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April 01, 1927 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-04-01

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VOL. XXXVII. No. 133








On April 1, 1916-eleven years
ago today-James Burril Angell,
a former Michigan president and
one of the outstanding educators
of the past century, passed away,
With his death came the con-
clusion of a career almost with-
out parallel both from the stand-
point of longevity and of diver-
sified service to mankind.
Ile was inaugurated as Presi-
dent of the University June 28,
1871. From this time until his re-



UL 11111 ,



at the fifth annual Gridiron Knight's
banquet Tuesday, April 5 in the
Reichstag AppToves Budget When Union, it was announced yesterday.
Only Communists Are Opposed This orchestra will furnish special
To Passage Of Bill music between numbers on thej


Ann Arbor Sanitarium Assured
Half Of Old Appropriation
(Aiveit To Howell


(By Associated Press)
BERLIN, March 31-The Reichstagt
today approved the budget provision

Psychologist BelieveR -Man Problem teet 8yasltr eA
teliee ai lrement, years ater, ~ for full payment of the Dawes planl
Lies With Mother And She voted the major part of h'is ac-sC
tivty o frthrin th inerets annuities. Only the Communists op-
Shoul Set Examples tivity to furthering the interests x
Solof Michigan. During this period- posed payment when the vote was
n"IPshol the most crucial in the growth of taken.
and Education," Prof. Alfred Adler, of the institution-the University Before the vote there was a calm,
the Pedagogical Institute, of Vienna, developed from a state of com- dispassionate discussion of Germanys
i naf oparative obscurity into the posi-~
in his lecture yesterday afternoon in tion which it h'olhs today as one economic situation as effected by the
Natural Science auditorium declaredf('
that contrary to general belief, the of the nation's major institutions Dawes plan, the common burden of
feeling of inferiority is a benevolent of learning. This progress was all the speeches being the necessity
influence for mankind, that it causes due lairgely to the inspiring lead- of early revision of the plan. The
people to set goals for themselves and ership of President Angell.
pepet e gasfrtemevsad On this anniversary of his speakers made obvious efforts to
therefore makes for progress. th an rs imit themselves to mo ate expres-
Professor Adler then proceeded to death, Michigan honors the man iiihmsle omd~t xrs
oinestheasicAdrincle ro hs i whose careers forms such an in- sion. Only Dr. Reinhold Quaatz, ex-1
ferioutlinethe basicmprintheory. hs inEvery tegral part of her history. T'here treme Nationalist attacked the Dawes
child, he declared, feels inferior to a can be no other feeling than one plan as "having upset Germany's in-
certain extent and lacks selr conf- of reverence in contemplating a dustrial life." Ie suggested that the
Bence. In order to overcome the diffi- I life thus spent in promoting the tax burden should not be made heav-
culties and conquer this feeling of highest aims and ideals of our ier because "the more we exert our-
infeiority that is presented by the1civilization. selves the more we must pay to
inferiority tha icvlato.jother countries."
social' situation the child sets a goalthesco atess
for imsef ad tres o esablsh hs IThe speakers for other parties used
for himiself and tries to establish his mre temperate expression. Dr. ried-
superiority. In this connection Doctor oetmeaeepeso.D.Fid
Adlerostted, "The goalc oeducation OUerich Dessauer, Centrist and reporter
should be to Take children intru- for the budget committee, made it
sh of su el progress." R!Splain that the Dawes plan is greatly
Continuing Doctor Adler pointedfl ORfS 11 f preferable to the situation which
outatstin isfctonoAdtes oed- LTexisted before it was formulated. He i
Sthat the satisfaction of these am- KS agreedwith the others that the Dawes
bitions for goals is comparable to a(plan mst be revised, but stressed
straight line representng the course r lGermany's desire to fulfill her obs
of life. Everything In life, he declar- Critics Rate Grierson With $1, linouit Gemn'dsietfuilhroh
ed, is determined by this line. The As Among More Distinguished ligation.i
pas aderedtary himpsesa. Of English Sholars Wilhelm Keil, Socialist, appi'oved
past and hereditary impulses are 1 xO nls coa. Dr. Dessauer's declaration. Herr Keil
.dragged along by main force in itsDi Deaue'he rationy Her Ki
path. Very strong cases are found +IS NOTE dB0KEDiT R declared the irrationality of the pro-
in children who are born with im- tective tariff policy was one of the:
