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May 24, 1927 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-05-24

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Current Threatens Levees At McCrea
Where 2,000 Engage In Fight
To Save Property



(By Associated Press)
NEW ORLEANS, May 23.-A wall
of flood water almost 20 miles wide
tonight was beginning to reach the
upper extremities of Grand lake in
its movement to the Gulf of Mexico.
Grand lake is situated at the mouth
of the Atchafalaya river splitting
Iberia parish and with but a narrow
neck of land separating it from the
Gulf of Mexico.
Behind it stretches the lake of 200
miles from the south central parishes
along the gulf to the upper tier along
the Arkansas line. Its width varies
from 15 to 50 miles as it poured fun-
nel like from the Tensas basin in
northeastern Louisiana, where it cov-
ered 'an area two parishes wide,
through the crevasses along the
Bayou Des Glaises, in the western
Atchafalaya river basin according to
a width of one parish.
Bureau Reports Rise
The New Orleans weather bureau
estimated today that the flood surface
along the line between it and Mel-
ville was about 42 feet above mean
gulf level and that the water still was
rising although at a diminished rate.
The flood waters are approximately
100 miles west of New'Orleans on the
west side of the Atchafalaya river and
the Bayou Des, Glaises breaks, through
which they are rushing, are about 150
miles west of New Orleans and on the
opposite side of the Mississippi river.
Immediately behind the advancing
waters scores of residents of the low-
er Atchafalaya were being rescued by
tiny boats which plow through the
currents to take them from house-
tops to which they had fled. Scores of
persons, unable to remain in their
homes, were living on levees where
they had found safety after the first
rush of the waters.
Along the upper extremity of the
lake, planters were reassembling their
tenants who had been forced'to flee
several weeks ago when breaks oc-
curred in levees along the west bank
of the Mississippi at Glasscock and
Mulliken Bend.
Immediately before the flood, fleets
of trucks were speeding over roads
soon to be submerged, removing fam-
ilies. Cowboys on cattle ponies from
western Louisiana and Texas ranches,
sped here and there rounding up cat-
tle and taking them to safety on high
Camp Population Grows
The population of refugee concen-
trating camps was growing. More
than a thousand had reached the
camps at Lafayette during the day
and it was estimated that at the pres-
ent rate of growth, the camp would
have 20,000 persons'by the end of the
Rains which swept the flood district
the last several days have ceased.
Camps quickly were drained of water
and men and women who had been
forced to flee from the camps to their
homes only to seek a second refuge
from the .rains were returning.
The levees at McCrea on the east
bank of the Atchafalaya, about 120
miles northwest of New Orleans on
the west side of the Mississippi river,
still were holding-tonight but more
than 2,000 men were engaged in the
battle against the sweeping current.
Student tickets allotments for the
football games to be played nex
fall at the new Michigan stadium
were decided at the Board in Contro
of Athletics meeting Saturday.
The dedication game with Ohio
Oct. 23. will have a limitation of two
tickets, while applications for three
seats will be honored for the Navy
game, and four for Minnesota.
For the practice game with Ohi
Wesleyan, which opens the season
tickets will be unlimited, and unre
served. The seats for the Michiga
State cglege game will also be un
limited, but will be reserved.

