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October 15, 1927 - Image 10

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-10-15

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e'pt' Monday
the Board in
.ncc- Editorial

Western Cor


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res : Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
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Editor. .......--. . Ellis B. Merry
Sta~ff Editor.......... .Philip C. Brooks
City Editor........Courtland C. Smith
Editor Michigan. Weekly.. Charles E. Behymer
Women's Editor .......... Marian L. Welles
Sports Editor...........Herbert E. Ved ler
Tliater, Books and Music.Vincent C. Wall, Jr.
Telegraph Editor............Ross W. Ross
Aistant City Editor.....Richard C. Kurvink
Night Editors
Robert E. Finch- G. Thomas McKean
J. Stewart Looker Kenneth G. Patrick
Paul J. Kerr Nelson J. Smith, Jr
Milton Kirshibaum
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Emmons A.' Bodield Jack L. Iait, Jr.
Jean Campbell Charles S. Monroer
Jesie Church Catherine Price
Sdey M. Cowan. Mary E. Ptolemy
Williama B. Davis Harold L. Pasma
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Advertising .............Arthur M. Hinkley
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Katherine Frochne George M. Perrett
Dqu glass Fuller Alex K. Scherer
Herbert Goldberg William L. Schloss"
L. H. Goodman HerbertE. Varnm
Cal W.Hammuer'

- - -

ght Editor-NELSON J. SMIfTH, JR~.

virgin soil and will necessitate a
large reclamation and sanitation cam-
paign before actual production can
be contemplated. It is these pre-
liminary steps that the others have
been loath t undertake. Year-ly
planting will be done until the whole
area has been cultivated, and then
there will probably be more. There is
nothing in this- for business men to
be ashamed of.
An English representative at the
international- radio conference has
marked the wide differences existing
between the American and English
systems of broadcasting. First among
these is the total lack of advertising
and political matter which goes "on
the English air" as compared to the
amount 'in this country; and second,
the number of stations here is far
greater. 'le believes that the English
programs are superior due to this
Americans would do well to study
the British situation in this regard,
and perhaps benefit their own system
by that study. No private concerns
are allowed ,to operate broadcasting
stations, and the few in usage are all
under government operation and sub-
sidy. There is no trouble from inter-
ference on the part of other stations.
The project is financed by a licensing
of all radio owners, small in itself
but sufficient to enable the govern-
ment to hire' the entertainers and
speakers. The smaller 4 uiber of
stations naturally raises the grade of
the programs.J
Political hallooing is interesting to
most listeners in the same degree as
is advertising, but it is regarded as a
necessary evil here. While the Amer-
ican handling of such a situation
would be more difficult due to the
greater popu-lation and area, the re-'
sults would seem to be worth the at-
Following a rather more thoughtful
policy in regard to the Nicaraguan
situation, a proposal has been sub-
mitted to Secretary Kellogg recently
that a civilian committee be appointed
to superintend the elections nett year
in Nicaragua which will take the place
of the military supervision first con-
sidered. The Secreary has been con-
sidering. the proposal seriously, ac-
cording to a letter just made public,
anld, in the future, will attempt to
evolve the more practical details.
Alarmists may look for several
things in such a plan, but in con-
sideration of the steps that have been
taken so far, its feasibility is, clearly
evident. Almost elementary would be
the psychological effect on the Nica-
raguans of a transfer to civilian su-
pervision from military. Dissatisfac-
tion now rampant in that country can
be laid to several factors, but at this
hour the bringing up of any of them
will not benefit either party. Certain-
ly, mistakes have been made, but the
question should not be by whom, but
what will afford the Most practical
remedy. And that remedy will be
slow, whatever it may be.
The guarding of American interests
in the southern country is not to be
emphasized to such a great extent as
the guarding of-Nicaraguan interests.
Ihe total good that will come out of
an orderly, election made possible by
an almost disinterested American su-
pervision will be .manifold. Bending
national efforts to that end cannot
bring anything but gratifying response.

According to rumors Princess
Ileana of Roumania has eloped, and
according to the amount of attendant
publicity this is one of the most sig-
nificant things that has happened in
international affairs in several weeks.
To judge by the apparent horrors of
the Roumanians one would think that
a princess had no right to elope, and-
judging from the official comment one
might think that a lieutenant in the
Roumanian army was not as proper
a, gentleman with whom to elope as a
decadent prince.
On the whole, however, the elope-,
ment means precisely nothing at all.
Princess Ileana was not in line for.
the throne; she had nothing to gain
by. remaining in a show case for the
Roumanian peasants to gaze at. After
all she is a very ordinary girl, and
while she does not appear to be down-
right stupid she has never tried to
get through a real university in com-
petition with other girls of her age,
and has never accomplished anything
If Ileana desires to become a good
wife for an army officer that is her
privilege,' and there is really no more
reason for getting excited about it
than though she were an orphan of
any nationality. The fact that she
missed having a showy church wed-
ding will no doubt perturb her
mother, the good Queen Marie of the}
grandstaindig tendencies; but the
world as a whole owes no more than
best wishes to this. young, Roumanian

