Siggested Poliey Will Be Carried On
By A Coinittee Appi] nted
By Union F residet
Acting on a resolu4on presented byI
a student, the boa.d of directors of
the Union yesterday endorsed the1
project of installing alumni shelves.
in Pendleton literary. As the plan is
now proposed, it consists in inviting
alumni who have written books, to
present, as gifts to the Union, theirj
writings inscribed with hte authors'
names. The books will be placed in
special shelves in Pendleton library,a
where they will be accessible to the
undergraduate body. A system, such
as this, has been in use in the Har-
vard Union library for a number of
Toastmaster Promises To Keep F;
Sizzling On Gridiron In Annual
"I will razz the faculty until I am the banquet, and the spe
put on probation," said Waldo Abbott numbers by the BuccaneE
of the rhetoric department, toast- band, Prof. Arthur S. A
master of the Gridiron Knights' ban- History department will o
ffuet, yesterday in commenting on the gram with a speech ent
nature of the affair to take place Do We Know." "From Lit
Tuesday night in the Union. "Many will be discussed by Pre
Reeds will be broken, Thomas Reed Ottoway of the Alumni
in 'the legislature, Thomas Reed on Gerald Hoag, manager o1
the faculty, and James Reed from the tic theater, will give a 1
Senate," said Abbott in announcing of "The Little Theater
the program of speeches. Dean Hugh Cabot of t
Titles of speeches to be given will school will speak on "I
all contain the word "little" or "Lit- Prof. A. D. Moore, of ti
tIe." As the program is to be partly engineering department,4
based on a radio program, the speak- president of Tau Beta 1=
erh will go "on the air" at the word engineering fraternity, Nr
of the toastmaster and will "get the "Little Bolts And Nu
air" at the ringing of a huge gong, Thomas N. Reed, of ti
which will be sounded when the un- science department, wil
fortunate speaker forgets himself or the topic "Little As I Am
his minute time limit, according to To Public Speaking."
reports. Campbell of the English
Following the radio program during a past holder of the oilc
subject "Little Families."
President Clarence Coo
the final event of the pr
'DE Lpresent the oil can "awe
presentation speech ent
Does He Realize." The
1 ~the "trophy," who will r
cial musical
ers, a dance
iton of the'
pen the pro-
itled "Little
tle To Less"
sident E. J.
f the Majes-
rief account
he Medical
Little Cuts."
ie electrical
and national
I, honorary
will explain
its." Prof. I
he politicalj
1 speak on
Prof. O. J. j
can, has the
ok Little, in
rogram, will
ard" with a
itled "Little
recipient of
not know of1
j I
Ford Cross Examinatiori Ceases During PflONSULARlSTATEMENT
'Week-End Adjournment Of Sapiro Suit
MYILII fV[ Toflhli r
President Little Promises His Presence
At Traditional Banquet in
Honor Of "Dads"
Father and Sons' week-end will bel
celebrated here May 13, 14, and 15.
Plans for the event, which is under
the management of the Fathers' day
committee of the Union, were an-
nounced yesterday by W. R. Greene,
'28, chairman of this special commit-
Following the general plan as work-
ed out in the past four years during
which the annual affair has been held;
at the University, entertainment by
Cap night exercises, a banquet, some
athletic event at Ferry field, and vari-
ous tours of inspection of the campus
are being arranged by the committee.
The banquet Saturday noon in the
Union ballroom will be the major
event, as in the past. President Clar-
ence Cook Little has accepted an in-
vitation to be present at this time.
In addition, there will be speeches
by some other representative of the
University, by a father who is also an
alumnus of the University, and by a
student who will address the banquet
guests from the son's point of view.
