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May 05, 1927 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-05-05

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THURSDAY, MAY 5, 1927,


ODAJOBICAL CONTEST Fisher States 'ThtIt In Strictest Sense [ A1'55WL y British Soldiers Collect At ShanghaiAVM
Pulct sB~sns fInterpretSatioSILnHVEi -M
blicterpretsinssoOfFor Protection gXgainst Disturbances
TO BE IIELD IJ 01J13'[ , n i.1 1 J ,f 1 w5 )fpClpi psT osbt i sol, / IJ'[ R S C B
tc, I CS,;,l«tC( C ,e, U) C,.ire1CC le. i l( Ita f 0.TR ;j11 SO j[RIB11 TvX1 R
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gt.c, d f1'? il)1c *,I c x iavc . 1:r I Q ' r ':cl;C e
;r31 (ltit f(l O el1. C\ t C I A a Ivc cr
li. I{ C a' / t '' r I i i !t
R r" i i 1" ( . Mli=' "l'rin t

Lit than his brother on a local staff
or copy desk. lHe must be a stud-
ent, a specialist, an ec~fonmst andE
a° political scicnitist, all in one"
j"Publicity as it functions ini a lI
nless< way is a form Of sL)CeialiZc d
*',o urnalismn. A publicity mxa n for an
industry has to be a man of1]uhiest'

" xiL;1. Zn~rr. s 4-il~it 1~r n fn

son oratorical contest will be. held at " <Publicityr, a prof'e.s ~oii whi' has "intelsebtect, calibre, a thoroughstd t C J.)i ICIiI
7:Oo'clock totight in the 'auditorium bcmfncesnly im-11yrtan1xj, is in ct n a h a rt ~ 5~(p p lc0 ifo l it(' j '1Z"8 1
of Wesley hall. The subject of the ora- the strictest sense a business of i- for the most critical editors. Need- ' , 1 Odl)\ . uml on
insaebae upntegeneral lCt terpIretto It is a reflection of tihe less to say, newspaper training usa t Wcbyfi wie.l r ;'lcn an
topic: "Christ's Ideals For the Mod- conidition's under which we live in a precedent to publicity work is in TICOVn iaioii ofrrn W
ern World," according to the an-_ highly complicated age. 'We find ourI valuable. 1' e1oi twenty lve5 heu".avd tadollI
nouncement of L. C. Heimann, dir'ec- activities in the hiands of soleciali.yts; "Publicity, like other profession,,;acth n otem adOet h
tor of the contest. wefind various illtere , -! vt a rioas hasOitstquacks. The field isecompara
Five contestants will compet'e in thle in our affairs of the control of1' nt- tively new; yetwhilie it has diefiiti xvlavi& wrtst'ht2.0
' I -or'd essay on tis !ubjicet. Conlt s-'
p relimlnary meet an~ are as follows: tors being more than ever in the ethics, it mighlt be suborned by thosetnsmutlCJtV'II weyan
Jarl A. Andeer, '29, Patricia Hodgson, hlands of thle public, roealilrinmore who would exploit the public. The br'-ieyas0re.ItC(515
'27, Gerald 0. Dykstra, '27, Charles W. than ever before PllCudrtn-pole o n neigte r- tll 45 ve yeasofr l the cal~'(ys
kpstin, '28,, and Mazurmdar, '27. Ma- ing. Publicity is the promotion of fession to consider thent is. that if "i.ll inciplles of l iinl
zumndar is a special 'student from In- the proper public understanding of: publicity is to continue to rende ' a fAtjlsms ercjla h
44a thsepobes., valuable service; it must be kept at AWoodlrow WHilnFou)A,,fion A-a-.
The Atkinson oratorical contest As for tle publicity man hu lnself,Castnadtatwleabeitofl't F'.Fot-ecdS '(QN ok
igiatd fveyeas go iln ~ ~and it will be in this that the pros- and enjoy confidence. The respoin-
Atkinson of Battle Creek founded tihe peetive graduate is interested," Mr'.sbiiy of keeping tile profession~Ct no eoe(iosr1 97
contest in the memory of hti so Fischer continued, "the p~ublicist as! wholesome has not yet been placed
Maurie wh was ille in a aut know him today is a writer em- !upon any one set of shoulders. Until ant. So with the producers of food-
auiethowasgkiledr iney asato ployed by a special interest which it is, the newcomer to the field and stuffs whose p~ublicists ,have ,been
accdet te igit efoe e~ astohas a story to tell and which has the conlscientious newslpaper editor preaching the doctrine of cleanliness
cey.For hsdplasfearthe Ucive- something to gain by promnoting pub-'E can do more than anyone else toward until now a commodity intended for
te.Fo hepst few yearso the nrltc flieh understanding of its problems.' protecting the public from ill-advised I our tables is practically unsalablel
tes"tzwas heldbon theienrlsopcThis special interest may be busi-; propaganda."unesiisrcvdbyteuto r
pnlssitisreeiedbyth cstme
of Citzenhip bt tis earit hness, or philanthrophy, or conserva-; "Tile automobile industry constant- in an absolutely sanitary condition.
been changed to a religious subject. tion'or reform. The so-called press ly employs publicists to point out the
aget hs othngat llin common possibilities- of cheap and lpliable
S.'.A. S ETS MAV TE nT with tle publicist, or public reela- l movement. The well known "Open
AS DAT FOR 'TA DAY tions mian, as he is also spokent of. Road Movement" was purely a pub-
_ _ ~"With all the complications of the licity movement, and apparently a,
Due to the announ cemnent that all-; modern workaday world on the in-, very successful* one. The electric
campus elections would take place on' crease, it is only natural that as a' power industry, also, has eziibaged
May 11, the date of Tag Day for the profession, publicity today offers a men whol. some tinle have beenI,
collection of funds for the Stud2rent fertile and fascinating field. It per-! shlowingy the people hlow their pro-TO GH
Christian association fresh air ^amp 1haps pays higher than the ordinary duct ha, become man's greatest serv- 'Y I H
hias been set bfack to May 10. Tihe E" ~ ___ ~__-OLY
camp expects to bring 300 under-;
priviledged children, the mlajority c[If
whom will come from Detroit, to Pal-
terson 'lake this summer.
WEST VIRGINIA-Thie senior class
lost over $120 on the last senior prome.Sed ohragito
Mother's Day and show
Rent a Goosd;
how much you appe
Typew riteir r
at Rider's Pen Shop, ciate her. We offer our
315StteSt ~j>"* ~,special wrt.,ped can-
Mimi=____________ dies.

