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October 12, 1927 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-10-12

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.1 11N UTA

~WTES P ~EH~fBadgers-Wolverines
o Meet In Seventh1
AS REST 1 2l7 PL&Consecutive Battle

I-- t~4t

With Fielding H. Yost and George
Star Yankee FIrst Basemani 1WJIIS 3 Little both absent from the coach-!
Valuable Player Award WMth i
a uatb oP fer 6 r Poi t ing positions of their respective teams;
Michigan and "isconsia will meet
LYONSiS SECOND CHOICE at Madison on Oct. 15 for the seventh
COnsecutive game since 1921. YostE
(By Associated Press.) fan'd Little were opposing coaches fort
CHICAGO, Oct. 11.-Larruping Lou two years, before Little was moved up
Lo be director of athletics at Wis-
Gehrig, first baseman with the world's consin. Previous to his coaching job
champion Yankees, tonight was pro- at Wisconsin, Little was Yost's right
claimed the most valuable player in hand man at Michigan for three
the American league for the 1927 sea- yeais.
Tad " Wieman and GenTitwae
SOn. present mentors of the Wolverine and
Selection of Gehrig, who gave Ruth l Badger teams, have a number of1
a sizzling battle for home run honors things in common. Both are very
and finished with a total of 47, more quiet; both are students of the game; 1
than any other player in baseball his- both are inclined to give unlimited
tory with the exception of the Bam- attention to detail. Thistlewaite has
bino himself, was made by a commit- had responsibility as a head coach
tee of baseball writers comprising the' for many years, having tutored the
cities of the league. All but one of the Oak Park, Chicago, 'high school be-
first choice votes were given to Geh- I fore he took over the leadership of
rig who won the covoted honor with j Northwestern. Wieman is making his
56 points out of a possible 64. 1 first appearance as a Conference grid-
Gehrig's nearest competitors for the iron strategist, although on the
honor were Harry Heilmann, Detroit. Michigan staff of coaches for seven
outfielder and 1927 batting champion years, and captain of a Michigan team
of the American league, and Ted before that time.
Lyons, star pitcher with the Chicago Michigan will be meeting the team
Sox. Heilmann had 35 points while of one of the five schools whose pre-=
54 went to Lyons. ceding teams have scored more than 1
Only 04e Dissenting Vote. thirty points against an earlier Wol-
The only dissenting vote was cast verine team. Yale accomplished that
for Tony Lazzeri as the most valuable feat when the game was a far dif-
player to the Yankees while all the ferent scoring proposition that it is
others showed Columbia Lou not only now. The game was played at New
as the most valuable player to Miller }Haven in the fall of 1883. . Cornell
Huggins, manager of the Yankees, but followeq with more than. 30 point beat-
the greatest in the league. 26 players !ings of Michigan in '89, '91 and '92,
were named in this year's competition. while Minnesota and Wisconsin both
President Ban Johnson of the scored 34 points against Michigan in
American league, in announcing the '93.
resultwof the balloting, pIraised Gehrig Coming into the present century
as an example for the youth of today. and the Yost regime, Minnesota again
Gehrig causes umpires no trouble, scored 34 points against Michigan in
President Johnson said, tends strictly 1919, while Illinois gave Michigan a
to business and has always given his 39 to 14 beating in 1924.
club his best efforts."-
Finishes Third In Batting. I YEARLING NETMEN
Gehrig, fiinishing third in the bat- LAY IN TOURNEY
ting in the American league, closed
the season with the honor of driving
in more runs than any other player With most matches in the second
of the league. In 154 games, Gehrig round already played off, the fresh-
was at bat 584 times. He made 218 men tournament is expected to be
I-+-fnvd of4 7 hoa _Tesen-, finished.by the end of this week if


-With the beginning of the fourth
week of school, fall intramural activi-
ties are in full swing, and although
the various activity coaches are sat-
isfied with the showing made by
those competing, more candidates are
asked to report for cross country and
The all-campus cross country meet!

"going onn""ater"an g.
Competition is exceptionally keen in
the all-campus tennis tournament. All
second round matches, both singles
and doubles, must be played off by
today or they will be forfeited.
Another call has been issued fo' allj
men who wish to try for meuibership
in the Sigma Delta Psi, national hon-
orary athletic society. All tryouts are
requested to report to Lloyd Gale at
the Yost field house to receive instruc-1
A large. number of students are re-{
porting for other intramural' sports,
chief among them fencing, in whichI
more interest is being sliown' Later
on in the season an all-campus meet
will be held for all students iinerested.

