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May 24, 1927 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-05-24

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TUESDAY, MAY 24, 192 7

.. -

-- - . -' . + v+. hTUEsAY.. . MAY 24 k. 1927


Flood Experts To Meet At Washington,
To Advise Congress On River Control

Total Of 24 Public Lectures Will Be
Gien yy Uiversity Professors
And European Visitors
Varied and interesting features
ranging from talks by authorities in
various fields to excursions to various
points of interest in the surroundng
country, and six weeks of stock pro-
ductions by the Rockford Players, late
of the University of Michigan and now
of Rockford, Illinois, have been ar-
ranged by the faculty of the summer
session under the direction of Dean
Edward H. Kraus. The numbers are in
general open to the public as well as
to University students, the trips to the
observatory being the only exceptions.
These are limited to members of the
University student body only.
A total of 21 public lectures by mem-
hers of the faculty of the University
and by three visiting professors from
Europe are announced in the program.
The subjects which will be treated
deal with political questions, with
Journeys in various parts of the world,
and with problems of art and of liv-
ing. They have all of them been chosen
tor their wide appeal and for the re-
lation which they have to the compre-
hensive work of the summer session.
The whole program has been arranged
so that there is something for the en-
tertainment of those attending sum-
mer school, every afternoon and eve-
ning from Friday through Thursday
night. The time from Friday noon
until Monday afternoon has been left
vacant for arrangements.
Players To Be Here
The Rockford Players, under the
joint auspices of the Summer session
and the Alumnae Council will present
six weeks of stock productions with a
reportoire extending from Michael Ar-
len to William Shakespeare. Other
names appearing on the reportoire are
Frederick Lonsdale with his "Aren't
We All?" George Bernard Shaw with
"Fanny's First Play", Noel Coward
with "Hay Fever", and S'am Benelli
with "The J'est". The cast will be
practically the same as that which
featured the series of plays but re-
cently completed. Among the actors
are Robert Henderson, and Amy Loo-
mis, who achieved fame on the cam-
pus for their work in dramatics, Rey-
nolds Evans, late of the company of
Walter Hampden, and Elsie Herndon
Kearns and Charles Brokaw, favorites
in stock in the middle west. The plays
will be presented every Monday, Tues-
day, Thursday and Saturday evening
from June 27 to August 6, with spe-
cial Friday performances. Since those
in charge of the plans have decided
that Sarah Caswe) Angell hall is the
coolest auditorium on the campus the
performances will be presented there.
The proceeds, outside of bare expen-
ses, are to be donated to the Women's
League Building Fund.
E icursons Planned
The excursions will consist of trips
to important buildings and factories
in Detroit, one tour of the .campus
and the country surrounding Ann Ar-
bor, and a trip to Niagara Falls un-
der the personal direction of Prof.
Kirtley F. Mather. The factories which
will be visited in Detroit, are the Ford
Highland Park Plant and Dearborn
plants, the Det'roit News including
broadcasting through station WWJ.
and the Burroughs Adding Machine
company. In addition to these there
will be a trip to Jackson and the Mich-
igan State Prison, and another tour
under the direction of Prof. Mather to
Put-In-Bay, Lake Erie.
The list of speakers for the lectures
includes many of the authorities of the
University. Prof. James B. Pollock,
professor of botany and acting chair-
man of the botany department, will
open the series with a talk on "A
Scientific Expedition to Some Coral
Islands In The Pacific Ocean." This
lecture will be illustrated Dealing
with the problem of sociology Prof.

Arthur E. Wood of the department of l
sociology will deliver a lecture on
"Salvaging the Family."
Prof. A. Franklin Shull, professor
of zoology, chairman of the depart-

ment of zoology and director of the
Zoological laboratory, will talk on the
subject "Evolution and Adaptation."
This lecture will be illustrated. Prof.
Kirtley F. 'Mather, professor of physi-
ography at Iarvard university, who
will conduct the tour to Niagara Falls,
will deliver a lecture on the "Geology
of Niagara Falls and Vicinity" a few
days before the tour.
Prof. Kenneth C. McMurry, recently
appointed director of the Michigan
State Economic Survey, will deliver a
lecture on "Idle Lands in Michigan,"
with illustrations. Speaking on the
subject "Permanency and Popularity
in Literature." Prof. Thomas E. Ran-
kin, of the rhetoric department will
discuss some research problems which
have to (o with an analysis of litera-
ture, both contemporary and elassic.
Pros. Hugo R. Kruyt, of the Univer-
sity of Utrecht, authority on colloid
chemistry, will deliver a lecture on
"The Application of Physical Chemis-
try to Industry." The lecture will be
illustrated. The Floating University,
its merits, successes and future plans
will be described by two lectures by
members of the faculty of the Univer-
I sity who were members of the faculty
on the cruise. Prof. W. Carl Rufus, of
the department of astronomy will de-
liver the first of these lectures and the
second will be given by Mr. Lionel
G. Crocker of the department of pub-
lic speaking. Both of these lectures
will be illustrated with views from all
of the lands touched by the cruise.
Thlieme to Lecture
"Jean Francoise Millet: The Man,
His Art and His Message" will be the
subject of a lecture by Prof. Hugo P.
T'hieme of the French department. The
lecture is to be illustrated. Prof. Ed-
ward A. Milne, of the University of
Manchester, England, will deliver an
illustrated address on "Star-Ranging."
Dean Edward H. Kraus, of the sum-
mer session, will deliver a lecture on
the subject 'The Gem-Cutters of Idar-
on-the-Nahe" which will be illustrat-
ed. Prof. Jesse S. Reeves of the polit-
ical science department who is at pres-
ent on a diplomatic .mission in South
America as a personal representative
of the President of the United States,
will deliver a lecture entitled, "Some
Impressions of South America." An-
other lecture having to do with as-
tronomy will be that given by Dr. F.
C. Leonard of the University of Cali-
fornia, who will give an illustrated
lecture on "Modern Studies of Nebular
Formations in the Sky."
Guille Will TPalk
Dr. Carl E. Guthe, associate direc-
tor of the museum of anthropology
will give an illustrated lecture dealing
with the University of Michigan Ex-
pedition to the Philippine Islands. Dr.
James K. Pollock, of the political
science department, will deliver a lec-
ture having to do with political ques-
tions and matters of political prac-
tice, entitled, "What Price Politics?"
Proft. John Shepard, of the depart-
ment of psychology will deliver a lec-
ture on the subject, "How Animals
and People Learn." For the special
benefit of those who are taking courses
in library science, Prof. Francis L. D.
Goodrich, associate librarian, will des-
cribe "The Westward Expansion of
Libraries." The program, as announc-
ed to date, ends with the lecture of
Mr. Robert B. Hall of the geography
department, on "The Virgin Islands."
WISCONSIN - The junior prom
showed a profit of over $6,000.
The Night Club Classic
Eves. 50c-$2.50
sat. Mat. 5Oc-$2010
Bonstelle Playhouse