"Charles Evans Hughes, former as-
sociate justice of the Supreme Court
and Secretary of State, in a state-
nant issued Saturday in which he re-
gards himself too old to 'run for
president again, even if the Repub-
lican nomination were tendered to
him, hs indeed made a statement
worth consideration," Paul 1M. Cun-
cannon, of the political science de-
partment, averred in an interview
Mr. Hughes' statement, which said
that he was for President Coolidge
"first, last, and all the time" since
he himself was too old, was issued
after various newspapers had print-
ed reports that at a n:_reeting of
financial interests in New York, steps
were taken to urge his candidacy if
Differences In House Of Commons
And Cabinet Spread Rumors
Of Diplomatic Break
(By Associated Press)
LONDON, May 23-The House of
Commons tonight was buzzing with
speculation on the outcome of today's
Cabinet council, as it is known that
considerable difference of opinion ex-
ists among the ministers on the pol-
icy toward Russia, and it is also gen-
erally admitted that Sir Austen Cham-
berlain, the foreign secretary, has
hardene his attitude on the subject.
Although it is possible that only the
trade agreement will be denounced,
the best informed opinion tonight in-
clines to the belief that the statement
by Sir William Joynston-Hicks, in be-
half of the government, in the Com-
mons tomorrow, will herald the com-
plete rupture of diplomatic as well as
trade relations.
It is believed that after the home
secretary has made his statement re-
telling the results of thes recent raid
on: Arcos, Ltd., the Russian trade or-
ganization, Premier Baldwin will make
a brief statement on the general po-
sition of relations with Russia. It is
expected that the ministers will meet
again this -morning for further dis-
cussion, before appearing in Parlia-
ment with their final decision.
But it is stated with an air of au-
thority that the reply to Moscow's
protest note will be couched in such
terms that the. Soviet government vir-
tually will be compelled to recall its
diplomatic mission from London.
The Westminster Gazette under-
stands that the Cabinet has decided
not only to denounce the Russian
trade agreement, but also sever all
diplomatic relations with the Soviet,
and that the text of Sir Austen Cham-
berlain's reply to Moscow's protest
against the raid will make this clear.
r The paper adds that the statement
in the Commons tomorrow would be
made by Premier Baldwin himself, and
not as previously arranged, by Sir
William Joynston-Hicks.
The Gazette also hears that the for-
eign offee regrets that is has been
necessary to break relations and that
even Lord Birkenhead, who is strong-
ly anti-Russian. was not a warm sup-
porter of the rupture; he, as secre-
tary for India, having apprehension
respecting the special position of In-
(By Associated Press)

S PITTSiWRGII, Kansas, May 23
- A ornado was reported to have
struck Fuilton, Kansas, twelve
miles north of Fort Scott, early
t tonight. Details were lacking as
I all wires were down.
The tornado missed Fort Scott
and was reported travelling from
the northwest towards 'RichiRill,
lany trees were blown down in
Fort Scott and wire service was
,° CHICAGO, May 23--A heavy wind-

President Coolidge should not runJ
"Such a statement is very curious,"
Mr. Cuncannon said, "and we may
regard it in several different lights.
Mr. Hughes has said that he is too
old for the presidency and would not
accept the nomination if it were
tendered to him, still no one has
ever turned down the nomination and
it is unlikely that Mr. Hughes would
do such) a thing. Mr. Hughes at 65'
is in as good physical condition as
the average man of 55, and even at]
that age is younger than Frank 0.
Lowden, former governor of Illinois, I
and the expected opponent of Presi-|
dent Coolidge in the 1928 Republican
"On the other hand, Mr. Hughes'
statemrent may be a valuable asset
to Coolidge's chances in the election
and as it now is, Hughes has the1
support of financial interests of New
"In considering the possibilities of
the various candidates in the elec-
tion," Mr. Cuncannon concluded, "I
expect Coolidge to be renominated
over Mr. Lowden and to be elected
over Governor Al Smith, the logical
candidate of the Democratic party."
Robert S. Miller, '28, Is New Presi-
dent; Other Officers To Be In-
stalled At Meeting At Union
Members of the Oratorical associa-
tion will hold their annual banquet
tonight in the Michigan Union. All
of those who have won awards in
forensic activities during the past
year will receive them at this time,
and the new officers, chosen in the
recent spring elections, will be in-
stalled in their offices.
Prof. Gail E. Densmore of the pub-
lic speaking department will give
the main address of the evening. Med-
als for all members of the varsity
debate teams and awards for those
who have won places in forensic con-
tests will be presented to their own-
ers by Professor R. D. T. Holliter
of the public speaking department.
Immediately after the program,
Robert S. Miller, 28, will be installed
as the new president of the Oratorical
association to succeed Jerome Mike-
esell, '27L, who has held the post this
year. Other officers will also be in-
stalled at this time, including Lyle
E. Eiserman, '28, vice-president;
Laura Soule, '28, secretary; and Paul
J. Kern, '29, treasurer.
The banquet will be complimentary
to all those who have distinguished
themselves in work in public speaking
during the year.
(By Associated Press)
CHICAGO, May 23. - Knocking
-eideman, Purple twirler, off the
mound in the first inning, Iowa's
baseball team held up a five-run ad-
vantage and defeated Northwesterr
s to 4 at Evanston today. North
western used three pitchers anc
staged a late rally that netted foni
- R H E
Iowa............02 000 100-8 12 3
Northwestern, ..000 000 013-4 5 3
Twogood and Tohmpson; Heide-
nr.an, Tenosh and Vandenburg, Fos-