Last year all departments of the
Union, including the swimming pool,
billiard tables, and howling alleys
?were turned over for the use of the
fathers during their three day visit, i
and it is anticipated by the committee
(By Associated Press)
DETROIT, April 2-The merciless
light of cross examination, which for
a week has played over the eventful
life of Aaron Sapiro, was dimmed to-
day during week-end adjournment of
his $1,000,000 libel suit against Henryj
A story of struggle and reward,
from orphanage days on the Pacific
coast to unusual success at 42, has
been carefully pieced by the young or-
ganizer of cooperative farming asso-
High points in the picture, touched
by Sen. James A. Reed, chief of Ford's
imposing array of counsel, have re-,
vealed remarkable accomi~lishments
in a virgin field. Blank questions and
insinuations have been answered read-
ily, without signs of wriggling by the
quick-witted Sapiro, who says his rep-
utation was injured by articles printed
in Ford's Dearborn Independent.
Sapiro faces further cross examina-
tion Monday, Senator Reed indicating
he could not tell when he would finish
with him. Th-e next move in the trial,;
after the plaintiff leaves the stand, is
still in doubt. William Henry Gal-
lagher, Sapiro's atorney, has announc-
ed he would ask the defense to pro-
ceed with their side of the case if
Ford was unable to take the stand
when Gallagher wanted him. But the
defense have indicated that they
would be unwilling to do this.
Tonight Ford rested easily and, ac-
cording to his doctors, was well on
the road to complete recovery from
injuries received when his little coupe
was side-swiped and forced from the
highway last Sunday night. There was
no indication, however, of when he
might be expected to be able to make
his first appearance at the trial. The
manufacturer, still splinted and ban-
daged about the chest and back, re-
mained prostrate in bed, under orders
of his physicians.
All probability of official investiga-
tion of the mishap passed today when
Robert M. 'ons, prosecuting attorney
of Wayne county, announced that he
was satisfied to accept the report of;
Ford detectives that their efforts to
fix responsibility had convinced them
Mr. Ford was injured in an unavoid-
able accident.
Toms said that Iarry Bennett, chief
of the Ford investigators, had given!
him to understand the two men who
drive the large car which knocked Mr.
Ford's coupe from the road were
known, but that there was no inten-
tion to charge anybody with an at-
tempt on the manufacturer's life or
with reckless driving.
Investigation of the possibilities of "The Genius Of The Bronfes" Will Bel
the alumni shelves was begun at the Subject Of Talk In Natural
suggestion of Lester Johnson, '27L, Science Auditorium
president of the Union, and was car-
ried out by a large committee. Inter- A
views were held with Hawley Tapp- CLASS WILL CLOSE SOON
ing, secretary of the Alumni associa-
tion; W. B. Shaw, editor of the Michi- Ernest de Selincourt, dean of the
ganAlumnus; and Francis L. Good-
rich, associat; nivrsiy l.GrarI faculty or arts, and professor of Eng-
rich, associate University Iibrarian. ls agaeadltrtr tte
Inquiries -were made as to the most { .ish language and literature at the
feasible methods of approaching the University of Birmingham, will com-
authors, and in each case, hearty plete his series of four University lec-
recommendation was given the Union tures' here with a discussion of "The
in regard to thef plan.l Genius of the Brontes" at 4:15 o'clock
ing conclusions were drawn: tomorrow in Natural Science auditor-
1.' "That no record exists of alum- ium. Professor de Selincourt's class in
ni of the. University who have pub- advanced English literature, which he
lished works."heewilcoeitte
2. "That such an undertaking is conducting here, will close with the
would require a great deal of re- spring recess, and, the lecturer will
search." visit the Universities of Chicago and,
3. "That it is a worth while work Wisconsin, before returning to Eng-
and a project that might well be un- land.
dertaken by the Union." Professor de Selincourt will deal
4. "That the hearty cooperation of largely with Charlotte Bronte, the
the University librarians and the of- iiost famous member of an ill-fated
ficials of the Alumni association may family which included three writers
be expected."Iwho wrote during the first part of the
Will Appoint Commiitte 19th century. The early death of their
In instituting and carrying on the parents left the Bronte children to ed-
policy suggested in the interviews a ucate themselves, and under the pe-
committee of library research will culiar circumstances of their life,j
be appointed by the president of the ( their intellectual powers developedl
Union. The committee will be com rapidly. Emily Bronte wrote imagina-
posed of undergraduates, whose term:Live poetry before her early death,
of office will automatically cease upon Aiv pote, he death ,
gradatio. Th mebersip o th and Ann Bronte, whose death followed
graduation fThe embership of the a year later, is known for "The Ten-
committee, for the sake of ease in ant of Wildfell Hall."