perfect organs, or under spoiling en- Herbert J. C. Grieron, Fellow of cief causes of"the(dithiyulties exe'-
vironment, he pointed out. These ienced in Germany at present. He as-
children are, anxious to overcome the British academy, and professor of serted that Germany's social and ec-
their defects and react more strongly rhetoric and English literature at onomic policies have brough impover-
to life, he :stated, a good example of Edinburgh university, will lecture on islmet and misery to many Ger-
this type, being_ petted children who tI mans.
always feel that someone is attack- John Milton, at 11 o'clok tomorrow, Representatives of other parties
ing them. ts in Natural Science auditorium. Pro- agreed that Germany desires to meet
Children Easily Influenced fessor Grierson, rated by English her obligations but that the tisis
The major characteristics are de- critics with Ernest de Selincourt, is rapidly approaching for eis
veloped within the first four or five one of the more distinguished schol- e Dawes plan
years, he declared, and children ham- on softengorsh it inu is hes-H O W
pered by destructive influences dur ars of English literature f the pres- LUB WILL S
ing this period always have a greater ent time, is in America as visiting iMTN P IT RE
feeling of inferiority. Following his professor at Cornell, and will remain MOTONPIC UR
theory, Professor Adler went on tolin this country until June. OF VALDES NOVEL
show that these children naturally seti Professor Grierson succeeded
higher goals for themselves. Prfso reso ucee
The constructive impulse in life is George Saintsbury as professor of "Jose", a motion picture driamatiza-
natural, Professor Adler declared, English at Edinburgh university, in ationof the novel by Armando Palacio-
and is not the result of heredity and 1915 and previous to that time, had Valdes, will be presented in Hill au-
logic. ' Children in trying to show !been a member of the faculty of d:iu o n Thesdam, Apil s, at
their superiority often have ambition l King's college, Aberdeen, from 1894. 730 o'clock. The film isbeing spon-
to be master over life and death and His special field is 17th century sored by La Sociadad Espanol and the
anticipate the medical calling as the English literature, and Profes romance language department. A
closest thing to it. Other children Grierson has published several works Spanish troop and a Spanish co-
have this desire foi "God-likeness" 1 dealing with this period, the most re- pany have produced the fil twhich
and they too show it in their choice cent of which is a Two volume edition has 'only- recently come over to the
of professions. A clear proof of this qf "The Poems of John Milton" which United States. It has also bed suc-
point. is often available, he pointed appeared in 1925. "The First Half of cedsfulln shown in New York, Tampa,
out, in cases of insanity where the the Seventeenth Century" published according to reports. After its show-
neurosis breaks through their wall in 1906 was his first work that g - cg in Ann Arbor it will e taken to
to the goal ad the patient imagines ed recognition..iCinn niAr itywlor a ent-
himself a God. Professor Grierson is the editor of' Cornell university for a pt'eseuta-
"Children lacking social feeling can the standard edition of "The Poems T.ckets ma be secured at the box
not meet social situations satisfac-'of John Donne" a work which is in
torily," he said..He evinced the be- common use. Oth'er publications in- office on the night of the presentation
lief that social life is opposed to in- culde "Metaphysical Poets, Donne to oat th e de of the
dividual superiority. Butler," "Blakes Illustrations to ance language department in the
Reverting, Professor Adler stated Gray's Poems" and "The Background south wing of University hall. hTem-
that children should be disciplined in of English Literature", all of which porary tickets should be exchanged
early years. The part education must appeared since 1921. 'He contributed before the performance. The price is
play is that it should make the goas material to the "Cambridge Histroy 50 cents.
that the individuals set for themselves of Literature." "In Sunny Spain,a short euca-
in order to show their superiority in This is not Professor Gierson's tional Fox film will also be shown.
:accordance with the social situation. first visit to America, as in 1925 he I Spanish music during the perfor-
in other words, to a useful goal. was one of the British representatives mance will be played by Miss Mar-
Crimiials Lack Courage to the conference of British and Amer- guerite W. Cook, S. of M.