Lawrence Van Tayl, '28E, Will Manage
Business End Of Paper Published r
During Vacation Period
Frederic W. Ziv, '28L, was appoint-
ed new managing editor of The Mich-c
igan Gargoyle at the meeting of the
Board in Control of S'tudent Publica-t
tions yesterday. Lawrence Van Tuyl,
'28E, was made business manager of1
The Summer Michigan Daily.t
Phillip C. Brooks, '28, managing ed-
itor of the Summer Daily also an-t
nounced several appointments to the
staff of the paper. They are as fol-
lows: editorial director, Paul J. Kern,
'29; city editor, Joseph E. Brunswick,1
'28; music and drama editor, Marian
L. Welles, '28; night editors, Carlton
G. Champe, '28, Robert E. Finch, '29;
and G. Thomas McKean, '29. John E.
Davis, '27, Orville L. Dowzer, '29,
Thomas E. Sunderland, '28, and
Charles Kaufman, '30 were named as
members of the staff. Further appoint-
ments will be made later, Brooks an-
The Summer Daily will begin pub-
lication with two extra editions at
Commencement time, one on Friday,
June 17 to cover Class day exercises,
and the second on Monday, June 20 to
give complete reports of the Baccalau-
I reate and Commencement ceremonies,
Brooks announced.
Regular daily publication will start
with the issue of Tuesday June 28, and
will continue until the end of the
Summer session. Various special fea-
tures of interest to the visiting grad-
! uate students will be run in addition
to regular news. Arrangements will be
made so that subscriptions may be
purchased before the end of this se-
mester at the Daily offices in the
Press building although as yet the
subscription price has not been fixed.
All those who have been appoint-
ed to the staff of the paper have had
considerable 'experience on the reg-
ular Daily, several of them having up-.
per staff positions for next year.
Every effort will be made, according


(By Associated Press)1
PARIS, May 23-Captain Charles
A. Lindbergh, making his first flight
in oratory on this'side of the Atlantic, 1
today modestly ignored his own tri-
umph to express profound regret for
the loss of Captains Nungesser and<
Coli "who undertook something far
greater than the flight from New York
to Paris."1
His little speech, just three sen-
tences, was made when the Aero club
gave him its great gold medal and an-1
nounced that Madam Deutsch Meurthe
widow of the former president of the
club, had sent a check for about 150,-
000 francs (about $6000) to the club,
with. instruction that a cup be present-1
ed to hini. Mile. de la Muerthe alsoI
sent a check of 100.000 francs each for
Captain Nungesser's mother and Cap-
tain Coli's family.
Showered with fresh honors as
Prance in all her history never con-
tinuously has bestowed on another
private citizen, Canta in Lindbergh re-
tired at the American embassy 'to-
night as unspoiled as he was when he
arrived from America in his mono-
plane 48 hours before.
ST. LOUIS, May 23--A parade over
a long route and railroad excursions
Conference To Offer Members Chance
To Meet And Consult Leaders
In Management Field
Meeting in an invitation conference
to be held here Thursday May 26, per-
sonnel officers and executives of com-
panies in the state of Michigan ill
confer in a discussion of problems of
common interest. The conference will
be held at the Union under the aus-
pices of the School of Business Ad-
Members of the School of Business
Administration of theUniversity who
are interested to become personally
acquainted with leaders of the field of
management in the state and to con-
sult at this time with men who are
constantly face to face with matters
of administration which bring up the
actual problems discussed by the in-