The football-season at last is on in
full swing, and it appears that for
another month or so Joe Campus is
going to be running around with a
pig-skin on his shoulder.
* * *
For the first time, Michigan's 1927
version of "How To Play Football"
will carry its message to a foreign
field. Yim Yohnson, who comes from
Wisconsin, and his brothers over in
the Badger country will be hosts.
* * *




If our Wolverines do
victims of something or
is a very good chance
win the contest; which,
will put up. We .are-

Lenses and Frames made
To Order
Optical Prescriptions
State St. Jewelers

not become
other, there
for them to
the Badgers
not sure at

The University of Hawaii, acord-
ing to the. president, Dr. D. I. Craw-
ford, is conidering a plan whereby
those students who are idle and who
consistently fail to, prepare the work
that the: courses require of them, will
be ousted. This policy willU be in line
with a recent decision on the part of
the university authorities to limit the
attendance of the college to 1,000 stu-
Several interesting facts 'are brought
out in the. speech. of the president
concerning the cost-of.education and
ther advisability' of making education
a s'elective process. It costs, accord-
ing to Dr. Crawford, slightly more
than $400 to keep' a student in college
for a year. The tuition in all cases
is only half of this. amount and the
rest of the burden is borne -y the
Since the eat is bearing the major-
part of the expense of the education
of these students it has the right to
expect from all ofthen at' least nor-
mal accomplishment in all lines of
scholastic endeavor, And the elimi-
nation of these students seems to be
the only wise course that-is consistent
with economy an'd justice.
Today, the crying evil of the Ameri-
can college is overpopulation. Every
educator is scricusly considering the
question and trying to draw from the
facts some logical' solution. This,
nmove on the part' of the University of.
Hawaii seems logical and seems to'in-
dicate a adlution of the evil: It de-
serves the attention of the American
colleges, for- it will- not only. lower
the attendance to a point of work-
ability, but it will also raise the
standards of American institutions
when compared with other institutions
in the world.
With the latest edition of America's.]
famous small car almost ready for:
the press, has come the announcement
that the Ford interests have organiz-
ed a rubber company with a Brazil
land grant. This is understood as
another move to oppose the British
monopoly at present existent.
For many years Harvey Firestone,
a close friend of Henry Ford, has
been advocating that Americans grow
their own rubber in order to reduce
the monopoly and become independent
of the foreign price manipulation. In
order to accomplish" this, the task
would have to be undertaken on a:
large scale. The Ford invasion would

present just what they might fall,
victims of, but if they lose there will
be no more difficulty in finding the
Several hundred students entrainedI
last night to follow their team to the
foreign fields. Many declared they
were so discouraged from the effects
of previous years that, in spite of the
new stadium, they feared they might
have no other chance to see their team
in action.
Harry Tillotson left a day earlier,
however, and. so they. should not be
too sure of 'their chances of seeing the
game, even at Wisconsin.
* * *
We hope that the students who are
representing us at IVadison this week-
end will do nothing that might dis-
grace the University. After leaving
tie somewhat stifling confines of Ann
Arbor, their reaction to an atmosphere
where students may behave like hu-
man beings may be hard to. overcome.
* * * ,
Some kind soul left a list of today's
games where we could find it yester-
day. And so we are going to take a
hand at calling the results of a few
of the contests.
The unparalleled optimism of the
Indiana supporters finds its fullest
expression, only a week' after a de-
feat at the hands of Chicago,i n the
statement that they hope to stop Min-
* * * -
In recognition of Indiana's confi-
dence, we are going to give them the
benefit of the doubt, and predict that
Minnesota will gain a victory by a
margin of not more than seven touch.
* * *
However, Indiana has little need
of giving up hopes for a successful
season, for there is a game with Har-
vard yet to come. Holy Cross appears
at Cambridge today, and although we
have no idea of the vistors' prowess,
we doubt that 60 minutes will be
enough time for Harvard to add any-
thing to the score with which she
starts the game.
* * *
To Mississippi there comes the op-
portunity to gain a victory unique
in the annals of the football world. If
her coach only has the foresight to
disguise a few of her players to re-
semble the .creatures on the other
side of the missing link, she ought to
obtain an easy forfeit from Tennessee.
* -* *
Entries to Rolls Get-Professor-Jack
contest must be received at once, if
they are, to be eligible to win the big
* * *
The University officials are still
working away at the matter, and next
week a special representative goes to
Washington to attempt to reason with
the state department. Needless to say,
any entries received after Professor
Jack's difficulties have already been
solved cannot be accepted.
* * *
To President Little seems to have
fallen the burden of getting Professor
Jack to Ann Arbor. Due to his great
success, locally, in putting over things
that are not wanted, he ought to be
able to use some of his highly-distinc-
tive tactics on the State departnient.
11 * * *