HOTEL SAGE, Detroit, Mich.
1537 Center St. Around the corner
from Capitol Theater. Downtown
shopping district. Quiet place for
refined people. All outside rooms.]
Single, $1.50; double, $2. Private
bath: Single, $1.50 and $2; double,

CHOICE white clover hone, in comb
or extracted. Oideg your share now
of wh 1at is left of my 5,000 Ilbs.
harvest at prices Less thanl on Curbjj
Market. Paul Wuerfel, 711 Wesley
Ave. Phone 6187. 20
FOR SALE- Girl's riding breeches,
size 30. Also riding boots. Vanig
21217. 18, 19, 20

First National

£U 1, L'
WANTED-A girl for general house-
work. Call 7380. 20
WANTED-Men to sell arm bands at
fcltball games. Call 9568. 1341 WIl-
mot St. 20
WASHING-Family and bundle wanted
d experienced ln4dree. Callf or
and deliver. Phone 922, 20, 21, 22

Luk Bu

FOR SALLE-Piano. Well known make.
Excellent condition. Phone 8839.


is scheduled to be held the early part
of November. 'There is room for
more men on" the squad, but before
anyone can compete in the final meet,
he must have run the course nine
times in practice and be in the best of
physical condition.
The all-campus handball tourna-
ment, both singles and doubles, is now

} I

Osteopathic Physicians
Dial 5669
Drs. Bert and Beth
338 Maynard Street
Specializing in Feet

)1 101 )
WANTED-Persons with rooms to
NOTES. rent, on October 20, 21. Please nti-
NOTICE-We deliver between the fy Prof. J. L. Br2mm, at his office
hours of 9:30 and 11:30 pm. Prompt between 2-5 any afternoon. Phone
Delivery. Barbecue Inn. Phone 4481. University 176-J. 20'
20 -_-__-________ -____
WANTED-Room for 2 more, Student
TOR RENT chaitered bus going to Madison. Call
FOR RENT-Near Campus. Newly Watson 3818. $9.75 Round trip.
decorated two-room .furnished apt. 20, 21
with or without garage. 815 Arch.
3079. 19, 20, 21 WANTED-Immediately, two Dumore
motors in good condition. Call 8519
FOR RENT-Piano in private family. or 9274, after 6 tonight. 20
1523 S. University, Dial 22288. ~

WANTED-Salesmen to sell armbands
and pexnnants at football games.
Call 5964. 17, 18, 19, 20
WANTED-Part ti me automobile
salesman. Meu with experience in
selling preferred. Prospects furn-
ished. Salary arnd Commission.
Hudson Sal;, and Service 310 E.
LOST-Sigma Pi fraternity pin, gold
cross mounted with 'emerald, "D.
G. Huber" engraved on back. Re-
ward. Call 6381. 20, 21, 22
LOST- A small string of pearls, be-
tween Division and 1016 Forest.
Dial 22330. Reward ''18, 19, 20
LOST-Black leather bill-fold contain-
ing $5 and several certificates.
Phone 8664. eward. 19-20.
LOST-On Saturday, one grey kid
glove, blue trimmed. Finder please
call Jacobs 4328. 18, 19

Ihea'or 1lien

FOR SALE-One dress suit,
condition. Size 40. Call
FOR SALE-A large sized
in good condition. Phone
020, 21, 2

8, 19, 20 WANTED-Four passengers to go to
- the Wisconsin ganme. Free to leave.
Friday afternoon. Comfortable closed
car. Round tri, $10. See Mr. Denton,
excellent Rocm 234, Nickels Arcade. 20
Welger, -- ---- - -
20, 21 WANTED-A position for a lady with
unusual cooking experience. Fa-
Victrpla, I miliar with American, French,
8417. Italian, Swiss, and German kitchens.
2,_, 23, 24 Phone 21411. 20, 21

3 =...

