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October 15, 1927 - Image 11

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-10-15

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,..... .:

Good Marksmanship Is Not Necessary;
Women Having' i Exjerience
Allowed ToPractice
At the first meeting of the begin-
ning rifle class held last Tuesday aft-
ernoon, 22 women reported for prac-
tice. This was an increase over the
number in the class -last year at the
same time. Membership in the Wo-
men's Rifle Club is expected to reach
a total of 35, counting last yeas
members and the beginning class. It
is probable that more women will en-
roll In the rifle class this semester
and next.
Meetings of the beginners' class in
shooting will be held from four to
six on Monday and Tuesday after-
noons in Room 330, West Engineering
Building. Members of the class may
begin immediately to qualify for their
medals and for the team. A score
of, 95 is required in order to shoot on
the rifleteam.
All women interested in learning
to shoot are urged to enter the be-
ginning class. Good marksmanship is
not a prequisite to membership in the
class. On the other hand, women who
have had po experience in shooting
are given an opportunity to practice,
and, if they show evidence of ability,
to make the team.
Men of Berlin havye decided that
something must be done about the
shocking habit of primping in pub-
lic places.
According to an editorial in the
"Ndew York Times, the German men
protest in particular against the prac.-
tice of combing har. and powdering
faces while seated at table in pub-
lic restaurants. A committee, armed,
with a petition signed by many nota-
bile persons, has asked tre faurantJ
managers to restrain their women pa-
trons from using combs,, powder puffs,
and lipsticks in the dining rooms.
But how to bring about this re-
form? "Ladiesbarerequested not to
use their vanity cases at table," might
be printed on the menu. However, if
some brazen creatures ignored this
request, what waiter would have the
courage to ask her to put away her
powder puff?
The responsibility for thesuccess
of the proposed reform should be put'
upon the escorts of the ladies, the
writer suggests.= Let the men them-
selves sternly forbid the use -of toilet
accessories at meal time. If any of
these gentlemen are timid about us-
ing the direct command, diplomacy is
advised. Let the crafty male say,

Director Of Physical Education Gives
Theories Concerning Swimming Strokes


"There is a great deal of controver-
sy," Miss Hall of the department of
physical education said yesterday,
"over which strokes should be used
by swimmers, which should be taught
first, and the exact form of the var-
ious strokes..
"Some swimming coaches say that
the crawl should be used for speed
and the breast stroke for distance.
Others use nothing but the crawl.
Some favor the trudgeon, which com-
bines a scissors kick with a crawl
arm stroke, or the trudgeon-crawl, in
which the kick is a combination of
the flutter and scissors kicks. These
trudgeon strokes used to be consid-
ered best for distance, but swimmers
of both the English and Catilina chan-
nels have used the regular crawl, thus
proving its practibility for distance.
"Here at Michigan, in the women's
classes at least, the elementary crawl
is taught first instead of the breast
stroke, although the latter is given
the preference in many places. The
breast stroke is complicated and the
co-ordination is very difficult. It is
also extremely hard to learn the
flutter kick after learning the frog
kick, whereas the flutter does not af-
fect the frog kick.
The side stroke is also taught, al-
though there is no particular advan-
tage to it except that the face is out
of water and breathing is thus facili-
tated. Helre I might mention ome-
thing that every swimmer should re-
member, and that is to always breathe
through thel mouth, for there is less

danger of strangling than when
breathing through the nose.
"There is not much controversy
over diving forms, for they are fairly
well determined. In learning to dive
there are four preliminary dives to
be done :st. These are the sitting
dive, the kneeling dive, the Apache
dive, which is done from one knee,
and a standing dive in which the
diver bends low overthe water and
falls in. After these have been learn-
ed, the pupil is ready for the regular
standing dive and the more difficult
ones that follow.
"In our classes," said Miss Hall;
"we teach the women stunts, too, be-
cause most of. them enjoy playing
around in the water as well as they
do diving and swimming. One of the
stunts is to swim like a fish, using
the hands as fins. Another is the egg
dive in which you double up and grab
your knees with your arms; you re-
tain this position until you come to
the surface.
"I might give some encouragement
to beginning swimmers by telling
them that almost everyone can float
and that more women than men can
do so. The turtle float is a test to do-
termine if one can learn to float.
The swimmer clasps his arms about
his knees and turns over on his face.
If his back appears above the sur-
face, he will be able to learn how to
float. It is interesting to know that
a great many people can float, but
not on their backs for their feet go
.down, and they are in an upright po-

