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October 12, 1927 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-10-12

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Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications,
Member of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
ttiled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lished herein.
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Mlichigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
master General.
Suscriptionaby carrier, $4,oo; by mail,
es: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
Oie:nard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 492$; Business 212r4.
Telephone 4925
Editor......................Ellis B. MerryJ
Staff Editor...............Philip C. Brooks
City Editor........Cfnrtland C. Smith
Editor 'Michigan Weekly. . Charles E. tehymer
Women's Editor..........Marian L. Welles
Sports Editor.... ....Herbert E. Ved'ler
Theater, Books and Music.Vincent C. Wall, Jr.
Telegraph Editor.............Ross W. Ross
Assistant City Editor. Richard C. Kurvink
Night Editors
Robert E. Finch G. Thomas McKean
J. Stewart looker Kenneth G. Patrick
Paul J. Kern Nelson J. Smith, Jr.
Milton Kirshbaum
Margaret Arthur Sally Knox
Emmons A. Bonfield Jack L. Lait, Jr.
Stratton Buck Richard H. Milroy
jean Campbell Charles S. Monroe
Jessie Church Catherine Price
Sydney M. Cowan Mary E. Ptolemy
William B. Davis Harold L. Passman
William C. Davis Morris W. Quinn
Clarence N. Edelson Pierce Rosenberg
Mlarg;aret Dross David Scheyer
Valhorg Egeland Robert G. Silbar
Marjorie Follmer lloward F. Simon
james B. F iceman George E. Simons
Robert J. Gessner Sylvia Stone
Elaine I. Gruber George Tilley
Joseph E. Howell Edward L. Warner, Jr.
Charles R. Kaufman Leo J. Yoedicke
Donald J. Kline Joseph Zwerdling
Telephone 21214
Assistant Manager....George H. Annable, Jr.
Advertising............... Richard A. Meyer
Advertising ............Arthur M. Hinkley
Advertising .............Edward L. Hulse
Advertising ............John W. Ruswinckel
Accounts.............Raymond Wachter
Circulation............George B. Ahl, Jr.
. Assistants

states that are supplying rehabilitation
service to persons handicapped by in-
dustrial injury. This service is of a
vocational nature, and is in coopera-
tion with the. compensation and gen-
eral welfare agencies that are being
carried forward under state super-
Particularly creditable is the medi-
um for the rendering of this type of
service. There are innumerable cases
of misfortune that are being cared for
haphazardly by compensation that
would more fittingly come under the
head of vocational aid. In the long
run such service is better appreciated
by the persons handicapped than
purely compensating measures, and
it is certainly less of a burden on so-
ciety. With the advance of industry
and the consequent increase in the
use of machinery and transportation
facilities there are more and more
cases of disability. Those states far-
sighted enough to care for this factor
as it becomes increasingly more im-
portant are to be congratulated. They
are helping to change the attitude of
society from that of intolerance for
such cases to that of shared respon-
Convening in Ann Arbor for their
annual assembly on Oct. 20, 21 and
22, will be some 250 or more news-
papermen, m o st 1 y editors from
throughout the state. Just what the
outcome will ,be and what good will
result from this year's convention no
one can definitely state beforehand;
it is seldom, however, that some last-
ing good does not result from such a
Of the University Press club of
Michigan convention, more than of no
other convention, it can be said that
whatever benefits its delegates derive
from their assembly here, are also
going to be indirect benefits for the
people of the state of Michigan. The
men who attend the convention are
the men who publish the papers read
by the people throughout the state.
Viewpoints are exchanged, steps
taken toward the standardization of
newspaper practice, talks given which
familiarize the editors of certain sec-
tions with the possibilities and trend
of events in other sections of the
state; and lastly, each year they be-
come more familiar with the Uni-
For these and other reasons the
University of Michigan and Ann Ar-
bor should be more than glad to en-
courage the University Press club of
Michigan's yearly convention, and to
watch with interest its accomplish-

Fred Babcock
George Bradley
James 0. Brown
James B. Covper
Charles K. ( orrell
Bessie.U. Egeland
Ben Fishman"
Katherine 'Frochne
Douglass Fuller
Herbert Goldberg
L. H. Goodman
Carl W. Hammer

Ray Hotelich
Marsden R. Hubbard
Hal A. Jaehn
James Jordan
Marion Kerr
Thales N. Lenington
W. A. Mahaffy
George M. Perrett
Alex K. Scherer
William L. Schloss
Herbert E. Varnum