Program, according to Wilton Simp-t
son, '27, general chairman, TWO BILLS CHANGED
Acceptances continue to come in, f
including those of editors and politi-A
cal men throughout the State, stated By Associated Press)
Gene Gutekunst, '27, yesterday. Six LANSING, March 31-Proponentsl
members of the State legislature will !of a new State tuberculosis hospitalt
be present at the traditional affair. at Ann Arbor won a decisive victory
Governor Green, as previously an- in the House today. In committee oft
nounced, will attend unless pressing the whole, the lower branch voted to
State business should come up which t
would prevent his coming. Senator give the new institution and the pres-e
Reed will motor out from Detroit fol- cut State sanitarium an equal divisionI
lowing his trial work in Detroit on of $500,000 appropriated by the last1
the day of the banquet. I legislature for improvements. It also'
increased the amount for the new,
TRAVELER WILL GIVE1'Ann Arbor institution from $400,000,t
the amount recommended by the ways
and means committee, to a total of
The floor action was a complete
upset for Speaker Lynn C. Gardner
and other advocates of the HowellF
Laurence D. Kitchell Will Speak On I institution. Both the House sanitar-
"Mountaineering With the Pikuni ium and ways and means committees
In Glacier National Park" acted in accordance with the HowellE
supporters. When the bills reached
LIVED AMONG INDIANS the floor, however, the committee's
recommendations were overturned.
The Birkholm bill, providing $601,-
Laurence D. Kitchell, well known 500 for the rehabilitation of Howell,
American traveler, will deliver a lec- and diverting the entire $500,000, orig-t
ture entitled "Mountaineering with inally appropriated for a new hos-
the Pikuni in Glacier National Park" pital, to the Howell institution, was
SNat al amended upon the motion of Rep.
at 7:30; o'clock tonight in Natural George Watson, of Capac, so only
Science auditorium sponsored by the $250,000 of the oiiginal fund goes to
Forestry club. The lecture will be Howell. The total amount appropriat-
illustrated with slides and motion eld remains the same, the remainder
pictures and the public is invited. ito be raised by general taxation. The
Mr. Kitchell has spent many sum- Warner bill, carrying $400,000 for the
mers in Glacier National park and has' rsp illa rrAngAr 40r0was rae
hospital at Ann Arbor was amended,
had a close association with the Black- also upon the motion of Representa-
feet and Pikuni Indians, in their tive Watson, so it received $250,000 of
homes and in the field. The Pikuni I
hdias ane sid to bed. the inI the original appropriation and a total
i Idians are said to be the last Indians (. $0000
r of $500,000.
to come under the influence of the
white man and to retain to a greaterthat bo nsttutinsamil i nmdites
extent than any of the American ly have $250,000 available. Had the
aboriginals their primitive tribal original plan gone through of giving
characteristics, language, customs, the entire original $500,000 appro-
and superstitions. It is with the Pi- pi tire t riginall,$h0r,0 w0 uadpro- eI
I kni hatMr.Kithel ha beomepriation to Howell there would have
kuni that Mr. Kitchell has become been no tax tundl for Ann Arbor be-
especially intimate since he was freenntandfryb
adopted into the tribe and since has fore next January.
I been the recipient of onors and con-
fidences from them. In this ac- STUDENTS OF LAW
quaintanceship with the tribe he has SCHOOL TO HOLD
become adept in the sign method o
intertribal communication and much FORM AL TONIGHT
of his talk deals with the humorous
and pathetic accounts of incidents in
the ancient and modern lives of thei With a program consisting of daec-
picturesque redmen. ing fom 9 to 2 o'clock during which
Mr. Kitchell's collection of scenic various entertainment numbers will
motion pictures and slides, together 1 be interspersed, students of the Law
with his picturized lives of the In-- school will hold their annual Crease
dians is one of the most complete that dance formal tonight at the Lawyer's
has ever been assembled and all of chib. The dance is sponsored by the
the points in his talk are illustrated isenior law class.i
with these views. Music for the affair will be pro-
This lecture has been given by Mr. viled by Winstead's Colored orch'es
Kitchell before some of the larger tra which is being secured from
schools and clubs in the United Louisville. Ky., This will be the see-
States. Each. year it is revised in the ond appearance of the orchestra in
light-of the latest summer's dis-- j Ann Arbor, having played for a fra-
coveries and 4this is the newest edition ternity dance here last year.
and revision. Various entertainment features will
__________ be offered, including acrobatic dances
GENETICS TO BE fby Bea Jones, of the New York cast
of "Battling °Butler ,, several dance
LECTURE SUBJECT numbers by Elizabeth Swanson on a
Kieth's vaudeville ciruit, and nu-
H a i h merous specialties by the orchestra.
Prof. -sN-tIs "Ed" Strange, banjo-player of the or-

