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October 12, 1927 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-10-12

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' All ('oI'be Wwwii1 Wo Are IMnerest-
cd In Secut Work are Askedi
To Register.
All girls who are in any way affil-
iated with the Girl Scout organization
are asked to communicate with Gladys
Appelt at their earliest convenience.
The girl scout organization is one of
the largest national associations for'
young girls in the country. It offers
splendid opportunities to college
women to become girl scout leaders
and directors of the small organiza-
tions. An opportunity for all women
wvho are interestedl in this work or
that of being girls' counsellors is be-
ing given to those on the university)
campus this year.
The Women's Athletic Association is
sponsoring the' training classes for,
this work-active- work to begin very
First preference will be given to
upperclass women, but as .many;
groups will be organized as are neces-
sary to accommodate all who are in-
terested in taking the course.
There will be from 7 to 10 meetings;
arranged by National Headquarters of
Girls' Scout Association, for which ai
fee of $2 or $3 will be charged.
All women who are interested in
girl scout work or camp directing and
in taking these courses are asked to
sign the poster on the bulletin boardI
in Barbour gymnasium.
Work on the Junior Gi's play, an
importalat activity of all junior won-
en, has already begun. This play,
written by one of the junior class
women and in which every junior has

Michigan Has Few Scholarships But Is GUUIIIILR
Rich In Loan Fuinds To Benefit WomenL

Nursery Schools For Little Children
Are Proving Success, Says Dr. Greene


Michigan.is not rich in scholarships
by which term is usually meant an
outright gift in recognition of charac-
ter, ability, and contribution to the
University life, but it is amply pro-'
vided with funds for scholarship loans
to women.
From time to time interested people
have left bequests or made gifts to the
University specifying that the interest
from them should be available as
loans to the new students. There are
.22 such funds. Some designate that
the borrower shall be of a particular
school; for example, the Florence.
Huson Fund is directed for the usp of
women in medicine, the Alice Freeman
Palmer fund for women of the grad-
uate school, the Nurses' Scholarship
Loan fund and so on.
Three halls of residence, one soror-
ity, and the Ann Arbor branch. of the
American Association of University
Women have loan funds in the Univer-
sity treasury. The latest fund to be
created is the Charlotte Blagdon Me-
morial established by the Women's
league in 1925 in recognition of Char-
lotte Blagdon's ideals. This loan is
available to a junior or senior who
shows unusual interest in campus ac-
tivities, has personality and scholar-
The funds are designed for aid of
seniors and graduates, although a few
make loans available to juniors, and
under extraordinary circumstances
applications of sophomores are consid-
ered. It is customary to require that
a woman shall have been matriculated
a year before she applies. Since they
are scholarship loans, an accpetable
scholastic record is required. The
University asks no security; the loans
draw interest at 5 per cent after the
date of maturity. The Committee on
student loans have learned that repay-
ment on the partial payment plan of
$10.00 per month works no hardship
to the borrower and almost eliminates
The report for the year September
1st, 1926 to September 1st, 1927 shows
that 76 loans.to women were made to
the total amount of $9850.00, as com-

since registratio nbegan this autumn
and a number are pending.
The cumulative good which a loan
fund accomplishes, is remarkable. For
example, the Lucinda Hinsdale Stone;
report to date shows that since 1904,
when the fund was established, 1521
women have borrowed $19,275.00'from
The question of' delinquency is
always asked, Since 1923, 233 loans
have been made of which number 11
amounts re.presented are of $18,350.00
lent, $840.00 has become overdue. De-1
linquency among women of Michigan,
if not entirely unknown, is at least
not a great factor. But there is an-
other consideration; of 39 loans made
in 1924-25, 16 were paid in full before
the date of maturity. Gratifying as
this is to the University, it must have
been equally as satisfactory to the 16
women who used amounts of from
$50.00 to $209.00 for periods from five
to 22 months and paid no interest.
Miss Grace Richards, who is in
charge of ' applications at the office;
of advisors to women, commented on
the situation: "It is not easy for a
girl to take the point of view that a
loan is an investment and not char-
ity. It is in no degree charity but a
perfectly businesslike arrangement by
which she may safeguard her health
or cut down\her part time work, or de-
termine to live freely enough to enjoy
some pleasures, perhaps in her senior
year since it comes but once. If she is
reasonably sure of a position, from
the salary of a teacher, a librarian, a
journalist, or a saleswoman, she can
repay the small amounts with only a
fraction of the sacrifice she would
make to struggle on through college
without help.

