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June 02, 1927 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-06-02

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MIA rot


Published every morning Monday
Iuring the University ye bexceptH Board in
Contr *l of Student Publications..
Meibers of Weutera Conference Editorial
The Asociatsd Press is exclusively en-
titled to tre use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lished; therein.

Entered at thg postoffice at Ann Arbor;
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
master General.
Subscription by >carrier, $3.75; by mail,
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May.
mard Street.
Phones: Editorial. 4925; Business 321r4.
Tjlephone 4925
Zditor..................W. Calvin Patterson
City Editor....a.tim......Irwin A. Oliaa
News Editors........... Frederick Shillito
fPhilip C. Brooks
Women's Editor...............Marion.Kubik
Sports Edtor. . r .: ...... Wilton A. Simpson
Telegraph Editor'.........Morris Zwerdling
lusio and Draig.......Vincent C. Wall, Jr.
' Night Editors
Charles Behymet . Ellis Mer
Carlton Champe Stanford . Phelps
To Chamberlin 'tCourtland C. Sm th
annex Herald Cassam A. Wilson
Assistant City Editors
Carl Burger Henry Thurnax
Joseph Brunswick


If any benefit can be derived from
the suggestions given by the commit-
tee, its efforts are not to be depreci-
ated; but the fact that a former re-
port resembled his one in many de-
tails and that the general situation
has not improved would seem to bear
out the contrary.
With the resignation of Prof. Fred
N. Scott, Michigan has lost another
scholar who carried her name to the
forefront of academic achievement.
Ill health made necessary the retire-I
ment of the man who has been a mem-
ber of the University staff for 43
years, and a mass of great and lofty
scholastic tradition will pass from the
University with Professor Scott.
The University of Michigan in 1884
was not the school that stands in Ann
Arbor today. At that time Michigan'
was just emerging to the front rank
of Amerfican universities, and one of
the principal reasons for that emerg-I
ence was the presence of such men as
Professor Scott. The, traditions of

The faculty of the lit school made)
grave mistake recently. TheyI
idn't include a delegate from Rolls
n their committee to study the grad-



M U SkCDDrama
Recital at 4:1 o'clock in Hill audi.
* * *

in~f~nr~r1tn ittll~frf d#1111llltlir # #[ f i irlfi#1111!i f#I l Itl fllfi l fflllll lli!#t !N 1 11tiligig i tlll tl11 13

ing system. A review, by Robert Gessner
It might have been the comforting
H-owever, we made a little survey
of our own. And today, we announce warmth of an early twilight on the
the findings of the Rolls Own Grades first day of June stimulated the at-
Committee. mosphere of Hill auditorium into aI
* * *softer recipient of harmonious tones.
1. Students receiving grades of A Or it might have been, well-what's
are getting grades considerbaly above the difference? The fact is that Pal-
the average. After a long study, we has played great pro-
decided the reason why they received merChristianhas pae ogeatfpro-
these grades was that they were givengrams, but yesterday's was one of his
to theby thewasthtuctheyregreatest. He has the emotion, the
to them by the nstructors, technique, the grand gesture-all that 1
goes into the constitution of an art-
2. Grades in all the courses we are ist, and these qualities were in ex-
taking are much lower than in other ceptional evidence throughout the en-
courses. This finding will be verified tire concert.
within a few weeks. Palmer Christian can no longer bej
classed among the coming organists
3. Freshman history courses should of the day, for he has already arrived,
not be taken at their name value, and possesses a high position in the

Y uwill want one of

for exams. Why not get the use of it now?
It has 6 to 12 times more ink capacity, always works and will outwear
several pens of any other make.