(By AssociatedPress)
NEW YORK, Mar s 31--Another
break in eastern gridiron relations,
this time involving Dartmouth and
Brown, rivals off and on since 1894,
apparently loomed tonight in spite of
lack of official verification.
Information from "reliable sources"'
conected with both institutions the
Evening 'Post said today, is that re-
lations will be broken off after this
year's game, scheduled for Nov. i at
Providence, because of "growing
tenseness" in the feeling between
players as well as students of the
two institutions.
At Providence, Fred W. Marvel, di-
rector of athletics for Brown, refused
either to affirm or deny the stort, but
Harry R. Heneage, supervisor of ath-
letics at Dartmouth declared "rela-j
tions will continue to exist as usual
as far as I am concerned."
Recent announcement that Dart-
mouth has arranged a game in 1928
with Northwestern lends color to the
prospect of a break, the Post asserted.
It is Dartmouth's policy to limit thej
varsity team to four major games a'
seasohi and Cornell, Yale and Hrvard
are considered fixtures.
Brown-Dartmouth relations on the
gridiron have been "none too cordial,
especially since the war," according
to a Dartmouth informant of the
Post. He says Brown's "iron men"
were accused of using "rough Eng-
lisle" in connection with the 10-0
victory at Hanover last fall, the first
triumph of the Bruins over the Greens
since 1919.


Famous Scotch Comedian Will Try To
Explain Why Seotchmen Ever
Leave Native Land
Sir Harry Lauder, well known Scot-
tish comedian, will appear tonight
at the Whitney theater. The comedian,
who has appeared in this city several
times, will attempt to explain to the
audience why, Scotchmen leave Scot-
land. "It fair breaks a Scot's heart
to see the rest of the world go mud-
dlin' through wi'out a bit of kindly
advice from the folks that know the1
best way." he is reported to have said.)
According to his publicity director,
this is probably the last tour that he
will make through America. During j
his last visit here he decided to make
a tour completely around the world
and then retire to his home in Scot,
land, Lauderdale, for the rest of his
ife. Since that time he has completed
ithe circuit, visiting such far away
places as India, China, and the Straits
Settlement s.
The -Scotch comedian is known for
his many tricks-and his ballads, com-
posed by himself. He is the first-for-}
eign performer who ever succeeded in
getting the American audiences to'
join in the choruses of his songs,
though this is said to be a common
practice abroad.
Thecperformance will start at 8:151
o'clock and tickets are now on sale at
the box office of the Whitney theater.
(By Associated Press)
DETROIT, March 31-Shades of de-
parted cooperative associations stalk-I
,ed Aaron Sapiro through a dreary
stretch of testimony today in his $1,-
000,000 libel suit against Henry Ford.
Associations of farmers which, for
one reason or another,, have ceased =
to exist, were kept continually be-
fore the Chicago plaintiff by the per-
sistent chief of Ford counsel, Sen,
James A. Reed. Sapiro's activities in I
organizing and counseling coopera-
tives were carefully traced from Ore-
gon to Alabama and Texas to Canada.
Seldom could the sharp-tongued
j sertor gain an admission from the
quick-witted witness, however, but
th-e organizations had been a successk
before passing out of existence. f
The mishap, in which Ford was in-
jured Sunday evening, drew an of-
ficial announcement from Judge Fred
I M. Raymond. IHe was informed of an
article in a morning newspaper which
stated that an agent of the United,
States district court was investigat-
ing a possible connection between the
trial and Ford's automobile being
forced from the road.
"No investigation is being made
and none is needed," declared the