or lii nl Tuc. [A l I

DL t nILU I11110 [IALL "Nursery schools, which are attend-
ed by children of preschool age, from
two to five years, are a new develop-
Intramural activities are Sponsor- ment in the education of our children,"
in a golf tournament this fall, a new said Dr. Katherine Greene, psycholog-
plan on Michigan's campus. If it ist, who has come here to work in the
School of Education.
proves to be a success, a more exten- "The object of the school is to train
sive program is 'promised for the the very young children. Instead of
spring's activities. Since the tourna- being a tiny tyrant in his home, he is
ment was announced two or three taught to be cooperative, to learn not
days ago, women who are interested in to do what is forbidden. Furniture
golf have responded with much enthu- and playthings are exactly suited to
slasm. Mr. Clark at the University ihis age. All the children in his room
golf course has also been very kind are near his own age. In the usu'al
to cooperate with those who are man- family any two children are two years
agi'ng the event. Busses running to apart, except in the case of twins, for
and from the course add to the facility during the preschool age this much
of taking part in golfing events this difference is very important; in no
year. other time of life is it as great a step.
Qualifying rounds will be played this Thus the preschool enriches the
week. The requirements are nine child's life socially," Dr. Greene went
holes played on the University course, on.
with score cards placed in a box on on"The children stay from nine till
Miss Hall's desk before Saturday noon,
October 15. If any score cards are Woren Increase In
turned in after that time, they are O
going to be disregarded when the Oxford Attendance
schedule of entrants in the tourna-
ment are listed. Players are urged to
plan to play during the mornings or Women are increasing in numbers
early afternoons any day before Sat- at Oxford university each year accord-
urday, because after 4 o'clock, the ing a bulletin from the committee
course is always very erowded.
Freshmen are cordially invited to on international relations of the Amer-
take part in the tourney, but it is un- ican Association of University Wom-
dlerstood that they represent their en.
freshman groups and not their fra- Constant increasing interest in the.
ternal organizations. This regulation study at Oxford leading to the Oxford
is true in the case of every event B.S., M.A., and the B. Iitt. degrees has
throughout the year. Independekt led to collected information sent to
women are also urged to participate. each university in the United States.
Those who have not yet enrolled may Women candidates are admitted to
do so at Miss Hall's desk in Barbour women's colleges upon the -hasis of
gymnasium. Class schedule cards are recommendation of a committee on
there to be filled out, and together selection in this country, of which
with one's name and address, to be President Mary E. Woolley, of Mount
left in a box there for that purpose. Holyoke college, is chairman. These

three. During th
work, rest and eat.
very important.
always been a fini
eat what is put bef
it all. Children w
rule, if other of th
"The nursery sc
is an extension of
school in Detroit.
and sent here for
community. The
by parents as a
their children. T1
children's attendai
of the parents ar
educational value
"Interest and c
the home of every
4 +Ln AT .i1l- m

is time they play,
The noon meal is


A child who hasI
cky eater, learns to Tryouts for the Freshmen Girls'
fore him, and to eat Glee Club were held Tuesday, Octob-
ill eat according to er 11 at four in the School of Music,
eir age do it tod. room 216 under the direction of the
hool in Ann Arbor university Girls' Glee Club. The first
the Merrill-Palmer meeting will be next Monday, Octob-
The staff is trained er 17 in room 305, School of Music at
the service of the which time officers will be elected and
school is not used plans for the year's work will be set
dumping place for forth by Miss May Strong, director.
he regularity of the At the tryouts 39 freshmen were ad-
nce and the interest I mitted; first sopranos, Louella Law-
e both signs of the ton, Dorothy Kirkbridge, Bertha How-
of the movement. ard, Marion Iubbard, Lorraine Col-
ooperation exist in lick, Ruth Kelsey, Kathleen Thomsen,
y child who attends! June Hakes, Alice 'Goans, Emily
, , Grimes. Mildred Keenan,, Ruth Van
tieireri-r iantu f~ur anvGrms,,


the Merrtil-Palmer school or any f jAA~ , ""
length of time. The demand as shown Tuyl, Aretas Evans, Ruth Bishop.
by the size of the waiting list is con- Second sopranos are Marguerite
stantly growing," concdluded Dr. Barr, Jane Yearnd, Agnes Johnson,
Greene. f Eleanor Dyke, Ernestene Wagner,
Frences Jennings, Marlon Loue, Jean
KOREAN WOMAN'S Herbert, Margaret Kramer, Jane Rob-
PAPER PLACES IN - First altos are Catherine McCall,
STUDENT CONTEST Marion Seitz, Marion Wurster, Marion
Kemp, Gwendolyn Zoller, Marjorie
Among the prize winners in the In- Rehfuss, Ruth Marshall, Jeannette
t Dale, Mary Buffinton, Margaret Ea-
teruational Student Contest on .Theman, Katherine McMurray; and
World Movement Against Alcholism second altos: Catherine - Shannon,
is one woman, Miss Louise Y. Yim of Ruth Mandelker, Demarisus Cornell.
Kim San, Korea. Miss Yim is the Laura Codling.


a share, is an integral part of the pared with 27 loans of the previous
campus life for every woman. But in year amounting to $2755.00. This in-
order to take part in the play a fee of creased activity is partly due to hard
one dolla-r is charged to every partic- times but more largely due to the
ipaunt. more general knowledge of this re-
Selections for the parts in the play source. One woman borrower recom-
are made by tryouts and in order to mends this help to another and thus
tryout every woman must pay the fee serves as the best advertising agent.
of a dollar This fee may be paid now. That this work is going forward is evi-