Lo 44 4(' ItI~

hits for a to a ofL L a *. i
cluded 62 doubles, 18 triples, and his
47 homers. He drove in 175 runs, ;
averaging better than a run a day.
Gehrig is regarded as a "natural" ball
players. He is a fine steady fielder
but his terrific hitting was the im-
portant thing in his favor in compil-'
ing the vote of the committee.
Stockily built and somewhat shorter1
than Ruth, Gehrig follows through in
batting with the same, powerful swing
that enabled the Babe to set a baseball
record of all time with his 60 home
Gehrig's name in the American
league hal of fame adds to the list
which began with Ty Cobb in 1911.
Ruth was the choice in 1923, Walter
Johnson in 1924, Roger Peckinpaugh
in 1925, and George Burns in 1926.
(By Associated Press.)
NEW YORK, Oct. 11.-Based on
games played to date, the 1927 chang-
es in rules have had little, if any, ef-
fect on football in the East. Straight
football and the foryward pass have
played large parts in scores.
The point from touchdown has not l
appeared to be the bugaboo some crit-
ics feared it would be with the goal
posts 10 yards behind the goal line,
and the percentage of dropkicks and
placements seems to be about the
same as always. In only one game,
Harvard's defeat of Vermont, has the
lateral pass been used to any extent.
Critics are of the opinion now that
the lateral pass is to be almost total-
ly ignored' as an offensive, weapon,
and that its use for, the next few
weeks at least will ,be chiefly as a
check on other plays, and that it will
be held in reserve, as an element of
Faiidoni is looking 'to the Notre
Dame-Navy encounter at Baltimore
for many thrills.

the. weather remains good. The
freshman team is scheduled for a
match with the Varsity on the com-
ing Saturday morning, and the six
best yearlings will also play matches
with the first year on campus team
and last year's freshman team.
The matches to be played, with the
player's telephone numbers, are as
follows: Schmidt, 7522, meets D'Anna,
8628; the winner to play Richelson,
21051; W. Brown, 6317, plays Wood-
roofe, 7017; Jackman, 9119, plays
Swanson, 5575;aDusenberry, 6317,
plays Nesson, 4917; Ferrer, 3540,
plays Drew, 9317. Johnson, 9719,
plays Crawford, 5909; the winner
plays Nelson.
Brennan Nominated
For M. A. A. A. Head
Charles H. Brennan, a prominent
supporter of amateur athletics in
Michigan, will be chosen as candi-
date for president when the Michigan
Amateur Athletic association holds its
annual meeting in Detroit on Saturday/
October 15. He will succeed Charles
D. Lynch as head of the organiza-
Brennan is an enthusiastic backer
of amateur sports. He was a star
swimmer and track athlete in his
youth, and he has continued his inter-
est in these activities since.
Aquatic sports have occupied most
of Brennan's time. He was instru-
mental in building the large outdoor
pool at the Detroit Boat club. This
pool is one of the largest in the coun-
try; measuring 165 by 25 feet. It is
possible that some of the tryouts for
the AmericansOlympicteam may be
held there next year, as the pool is
the regulation Olympic size.
Lynch, the retiring president, will
be made honorary president at Satur-
day's meeting. Jacob Mazer, a staunch
follower of track and field athletics
and basketball is slated for the post
of first vice-president.

. .
, r
t .;
! L
4 ,

Desire and


Join Hands At Last

Ann Arbor's Finest Men's Shop

Being Step Number Four in our contribution to the well
Dressed Michigan Man


We have often said that the im-
pression of quality long remains.
Price soon is forgotten.

large class who always longed for
the best in clothing, yet felt they
could not afford $65.00 or more for




Th'e truth of this statement is ap-

Wo oloks

parent to us all.

You enjoyed a

It has been a great satisfaction
to us to do this-to bring to "The

delicious dinner served in the finest
way. You always recalled the
flavor of that meal and soon forgot

Average Student" the

finest suit


sold in Michigan for FIFTY DOL-

the cost.

l rf
1 +4
. ,
v s
.v '
6 V


A similar pleasure has been en-
joyed by the customers of this house,
since first it started almost seventeen
years ago,-the first house to sell
ready made suits on State' Street.

The same strict standard of work-
mpanship, quality and design has been
steadfastly adhered to, to make you,
our good friend-"The Average

Designed to the most exacting tastes of the
conservative university trade. Tailored from
foreign fabrics as used by leading merchant

Student" the beneficiary.

But this year we are able to 'in-
clude in our satisfied clientele that

Indeed, "Desire and Pocet-
book" can now join hands here.

TUCSON, Arizona-The aviation
of the University of Arizona
highly praised by Col. Charles

unit WELLESLEY, Mass.-A freshman
was at Wellesley absent-mindedly called
A. out the fire department in an attempt
to post a letter.


ocEvs onr ors
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The New
finish, may

Fall models,
& Hardy in
be inspected

design and

336 South State Street
Exclusive Lasts and Patterns ow&H.io22






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