OCTOBER 12, 1927

The program for the 1927-28 Ora-
torical association lecture series has
been aninounced, and as usual for
the past score of years the list arrang-
ed includes some of the most promi-
nent men an women on the public
platform. The opportunity to Uni-
versity students of hearing these
speakers is inestimable in value, and of
the many worthy projects which d'e-
serve generous University support,
none is mare worthwhile than the an-
nual series of lectures offered by this
This year' the program is excep-
tionally fine, including, among others,
three of the, outstanding men in the
public eye of the nation today; Corn-
mander Richard Byrd, Governor Al-
bert Ritchie of Maryland, and Will
Durant, author .of "The Story of Phil-
osophy." Each of these men* has a'
very real message to give to the,
American public, andat least one of
them, Commander Byrd, assumes like-
Zvise the aspect of a celebrity since
his flight across the ocean.
In addition to these speakers, five
others, including two readers, Edwin
1.' Whitney and Gay MacLaren, two
explorers, Harry Franck and William
McCovern, and a statesman, Syud
lossain will appear on the course,
'giving the series of programs a
variety which is difficult to attain.
The Oratorical association is to be
congratulated on the excellent pro-
grams it has arranged this year. Rare-
ly, if ever, has such a combination of
political thinkers, social thinkers,
scientists, travelers, and speakers
been assembled on oie course. Every
person on the series is of eminence in
his field.
The injection of a foreign states-
knan adds in the form of Hossain
something rarely. brought here before,
the return of Byrd is the more wel-
come for his recent achievements, the
coming of Ritchie is of tremendous
political interest, and the colorful
Will Durant, speaking on "Is Progress
a Delusion?" is certain to be a feature
of the series.
It is interesting, and inexplicable
at the same time, that the principal
support for these series of lectures
has always come from the townspeo-
pie and faculty members. Scarcely
one out of every ten season tickets is
sold to a student. It is to be hoped
that this year, with the sexceptionally
fine program and the exceptionally
low price, the student body of the

A complete upset in plans for to-
day's Junior literary elections was
brought about by a last minute de-
cision of the Seniors to be absent from
the proceedings.
*\ s
Attempts to bar Seniors from one
of the most important political cau-
cuses of the campaign was the reason
given by the older men for their de-
* * *
The Seniors may be absent, but
with such large prizes at stake, espe-
cially those in connection with the J.
Hop, a desperate attempt may be
made to lift the elections above the
cut anti dried affair that has been
* * *
No entries have as yet been received
in Rolls Own Get-Professor-Jack con-
test and fears are beginning to rise
that our new professor must be left
to languish upon his native heath.
* * *
To those who doubt our sincerity,
we feel it our duty to state that the
Rolls executive board has been hard
at work Upon this momentous ques-
tion for the past week. The prizes
will be announced as soon as we are
assured that there will be effort
worthy of the reward.
* * *
"If Professor Jack -were any-
thing but a Scotchman," declar-
ed Professor George Glump, fac-
ulty pessimist, "he might be
able to come across.''
After another period of thought and
endeavor, an entirely new plan for
classifying members of the Union has
been adopted.
* * *
If the men in charge of the Union
are at all skilled in their work a lot
of money ought to be going into the
general coffers.
Within a month or so, the annual
report that the Union is losing money
will be forthcoming, and then some-
body will have to start all over again
working out a new scheme.
Among the other student officers
of the Union, a place ought to be
saved for one to interpret the rules
for his classmates. They change so
fast it is hard for the rest of the
campus to keep up with the varia-
"A Union life membership," de-
clared the bewildered Senior, f
"seems to have all the lastingI
characteristics of a permanent
* * *
With such campaigners as Newton
D. Baker and John W. Davis listed on
the program, it appears that members
of the Political science department
had a voice in the plans for this year's
convocation series.
* * *

In case any of our Democratic
friends have succeeded in forgetting
their election rout of 1924, it might
be advisable to mention that Mr.
Davis was their presidential candi-
date at that time.
* * w
Mr. Baker's appearance has been
scheduled for December, in order to
allow Professor Hobbs plenty of time
to get back from Greenland.
* * *
The reaction to be undergone by
Professor Hobbs upon the opportunity
of greeting a real, live ex-secretary
of war is a subject of much conjecture
aniong his many friends and admir-
ers. A few believe he will be able to
retain control of his emotions.
* * *
Some things seem bound to happen,
na matter how much we thinking men
believe they should be suppressed.
And so we have with us for another
season of slaughter-the Gargoyle.
* * * ,
A cursory inspection has convinced
us that the current issue is no more
more objectionable than usual. Of
course there are plenty of opportun-
ities to find fault, but since we have
a friend who has a cousin who has a
fraternity brother who draws some
of the pictures, we will forgo the
* * *