handling, will be limited to four ; Charlotte Bronte has been compared
members, one senior, one junior, and to Jane Austen, the authoress de-
The methods followed by the corn- scribed in Professor de Selincourt's
mittee in obtaining the names and 'lecture last Wednesday. Miss Austen
works of alumni will be left to the is believed superior in plot, but Miss
discretion of the president, but will 1 Bronte had what Goethe called the,
follow suggestions as proposed by true secret of poetic genius, and whatl
Mr. Tapping, Mr. Shaw, and Mr. 1she had known and felt she repro-
Goodrich. These include going duced with living truth and vehem-
through the files of the Michigan once. Her greatest works are "Jane
Alumnus, using material from facul- ( Eyre", "Shirley," and "Villette."
ty 'publications, -correspondence with
class secretaries, interviewing resi-BRI TAIN TO SEND
dents of long standing, inspecting bui- 4 000 kjORE MEN
letins from publishing houses, -and 1400 M R ME
obtaining needed information from TO CHINESE AREA
the State library at Lansing.
Faculty Will Assist
Although it has not yet been de- (By Associated Press)
cided whether to specify the con- LONDON, April 2.-New evidence
tents of the books to be placed in was given today of Great Britain's
the alunmni shelves, provisions have firm determination to exact repara-
,been made for the selection of de- tions from the Chinese Nationalists
sired books. Before invitations' are for the Nanking outbreak, in which
extended to the authors, members of several foreigners were killed or in2
the faculty will inspect the list of jured.
alumni-authors and their works, and The war office officially announcedl
may be invited to act as advisors in that another infantry brigade and
such a matter. auxiliary unit totaling approximately
his selection until his naive is spoken,1
will respond with "I Suspected Lit-
The affair will begin at 7 o'clock
sharp Tuesday night in the Union.
Terms Of Hanchett And Hubbard WillS
Expire This Year; Both To
Seek Re-election
Offices of two regents of the Uni- that similar arrangempnts may be
versity are among those to be filled made this year.
at the spring election; to be held all In an effort to bring as many
over the state tomorrow. The regents fathers as possible for the week-end,
whose terms expire this year and who letters will be mailed immediately
are seeking to be re-elected are Ben- after spring vacation to the parents'
jamin S. Hanchett, Grand Rapids, and and guardians of all male students in
Lucius L. Hubbard. Houghton. Both the University inviting them and urg-
these men are serving their second ing thei to attend if possible, Greene
terms as regents, having been elected! stated yesterday.
for the first time in 1911. The length Inasmuch as many of the rooms in
of tenure.of office is eight years. the Union are already reserved for
There are also several local officers' that week-end, the Union will assist
to be elected by Ann Arbor electors, students in finding rooms for their
the principal offices being those of guests. The rooming committee which
mayor, city clerk, and two justices of ifunctioned during registration last
the peace. The present mayor, Robert hfal and at football week-ends will be ,
A. Campbell, treasurer of the Univer- reorganized to work with the Fathers'
sity, has his name on the ballot again day committee.
and is opposed by Edward Staebler,
a local business man. S 0 U L PASSES ON
Three members of the faculty, Dean INTO N E W FORMS
Joseph A. Bursley, Prof. OscarJ.
Campbell of the English department, AT DEA TH-ROGERS
and Waldo M. Abbot of the rhetoric i____
department, have had their names Advancing the theory that the true
placed on the ballots as residents of i
! the sixth ward. Deans Bursley and being is the soul or consciousness, and
Mr. Abt ar. n hsy n that the soul after so-called death is
Mr. Abbot are opposing each other in eIncroae naohrbdL .
the rce fo aldeman o the ixt reincorporated in another body, L. W.
the race for alderman of the sixth Rogers, president of the American
ward, while Professor Campbells Theosophical society, discussed "Rein-
running for the position of supervisor ctopAuas o uson"Rla-t
from that ward. carnation, A Phase of Evolution" lat
The placesfor voting in the var- "'Lane Hall. Reincarnation, he
ions wards have not been changed at said, is the method of soul evolution,
all for this election, and the polls are and knits together all the valuable ex-
to be open during "the usual flours, periences gained in the various incar-
from 7 o'clock in the morning until nations of the soul.
