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June 03, 1927 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1927-06-03

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Difficulties In- Arranging Tine For
Meeting Handicaps Work Of
Forensic Group.
Intercollegiate debating classes will!
be discontinued for next year and!
therefore no academic credit will be
given for intercollegiate debating, ac-
cording to an announcement made yes-
terday by Mr. Gail E. Desmore, of
the public speaking department. The I

Two Americans Slain
Tn Nicaragua Battle

INTERCOLLEGIATE INDUSTRIAL CAMP i Regions Still Inundated By Mississippi


College students throughout the session of a "full dinner pail." On Fri-
country are showing a marked inter- day afternoon, June 24, the college
est in the June Conference of the In- students will hold a session devoted
tercollegiate Department of the
League for Industrial Democracy, to social thinking in our unversities.
which will be held at Camp Tamiment, ! They will also meet throughout the
near Stroudsburg, Pa., from Th'urs- conference for informal discussions.
day, June 23 to Sunday, June 26, 1927,; On Saturday evening the students andl
according to those in charge, others will present four skits dealing
The conference will be given over. with contemporary social life. The
to various angles of our present day afternoons will be given over to re-
"Prosperity", and to a discussion of creation-boating, canoeing, swim-
the development of social thinking n ming, tennis and walking.
our universities during the past few Among the speakers who are plan-
years. Ding to be present are: Jacob Billi-I
The first days of the conference will kopf, Edith Blumberg, Professor Paul
be devoted to the extent, distribution Brissenden, H. H. Broach Fannia
and continuance of our so-called pros- Cohn, McAlister Coleman, Solon De-
perity, to economic imperialism and. Leon, Abraham Epstein, Morris Hill-
prosperity, and to "sore spots" in our quit, Dr. Jessie W. Hughan, Harry W.
present economic situation, particular- Laidler, Algernon Lee, Benjamin C.
ly in agriculture and mining. The Marsh, Dr. W. Jett Lauck, Isador Lu-!
second portion will deal with con- bin, E. C. Lindeman, Robert Morss
structive trade union, political and Lovett Israel Mufson, Dr. Scott
educational programs based on pres- Nearing, Joseph S'chlossberg, George
ent day conditions, also with the psy- Soule, Dean Carl Taylor, Norman|
chological wants of the workers which Thomas, Dr. Willard Thorp, Bertram
are not satisfied even with the pos- Wolff and J. S. Woodsworth.
Freeman Announces Varied Courses To!
Be Offered On University World Cruise'

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reason given for this change was that
some students were prevented for try-
ing out for the team because t;hey were
unable to attend a regular class at a
certain set hour. S'ince this was con-
sidered an injustic to thos who did not
have the specified hour open tryouts
will be held two or three weeks after
school has convened aad will be open
to all men students eligible for campus
activities. The subject will be an-
nounced and all tryouts will be re-
quired to give a five minute speech.
From this a squad will be selected
which will be gradually narrowed
down through successive troyouts to
six team members and two alternates.
and will be open to all men students
eligible for campus activities. The
subject will be announced and all try-
outs will be required to give a five
minute speech. From this a squad
will be selected which will be gradu-
ally narrowed down through succes-
sive tryouts to six team members and
two alternatives.
The usual scholarship and medals
awards will still be available. These
awards will be given to those debaters
who represent the University in the
following debating leagues: the Mich-!
igan-Indiana-Ohio Debating league,i
the Central Debating league and the
Mid-West Debating league.
The subject for the women's debate
in the Michigan-Indiana-Ohio Debat-
ing league is: "Resolved, That the di-
rect primaries should be abolished."

I'll" 111111 "" - - 121! I I - 11112.11


y i


The "Sugar Bowl" region of Louisiana in flooded as waters sweep to-
ward the Gulf of Mexoca. The Mississippi has shown signs of falling and it
is believed that the flood is definitely over. The damage caused can not be
estimated, although over 360,000 famili es were made homeless in Louisiana.