Classes which are being offerde by
"he Y. NW. C. A. were begun Monday,
Oct. 10, and will continue for 10
weeks, with the exception of the
swimming , class, which will last for
six months.
On Monday, every week from 7 un-
til 8, a class in Bible will be offered
in which the leading characters of
the Bible will be discussed.
Conversational French, given by the
direct method will be presented on
Tuesday from 7 to 8, while-,wimming
will be taught both on Tuesday and
Friday from 8 until 9.
A course in "What to read," will
be given on Wednesday from 7 to 8,
for those who have little time to read
and wish to spend it on worthwhile
boolks, and on Thursday, from 7 to
9, a dressmaking course will be given,
women to make at least two dresses.
Instruction and suggestions .for
malting inexpensive Christmas gifts
will be given free of charge ' Fri-
day at 7:30, while a simhal G:urse
will be held with the addition of les-
sons in hooked rug making, batik
work, and painting on glass with a
charge being made for the lastrue-
Household management is also be-
ing offered at 7:30 on Friday, the
main points of interest being serving,
planning of meals, salads, and bread
I making.
"Every University woman should be
interested in the Household Manage-
ment course," says Mrs. E. L. Moses'
of the Y. W., "since so many women
are married as soon as they are grad-
uated, and haven't the slightest foun-
dation for domestic life."
Although many of the courses like
the French and swimming classes are
provided by the University for' wo-
men, according to Mrs. Moses, the
Y. W. is the only source where Do-
inestic Science may be had, therefore
making it doubly desirable.


f ~ Says
This is Cora speaking- Well, ev-
erybody, have you missed me? ToI
tell the truth I have been sort of,
mislaid- I really raven't been quite 1
right since the Ohio Wesleyan game.|
I thought maybe you'd think .I had {
been requested to leave the university
but I hate to tell you, in case you1
were in hopes of it, that I am still <
here with all my university credits.
Ah-ha* Now that it hasn't rained for
a couple of days I may be able to'
to rave a little. Honestly, rain just
completely knocks me over-my brain
is just like a sponge that's-Well yout
know what I mean. I just can't think
at all.
I have been leading a rather quiet
life lately, pursuing my studies and
trying to get on the good side of my
professors but I have come to the
regrettable conclusion they haven't
any sympathy for me, a serious'mind-
ed Student. Life is hard.
The latest of my activities has been
attending class elections-I went to
the elections of the Junior class of
the College of Literature, Science, and
the Arts and now I know where the
Arts comes in. It's the art of getting
elected-and it certainly is an art.
I earned a lot at that brawl- I dis-
covered that it's the Junior class that
fills the cheering section. In fact I
thought at first I had burst into a
practice session. The girl next to mn
kept nudging me and saying "Who
are those good-looking men, taking
charge-of this affair?"
I finally hushed her up by telling
her I didn't know-and how should I?
I did know but I wasn't going to
tell her because I sat way down in
front and I wasn't going to let the
lbrutes hear me talking about them-

hera nc t m
W Nithj th'e conceit the.mcmi ar"ounid here

Class Elections Put The "Art" In The
College Of Literature And Science




have, I have to be cautious-for all I
know they might sue me for libel or
breach of promise. It wouldn't doI
theni any good, but I do have to look1
out for my reputation, you know. f
If any of you other Michigan womenI
hoped by any chance that just be-
cause the Ann Arbor men didn't have
their hot-loking cars this year that-
as a consequence your Ypsi rivals1
would be ousted let me say a funereal
dirge over your dreams. Sad Slow
and Sweet, the procession now starts
for the cemetery. Some enterprising
male who has taken a course in ad-{
vanced Economics has had a brilliant
idea. I'll say it's brilliant. It sparkl-
es like tinsel, it's so bright. In case
you don't know what I'm talking about
it is the Granger Caravan Special to
Ypsilanti and back to the dance-$1.25
the round trip. Can you imagine, I
should say so-Accent on the So. Med-
itate -upon my sayings but don't lose
any sleep over it.
New York City has started training
girl atheltics from the Metropolitan
District for the new events of track
and field games which will be a new
feature of the Olympic contests this
King George has decreed that no
maid servants in Buckingham' palace
may have bobbed hair. They will have
to let their tresses grow, or lose their
jobs in the royal household.

At the local chapter meeting of Chi
Delta Phi last Wednesday night, Miss
Margaret Reed of Los Angeles, Cali-
fornia, talked on some of the unique
practices of the Alpha Beta Chapter
at the University of California.
"The interests of this branch of
the society are dramatic, as well as
literary," Miss Reed said.
Every year, just before the Christ-
mas holidays, a Miracle Play is given,
on which a great deal of time and
effort is spent, the alm,being to make
it as nearly professional as possible.
The members of the chapter are cho-
sen largely for scholarship, with par-
ticular emphasis laid on ability shown
in rhetoric. A faculty member is
chosen each year, who attends the
meetings. These meetings take the
form of teas, given at' the homes of
the different members.
Once a month a page of the local
school paper is devoted to the liter-
ature pursuits of the club. A scrap-
book is made once a year which has
in it the work of all theyreally gifted
students on the campus. The Alpha
Beta chapter, itself is made up of
only Seniors and Juniors.
In addition to, Miss Reed's speech,
some chapter business was accom-
plished. It was decided that it would
continue its policy of admitting all but
first-semester Freshmen. A committee
was made up for the reading of try-
out manuscripts.