8 o'clock at night. The theosophists view of the soul, I
according to the lecturer, is a divine
body that has an imperishable in-1
TEN YEARS ELAPSE dividuality. This divine soul, after
TRY death retires from the material or
SINCE 'U. S. E TRY outer plane to-the inner plane of exist-
INTO WORLD WAR ence. While there, Mr. Rogers declar- ,
ed, it rests for a while, reflecting over
tgedthe experiences of the past life. It
"President' Wilson tonight Ire casts aside all the trivial incidents
congress, assembled in joint session, asdsaide aly thatrknialeinwhich
to declare a state of war existing be-dand retains only that knowledgewich
tween the United States and Ger- will e o ai in its inca
many." Thus read an Associated Press next body. He said that this process
dispatch about the event which hap- of reincarnation, or reclothing of the
pened ten years ago tonight, and soul with flesh, continues until sym-
which marked the practical entry of pathy evolves into compassion; intel-
America into the World War. I lect into genius. And then, he asserted!
The account of that news service the soul passes on and never returns
on the event said, "The President to the physical plane.
reached the capitol at 8:40 p. m. As
his motor swung around before the MORE KILLINGS IN,
east froni of the big building, two
troops or the Second regular cavalry CHINESE TURMOIL
on guard, sabers glittering under the #
arc lights, swept the plaza clear while 1 (By Associated Press)
hundreds of people cheered. The pres- LONDON, APril2 -Two Nationalist
ident went immediately to the speak- soldiers were killed and a number of
t ers room, and then to the house chain- civilians wounded in a fracas between
'where the senators were filing the soldiers and 50 members of the
in. Six members of the supreme court 2 radical wing of the Nationalists Fri-
- who had taken seats in front of the day night, says the Shanghai corres-
speaker's stand turned and faced pondent of the Sunday Express.
about. As Wilson appeared, there were The radicals had established head-
deafening cheers. quarters in Singkiang road, in the na-
In commenting on his speech, the tive city, and General Chang Kai-Shek,1
- same story says, "In a dispassionate the Nationalist generalissimo, sent a
but measured denunciation of the detachment to disperse them. The sol-
course of- the Imperial German gov- i diers forced an entry, seized 30 rad-
- ernment, which he characterized as a icals, who were bound with ropes and
Edinburgh Professor Places Milton In
Favorable Light; Analyzes
Main Failings
"Perfection of tecnique, and pow-
erful inspiration have made Milton's
works live," declared Herbert J. C.
Grierson, professor of rhetoric and
English literature at Edinburgh uni-
versity, and at present visiting profes-
sor at Cornell, in his lecture on "The
Poetry of John Milton," yesterday in;
Natural Science auditorium, "but
strict Puritanism, and a self-centered
note in his writing prevented his at-
taining the place in literature that
Dante now holds."
One of the greatest English clas-
sicists, Milton early began the pre-
paration for some great task which
divine prompting told him he must
perform for England. His study of
Greek and Roman literature became
extensive, and at the age of 12, Mil-
ton was daily studying the classics
until midnight. With this foundation
Milton became, declared Professor
Grierson, a fine instrument, fitted for
the work before him. He felt that he
must write a great English work
which future generations would not
willingly let die.
