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October 04, 1927 - Image 1

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Vol XXXVIII, No. 13.



P Officers To Be Held


State Department to Investigate Cost
of Pro4luction, Administration
Without Pledging Result
(IBy Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Oct. 3.-A study of.
the published French tariff note re-1
ceived Saturday tendled today to]
strengthen the impression held byl
Washington officials that em loyment
of the flexible provisions of the Ameri-
can tariff act, as suggested by the
French, might answer their complaint
against excessive duties.
Use of the flexible provision, by
which the President can raise or lower
tariff duties based on the difference
in cost of production here and abroad,
appeared to be all the French note re-
quested in connection with establish-
ing a basis for treaty negotiation
which would give the United States as
favorabe treatment as any other na-
tion in French markets.I
To Remove Discontinuation.
At the State department it was said
authoritively that this government
was ready to investigate comparative
production costs, without, however,
pledging itself in advance of the re-
sult, and also to study-existing admin-
istration of plant quarantine laws,
the pure food act and even the prohi-
bition act so far as they might dis-
criminate against French goods.
mThe French note, while containing
much argument of a controversial na-
ture, was said officially to be con-
ciliatory. The hope of the adminis-
tration that the way may be thus(
opened to negotiation of a special)
treaty was hampered, however, with
concern over the status to be given
American goods in French markets
during the interim. They now are
burdened with the maximum French
tariff rates in certain cases and it was
felt here that pending completion of a
treaty American exports should be
subjected to less severe levies.
France Once Rejected Note.
France rejected the original Ameri-
can request for negotiation on the
basis of a most-favored-nation treaty,
proposing instead a reciprocity pact.
She also rejected at that time, the
American request for restoration of
the tariff status of American goods
prior to the French decree of AugustI
30, pending ratification of such a

Election of the officers to preside
for the coming year, will be the work
l of the Interfraternity Council at its
first meeting of the school this after-
noon at 4:30 o'clock in room 302 ofj
the Michigan Union.
Every fraternity should have two,
delegates present at this meeting' In
the selection of these delegates Dean
Joseph Bursley, the mentor of the
council, advocated the abandonment
of the slip-shod methods hitherto
used. He suggests that the house
president and one junior from edch
fraternity attend the meeting, thereby
insuring a representative and respon-
sible organization.
Among the problems which the In-
terfraternity Council will face this
year, the most important is that of de-
ferred pledging. . Last year the coun-
ell discussed this situation at some
length but arrived at no conclusion.
The scholarship in the fraternities is
also likely to be considered during
the coming sessions.
Dean Bursley hopes that with the
proper co-operation among the fra-
ternities, the council will become a
more active and important body than
it has been heretofore. He advises
that the council study the methods of
interfraternity organizations in other
schools, many of which are powerful
influences on campus life. Dean Burs-
ley will attend the first few meetings
of the council until it gets well under
way on the year's work.
Accommodations For Extra Number Of
Visitors Made Necessary By
Interest In Subject
Adelphi House of Representatives
will debate the merits and demerits of
the ,auto ban at 7:30 o'clock this eve-
ning in the society's rooms on the
fourth floor of Angell hall. The ques-
tion that will be discussed is: Resolv-
ed, That this House believes the pres-
ent action of the Regents in prohibit-
ing autos is unjust.
Robert J. Gessner, '29, speaker of
the House, announced that special
provisions will be made for the ac-
commodation of an extra number of
visitors, due to the timely interest of
the question amongst the students and
faculty. The experienced debators in
Adelphi from the Law school will de-


Cast Includes Charles D. Livingstone,.
Frances Jobnson, )Iary L. Hurray,
It. Wetzel, and C. L. Crane
Officially opening the campus dra-
matic season, Mimes presented "The
Bad Man," by Porter Emerson Browne,
last night in Mimes theater. Most of
the seats for the first night were sold.j
"The Bad Man," a melodramatic
comedy in three acts, was selected for
opening the theater because of its pop-,
ular appeal.l
The scenes of the drama are laid
on the Mexican border and the actionj
revolves around a bandit of pic-
turesque pretensions, after whom the
A review of last night's per-
formance of "The Bad Man"j
will be found in the Theater,
Books, and Music column onj
page 4.