An outgrowth of the student loan1
system has been the emergency funds,l
which last year were entrusted to the
office of advisors. Two benefactors
Miss Mary E. Turner, donor of the
Jane Turner Memorial .fund, and the
Michigan State Federation of Women's
Clubs, who founded the Lucinda Hins-
dale Stone fund, realized that there
were catastrophes in college life
which student loans did not relieve.
On October 21, 1926, a recommenda-
tion was approved' by the Fedleration,,
meeting in Ann Arbor, that the in-
terest of the Lucinda Hinsdale Stone
fund be made available annually for
gifts, not loans. Ten such gifts were
made to women students, whose col-1
lege careers would otherwise have
been wrecked.
Qrchesis will hold its regular. meet-'
ing in Sarah Caswell Angell hall at
7:45 tonight. It is important that'
members be present at every meeting.
Today's schedule of intramural vol-
ley ball for freshmen is as follows:
Group 9 (Beatrix Colver) vs. group 10
(Dorothy Thomas); group 11 (Jane1
Robbins) vs. group 12 (Ruth Marsh)

elections must take into consid-
eration that Oxford admits only those'
D Si t W Omen In A who will remain there at least two
11 years and that the intended students
Colleges on Campus must understand what constitutes an
English University.
Women may be found in'practically The Oxford academic year, accord-
every school and college on this cam- ing to the bulletin, is divided into
pus, although the majority of them three terms of eight weeks each, be-
matriculate in the Education-and Lit- ginning about the middle of October,
erary Colleges. Naturally, all courses,! the middle of January and the end of
even in these schools, are, not favored April. No list of lectures -is pub-
equally by their presence. lished until about three days before
One has only to make a short stay each term, end classes, in the Ameri-
in the south wing of University Hall can sense of the word, are not part of
to be convinced that an overwhelming the Oxford scheme.
number of them take language cours- American undergraduates may ap-
es. One man to 12 women is a fair ply for admission to Oxford inthe
average of the population of these regular way, of a basis of competitive
courses.E xactly reverse these num- examinations and personal interview,
hers, and you have the statistics of an taking their chances with the English
economics course. candidates.
In English literature and in Soci-
ology, the proportions are about equal.
While in rhetoric and in the sciences,!
the men have the edge, a few more
than women./
will play at 5 o'clock. Any groupsl
that wish to practice may do so at 41

holder of tenth honors, and is at pres-
ent attending the University of South-
ern California. Her testimony is of
value as coming from a foreign stu-
dent and as expressing a woman's
view-point on this question. Her paper
was entitled "The Wine Cup of Korea."
She says that her people are intoxi-
cated, and that their life is like a
prison. The use of alcohol is econ-
omically costly and wasteful to the
nation. Half of the agricultural re-
sources are put into alcohol. Not
only is it wasteful, but the significant
results are famine, sorrow, and be-
reavement, over the entire country.
She sees that the conditionu is not
confined to her country, but says that
it is especially true there. She lam-
ents because natural resources are
wasted for the king of the devils, al-
Miss Yim, as soon as -she finishes
her education, plans to go back to1
her home land where she is going to
put all her efforts in working against
alcohol. She believes that only a
strict form of prohibition enforced
will save her country.

Open house was the first social af-
fair of the season at the University of
Oregon. The men students, divided
into two groups, visited ten minutes at
each hall, sorority, and at the Y.W.C.
A., where the unaffiliated girls enter-
Two women are registered in the
engineering school at the University
of Wisconsin.
Week Beginning, Monday, Oct. 3
Bonstelle Playhouse
By J. C. and Elliott Nigent
NIGHTS- Bal. 5e, $1.00; Orch., $1.00,
$1.50; Mats.: Tues., Thurs.,
and Sat, 50, 7he.




A booth has been set up in University;
hall, opposite the candy booth and
it is here that the payment of this fee'
is desired. Every year between 70,
and 80 women are used in the produc-
tioZof this play.1
Elaborate costuming and clever im-I
personations make this production
one of the high lights in the social life
of the campus from an outsider's view
p'oint. It is .given at the Whitney
Theater for an entire week every year.
Last year for the first time the play'
was taken to Detroit. Its successI
there was without parallel. It is
hoped that this year that the play may
again be- taken out of the city. But
before all this can happen, in fact be-
r fore any of the cast can be chosen or
any of the choruses completed, try-
outs must be made, and in order to
tryout every woman must pay her fee
of one dollar.
For the first time in the history of
the Medical college at McGill, a Chin-
ese woman has registered for the
study of medicine.

denced by the fact that 31 loans am-
ounting to $4405.00 have been made
S ate Music Board
Will Hold Meeting
Over 50 women in state music af-
fairs will meet here on October 28 for
the fall meeting of the state board of
the Federation of Music clubs, accord-
ing to an announcement made by Mrs.
J Harry Bacher, dean of women at the
School of Music.
A luncheon and business meeting
will be the two main events of the pro-
gram. Plans for the year's work and
for the annual -meeting in Grand
Rapids during April, 1928, will be
The State federation of music clubs
includes 158 organizations. It is di-
vided in two departments, the senior
and junior. The federation is one of
the largest of its kind in the country
and plans will be made at the Octob-
er meeting for enlarging it further.


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We are serving Fresh Fruits, Cereals,
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