Milton's early work is character-
ized by perfect form, strict idealism
and puritanism. Worldly experience
Milton lacked, his poetry was limited,
and love poems were mere sentiments
of fancy. He suddenly turned from
this field of culture, and entered what
Goethe called hte "stream of life,"
participating in political and religi-
ous controversies. With this step,
Milton rejected his former idea of
writing a national epic on Arthur and
his court, and decided upon a religi-
ous work, continued Professor Grier-
Entering into the attack upon the
church, which Milton found to be cor-
rupt, the c]ssicist found his material
for his great work, and assuming the
role of the champion of his people,
wrote "Paradise Lost," in which he
meant to justify the ways of God to
man. Milton was now a member of
the extreme Republican party, be-
lieving in civil, domestic, and religi-
ous liberty, and taking upon himself
the task of winning this freedom for
the common people.
In "Paradise Lost" is found the bat-
tle for freedom which Milton was
fighting, declared Professor Grier-
son. He believed in the almightiness
of the Divine, and the axiom that
righteousness shall triumph. This
poem, the noblest sentiment in the
world of eloquence, art and genius,
according to Professor Grierson, is
taken by many in a merely orthodox
view, as a great protestant evangel
cal poem, to be read on the Sabbath.
Inclement weather of the past few
I days has prevented the completion of
the first observation laboratory on
Angell hall by the scheduled date. All
the steel work is finished and the
telescope is in place, but the coppe
(By Associated Press)
COKEBURG, Pa., April 2-A coalu
dust explosion in Ellsworth colleriesi
mine number three here today claim-t
ed the lives of six miners, but four,
hundred others at work in the under-I
ground tunnels escaped uninjured to;
the surface by way ofthe main shaft.a
Five other workers were burned but
will recover. The mine, one of the !
largest shaft operations in Washing-
ton county, was known until recent-r
ly as number 53 of the Bethlehemt
Mines Corporation, subsidiary of the
Bethlehem Steel company.
In a room off the main heading,.
some miners pepped in a shot of dy-
namite to loosen the coal. Just as they
had finished preparing the shot a l
rock tumbled from the roof, settingt
the explosive off. The miners were un-
prepared, and the explosion shot outC
into the entry, setting off coal dust.
The entire mine had been insulated
thoroughly with rock dust, and the
explosion did not spread beyond the
entry. Eleven miners, at work nearby,
were knocked out by the blast. Six of1
these succumbed to the deadly after-{
damp before rescuers found them. FiveE
others, burned slightly, were rescued.
Tickets for "Jose," the Spanish
moving picture to be presented in
Hill auditorium Tuesday night, will
be on sale Monday and Tuesday at
the Women's league candy booth in
University hall. The titles will be in.
I Spanish, and the story concerns life
in a fishing village in Northern Spain,
on the Bay of Biscay. A group of'
Spanish pieces will be' played during
the performance by Marguerite W. 1
Cook, School of Music, "In Sunny
Spain," a short Fox feature, will also
be shown.
"University Day," sponsored by the
Ann Arbor Chamber of Commerce,
will be celebrated by a dinner on
- Tuesday, April 5, at the Chamber of
i Commerce building.
President Clarence Cook Little will
' be the principal speaker. All deans
of the various colleges and schools of
the University have promised to at-
tend, and it is expected that many
will take opportunity of becoming
more intimately acquainted with
those especially related with the fieldj
of education.
11 (By Associated Press)
CHICAGO, April 2.--Adjutant Gen-
eral Carlof Black was ordered to Chi-'
Workers Escape Uninjured; Five
Burned -As Falling Rock
Causes Explosion
Dav isSays Outrages Were Planned
And Could Not Possibly Have
Been Accidental
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, April 2.-An im-
pending clash with Nationalist au-
thorities in China over responsibility
for the Nanking anti-foreign outrages
was indicated tonight when the state
department made public "conclusions"
of Consul John K. Davis at Nanking,
holding Nationalist military com-
manders directly accountable for what
Davis said' all evidence showed that
the attackers of foreigners were Na-
tionalist tyoops and that the attacks
clearly had been planned and carried
out under orders.
