouiseTruley,".Gen...E..k..a.....400 IPennington and IBolling-Chronology of Wil-=
_ !can Literature.........son..... .......................... 3.50
donie mighmt by his costunmes, butt the= Pry ieaeTe ieo ",eMc-y . -
scenery for the most part is mediocre2, - Vls ... ..... ....... . 10.00 Jeanl-Aubrey-Lfife and Letters of Jos. Con-
and the book is downright lousy. Annie I = Orcntt-the ]Kigdomn of lloolis..... ..... 5.04 rad--2 Vols. .............. ... ....10.00 -
Caldwell had a hand in that, Dave r laleieMy-Mte India ......3.75 Wilson-The Greville Diary-2 Vols. ......10.0
Staniper's music is only fair-being Au)nndsen- iy Life as an i ~orer.....3.0Feodor Challap4ine-Pages from My Life..5.00
juust about as renminiscent as his stuff' . Lynch-"Boss" Tweed-Story of a Grim Gen- Wig gam-The Next Age of Man..,. ....... 3.00=
usually is. There is a great deal of j erationi ...... ..........4.00 Van Lo n erica ................ ... 5.04
excellent damcing dutring the course of
the evening, amid all of it. along- with =-_"*_1 [)1° b_ TL___ _ _ 1 3U _ - 1'_ _ !' -L -
responsible for the apprehension of
student autoimobile drivers, i's a meil- j
her of the State Police and as such he
is required to carry the full equipmnent i
terinie group whether they wvouhld fol-
low the example of the engineers.
"Naw," was his mreply. "'We're