Payment May Be Demanded For
Nanking Outrages As Result Of
State Department Meetings
(By Associated Press)
LONDON, March 31.-An emer-
gency uMeeting of the cabinet was
held tohight, says the DaIly Mail,
as a result of which something
in the nature of an ultimaum
will be sent to the Cantonese gov-
ernment, demanding reparation
for the slaying of British subjects
by Cantonese troops during the
- recent disorders.
WASHINGTON, March 31.-Formu-
lation of American policy for exac-
ion of indemnity for the Nanking
outrages and for guarantees against
imilar attacks upon Americans else-
where in China appeared tonight to be
the probable purport of prolonged
conferences at the White House and
state department. There is ,however,
no indication that a decision has been
Steps to fix conclusively the respon-
sibility for the Nanking attack are
believed to have been discussed with
the 'President by Secretary Wilbur,
while at the state department, there
were indication that Secretary Kel-
logg devoted much of the day to
recommendation from Minister Mac-'
Murray at Peking and Admiral Wil-
liams, American naval commander in
Chinese waters.
Disclosure in London that draft of
demands upon the Nationalist gov'ern-
ment in connection with the Nanking
incident had been formulated and
were under studr by the governments
concerned, failed to shake state de-
partment reticence. resumably the
demands were drawn up by the Pek-
ing diplomatic corps and involve some
form of concerted action by the pow-
Secretary Kellogg refused to dis-
cuss the Peking. diplomatic confer-
ences. He spent hours, however, in
conference with Nelson Johnson, chief
of the Far East division of the depart-
ment, and a veteran of the consular
service in China.
Official CIharges Are Emphatic
Every official dispatch regarding
the Nanking affair has emphasized the
statement that Nationalist soldier in
uniform committed the reported out-
rages on Americans and other for-
eigns. MacMurray's messages have.
all been equally positive. Reports
from Shanghai have indicated that
sworn statements have been obtained
from Americans and other foreigners
who were actually victims, of the at-
In view of the circumstances there
is no reason to doubt that the Wash-
ington government is already satis-
fied on the point, but may have found
is desirable to supplement its infor-
mation in order to back up a demand
upon the Nationalist authorities. The
only intimation obtainable as to the
reason for Secretary Wilbur's long
conferences at the White House, was
that the naval officers had been di-
rected to make their investigation of
the question of responsibility so/com-
plete as to defy ch llenge.
Diplomats Consider Steps
The London dispatches served to
show that not only the substance of
demands recommended for submis
sion by the western government to the

Nationalist leaders but the steps
which might be necessary to support
those demands had been considered
by the Peking diplomats. No Infor-
mation whatever as to reports re-
ceived from MacMurray was available
at the state departiment.
SHANGHAI, March 31.-Coincident
with; further report of anti-foreign
activities in various sections of Na-
tionalist controlled China. Gen. Chang
Kai-Shek, Cantonese commander-in-,
chief, today protested against the
presence of foreign troops and *ar-
ships in Shanghai, contending that
such a display of force did more harm
than good.
"We are not anti-foreign," the Na-
tionalist military leader declared, "but
pro-Chinese. Our aim is to secure in-
ternational equality-to become an
equal in the family of Nations."
Estimating that the Anglo-Anteu-
ican bombardment of Socony hill last