Itecitalk In Hill auditorium at 4:15
* * *
Richard Copley presents the Rev-
erend Edmund Horace Fellowes, M.A.,
of St. 'George's Chapel, Windsor Cas-
tle, London, England ..., and so on
ad lib .... in two lectures with
vocal illustrations, in Natural Science
auditorium, Thursday and Friday,
Oct. 20 and 21.
The Reverend Fellowes has done
nothing in his. lifetime quite so much
as collecting the madrigals, ballads
and canzonet of early English music.
He has published and edited "The
English Madrigal School"-in 36 vol-
umes; five volumes on the Tudor
Church music; over a thousand songs;
and several shorter critical comments
on Elizabethan and Jacobean music.
Altogether he seems to be quite an un-
usual authority. He was the man di-
rectly responsible for the rather sen-
sation presence of the The. English
Singers in this country-they appear-
ed in the Choral Union series last
year-and is the royal bell puller, or
perhaps the musical director of the
King's chapel.
His appearance will be of unusual
interest to students of English his-
tory and literature, as well as those
specializing in musical literature.
* * *
Something rather unique in the
field of the puppet theater is being
done by a group of former students
of the University. This is "The Pup-
pet Revue" presented by Harry Bur-
nett, '23, and Forman Brown, '22,
which, is taken on tour during the
summer through New England from
Bar Harbor to Gloucester. The pro-
gram, which includes an original play,
"The Gtoseberry Mandarin," and
"Pyramis and Thisbe," was planned
and exeuted under the direction of
Professor Baker in the 47 Workshop
at Yale: This winter the company
will be in Europe studying the art of
the Marionette theater and presenting
performances in Italy, Spain and Hol-
no- E . M
Palmer Christian, University organ-
ist, will present the following pro-
gram this afternoon at 4:15 o'clock in
Hill auditorium:
Allegro vivace (Symphony V)..Widor
Prelude ........ ......... Saint-Saens
Allegro ................ Vivaldi-Bach
Toccata, Adagio and Fugue in C
. . . . . . . . . ... ................J. S. Bach
Cantilena ..................McKinley
Matin Provencal .............Bonnet
Traumerel ........ Strauss-Christian
Allegro (Symphony IV) ......Vierne
The two remaining recitals on the
present Hill auditorium organ will be
given on Oct. 19 and Oct. 26.
A ~review, by Thomas J. Dougall
Golden Dawn is playing a three
weeks engagement at the Shubert
Detroit prior to its opening the new
Hammerstein theater in New York.
It is a gorgeous thing, artistically
complete, and produced with the same

care that "Song and the Flame" such
a noteworthy achievement.
The music, a prime consideration
in such an operetta, may be a little
mediocre. It certainly possesses
nothing as stirring as the Song of the
Flame or nothing as haunting as the
Cossack Love Song, but it does mar-
vels in the way of atmospheric crea-
tion. It is intensely emotional, savage-
ly so in the case of the Whip Theme
and seduptively so in the Here in the
Dark number. There is also a Negro
chant, a rolling,'syncopated rhythm
which the Negro chorus sings like so
many religious fanatics.
The book, with its African locale, is
decidedly satisfying, but it is the mar-
velous company that Hammerstein
has assembled that makes the show
so extraordinarily good. Louise Hun-
ter, who used to sing at the Mero-
politan, heads the cast. Her dramatic
moments are not well sustained, but
she can act, her voice has superb
range and power, and she is good to
look upon. Robert Chisholm gives the
best performance in her support as
Shep Kees, a Negro overseer. He
sings the Whip Theme and scores tre-
mendously with a frenzied reprise of
Here in the Dark. There are also
Marguerita Sylva and Paul Gregory
who deserve commendation.
On the dancing side, usually ne-
glected in a production of this kind,

Three years ago political and finan-
cial circles were rocked by the ex-
posure of a graft of gigantic propor-
tions which involved several members
of the United States .Department of
the Interior. Teapot Dome reserve,
one of the richest oil reservoirs in the
United States, had been leased to
Harry Sinclair, wealthy oil magnate,
and charges of collusion and fraud
were rife.
Shortly 'following this there was the
revelation of the fact that the Elk
Hills reserve in California had been
leased to Edward Doheny. Doheny
and Sinclair having been linked to-
gether in their activities, the very fact
that these two leases came within
such a short time was evidence of
some underhand work.
At the investigation which followed,
Albert B. Fall, Secretary of the In-
terior, was indicted and charged with
collusion and intent to defraud. The
case passed to the Supreme court of
the United States and the decision
which has been recently handed down
orders the return of the fields to the
government and convicts Fall and
Sinclair of 'fraud by means of col-
lusion and conspiracy.
The closing of this famous case in
such a decisive manner should be a
lesson to many people who think that
the government is simply an instru-
ment for rewarding politicians, and
providing the ringleaders with a
source of revenue. It should also be
a lesson to the courts of the country,
setting for them the example of clear
and unequivocating decision which
does not mince words and which goes
to the heart of the matter. More such
decisions would strengthen the cause
of law and the respect for law.
The recent decision of the Missouri
State Supreme court ruling that free
comment and criticism of the public
policy of public officials is justified
when it relates to a matter of interest
is both sound and encouraging. It is
sound because it means that the press
of the country need no longer be
trammelled by restrictions of libel
laws when criticizing public officers
for their public acts, and it is en-

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