treaty. t -Z11L lt 14 L YU1VV
bate the question. The affirmative
The counter French offer was a 50 team has been changed in personnel
per cent reduction of maximum rates from what was previously azlnounced
during the negotiation which officials ,in Sunday's Daily, and is now compos-
here told would have left American i ed of Representatives Gerald O. Dyk-
products at sqrious disadvantage in stra, '30L, and John D. Todd, '30L. The
competition with German, British or negative team consists of Robert
other goods that take the French Schwartz, '29L, and Lloyd Bartlett,
minimum rates. '29L. Five minutes will be allowed
On that basis the French 60 per cent j for the establishment of constructive
tax proposal is wholly unsatisfactory arguments' and three minutes for re-
to the Washington government and buttals. At the close of the debate
unless a more favorable temporary ar- the House will be thrown open to a gen-
rangement can be worked out for the eral discussion of the question. Vis-
treaty negotiation period, a clash on istors will be allowed to cast their
that point conceivably could interrupt ballotts along with the active mem-
the more concilatory trend of - the hers of Adelphi. A brief closed ses-
diplomatic conversation evident today. sion will be held shortly after the
American Answer Being Drafted. open session in which important busi-
Drafting of the American answer is ness of the House will be transacted.'
in progress and Secretary Kellogg All male students in the University
anticipates that it will be sent to are eligible for membership to Adel-
Paris in a day or two. It will be as phi. It is the only activity open to
concilatory as the French note, al- first-semester freshmen and other stu-
though the Washington government dents transferring from an outside
must of necessity point out that it fcollege. Applications for admission
cannot commit itself in advance to a may be giyen to the clerk at the close
lowering of duties, but only to action of the open session.
in accord with findings of the tariff
commission in each specific case of j New And Dazzling
comparative production costs.
G PEECH Enforcer Of Stu
TO OPEN MEETING The many perplexing questions al-
ready asked in connection with the
(Ry Associated Press) automobile ban have a new and still
WASHINGTON, Oct. 3.-With Pres- more perplexing companion. Assist-
ident Coolidge delivering the opening ant Dean Harvey Emery has been
address, the International Radio-tele- in office for two weeks, and during
graphic conference will begin tomor- that time has heard hundreds of
row an attempt to write 15 years of queries, -but not until yesterday did
radio i)progress into the London radio anyone ask, "What should one do if
convention of 1912. his permit is for family purposes only
Tomorrow's opening pleniary ses- and he passes his best friend on the
sion will le largely formal, the fea- street in his motor car?"
ture consisting of President Coolidge's There is very obviously no answer
speech to the 400 or more visitors here to the question ,and when the best
for the conference. Count Henning friend is standing on the corner wait-
Adolph Hamilton of Sweden, dean of ing for a bus the dilema becomes
the conference, will nominate Secre- even more disturbing. If one de.-
tary Hoover, head of the American ! sires an attempted solution to the
delegation, chairman of the confer- problem he may follow the advice
once. of Dean Emery, however, who stated
It is the hope of the American dele-;
gation, that in a subsequent plenary WHERE THE PERMITS GO I
meeting, which they will endeavor to i (The following is an account of I
have set for Wednesday, the .delegates the permits to drive cars issued
will in one day decide upon rules of far and the clases of students
nroced:iurp , 'ft chairmen for !the thus_, _