Woodward at Eliot
The Biggest Mjstery Hit in
Five Years

MADEHEADOFDebateClass HearsI
Executives For Si
}1T In connection with the work in
salesmanship which they are studying,
Carlton Wells Of Rhetoric Depart. members of Ralph Harlan's debate
meitTransferred From Cunard class are now hearing talks by sales
Boat To S. S. R3tda Iexecutives of large business cone rns.
Two of the talks were given last Fri-
WILL ANNOUNCE FACULTY ;day, anml four or five more are sche-
duled .for the remaining two weeks of
Dr. John Carlton Jones, president school.
Iemeritus of the University of Missouri John J. Sullivan, general superin-
has been made president of the uni- a (eidint of the Internsational Hr-s
versity world cruise on board the S., a division of the International Har..1
Ryndam for 1927-28, according to an vester company, gave one of the talks
announcement made Ily Lionel Crock-. last Friday, on "The Future of the'
er, of the public speaking department College Man in Industry." In the
at a luncheon held vesterday at the course of his talk he pointed out that


Lectures By Sales
tudy Of Salesmanship

one in that it pointed out that about
ninety percent of the accidents in fac-
tories were caused by men who failed
to think
Patronize Daily Advertisers

Union for men students interested in
the cruise. Mr. Crocker, who made the
trip last year and whfo is now the
Imiddle west representative of the Uni-
versity Travel Association, Ine. pro-
ject, declared that the names of the re-
- mainder of the faculty would be an-,
Inounced soon. Carlton Wells, of the
MAJOR GEERAL I rhetoric department has changed from
4o64WA WAV f the cruise on board the Cunard liner,
CHIEF OFENEtiRS, iS. S. Aurania, on which he contem-
{J sv. ARMY / plated sailing next year, to the S. S.
Ryndam, of the Holland American
line. This trip, which is being reserv-
CbL WS. MR'yed for men students only, is backed by
.CHIEF FoREsrR Phelps Brothers New York shipbuild-
ers, while the Holland 'Anerican line
is acting as agent.
the opposite group who believe that Ben Washer, '29, Glenn Roberts, '2$,
the floods can be prevented only by ar- and Gus Wanger, '28 who were on the]
tificial means. university voyage last year have
Among the other specialists who returned to Ann Arbor to make "ar-
will be called are the followers of rangements to receive credit for the
John Hays Hammond who believe in courses taken aboard ship. Washer at-
the construction of reservoirs at stra- tended the luncheon yesterday andl
tegic points to regulate the flow and joined in the discussion of next year's
utilize it for irrigation and power trip.

the greatest trouble with industry to-
day is the fact that it 1ltka men who
con think. "The largest contribution
which colleges can make to Andustry,
is men who are trained in the theoret-
ical side of college to apply to the
practical side of Industry," he stated
C. C. Brady, superintendent of safe-
ty of the International Harvester
works, followed Mr. Sullivan with a
talk on "Selling Safety to Workmen"'.1
The talk came as a sequel to the other

flu, j dITS
Highest Prices Paid for


(By Central Press)
(special Correspondent)..
River control and flood prevention
are to be taken up in Washington,
and two essential principles, not hith-
erto generally recognized, will occupy
the attention of the men who are in
closest touch with the problem. The
first is that conditions prevail today
which threaten worse floods than be-
fore and the damage is bound to be
greater. The second is that it is begin-
ning to be seen that no single system
of safeguards con prove completely ef-
While no definite plan has yet taken
shape} President Coolidge has called a
conference of experts in a number of
different lines to discuss the matter
before the next meeting of Congress.
Colonel Greeley is among those who
believe that the floods are caused by
the deforestation at headwaters of theC
rivers. Major General Jadwin is of


Finest resident lots' in Devonshire Heights and
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With opportunity of getting
sound business and sales expe-
rience, is available with reliable
national manufacturing concern.
Liberal compensation. Write the
Fuller Brush Co., 411 Wood-
brook Bldg., 5050 Joy Road, De-
troit, or phone students Frank
Kuensel, 6636, or Max Shadley,




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