> increase the welcoming throng
rere planned today as major features
f St. Louis's reception to Captain
'harles A. Lindbergh, trans-Atlantic
ier, upon his return here in June or
A mammoth barbecue at Lambert
t. Louis flying field and a more for- F
al indoor dinner at a hotel or club
ere other details of the reception
[ans which were discussed by Mayor
'ictor Miller with Harris H. Knight R
nd Harold M. Bixby, two of Lind-
ergh's most active backers. J
WASHINGTON, May 23-Charles A.
,indbergh was credited today with
overing 3610 miles or 5809.7 kilome-
rs on his New York to Paris flight
y Geological survey. n
- F
earching Of Portuguese Boats Fall L
To Reveal Any Traces Of Flyer m
On Last Leg Of Flight I
(By Associated Press) t
LONDON, May 23.-The steam-
ship Oilfield reports having sight- t
ed a schooner towing an airplanet
tonight southwest of the Azores. t
(There is a possibility that this a
may be Commander De Pinedo'
plane, missing since the takeoff t
early today from Trepassy, N. F.) t
Details of the airplane could a
not be obtained. The time of w
starting was 11:30 p. m., (Green- t
wich mean time) May 23. The p9-
sition was latitude 41.06, longi-L
tmde 33.39.
The position indicated, which is t
considerably southwest of the g
Azores means that if this is DeC
Pinedo's plane, tie Italian flier G
was far out of his course. Y
A government radio receivedP
from the Aquitanaa says:N
"The steamship Oilflield, latituden
41.06, longitude, 33.39, on May 23,'
sighted a three masted schoonerk
towing an airplane, steering east.
Hailed schooner, but owing toa
darkness; couldn't get any detailsh
from her. She continued onP
course; did not answer Morse lamp
signals. Plane believed to haveF
twin engines, single wing, ap-
peared to have tri-color on rud-
TREPASSY, Newfoundland, May 23
-Cheered on by a small group of shiv-3
ering townspeople and newspapermen,c
Commander Francisco de Pinedo, Ital-
ian four continent flyer, bade farewell
to the western hemisphere and hoppedI
off for the Azores and home.
He was favored with a light west
wind as he circled above the harbor I
until he reached a height of 1,000 feet,I
and then headed southeast losing him-
self in the morning mists in a short
time. I
Refreshed by a long rest, and re-|
conciled to two previous delays which I
served to put him behind his sche-
dule, de Pinedo was confident of reach-F
ing his destination only two days late,
May 26 instead of May 24.
Thus far he has survived the trip
across the broad south Atlantic, over
the impenetrable jungles of South
America, and over the vast stretches
of the Carribean into Arizona. The
most perilous part of the entire flight
is ahead of him, the fogs of the Grand

(B, Assoated Press)
WASHINGTON, May 23.-A report
on his mission to effect peace in
wartorn Nicaragua was given to
President Coolidge by Henry L. Stim-
son, his executive personal envoy, to-
Verbally he pointed out to the Pres-
ident the terms of truce between the
Liberal and Conservative armies and
their agretment to accept American
supervision of 1928 election when a
successor to Diaz will be named. Mr.
Stimson nmight make a written report
to President Coolidge later.
After conferring with Secretary
Kellogg and Assitant Secretaryf
Olds, of the state department, Mr.
Stinson made a statement in which
he described the offer of the United{
States to supervise the elections as