play is named. Direction of the piece
was in the hands of Livingstone, and
it was staged under the personal su-
pervision of E. Mortimer Shuter, Rob-
ert C. Teter, 'M8, is the stage manager
of the production, Robert Manss, prop-
erty manager. Sets were constructed
by Frederick Ridman.
Seats for the performances through-
out tie week are still on sale at the
I box office in Mimes theater, and are
all reserved. They are priced at 75
cents and may be reserved by mail or
telephone. "The Bad Man" will be
given every night this week, conclud-
ing Saturday.
Mayor Of New York
Affirms Stories Of
Steady Surveillance'
(By Associated Press)
NEW YORK, Oct. 3.-Statements
emenating from San Francisco of
Major James J. Walker's to the effect
that during his recent trip abroad he
was under constant surveillance were;
corroborated today by the chief exe-
cutive himself. His friends, wrought
up over the matter, have intimated
that "the shadows" were employed by
political enemies, seeking to discredit
him, but Mayor Walker refused toI
coiment on this.
"I did not personally observe any-1
body trailing me, as at all times I
was surrounded by representatives of
foreign governments and large crowds
as the result of elaborate entertain-
ment offered to us," the mayor said,
"but from three different sources of
unimpeachable integrity, s o u r c e s
which had the opportunity for observa-
tion and knowledge, I received the in-
formation tgat I was being shadowed."
The mayor declined to reveal the
sources of that Information.
"I will not divulge a confidence," he,
said. "My conclusion is that whether
r was followed for some unknown rea-
son or deisgn, it is a matter of small
concern to me personally-but, if it
be true, it is a matter of grave con-
cern to the American people and the
American government."
Any eligible sophomore or sec-
ond semester freshmen who wish .
to try out for the business staff
of the Gargoyle report to the Gar-
goyle office in the Press Bldg.,
Tuesday afternoon between three
f and four p. m.
)uestion Asked Of
dent Automobile Ban'
first tliat he would never pass a friend
of his on the street and then fol-
lowed it with the statement that after
all the auomobile ban is really in
effect, and he would "advice against -
the practice."
The whole problem, as summed up
by Dean Emery, however, resolves'
itself into the question as to whether
the student "actually believes that
he is doing the right thing. As long
as we agree with him as to what is
right he is free to drive, but when we
disagree with him, then we take a
Other interesting facts in connec-
tion with the han are revealed in the
announcement that the total figures
of permits issued can no longer be
relied upon, since large numbers cf
them have been granted to rural
school teachers attending special
classes. This extinguishes any pos-
sible hope that the ban was being re-
lented when 400 permits had been
issued, though even that figure i

Area Devastated By
Tornado Progresses
With ReliefProgram
(By Associated Press)
St. LOUIS, Oct. 3.-Sunshine today
gave impetus to the work of remov-
ing residents of the tornado stricken
area to new homes.nThe Red Cross
estimated 75 per cent of the 2,000
families originally requiring removal
had found shelter elsewhere.
The cost of removals, sustenance
for hundreds of families and re-
habilitation work to follow is to come
from the Red Cross tornado relief
fund which today reached a total of
$380,000 with indications that the goal
of $500,000 would be reached by Wed-
Because relief work had been seri-
ously hampered by flocks of sight-
seers, Chief of Police Gerk today or-
dered the stricken area closed to all
those unable to show a valid reason
*for entering the district.
The recruiting of 500 special po-
licemen jroceeded rapidly today.
These will relieve the National
Cuardsmen who have been on duty
since the tornado struck the city
With the death list stationary at 85,
funerals of victims continued today
with more than 30 scheduled.
Italian Tenor of The Metropolitan
Opera Company Will Open Ann
Arbor Musical Season
Inaugurating the Ann Arbor musi-
cal season, Beniamino Gigli, Italian
tenor of the Metropolitan Opera com-
pany, will appear in a program of
songs next Friday night in Hill audi-
torium. The Gigli concert will consti-
tute the first number of the regular
Choral union series for the year.
The program for the concert will be
announced in full later in the week,
and it will include several important
arias and songs in both English and
French, according to the copy received
here. Gigli will be assisted in his re-
cital by Miss Edythe Browning, a dra-
matic soprano and an American artist.
Vito Carnevali will act as accompanist
for both singers.1
Gigli, an Italian Eby birth, sang dur-
ing his early years in boys' choirs,
and completed his musical education
in' Rome. He made his debut in the
opera houses of Milan, Naples, Genoa
and Rome, and afterwards toured
France, Spain, and South America. He
was enthusiastically received on the
occasion of his first role at the Metro-
politan in New York, and has spent
several seasons there since. At the
close of each he tours Europe and
South America and accepts but limit-
ed engagements in this country.
Miss Browning was discovered by R.
E. Johnston, the impresario, when she
was acting as soloist in one of the
New York churches. Her appearance,
with Gigli will add considerable color
to the program, according to Earl V.
Moore, musical director of the Choral
Single tickets for the Gigli concerts
and all those remaining on the Choral
Union program may be obtained at
the offices of the School of Music on
Maynard street. They, are priced at
$1.50, $2.00, and $2.50 each.
The second concert will be the open-
ing one of the Extra series on Oct. 28,
and will feature Rosa Raisa, dramatic
soprano, and Giacomo Rimini, bari-
tone, of the Chicago Civic Opera com-