Marion Anderson Milton Kirshbaum
Margaret Arthur Pail Kern
)ean Campbell Sally Knox
Jessie Church Richard Kurvink.
hester E. Clark G. Thomas McKean
Edward C. Cummings Kenneth Patrick
Margaret Clarke Mary Ptolemy
Blanchard W. Cleland Morris uinn
Clarence Edelson JamestSheehan
William Emery Sylvia Stone
Robert E. Finch Mary Louise Taylor
1- rinFrel Nelson Smith, Jr.
Elaine Grsber Thaddeus Wasielewski
Coleman J. Glencer Sherwood Winslow
Ste art Rooker Milford Vanik
Morton B. Icove
Telephone 21214
Contracts................William C. Pusch
Copywriting........sThomas E. Sunderland
Local Advertising ....George H. Annable, Jr.
Foreign Advertising ......Laurence Van Tuyl
Circuation...............T. Kenneth Haven
Publication ..............John H. Bobrink
Accounts ...............Francis A. Norquist

George B. Ahn
WV. H. Allman
F. ;P. Babcock
Freda Bolotin
Esther A. Booze
G. S. Bradley
J 0. Brown
uliette Cohen
Florence Cooper -
C. K. Correll
B. V. E:geland
Alice L. Fouch
Katherine L. Frohble
D. J. Fuller
H. Goldberg
L. H. Goodman
Beatrice Greenberg
M. R. Hubbard
E. L. Hulse
H. A. Jaehnr r..

Selma Jensen
James Jordan:
Maron 1Kerr
T. N. Lennington
Elizabeth Macauley
W. A. Mahaffy
R. A. Meyer
R. L. Miller
G. W. Perrett
R. W. Preston
M. L. Reading
J. E. Robertson
John W. Ruswinckel
A. K. Scherer
W. L. Schloss
Nance Solomon
Harvey Talcott
Fred Toepel
G. T. Tremble
Hi ld I&Utley
Herbert Varnum
Ray Wachter
V erle Within

scholarship and educational excel-
lence that have been built for Mich-
igan by these men is incalculable, and
the passing of any of them means an
inestimable loss to the University and
the cause of education.
In his career here Professor Scott
headed the department of English and
rhetoric for 26 years. His reputation
was not confined to, the sphere of
local accomplishment, however, and
national honors, such as the presi-
dency of the Modern Language Asso-
ciation of America were conferred
upon him. A number of text-books,
many of them standard works in their
fields, were produced in the course of
his long teaching career, and have
carried his name and the name of the
University to the far corners of the
Michigan appreciates the 43 years
of service which Professor Scott ren-
dered her. Michigan appreciates the
great life spent in her service, and
she is conscious of the glorious edu-
cational prestige which it is her re-
sponsibility to maintain.
One of the most encouraging phases
of the prodigious advances which
theoretical science has made in the
past few years is the promptness with
which it has been linked to practical
accomplishment. Scarcely is a new
device created, or a new method form-
ed, but what the industries affected
immediately set to work in a practical
application of the theory.
More and more the great industrial
organizations of the country arere-
alizing their dependence on this type
of effort, and one of the most en-
couraging of all recent developments
in the field is the newly announced
creation of a bureau of research by
the United States Steel corporation,
one of America's greatest industries.
A university professor is to be
transplanted to thenew field, receiv-
ing a salary probably ten times his
present one, and the' result will be!
large scale research for a great in-
dustry; adequately financed and call-
ing forth the best of the scientific
talent of the nation.
Equally encouraging . in the de-
velopment is the fact that it recog-
nizes the necessity of progress in
theoretical lines ' before pracitcal
achievement can result, and it offers
a handsome reward to the man work-
ing in the theoretical field. It will
allow investigation into fields not
immediately lucrative with the money
available from the productive sources,
and it promises to remunerate the
theoretical scientist on some basis
commensurate with his real value toj