However, with the determing power
favoring the other side of the ques-
tion, we fear that the President's
"buzz-saw" logic would be. of little
Now that a new organ is to be in-
stalled in Hill auditorium, local writ-
ers are falling all over themselves in
praise and commemoration of the

Something like five hundred plays
have been announced for this season,
and although many of them are still
rather tentative, the temper of the
times can be read-to an extent. Vari-
ous ventures in the drama have been
announced by the old producing units,
such as the Theater Guild and The
Civic Repertory, as well as by several
new companies who have recently be-
come permanent.
In this field, while there are several
new plays by native authors, there is
a decidedly vigorous importation of
European dramas. For 'instance,
Reinhardt may bring Hermann, Helene
and Hugo Thimig-the most notable
of all German actor-families-for a
repertoir of ,German plays. Another
German actor-the dean of their stage,
they say-Alexander Moissi may come
with him for a short season. Charles
Dillingham plans to bring the London
company of "Yellow Sands"-an out-
standing success of last season. And
so on.
But the greatest interest in New
York centers around the Guild-whose
activities I have already outlined, and
in The Civic Repertory. theater. Of
all the independent producers Eva Le
Gallienne seems the most ambitious.
For she is announcing five new plays
and in addition she expects to revive
all of her last season's list except
"Saturday Night."' Her program in-
cludes Heijerman's "The Good Hope,"
a revival of "Hedda Gabler" with
Clare Eames alternating with' Miss Le
Gallie ne in the title role, and Jean
Jaque Bernard's "Invitation au Voy-
age" which Miss Eames will direct.
* * *

BECOMING smartness of
style..has led many
amanto buyhis first pair
of Bostonians. With each
successi vepair they speak
in the. friendliest way of
Bostonians' sympathetic
comfort. So will you.
- ~.

l. /". '1.I". ,.I".IJ". /"l1'"~i. ill +i . r



Starting at






Here's Warmt!
Here's Value!
Here's Styl e!

A Review, By Charles Monroe.
Paul Whiteman and his concert or-
chestra are appearing at the Michigan
theater in Detroit, this week, present-
ing their usual efforts to pep up the
jaded business man by jazz music: both
concert and dance. With him are his
Rhythm Boys who do tlfeir bits in the
pepping process by a lot of words
set to a few bars of music and lots of
Beside the usual dance selections
which are superbly and enticingly
played, two numbers stand out: his
new jazz symphony and Katscher's
popular and different song hit "When
Day Is Done." (Its different because
it's musical). The first was applauded
heartily by the Sunday afternoon
crowd, because most of them had
previously applauded the "Rhapsody
In Blue," although most of them
knew just as little about the whole
thing. "When Day Is Done" received
a great ovation before the first note
was played, and this increased to ten
times as much when-the last note bad
died away and the audience had had
time to recover from the effect of that
marvelous trumpet solo.
When Paul signed his contract to
play in movie houses for 1 mere sum
of $585,000, many of his devoted fol-
lowers bemoaned his downfall. Per-
sonally, I think he is just as good as
he was when he played the concert
circuit a few years back. People do
not realize that his competition is
catching up at last, and that playing
in cinema houses is different, both in
demands, and audience.
Yes, he still has that exceedingly
funny tuba-player with him, and any
old day, I'd rath r hear him play
"The Stars and Stripes Forever" on
his little tire-pump, than Sousa's and
the Marine bands do it in joint recital!
The unfortunates who are unable to
go to the Illinois game will have as
great a treat, of another style, in the
first of the Extra Series concerts a
week from Friday night. For while it
might shock some of the aesthetes, it
is not inconceiveable that some people
would be sincerely interested in both.
Rosa Raisa, the soloist of the eve-
ning, is known intimately 'to many
Ann Arborites from the performances
last spring in Detroit of her two fav-
orite roles, "The Jewels of the Ma-
donna," and "Aida." She has been,
since Campanini engaged her in 1913,
with the Chicago Civic Opera com-
She is an upholder of the "grand:
style" in operatic interpretation,
which she achieves with her rich and
flexible voice and her dramatic emo-
tional manner.
Mr. Rimini, who has besides the dis-
tinction of being Mme. Raisa's hus-
band that of being one of the standbys
of the Chicago company, is a baritone
with a wide range of ability and ex-
-P. C. B.
There seems to be a good chance
that George Arliss will be seen this

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