(By Associated Press)
NOGALES, Ariz., Oct. 3.-Orders to
arrest all known sympathizers of
Gen. Arnulfo R. Gomez, Mexican
presidential candidate, who, with
Francisco Serrano, also a candidate
I for president, is accused of instigat-
ing a mutiny of federal troops in1
Mexico City, were received by Gen.
Pablo N. Macias, commandante, of the
Nogales, Sonora, garrison late today.
The orders were relayed from the
secretary of war in Mexico City to
Macias by Gen. Francisco Manzo,
Sonora corps area commander, with
I headquarters at Ortiz. Inasmuch as
Sonora still is under martial law
which has been in force since the
Yaqui uprising started 14 months ago,
the order is expected by Mexican offi-
cials to result in a roundup of anti-
reelectionists throughout that state.
Dispatches received at Nogales to-

Served During War As Secretary To
Lloyd George; Has Also Held
Many Literary Positions
Philip Kerr, secretary of the
Rhodes Scholarship Trust, will speak
today in the Natural Science audi-
torium at 4:15 on the subject of
"Some Present Problems of the British
Mr. Kerr is a man who brings to his
subject a wealth of experience and a
background ofextensive public serv-
ice in England and the English col-
onies. During the period of the World
War, he served as secretary to Lloyd
George. Previous to this Mr. Kerr
had held numerous public positions
in South Africa, acting as assistant
secretary of the Transvaal and Orange
River Intercolonial council, assistant
secretary of the South African Rail-
way committee, and secretary of ghe
Transvaal Indigency commission. r.
Kerr has also done considerable lit-
erary work, editing "The State" in
1908 and- 1909, "The Round Table,"
1910 to 1916, and acting as director of
the United Newspapers from 1921 to
Mr. Kerr is now engaged in making
a tour of the American colleges which
are members of the Rhodes Sdholar-
ship Trust. Yesterday he met the
state and local committee in charge
of the Rhodes Scholarships to discuss
possible changes in the methods of
selecting students, at lunch at the
Charles NewCombe,
Ex-Michigan Editor
And Botanist, Dies
Dr. Frederick Charles Newe mbe,
professor emeritus of the University
of Michigan, died suddenly Saturday
afternoon at his home in Honolulu
from an attack of pneumonia. He ad
just returned from a visit to America
having sailed on Saturday, one week
previous to his death. He was preceed-
ed in death' by his wife who died last
Professor Newcombe was born in
Flint, Michigan, May 11, 1858. At the
age of 22, he became an instructor in
the Michigan School for the Deaf. In
1890 was made instructor in botany at
the University of Michigan, also receiv-
ing his B.S. degree in the same year.
In 1893 he received the degree of doc-
tor of philosophy at Leitzig. Ie then
rose to assistant professor and be-
came professor in 1905.i
He retired in 1923 when he was
made professor emeritus. After retir-
ing he spent several months in Ger-
many studying and then moved to
Honolulu, where lie immediately be-
came prominent in many botanical
societies. Since going there he has
continued work in his chosen field,
plant physiology, working at the sugar
planters experiment station. He
founded the Hawiian Academy and was
its first president.
While in America he founded the
American Journal of Botany and was
editor in chief until 1918. According
to Mr. J. 13. Pollock of the botany de-
partment this was his greatest achieve-
merit. He was also president of the
Botanical Society of America.
(lyAssociate Press)
NEW YORK, Oct. 3.-The younger
alumni of Harvard and Princeton,
men who have clashed in time-honor-

