,RY 15, 1927
osptt, a
A ttracts
EL t
west wing. Aiding in the work of equipment, at $54,226.28. Insurancef has been: claimed by the University.
removal were firemen, police officers, :o the amount of $35,000 did not. caver jIt is estimated that it will cost $224,O0
lc tars, internes, nurses, orderlies,4 otindations, although that amount to replace the unit.
studonts and citizens. The vehicles
FEB. 1
Fire, the cause of which it hads been'
found impossible to deternine, des-z
troyed the west swing of th~e old Uni-
versity hospital group on the night of 1
F3eb. 1, despite the efforts of the Ann
Arbor fire department, and an extra
crew and pumpe~r ffrom Ym!ilanti.
the f''a to t je west wing and the flames well in check in the west wing, Chief Charles . . Andrews and Edward ihrt were pressed into service to ef-i
shfigO, the wind fromt the west the Jennings House across the streetC. Pardon, -uperintendent of the fact the removal of the patients to a1
to nr. 't .short'y after nine, o'clock to which many of the patients had building and grounds depaartmfent, of, place of safety included busses, taxi- ,
ai~erl 'his p>rotective work. At the been removed, caught fire and necessi-k the University, led to the abandon-' cabs, amb~ulances, trucks and private
same time however the wind that pro-j tatedi the second movement of many of ;aent of this teor- and it was stated cars. There was no panic and the res-
tected these buildings turned the the patients. The flame was small; that it wa lotinjpos 7)le to de- c uers worked calmly and with dis-;
burning building into a veritable fur- and was quickly checked. The coinci- jtermine th'e cause of the lire, ;patch. Three patients who became:
nave. and made the work of the fire-I dence of the two fires occuring in the ainsJvocd iy mothers during the flurry of the re-
fighters especially slow because of the basement of the buildings caused Dr. There were 6' atet in the west'moval were resting well the next day
difficulty of throwing streams ofI Harley A. Haynes, director of the Uni- wing, all of whoml were removed and the babies are reported to be in
water to the top of the buildings into; versity hospital, to state that he be-! easily fronm the scenie of tIhe fire. 214 excellent condition.
the face of the wiind. The ire-fighters I lieved that the fires were of incendiary 1 patients ware remnovedl from foui other, Inventory of the building on June
remained at the scene of the fire until, origin. Later Investigation by Fire buildings in close proximity to the130, 1926, placed its value, including
Semet- Solvay Coke.,
Phones 455 1-4552-5 152
There were no casualties, 278 patients turning to the station at 7 o'clockI
i.nd much of the equipment being re-1 Wednesday. I
nove bystuent frm narb hoses More than 10},000 persons are.. esti-
ind members of the staff of the h os-grated to have attended the scene of
Aital, aided by the various taxi com- the fire. The flames colored the en-
panies who removed the patients to Itire sky and could be seen~ for miles.
:he Jennings house. across the street IThe crowd made the work of the fire-t
Ypsilanuti Departmiea t Ails !men and the rescuers very difficult
The alaxrm was givenl at 0:45 pa. mn. andl Co. K, Michigan National Guard,
Ind was answeredt at once by the ei,-and the entire force of t'he police de-
are Ann1_ Arboar depiartment, wvithi the Ipartment were called out to keep
exception of ie eency reserves. A I order and aid In the Work of fighting
;port time later the Ypsilanti de:part- the fire.
nent sent a crew andt pumper. At-1I Jennings House Ignited,
:empts were m,,adle att once to confine l Just as the fire department had the
Wednesday Night Only
February 16
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PRICES: $1.00 TO 8.00
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That Hae 1' te Pe-WaMKck
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'i thought' in a few wrd
Give a thought to her side of this fuel business.
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prom Bulletin 242, published by
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M"nes, "Why and How Coke Should
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(Write us for a copy of this booklet)
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Start burning Semet-Solvay Coke.
Free your wife from. the useless (and costly) str~tggle against the
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