A statement by Eugene Chen, Na-
tionalist foreign minister, published
in Nanking, and which denied parti-
cipation- of Nationalist troops in the
attack, prompted publication of the
Davis report . Chen attributed the
outrages to "reactionary" counter-
revolutionists and "remnants" of the
defeated Northern forces, from which
the city had been taken by the Na-
tionalists. He protested the bombard-
ment by British and American war-
craft and declared hundreds of Chin-
ese had been killed by foreign naval
Seven Killed
Davis said seven persons "were
killed in cold blood by soldiers in the
uniform of the Nationalist army." In-
formation from "a wide range of dis-
interested sources," he added, showed
that only three Chinese civilians had
been killed in the naval bombard-
ment aid that Chinese military
casualties could only have been
among the forces attacking foreigners.
"The outrages were committed by
the same troops which were engaged
in disarming the remnants of the
Northern armies, and they carried on
their conversations in the dialects of
Canton, Kiangsi, and Hunan provinces
(all Nationalist territory)," Consul
Davis said. "These soldiers bore no
resemblance whatever to Northern
soldiers and it is abgolutely impossi-
ble for them to have been agents of
the Northerners."
Summing up his conclusions, Davis
continued: "It is proven that the out-
rages were planned and could not
possibly have been the accidental get-
ting out of hand of a few troops."
State Department Silent
Publication of the Davis report is
particularly significant since the state
department refuses today to discuss
steps it is preparing to take to exact
reparations from the insult and in-
jury inflicted upon Americans at
Nanking. Indications are that a final
determination has not been made, al-
though demands to be presented to
the Nationalist authorities are be-
lieved to have been drawn up and to
conform generally to those the Brit-
ish cabinet has decided to make in
behalf of British sufferers and British
Chen's statement, if taken at face
value as the attitude of Nationalist
authorities in regard to the outrages,
may influence the ultimate decision in
Washington as to the course of the
government in dealing with the Nank-
ing incident.
The complete secrecy with which
Secretary Kellogg is surrounding his
study of the Nanking outbreak and
formulation of American policy in
'hat regard is itslf significant of the
seriousness of the situation. The state
department preserved silence even In
the face of London disclosures that
there had been official exchanges with
Washington, and that the London gov-
ernment was pressing for a vigorous
and united stand by the powers in-
It was admitted officially that Ad-
miral Williams, American naval
commander in China, was ieing con-
I suited by the state department in
shaping its program.
SIIANGHIAI, April 2.--Except for
1 minor local disorders, Shanghai was
quiet today and the attention of the
foreign authorities was focused upon
the situation to the north of the
Yangtze where the Nationalist armies
are sweeping onward eventually, it is
believed, to meet the forces of Mar-
shal Chang Tso-lin, the Manchurian
S leadc r.
Reports from Nanking; indicated
Tryouts for the Intercollegiate Ora-
torical contest on the Constitution will
be held at 4 o'clock Monday afternoon
in room 3209 of Angell ball. Prof.
Louis M. Eich, of the public speak-i
ing department is in charge of the
contest and will coach the winners of
this preliminary contest for the final
event, which will be announced at a
later date.
The orations for the contest must be
based on the Constitution, ors Hamil-
ton and the Constitution, Washingtoni
on the Constitution, Lincoln, Jeffer-
son, Madison, Marshall, Franklin, or
Webster and the Constitution. The
length of the orations cannot exceed
ten minutes in delivery; there is no
word limit. The prizes in the contest
range from $350 to $1500, all of which
Is rewarded only in the final contest.
which will be held in Los Angeles
4,000 men would be dispatched to the
Far East as soon as they wer-2
brought to war, strength by callimgglip
Decision to augment the Shanghai
defense force came as a surprise even
to those in close touch with events,
but military experts at home and in'
China{ have maintained that it is s-
sential, when the demands are made
on the Chinese, that there be an ade-
quate force on the spot to back up
threats of possible action.
It is stated the brigade will be
rushed to Hong Kong, relieving the
troops there for duty in Shanghai. If
urgently necessary, they will be sent
directly to the Yangtze.
Negotiation)3 for American and
Japanese adhesion to the demands on
the Cantonese continue, but its was
stated at the foreign office tonight
that no agreement has been reached
yet. Meanwhile Great Britain re-
mains firm in her resolve to take dras-
tic action alone, if necessary.
The newspapers are full of reports
and predictions that the powers fin-