ed "Big Three" rivalries of the past
and regret the passing of the historic
triumvirate, revealed a definite plan
today to remedy the breach in under-
graduate relations between the two
I universities that followed the annual'
football contest last fall.j
In an effort to demonstrate to the
undergraduate bodies the "childish-1
ness of their attitude" former grid
heroes of the two schools have arrang-
ed a football game between alumni of
Harvard and Princeton to take place
at the Yankee stadium Oct. 30. The
field has been turned over to them
1 for that day by Charles C. Pyle, pro-
fessional football promoter. Proceeds
of the game will be given to the Red
Spokesmen for both bodies of
alumni asserted today that the con-
test was "purely for the sport of the
thing in the belief that the game
might act as an opening wedge to re-
store the breach in Harvard and
Princeton relations." Stress was
placed on the fact that the move was
"purely independent of the official
body of either institution" and had re-
sulted from a score or more of un-
offical conferences between former

Republican National
Committee eader
Summons Associates

William A. Butler
Chairman of the Republican nation-
al committee, who is busy mustering
his henchmen for the presidential bat-
tle, the opening guns of which will
soon be fired. In the midst of the
business, when he was asked his
opinion on the Rapid City statement,
now famous for its "I do not choose,"
Chairman Butler refused to comment.'


IN1IIU PCL 2 - tien, declined to comment on the Mad-
d L en statemnt, but some of his
friends recall that he had endorsed
LL llAT Tf Y the Swing-Johnson Boulder Canyon
BIE LOT TO111 measure at the last session of Con-
!gress bef ore President Coolidge's "-
Ld-not-choose" announcement h a d
Remahider Of Snior Chmses Will opened wide the Republican presi-
(Hold Their Elections Later dential field.
In the Week Chairman Butler arrived here early
today from Boston, had breakfast with
CGUNCIL WILL SUPERVISE Mr. Coolidge and later noit with a
Ci Ur94d11, V ] dozen or more Republican commlittee-
men. They took up arrangements for
Elections in four senior classes of the 1928 convention, the possibilit-es
the University, in the Colleges of En- offered by various cities and other Wf-
gineering and Architecture, the School ' fairs.
of Dentistry, and the Law school will The natonal chairman said the com-
meet today for the election of their mittee would meet here early in De-
class officers. The first election of comber to decide definitely upon a
the day's program will be held at 11 convention place, adding that cities
o'clock this morning when the seniors w under consideration include
of the engineering school will, ballot Minneapolis, Chicago, Cleveland, De-
in room 348 of the West Engineering trit, Kansas Vity, San Francisco,
building. Philadelphia, Atlantic City, Miami,
At 4 o'clock this afternoon two other Fla., Omaha, New York, San Antonio,
classes will meet when the senior law ad Omah, Nen
___ and Memphis, Tenn.
Wisconsin Post is Vacant.
CLASS ELECTIONS TODAY The chairman also was emphatic in
G his declaration that national com-
j Engineering Seniors I mitteemanship of Wisconsin was not
Room 348 West Engineering one of the subjects for discussion at
building ................11 30 this time. The Wisconsin party post
Architecture Seniors I has been vacant since the 1924 election
Room 348 West Engineering I and there have been various reports
building ................11:00 | that the place would be filled with
Law Seniors I the hope that the Republics by per-
Room B Law building .... 4:00 | fecting a strong organization could
Dental Seniors swing that state back into the regular
Room 221 Dental building.. 5:00 IRepublican column.
Asked as to whether he regarded
students hold their elections in room President Coolidge's Rapid City state-