Rider's Pen Shop
315 State Street

4. Friendly instructors are not al-
ways what they seem.
* * *
In addition we have made up a few
recommtndations for the conduct of
examinations. These will, we believe,
raise the standard of work consider-
First, we believe students should
be allowed to use books during exami-
nations. This will be more like con-
ditions after graduation.
Secondly, more assistants should be
present to prevent cheating, and also1
to answer questions. The ability to
ask pertinent questions is a valuablej
asset. Lawyers especially should find
this to their advantage in examining
..AS A final resort, to better condi-
tions, examinations might be abolish-
ed altogether.
The story of Atlanta, depicted so
charmingly by the freshman girls for
Lantern night, was not altogether un-
derstood by a large number of, the
spectators. And so, for the benefit of
those not up on their mythology, we
will attempt,,with the aid of the Gar-
I goyle staff, to relate the true story of
* * *
WE'D LIKE to get acquainted with
the fellow that really was responsible
-for that Hall of Fame. He'd be a
great help in this business.,
* * *
The thermometer goes down twenty
degrees and twenty more men go out
for football.
YOU will be saying, ten years from
f now, "Well, I wnt to school with....
the famous collegiate screen star.
* **
Long, long ago, when Packards
were still being made with 12 cylin-
ders, there lived a boney little lass,
named Atlanta because she has been
born on the Pacific coast by her Uncle
William up at Michigan wrote that he
wouldn't be her godfather if they nam-
ed her Pacifia. She was such a little
deer. My, how she could run.
* *. *
Her mother had never liked men
very well, and besides she "had only
married Atlanta's papa on a bet. So
she decided that little Atlanta
shouldn't be allowed to associate with

musical circles of America.
Cesar Franck's "Piece Heroique"-a
mighty piece written by one of the
mightiest of composers-opened a
well selected program. Individuality
and vitality of thematic material
I characterized this rendition, which
was presented in the true spirit of the
selection. A sensitive loftiness and I
kindliness could be evidenced in the
masterly workmanship of the compo-
sition, which was intelligently empha-
sized by the organist.
The most successful piece of the
concert was Gilson's Prelude on an
ancient Flemish melody. A medieval
atmosphere dominated the theme into
a haunting effect of remote, distant
summonings from dead traditions.
This peculiar atmosphere continued
into climaxes of ancient callings,
dusty and time honored. Kinder's "In
Springtime" afforded the organist an
opportunitr to express the light, airy
mood of the day; and it seemed that
Palmer Christian had a successful
morning of golf, or perhaps no exams
to worry about, for he caught the
spirit of Spring quite well.
Two B'ach numbers proved exceed-
ingly enjoyable. Christian is ac-
knowledged by the majority of critics
as one of the greatest living inter-
preters of Bach. For he plays that
great composer as he should be play-
ed -wi th the keen interpretation sel-
dom heard in any concert hall. The
Fantasia and Fugue in C Minor was
typically Bach, running through many
intense chromatic passages until
finally developing into a glorious and,
brilliant climax that rumbled and
rolling forth in gigantic momentum.
Joseph E. Maddy, director of the
Public School Music, presents his
pupils in the following recital at 4:15
o'clock in Hill auditorium:
Suite-............... M...Mozart
(1) Serenade
W. C. Welke, Conductor
(4) Allegro (from Symphony No.
Helen Hays, Conductor
Molto Lento............Rubenstein
(from Quartet Op. 17-No 2)
(from Serenade Op. 63)
( String Orchestra)
Concertino ..............Von Weber
Clarinet and Orchestra
Nicholas Falcone, Soloist
The Last Spring.............Grieg
Leonard Falcone, Conductor
Les Preludes ..................LisztI


ON us


Phone 9304

17 Ann Arbor Savings Bank Bldg.


Night Editor-K. G. PATRICK
It would seem that the report of
the literary faculty committee on the

The cold and backward weather
has left us with quite a large stock
of Panama, Leghorn and Straw Hats
still on hand, which m-ust be disposed
of at once and which we are offering
it greatly reduced prices.
Genuine Ecuador Panamas
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Swiss Straws
We also clean,rbleachaand reblock
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X17 Packard St. Phone 74151

Beautiful large lots on Devonshire, one block from
Washtenaw. Carefully restricted. 90 feet front and 245
feet deep. $5,000 on contract.

For May and June Brides
Printed or engraved wedding invitations, an-
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It is essential they be correct in every detail
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All our work is of the highest quality and
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years of experience.
Calling Cards Either Printed or Engraved
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112 South Main Street Phone 4515
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _'