Captain Albert E. Freeman, former-

ly of the phys
ment, has bee
University cru
' :, >. '<"%:::N:::: ',' tion backing t
around the wo
Aurania. Capta
structor of phy
year's cruise on
will be in cha
partment on t
The Auraniai
as opposed to t
be for men o
education is, a
- ' ters of this ti
; >atmosphere as
i ''":::and to get awa
itary discipline
sar on a shin
also, they beli
Captain Richard B. Buchanan, of from runningv
Washington, D. C., top, and Private ports.
Marvin Jackson of Chicago, Ill., were Many courses
killed in Nicaragua when a guerilla this cruise. Ac
band attacked a detachment of ma- new subject fo
rines. Fourteen natives were also planned. The li
course will be

No "suicide - wave" in American Says Bad Influences Prof. W. C. Ru
schools and colleges is revealed by department may
statistics which have been studied by M ust Be Offset By department on
the Woman's Home Companion in «- Holling of the
probing the hue and crg which fol- F oreig n M'iss nares cago, who is t
lowed the last= mid-term examinations, posters that a
These figures show that the propor- the campus, wi
tion of suicides among students was (By Associated Press) art department
no greater than among clerks or other SAN FRANCISCO, Jutie 2-World of Texas, will b
groups df the same age. wide unrest, preparation for a new isin department
"If there are more student suicides world war, and unclean American in- are now listed
than there used to be,' it is stated, classics, econo
"this may be explained by the enor- fluence in other lands, including vie- Spanish, Italian
mously increased enrollment in col- ious movies, must be offset by Chris- geology, history
leges and schools. Possibly in this tian missionaries, declares Dr. Charles chology, philoso
greater student population there have R. Erdman, of Princeton, N. J. pres- pology and pub
been admi ted more of the patholog- ident of the Board of Foreign Mis- the members of
ically uinfit than formerly, although sions, in a report to be presented to on the last yea
this is not proved. the Presbyterian general assembly Ryndam.
"Many well-balanced educators deny this week. The S. S. A
th'at there has been any suicide wave, Dr. Erdman's address will accom- Moat, is being u
though they fear that one may be pany the 90th annual report of the for the universi
created by the playing-up of details of board emphasizing and interpreting Lively new vesse
the occasional cases, thereby fostering the main features of this review of for only two y
the powerful influence of imitation. the board's work. a faster shipt
"Nevertheless it is proper to listen "In the -conditions which affect the is expected tha
to the explanations offered by many world's work of the church," says spent in port a
excited pirents, teachers, publicists President Erdman, "It has been a year It is now in End
and newspapers. Jazz, radio, movies, of lights and shadows. Illness death, so that the in
and motor cars have come in for their and the transfer of veteran missionary suited for stud
usual blame. The example of abnor- to the honorably retired list, have ser- is being enlargi
mal living set by elders, the deterior- iously depleted the missionary force pool is beingZ
ation of home and family ties, the ma- in several important fields. Political, study are alsoI
terialism of our, age, the desire for social, economic and intellectual read- Aurania is of 1
new thrills, even for post-mortem no- justments are causing widespread un- Cunard compan
toriety, the scarcity of sound sleep and rest in various lands, and civil war is which is backin
good food, the spread of semirelig- convulsing China. But in all and University crui
ious mysticism, the teaching of per- through all the missionaries have The very fact.
nicious doctrines, the romanticism of steadily pressed on, with undiminish- I Freeman, that a
adolescence shocked by reality, all ed faith and courage. Even amid the as the Cunard
these and many more have been cited tumult and chaos in China most of self in the tri
as underlying causes of the despair of our 35 stations have continued to be soundness of the
youth. occupied. rania, an oil bu
"Most of this is nonsense and indeed "The human race is in commotion. officered entirely
it is positively harmful to throw A wave of excited nationalism is The enrollmen
that sort of glamour around suicide. sweeping over the world. It brings according to Ca
We have rather to make youth see large elements of promise and equally good, although,
that the suicide is rediculous. large elements of peril." accommodations