1;partment of genetics of the Institut 1ch'estra will render several songs and
' fur Vererbungsforshung Landwirtsc- dance 'variations.
gaftliche Hochschule at Berlin will The Crease paper, a scandal sheet,
give a University lecture on "The Re- will appear at the dance. The paper
lation of Genetics to Animal Breed- was edited under the supervision of
ing" on Tuesday, April 5, at 4:15 Benjamin Halstead, '27L, and is said
So'clock in the Natural Science au- ;to be very humorous, -"razzing" many
3 ditorium. Professor Nachtsheim is ,in of the people familiar to law stu-

Although the public often looks ican professors of English, held in I.this country to carry on research dents. The programs for the affair,
upon the criminal as a very brave this country. Professor Grierson HOBBS TO DISCUSS work at Columbia university on the drawn by Roger Doten, '27L, are ar-
man, the criminal and neurotic al- comes here tomorrow from the Uni- subject of the genetics of drosophila. ranged on a legal design as were the
ways lack courage, Professor Adler versity of Toronto, where he lectured, IG EATRIP He is a research fellow under the in- invitations.
declared, "courage being a .social and following his appearance in Ann i ternational educational board and is The entire faculty of the Law
function." Arbor, will go to the University of II- Prof. William H. Hobbs of the ge- in charge of the program of Amer- school and their wives, together with
Professor Adler then took up the linois. ology department will speak next ican contributions as the- representa- Pros. Clarence Cook Little and Mrs.
case of lazy people and explained in __Wednesday night in Natural Science tive of the managing board of the In- Little will be the chaperones.
this connection that any over-praise CLUB WILL HEAR auditorium on the first Greenland ternational Congress of Genetics to be
is very harmful for that type. The C BLA Expedition of the University of Mich- held in September at Berlin. FORMRELATIONS
lazy man usually feels, Professor' PROFESSOR GOULD igami. The lecture, which will be iI- Professor Nachsheim's early work FORidlRELATIONS
Adler declared, "that if I would not be ____ lustrated with both colored slides and m'h the field of research was concern- GROUP IN CAPITAL
lazy, I could be superior." I 4 moving pictures taken during the trip 1 ed principally with research in cy-
The fact that a child is destructive Lecturing today at 4:15 o'clock in,
Trofds s c L ryis essentially the same as the lec- 1tology. Later he combined the fields shy Associated Press'
and mean is not a sign that he is not Natural Science auditorium, Prof. . tres given recently by Professor of cytology and inheritance. He lhas (I T A ares .
striving for superiority, Doctor Adler S. Gould, of the Toledo university Hobbs before the Explorer's club and done work of great importance to bi- I WASHINGTON, March 31.-Fomma-
stated. Treatment of cases likes this, sociology department, will show the a Columbia university group in New ologists on the subjects of cytology toe of a National Citizen's commit-
Doctor Adler stated, can only be by causes ad effects of "Racial Superi- York City. and sex determination in rotifersten li ong itsLmnm era
re-education. The patient's goal must cautysand IfersoRT isusi, Professor Hobbs left Wednesday for parthenogenesis, maturation, and de- including among its members several
be changed to one beneficial to him- ority a.dInferiorin . New York City where he will make termination of sex in the honey sbee. nt st s intfer c
clf and society. The main difliculty, which is opened to the public, is, the United States in Latin Anmerica,
he said, is that teachers or physicians sponsored by the Negro-Caucasian transportation of te second Univer- published a number of papers on time tpdsbaygsyyJneF.norrs, was announced
after getting the patient to realize club. Isity expedition to Greenland this genetics of Drosophila, and having today by John t F. Morrs of Boston, its
his mistakes do not give him the neces- Professor Gould, a graduate of Clark jsummer. During his trip east lie will translated into German "The Mech- president. Senator Norris of Nebras-
ary amount of time to make up all I university, has studied at Columbias ka was named the committee's honor-
the work he is behind because of his and is associated with. the moreletuenhesae. Morgan, Sturtevant, Muller, ane ai Byre , serer.
,complex. 4 prominent figures in the fields of r.1 n of Baltimore, secretary.
Brid . . -_. N.__. .._- l, P cII sA T PjF )O D F T BI geIn a staement Mr. Moors said the


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