marks and examinations system ha
accomplished very little when the im
mense amount of deail involved in th
survey is considered. The recommen
dationg made by the committee wer
principally (1) that a provision b
made in the budget to supply ma
terials and proctoring for the conduc
of examinations and that this be rais
ed from tuition if necessary; (2) tha
a uniform system of iarking be use
by all departments, and that if neces
sary the amount of work in certai.
departments be changed to suit thi,
need; and (3) that the use of the clasE
average and the normal curve be dis
continued in determining marks. Th
survey contained in addition perti
nent notice of the number of high
grades given in some courses as com
pared with others.
The number of department exami
nations, the only ones in which there
is a real need for proctoring, should
not be so great as to warrant an ad-
ditional fee. A certain amount o
watching has always been afforded
so far, and a certain amount of cheat-
ing has gone on. To definitely tax an
incoming student in order that he may
be watched over when he is taking
his examinations is not only unhar-
monious but out of order.
In regard to a uniform system of
marking, if any more could be done
to insure fairness in the credit given
in various courses, certainly that
action, would be welcome to both
faculty and students. Outside of a
general understanding as to the de-
gree of proficiency which is signified
by a C, for instance, it does not seem
that grades can be dictated more
severely without a destructive mech-
anism resulting. Such a process
would tend to remove whatever of the
personal element there is now to be
had in the courses.
The third suggestion of the. com-


1007 Monroe St.
Phone 6293


boys. That was why they took her to Mr. Maddy has gained some nation-
EGYPTIAN TROUBLES Ypsilanti. al promience after his organization of'
Conflict between England and the * * , the National High School Orchestra,
Egyptian government has again One day Atlanta was taking her aft- and in his field is probably the best
- arisen after several years comparative ernoon run around the normal school f known in the States. He has ac-
peace over the influence of officials in when she saw a real, live boy, in a'tin cepted the rather terrifying proposi-
the Egyptian army. An attempt by the machine that looked a little like her tion of molding. the taste of young
- Cairo authorities to rid their military father's automobile. The boy asked America in all seriousness-judging
f forces of this influence has been the her to go riding with him. But At- from the above program-and evident-
main cause of the present critical sit- lanta refused. Her mother had told ly plans to do it well. 'At any rate all
uation. Thus far, the British response her all about these men, so she de- the musical periodicals ran his cut
has been limited to a moderate note cided she couldn't learn anything. along with Earl Moore, Charley Sink
to the Egyptian prime minister and * * and Theodore Harrison under their
dispatch of three warships to Egypt- Pretty soon she passed antoher boy, scare-heads to the May Festival re-
ian ports. in the cutest little roadster she had views. Maybe because they had it in
The fundamental cause of the sit- ever seen. He wanted her to go rid- their morgue, and maybe because he
uation lies in the opposition of the ing;, too, but she turned him down. deserved it-he directed the Chil-
Egyptian nationalist sentiment and He looked like a fellow from Detroit, dren's Chorus Friday afternoon when
the British desire to retain sufficient which was too much of a handicap. Barre Hill sang, you know.
influence in Egypt to protect the val- Besides the afternoon was young yet, * *
uable imperial rights, principally and she might get a better offer. One of the biggest fall musical
served to herself in 1922, when rec- Then, all of a sudden, she saw just duction due at the Forty-fourth Street'
ognizing Egypt as an independent I what she had been waiting for. He Theater along about October 10 with
sovereign state. was in a, brand new coupe, all golden Mary Eaton whose unfortunate ven-
If these opposing forces can be kept yellow and shiny, and on the back ture in "Lucky" recently closed and
from becoming too closely involved, a was painted a big blue M. Believe me, Oscar Shaw who is still with Gertrude
satisfactory and speedy settlement is HE didn't ask her a second time. Lawrence,' Victor Moore and Harland
probable . The British government, o a * Dixon in "Oh, Kay!". Louis John
in its communication to the Egyptian In fact, he didn't ask her at all. He ! Bartels who did something in Kelley's,
minister, has taken a step in this di- just drove right on past. But that "The Show-Off" and Pert Kelton
rection. by requesting proposals byvidn°v' ~rnAhn~i ic i~an4,ilrIDWo ~1ll" r l ~c, r,

With opportunity of getting
sound business and sales expe-
rience, is available with reliable
national manufacturing concern.
Liberal compensation. Write the
Fuller Brush Co., 411 Wood-
brook Bldg., 5050 Joy Road, De-
troit, or phone students Frank
Kuensel, 6636, or Max Shadley,

The Ann Arbor Press

Maynard St.


Phone 3456




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