sical education depart-
n made the Mid-West
of the International
ise, Inc., the associa-
the university cruise;
orld aboard the S. S.
Ain Freeman was in-
sical education on lastl
n the S. S. Ryndam and
arge of the same de-
the Aurania for next
is to be co-educational
he Ryndam which will
nly. The aim of co-
ccording to the promo-1
rip, to make the ship
homelike as possible
ay from the strict mil-
that would he .neces-
with men only. It will,
eve prevent the men
wild upon arriving at
are being offered for
course in education a
r the cruises, is being
ist of subjects to be
be complete since any
given on application
number of students.
fus, of the astronomy
,y be in charge of that
the trip. Holling C.
Field Museum of Chi-
.he one who drew the
re distributed around
ll be in charge of the
. Ex-governor Allen,
be head of the journal-
t. Other courses that
are biology, botany,
mics, English, French.
n .German, geography.
, political science, phy-
phy, sociology, anthro-
lic speaking. Many of
the faculty staff were
ar's cruise aboard the
Aurania a 14,000 ton
used for the first time
ty cruise. It is a rela-
el, having been sailing
ears. Also, since it is
than the Ryndam, it,
at more time will be
nd less on the water.
gland being remodeled
terior will be better
ents. The gymnasium
ed and a swimming
added. Facilities for
being installed. The
the Cunard line. The
y is, the organization
ng the International,
ise Inc., financially.
according to Captain
as old an organization
line is interested it-
n is a proof of the
e proposition. The Au-
[rning vessel, will be
y by an English crew.
nt for the cruise has,
aptain Freeman, been
since there will be
for 550 students.

there is still ample room. No definite
proportion has been set for the num-
hers of men and women but it is hop-
ed that an equal number of each will
earoll. Of more than forty students
of this University who have declared
! an interest in the cruise almost half
are girls.
Captain Freeman will be at Lane
hall daily from 11:00 to 12:00 a. m.
and from 4:00 to 5:00 and 7:00 to
8:00 p. m. to interview any students
who are interested in the trip. Fur-
ther information concerning the cat-
alogue, itinerary, accommodations,
rates, and detailed information on
courses offered by the faculty may
be obtained from the International)
University Cruise Inc., 11 Broadway,'
New York City, New York. A. J.
1VPIntosh is the president of the as-
Thomas W. Butler, former president
of Kansas State Teachers' College, is!
president of the* trip. The medical
staff, which has been selected by him,

consists of Dr. William E. Haigh, spe-
cialist on Tropical hygiene for the
League of Nations, Dr. G. J. Carr, and
Dr. Geraldine H. Crocker. They will
be assisted by a professional surgeon,
dentist and nurse. The trip last year
was qxtremely healthy in that ex-
cept for one case of chicken pox, thereI
was no illness.
Patronize Daily A dvertisers,

Light and Dark Spring Suits
T Two Pants Suits
$35 and $40
1319 S. University

Yo Ho PhotogTaphed in
and Technicolor
-Please Note-
.A BottleToday is the Lest Day
of Bay We Play This Picture






?r ""'' Ec sMomf 'cat T"rafsportation



dcar foY r etoof



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Sedan .... Y p
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YTon Truck $8395
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i TonTrck $495
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All Prices E. Flint Michigaa
Check Chevrolet
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They include the loweut
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charges available.

In thousands of average American
homes there are now two automobiles
-"a car for her, too," so there may be
transportation for the family while
"he" drives away to work.
And the family car has such an"infinite
degree of usefulness! Downtown shop.
ping, taking the children to school,
afternoon calls, meeting trains-and
the many additional trips that~must be
made to and from the house as a part
of every day's routine.
No other car is so admirably suited to a
woman's requirements as the Most
Beautiful Chevrolet.
With striking new bodies by Fisher,
and finished in pleasing colors of lus-
trous, lasting Duco, it provides in
abundant measure the comfort, charm
and elegance that women admire in a
motor car. It is easy to start because of
its Delco-Remy electric starting system
-famous the world over for its excel-
lence. It is easy to stop because of
powerful, over-size brakes. And it is
easy to drive and park because of a
,nodern three-speed transmission,
Tmooth-acting disc clutch, and a semi.
reversible stcring gear that gives
finger-tip te ring.

A Few Things You Will Need
This Summer4

Refrigerators from $16.00 to $50.00
Ice Cream Freezers, all kinds
Hammocks from $3.00 to $10.50
Tennis Rackets
Tennis Balls, Wright & Ditson, 50c
Golf Balls, 40c to 75c
Croquette Sets-$2.75, $3.00, $3.75



1 11

U II 11

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