THE. MICHIGAN DAILY 'THURSDA, OTOBM1R27, 12 r ;Aw prejudieced inre gard to the case. 1 C 11'lWhatever the reason may be, the Published every morning'except Monday coc filtrtst ev nsc during the U'niversity year by the Board in, 4 a catpac,, e~ specially* in a trial con- Lont;,ol of Student Publications. i~e'nn the nationail government, isl Member of Western Conference Editorial surely a bit inconsistent with the AssPociaton. «. commonly acep1terl ideas ini this coon-i Th sscatdPress isc o lusvly 'en- try. The United( States, more than any ttilto h s o eulcto falnw dispat hes; credited to it or not otherwise other nation, Stanids for progress and1 cried tl in ;his paper and the local news pb enlightenment in all fields. the-at.AnnInasmuch as th~e pre.edlcnt andI na- Entered a h otfiea n Arbor,I ti onal ideals are not sufficient to pre-r M'dichigan, as second class matter. Special rate Of postag'e granted by Third Assistant Post- vent the introduction of illiterates intoi m',ster General.' jury service, it would seem that actionj Suscrptio by arrir, $,oo;by ;miin the form of state legislation might. $4.50. Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- b odtigfrtecuty nard Street. Phones: Vditorial, 4925 ; business 221T4. _______________ ID E THEATER BOOKS . 1i II] in in aJI (Al E? tte tli of G SEE AM uc HA.MEJu I M1ichigan's representatives at thej linoisirae football goamnea net Saturday il etrae t nhonor unique TON IGIIT: 'Tie Mi qesr:iret "Onl 1the annuals of stadium history. Approvalii" by Freder3(ik L llsdalCin [iey have been allotted seats directlyter laera8:f)&eli rthe center ofthe field. tir teaer * *3 The (lie has been cast. The tickets I eursi hs I ftu re here anti, we hope, cannot be0 tak- and pointed(1drama cn~ea~eats a. away. The dream of the lay when tic courage to produce anything liJe very Michigan student can see his ;Charles Ranm Kennedy's "The Servantk !a in action has conmc true. Even in the House.'' While the play is wecll tough he must travel for hundlreds the - I accepted in the fieldi of dlramati fmiles to bring it about,th triumph } Flrsoza1 Eongraved ristaswards Now on Display. Make your selections early. Both Ends of Sthe Diagonial EDITORIAL STAVFFj Telephone 4925~ MANAGING EDITOR JO H. CHAMBERLIN Editor..............Ellis B. Merry Editor michig=an Weekly.. Charles E. Behymer Staff Editor......... ... .Philip C. Brooks City Editor.............. Courtland C. Smith Women's Ed!itor....... .... Marian L,. Welles Sports Editor.............iHerbert E: Ved'ler Theater, Rooks and Music.Vincent C. Wall, Jr. Telegraph Editor..............Ross W. Ross Assistant City Editor..Richard C. Kurvink Night Editors Robert V. Finch C. Thomas McKean J. Stewart Hlooker K~enneth G. Patrick Paul J. Kern Nelson J. Smith, Jr. Milton Kirshbaum Reporters Esther Anderson lack L,. bait. Jr. Margaret Arthur Marion MacDonald Emnmons A. Bonfield Richard Il. Milroy btratton Buck Charlcs S. Monroe 3Jcan C'ampbell Catherine Price Jessie Church Mary E. Ptolemy Sydney M. Cowan Harold L. Tassman William B1. Davis Morris W. Quinn William C. Davis Pierce Rosenberg Clarence N. Edelson David Scheyer Margaret Gross Eleanior Scribner Valborg lgeland Robert G. Silbar Marjorie Follmer Howard V. Simon James B3. Freeman George E. Simons Robert J. Gessner Rowena Stillman Elaine E. Gruber Sylvia Stone Alice Hagelshaw George Tilley Joseph 1 . Howell Edward L. Warner, Jr. Charles R. Kaufman Leo J. Yoedicke Donald J. Kline Joseph Zwcrdling Sally Knoxc (')MN IT BLIND The practical failure of the recenit naval parley held in (leneva calls to the fore the great danger t hat is in- E ' f ,; 5 fi; current in the calling 01'int ernational:hsbe oi '"~"' 1 ~ i-' conferences; when the end is too weak-*** with symbolism anrdti wle 1:'acl ly defined and when the possibility of IHarry Tillotson, t i'ket czalir of file pi'ogr ess of the act ion makes a =.*tl t reaching that end( has not been in A teia5OIti1,gca 1its transference to the boards. More- samewis deermned I ory exlan~tionk when called before some=ise1dtermned. i.'*+*, . '0121Iiteystrdyover, the trick of using Christ as the; Rumor now has it that Jap~an is ~~3sed~ contemplating the invitation of manyafternWon. "It was all I hadu to give proaoiti"ologranvly ntosto attend another such parley. them," le explained. and to the jadled taste of theater Since she is vitally interested in the Thrum *soipists it i liottie The trimphat Illinois, together questioStillhtheaplay tisenMa.leen-epyys quetio ad hs awas tkena can Iwith the two student representatives ing part in the discussions, she inidi-athOiogmraia masterpiece, and the cast which 1 -ill cates that she -wishes the question t onh of theo amts at last a raia present it this Saturday night in the teprogram of "Athletics for pinyws'ne i proa u settled peaceably and effectively iial. -i in. Ciasiuner Alislersofthsu- the near future, eris* *hale A *s lteo Before such a conference is called,_________________I________ Theater. Guild, heads thle cast in the it 'should be the concern of the large j v ole of Mahnson. Tphe company is nain o h ord t etrieSTAIJUM STAIDERINGS rather recently on the road, since Al- whether or not there is a prob~able "After getting such good seats jlais was until a few wees ago a mem- ground for agreement on the sub.ject. for the Illinois game,' stat ed the I her of the Chicago cast of "TIhe f Walter iPridgemnan, First Lord (of the traveling senior, "I wouldni't Barker." The sets are by Kate Law,- Adirly n edo h ~iih even feel bad if Illinois won thoe son, technical director of the Theater, delegation to the recent-, Geneva .oil game." Guild.f ference, in commenting on the failureJ*** of that conference said, "We should ."1.W FNiE IGII I I ) E FRONT'I FROMi TIHE WOLVES HOWL CI lRESIAS," by Milt gross; N ew I hvelikd o hvereahe anagee The attempts of Ohio State alumiii York: Geor~e 11. IDoran Compilanly: ment if the terms had been satisfac- t utterha otalcahsm tory' to us." ha otbl oc i 2?197;31.00) plybecusehis 'team was defeated Arve yBnai ot It should be the dzitty of the pers'ons5 here last Saturday, is a dlirect insult ATevew y Bijaaii ot who call the conference to determine Upon the first reading o il heofrhn heattd ha h a Mi n ite htriyof zi sn ceGosslaetdtrc infol h ftions take on the propositions and the fil flteaue' el I