Miss Bernadette Perrizo, a junior
at Marquette University has been Mothers and children will sit side
made editor of the school paper. She by side in the National Kindergarten
is the first woman since 1919 to hold and Elementary College near North-
the l osition. western University.

"To be counted as silver a woman
must'be gold, while a man needs only
to be pewter," says Mrs. Alice Cur-
tice Moyer-Wing in her article on
women as heads of corporations.
Mrs. Moyer-Wing is in a position
to write upon such things. She wasi
appointed State. Industrial Commis-
sioner of Missouri in 1921. Since that
time she has been constantly critic
cized for the fact that she is not. a
mechanical eXpert and cannot there-
fore, be qualified for the position
which she holds.
At first these accusations bothered
Mrs. Moyer-Wing to such a great ex-
tent that she started an investigation
as to the qualifications of the men
who had held the position before her.
She found only one instance where a
department head had been a machin-
ist and "nothing happened under his
administration to make it outstand-
Under Mrs. Moyer-Wing's manage-
ment, -he department acts uponanon-
ymous complaints. This is something
her male predecessors would not do.
She says that many of these people
when his companion fumbles for her
pocket comb, "Put it away, please.
You look perfect just as you are."

do not realize the confidence with
which such reportsare guarded, they
even fear that such a statement, it
signed would mean a lost job. Con-
sequently, the complaints are oflen
from people who have studied the
situation from the workman's point of
view and are for this reason quite
This attitude as contrasted with that
of her predecessors reminds one of
Ibsen's contention that contrary to
popular belief, man is the romantic
creature and woman the practical.
Princess Victoria, second sister of
the former German Kaiser, has an-
nodnced her engagement to a Russian
student at the University of Bonn. The
princess is sixty-one years old, and
her fiance is twenty-seven.
Herman W. Booth, a New York bro-
ker, says that 90 per cent of his
customers are women.

hSmart Apparel PopularPrices.s

Step-in Sets
Crepe with Lace Trim


All Silk Chiffon
Silk Tip to Toe

Intramural hockey rules have been
appended; all athletic managers will
please take note. Any team which is
going to default must notify both
opposing team and someone at the
gymnasium by noon of the day when
the game is scheduled. Games will
begin promptly at 4:15 and 5:15.
The Ann Arbor Iockey club will
meet at 12 o'clock today at Palmer
King George has banned bobbed hair
among the maid servants of Buck-
ingham Palace.


New Michigan Theatre Bldg.

Are the Talk of the-Town



. . . , . . . ., . . . . ..



Shawl Collars





.. p



/ V O* %

%-, R ftwr vii 0o s r


Your choice of 150 brand new frocks purchased at a great concessidn,
and offered at guaranteed savings of. 25%. Blacks, wood shades, new

"Ann Arbor's Unique Sandwich and Coffee Shop"

: ,.



blues, and sport dresses. Crepes, satins, velvet
combinations, and mixture weaves



Opposite Engineering Arch

Now in Progress-Special Exhibits of New
Designs at Reduced Prices


"A nn A rbor's N ew S tore- O ffers M ore" 11 ., J/r/A W

There is only one Karpen
furniture Week-the greatest
nation-wide furniture sale. It
lasts only ,seven days. You
can get all its advantages
now in this store. Many new
examples are now on display
at real savings. This coswell
chair is one of them, From
its mahogany outer-frame to
its luxurious down-filled
cushion, it is a splendid piece
In every detail.









Make your room cheery and comfortable with
a fibre chair of beauty. Queen Anne suites
suggest he royal beauty, comfort and quality
of this lovely suite. How much cheer and
comfort a bridge lamp can give to your study
room? Does a corner of your room cry out for
the prim charm of a ladder-'?ack chair. A
new, complete and interesting'display on the
third floor.
A Down-payment will ge you any; furniture

Were do you go when you are
Many people already know that
The Den is a wonderful place to
be at meal time.
If you have not yet paid us a
visit we urge you to do so.
We personally guarantee deli
cious food, courteous service,
and congenial environment
_ _ t


_ ,

Cornwellllk n (en. ldqts.

330) S. State Street


A look into the lives of successful
business men will prove to you that
a policy of saving is the only one to

rYF ,

- - - - - - - - - - -

adopt. Accept the proof .nd begin
now. You are not an exception. \M


(3rd floor)

of" ' r _




mait r _ I P1 _ _ Y. __ __._1 u.. ,... -

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