B of the Law building and seniors of 1 ment ndefinitelyoelimilating the
the college of architecture meet in room chief executive from the presidential
348 of the West Engineering build- ! contests in 1928, Mr. Butler said he
ing and choose their officers. The last had no statement to make.
election of the day will be held at 5 Sproul Says Coolidge Out.
o'clock this afternoon in room 221 of Former Governor Sproul, of Pen-
the Dental building. nsylvania, who also was a White
All of the elections will be in charge house caller during the day, was pos-
of, officers appointed by the Student itive, however, that the President had
council, and different colored ballots eliminated himself. A similar view
will be used to distinguish the various was taken by Senator Reed of Pen-
class votes. nsylvania, who said- he had found
The remainder of the senior classes much disappointment in his state over
of the University will hold their elec- the president's decision. Senator
tions later in the week, on tomorrow Reed would not discuss candidates
and Thursday, and the junior class for the presidential nomination, de-
elections will open a week from today. laring that sentiment had not yet
Approximately the same order of [-crystallized, but Mr. Sproul said senti-
schools and coleges will be followed ment in Pennsylvania leaned strong-
in all of the classes. ly toward Charles Evans Hughes. He
added that Secretary Hoover had
HARRISON DESIRES some strength, "particularly because
SMA ORE BASSES FOR he is a better votegetter."
Second basses and baritones are all WELCOME LEGION
that are needed to make the Varsity
Glee Club a complete organization. (By Associated press)
Director Harrison states that for the BRUSSELS, Oct. 3.-King Albert
first time in his career he has plenty of and( Queen Elizabeth todayreceived at
good tenors and is confronted with a the palace the entire party of Ameri-
dearth of good basses. For this rea- can Legionnaires visiting here. Hugh
son tryouts will be held between 4 andGibson, American ambassador to Bel-
5 o'clock this afternoon at the School gium, and Howard T. Savage, retiring
of Music and between 7 and 8 o'clock national commander of the legion,
tonight in room 308, Michigan Union. headed the delegation.
The Glee Club is the oldest musical presenting the Legionnaires, Am-
organization on the campus, having bassador Gibson swallowed hard and
been founded in 1859. Previous exper- then said: "There they are, Your
ience in singing is not necessary for I Majesty, they have fought at Ozen-
membership in the club, according to arde, Courtrai, Bruges, and Ghent."
Director Harrison. A voice and an King Albert scanned every Legion-
ear for music are the only require- naire through his thick glasses. He
ments. shook hands with Commander Savage
This year the club will give more and pinned the Order of Leopold on

('ommittee Meets to )wti-ss Location
of Convention; Many Cities Seek
honor of Entertaining
(By Associated Press)
WASHI(NGTON, Oct. 3.-With the
gathering here of Republican leaders
from many sections of the country,
Washington today found itself in an
atmosphere surcharged with state-
nients, predictions, opiniorce. and even
reports of political trading involving
the presidential nomination next year.
While Chairman William M. Butler
was conferring with associates on the
Republican national committee can-
vassimg party affairs, Representative
Madden, of Illinois, brought into the
open reports of political trading, de-
claring that there was a report that
Secretary Hoover had agreed to sup-
port the Boulder Canyon Dam bill in
return for a promise from Senator
Johnson of California of California's
vote at the Republican national con-
Hoover Declines to Comment
Secretary Hoover, who has been en-
dorsed by a number of Republican
leaders for the presidential nomina-

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