uniors Will Receive Lighted Lan
terns From Setniors As They Hand
Hoops) To Sophniores
Lanterns, vari-colored hoops, pic-
ic groups, and dances will be fea-
ured tonight in the traditional ob-
ervance of Lantern night 'by the
'omen of the University at Palmer
ield. The program will begin at 5:30
'clock with a picnic supper, and at
his time moving pictures will be
aiken by the Reo-gram company of
ansing. At 6:30 o'clock, the fresh-
en will present the pageant portray-
ng the Greek games and the myth of
tlanta's race with her suitors. The
lance drama, which will make its in-
Atal appearance as a part of the Lan-
ern night festivities, will follow im-
ediately upon the performance by
he first year women.
With the seniors passing their light-
d lanterns on to the juniors who in
urn hand their gayly colored hoops '
a the sophomores, the procession,
hat part of Lantern night in which
ll women are urged to take part
vhich is symbolic of the progress of
he classes, will form the block M and
he seniors will sing their class song,
accompanied by the Varsity band
which will also furnish music during
he interludes of the prpgram.
Patrons Named
Patrons and patronesses of the
Lantern night festivity will be Vnter-
aamed at picnic suppers by sorority
;roups, as follows President Clarence
ook Little and Mrs. Little, Delta
Gamma; Dean John R. Efflinger and
Mrs. Effinger, Alpha Chi Omega; Dean
Hugh Cabot and Mrs. Cabot, Pi Beta
Phi; Dean Wilber R. Humphreys,
Kappa Kappa Gamma; Dean Henry
M. Bates and Mrs. Bates, Alpha Gan-
ma Delta; Dean Edward H. Kraus
and Mrs. Kraus, Alpha Xi Delta; Dr.
Margaret Bell;, Dr. John' Sundwall
and Mrs. Sundwall, Delta Zeta; Miss
Alice Lloyd, Sorosis; Miss Grace
Richards,) Alpha Epilon Phi; Miss
Beatrice Johnson, Delta Delta Delta;
Mr. and Mrs. Shirley Smith, Theta
Phi Alpha; Mr. and Mrs. Ira Smith,
Phi Sigma Sigma; Prof. Louise P.
Van Sickle, Kappa Delta; Prof. Ethel
McCormick, Alpha Omicron Pi; Prof.
Fielding H. Yost and Mrs. Yost, Kappa
Alpha Theta; Prof. Arthur Boak and
Mrs. Boak, Gamma Phi Beta; Mrs.
Stewart Hanley, Phi Gamma Mu.
Frieshmen Choose Faculty Members
The freshmen have named as the
patrons and patronesses of the
pageant, the following: Prof. Wil-
liam A. Frayer and Mrs. Frayer,
Prof. Carl D. La Rue and Mrs. La
Rue, Prof. Thomas E. Rankin, add
Mrs. Rankin, Prof. Emil Lorch and
Mrs. Lorch, Prof. Arthur Boak and
Mrs. Boak, Miss Grace Richards, Prof.
William O. Sneaton and Mrs. Sneat-
on, Prof. Hugo P. Thieme and Mrs.
Thieme, Prof. Preston W. Slosson and
Mrs. Slosson, Prof. Preston E. James
and Mrs. James, Miss Janet Cum-
wings, Miss Ellen Stevenson Mr. amd
Mrs. Philip E. Bursley, M. and Mrs.
Lawrence Conrad, Mr. and Mrs. Waldo
M. Abbott, Mr. Jean P. Slusser, and
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Diack.

Dr. John B. Andrews will speak on
"The Approach Through Labor Legis-
lation" at the final lecture.in the
SchoolofsReligion'sdseminar in the
moral issues of modern life at 4:15
o'clock tomorrow in Natural Science
Dr. Andrews is the secretary of the
American Association for Labor Legis-
lation. He was the founder and the
editor of the American Labor Legis-
lation Iteview, a quarterly, and is a
member of the executive committee
for labor legislation. In 1921 he was
a member of the President's unem-
ployment conference.
Dr. Andrews also served as techni-
cal advisor of the United States gov-
ernment in London and as assistant
secretary Mn Washington to the first
official International Labor confer-
ence held under the League of Nations
in 1919. He is a writer and lecturer
on social legislation and is the au-