('Jig i:Ing for subscri'ptions to
f. tlhe c ig ,allAlumnus', ofli(ial publi-
f ,in f tthe l' umm ll'nof thle Univer-
sivf~ii e onilw Itoday by a spe-
& (C m('lilt tee of Seniors, Williaim A.
War ick,'27 'lli ml anoun1ced }yes-
The cnvss Wlll h'was to lh'n (
: ,endh~ted ltniahyb s been extenlded
ent.&rday offering;. a finall opi ~ortun-
;"C'f' , 1tiy, for seniors w ho ,:,,ye lot already ,
ry .a,. """^"%r: x('done so, to subscr('1ibe to the magaz,17inec.
rh eo .AI1, m 11i s is la 1we ek'tly" pul)licat-
ltion ed.itedl by the Xlunlui assoc'ia-
;a __________ ____________________________________ -t ion, coiwisting of at brief summa11 ry
::::": "::.of the news of the wNNeek in addlition
r^- to featu 'e stories of cauts affairs
and l~lactivities. Aluli l1ot(. from ;all
:,. :;". :x y my; s iarts of the country and spcilar
1 jele"; by prom11inent faculity menmbers
:. . !: ""..r: <<s - s-'anld alumni are also pulbli *hellfrom
.":: ". < .: time 1 to time.
IThis publication, Warrii k oilttod
o ut, serves as5 the greatest sinlgle
,a g e c for th g e nin g)n l of a o n -
_______________________________________________________tact with University life after grad-
nation, and should be subscribed to
'I ep view 'd,10 s tin Glouc'estershl1'ir egiment of tile British army, by every graduating student.
marching through Shanghai. Below, photo,-o~f the British Shanghai Volun- -______________
teer corns withl armloreld cars, at their training field, tile Shanghai race CINCINNATI-Two fellowships in
track. These are palrt of tile English troops which are in Chin for the pro- Ct> eneva School of International
tection of interests of subljects .of the B~ritish Empire. Studies have been tendered stildelit,'

X A -----._-
512 S.


The Staff of University students needed as counsello s at the Fresh Air Camp for


the se a on, June 21 to. August 6 is being rapidly completed.
Also five or six men to be tent leaders. These men should have the interest of
boys at heart, and be willing to do stiff', hard work. Camp lead'ership is not designed
as a summer vacation. Rather it is an educational venture in living with needy boys,

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