to officials, to make the four page pa- structors as far as theory is concern-
per a complete and efficient news ed will meet at this time. The confer-
source. once is open only by invitation, as-
As yet no appointments have been suring a small conference which will.
made to the business staff of the enable all visitors to become acquaint-
Summer Daily since the business man- ed and discuss intimately the ques-
ager was only appointed yesterday. tionshraised.
_________________The program for the conference in-
JUMP WILL TAKE cludes addresses by prominent execu-
JPOST ION tives in the state as well as by Pres-
I BOSTON POSITi Nident Clarence Cook Little, Dean Day
of the School of Business Adminis-
Rev. Herbert A. Jump, pastor of the tration, and Prof. O. W. Blackett of
Arbor Congregational church for a I the same school. The conference will
number of years, and well known on he concluded Thursday night by a din-
the campus, recently accepted fTe pas- ner at the Union when Mr. Hrlow S.
torate at Union Congregational church Person, managing director of the Tay-
of Boston Reverend Junnresigned ifor society of New York City, will ad-
his post here several weeks ago, and dress the grou.
will take up his new duties as pastor
of the Boston congregation September 'ENSIAN RECEIPTS
Union Congregational church is one VALID THIS WEEK
of the six churches of that denomina-
tion in Boston at the present time, 'Ensian distribution will be con-
and has a congregation of over 1,000. tinued from the 'Ensian office in the
It has a large Sunday school, with an Press building, according to members
average attendance of 700. of the business staff. The yearbooks
The maintenance of a staff of re- will be distributed until May 29, after
'ligious education experts who are af- i which time the holders of the coupons
filiated with the church in the way of i forfeit all rights tq books, in accord-
carrying on extensive work among the: ance with the contract printed on the
student associations, is one of the fea- stub.
tures of the work of the Boston pay- The office wl be open for the dis-
ish, hich Reveren* Jump will direct tribution of 'Ensians from 1 until 5
The church also has several parish o'clock each afternoon until Friday
visitors. and from 9 to 5 o'clock on Saturday.


Prof. Felix W. Palowski, head of the tically the same significance to avia- 1
aeronautics department of the en- tion that the first successful crossing
gineering school, in commenting on of the English channel in the air by
sBleriot had. That flight was conclud-
the recent trans-Atlantic flight, said Ied a foolish undertaking. Indeed, a
"TIre wonderful flight that Captain Imember of the French chamber made
Lindbergh recently made to Paris a move to stop it; it was termed a
without a stop or relief pilot is not' 'public suicide'. But that was 16 or 17
nearly as great an aeronautic achieve- years ago. Now many planes, carrying
ment as it is an athletic achievement. dozens of passengers make the trip
The greatest obstacle which he had to each week. Very likely there will be
deal with was the monotony. The end-1 a regular passenger service across the
less hum of his motor, the everlast- Atlantic in the not distant future," he
inmg sameness of the landscape, the said.
easy motion of his plane, all tended to Acosta and Chamberlin in their re-
help a natural physical exhaustion cent endurance-record flight, flew a
overcome his heroic fight to stay distance equal to the distance between
awake If he slent for any length of I New York and Petrograd, Russia.

treme difficulties j in the successful'
navigation of that trackless waste. It
is there that the credit is due, not
for the mere fact of flying across the
polo. That is far less important.
There will robpably be a number of
trans-Atlantic flights in the near fu-
ture. Chamberlin's plane should make
the attempt before long. Sikorsky is
working day and night to finish a new
plane for Rene Fonck. Byrd and his
associates will be on ther way short-I
ly. The nautical point of view in this
trans-Atlantic flying is nothing re-'
markable. There are a number of
planes that could fly across success-
fully. It is turning the trick single-
handed as Lindbergh did that is the

- Z storm which blew across Illinois and
'n Indiana* heavily damaged light and
power lines, uprooted trees and un-
roofed buildings but apparently was

ll without fatalities. I
itoutH-Frlshmestudents willr Warsaw, Indiana, according to re-
have the front rows reserved for ports suffered the heaviest damage. I
them at al athletic contests so that here the wind, which reached tor-!
+hen will attend and learn of the a -,thfrnw. .o. I I

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