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March 19, 1927 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1927-03-19

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Prof. 11. S. Woodward, Sole Judge
Stranded When Train Time
Is Misudged
Michigan's affirmative debating
team last night staged a no-decision
contest with Wisconsin because of the
failure of Prof. H-. S. Woodward of
Western Reserve university to arrive
in time to judge the debate. A miscal- I
culation of time-tables left the sole'
expert judge stranded in Detroit when
the discussion opened at 8:15 o'clock
in Hill auditorium. However, the de-
bate, concerning the exercise of legis-
lative authority in the control of the
specific content of courses offered in
educational institutions, was closely
contested as both teams launched upon
a spirited discussion of the question.
Miller Opens Meeting
Robert S. Miller, '27, opened the
evening's discussion as Michigan's
first speaker by questioning whether
or not the state legislators are cap-
able to exercise legislative authority
in the contents of the university's cur-
riculum. The definition of legislative
control has its source in a negative
authority-Prof. Ogg of the political
science department of the University
of Wisconsin.
The strategy of using the opponents
as examples for the upbuilding of the
affirmative's case was employed again
by Miller when he asserted that Wis-
consin already has educational con-
trol through a restrictive law con-
cerniiri the teaching bf history. As an
example of what the legislators at-
tempt to do in controlling the curri-
culum, Miller cited a bill introduced
in the Indiana legislature for the pur-
pose of changing pi from 3.141629 to
just plain three, as it was "more con-
venient to remember."
J.'E. Roe of Wisconsin opened the
negative's case by indulging in. the
technicalities of the question. He
claimed that the stating of the ques-
tion allows an interpretaion stating
that legislative control of subjects in
part was and would be beneficial to
the public welfare.
Roe Argues On Three Points
He outlined the negative's case by
enumerating his team's three main
points: 1. Democracy demands legis-
lative control. 2. Such control pro-
motes the best interests of society. 3.
And this control also promotes the
best interests of the students.
Thomas V. Koykka, '27, was the af-
firmative's second speaker and at the
offset declared that the burden of
proof did not rest with Michigan, but
with Wisconsin. "The dangers of legis-
lative control," Koykka said, "are
manifested in the unqualifications of
the legislators to control the contents
of courses. The solution of the ques-
tion lies upon letting the specialized
men, as the faculties or universities,
to judge what should be taught, he
Ietrinienta Control Questioned
K. F. Webster was Wisconsin's
second speaker and began his con-
structive speech by asking the affir-
mative for proof of their examples
of state control that has been detri-
mental to the public welfare. Con-
cerning pi again, he declared that
the measure was not passed and thus
proving that the legislators have
some mentality. In the constructing
of his arguments, Webster declared
that his team will prove that benefits
of the question from first, by prin-
ciple, and secondly, in practice.
Ephriam R. Gomberg, '27, conclud-
ed Michigan's arguments in the
evening's discussion by asserting that
his opponents must meet Michigan
on the point at issue.
J. H. Fairbank completed the case
for Wisconsin. His two main points
were of bodily welfare and patriotic
enthusiasm which is influenced and
guided by legislative control in or-
der to be beneficial to the welfare of
society. He summarized his team's
arguments of the two points of prin-
ciple and practice of the question,
plus the democratic, general public,
and student beneficials. "We are not
advocating complete control," he
concluded. "hnt merely a nartial le-

Varsity Team Stands For Educational
Legislation On Grounds Of 4
Inherent Power
(Special to The Daily)
CHAMPAIGN, Ill., March 14$.-The
University of Illinois won a debating
victory over Michigan's negative team
tonight for the only forensic victory
of the Illini over the Wolverines in
recent years. Prof. Howard Rolz-
heimer of Northwest university was
the single judge and awarded the de-
cision to the affirmative on the
grounds of better organization and the
ability to follow up the main points
with clinching conclusions.
The Illinois team based their case,
which was characterized by conserva-
tion, largely upon the freedom of
speech and the freedom or religion,
which would be seriously hin4ered
by legisative control. The point that
the legislators are not competent, nor
satisfactory, in the weighty task of
legislating on the curriculum of a
college or university was also made.
The Michigan speaking order was
changed from that previously an-
nounced in The Daily. The negative
spoke in the following order: Stephen
E. Jones, '27, Gerald O. Dykstra, '27,
and John Oliver Yeasting, '27B.Ad
which was conversely from what was
previously announced.
Express Faith In Legislatures
The Michigan team based its case
on faith in state legislatures. They
expressed unlimited faith in the Leg-
islature of the State of Michigan, and
enumerated the many valuable grants
to education that it has given to the
educational institutions of the state.
They showed that the Universities of
of Illinois and Michigan, two of the
large state universities in the United
States, were the result of the legisla-
tive action so feared by the opponents.
Jones, Michigan's first speaker
pointed out that the Illinois debaters
could not cite any cases of legislative
action, in the field of education, that
have resulted detrimentally to the
public welfare, at least, as detrimen-
tally as the formation and mainten-
ance of state universities has been
conducive to the public welfare.
Legislation Declared Beneficial
Dykstra, the second speaker, held
that because the legislatures of the
United States had not harmed educa-
tion and because there was no like-
lihood of their doing so in the future,
it was not only unreasonable to offend
the legislatures by repudiating their
educational legislation, but was also
decidedly contrary to the public wel-
fare of edlcation to do so.
Suggests Revoking 'Of Power I
Yeasting, Michigan's third and
final speaker, suggested to the de-
baters of Illinois that if the exercise
of this power constituted an evil,i
then they should be willing to go
to their legislature at Springfield and
inform the legislators that because
of ignorance and general incapabili-
ties in the field of education the pow-
er of legislating in that field should
be taken away from them. Yeasting
asked his opponents if they would
care to take a trip to Springfield
for this purpose.
Michigan pointed out that while,
they could not vouch for the educa-
tional qualifications of the Illinois
legislators, they were willing to boast
of the educational qualifications of
the Michigan legislators.t

Announcement was made yesterday NyL' I U11I
by Henry Maentz, president of the i
senior literary class, of appointments
of class historian, poet, orator, pro-
j phet, and alumni secretaries, chosen
by the executive committee of the
class. Decision to leave the appoint -0 F
ment of these officers to this commit-
tee was made Thursday at a senior REED ASSERTS GOOD FAITH
class gathering in Natural Science ARTICLES CLAIED7 TO
auditorium. BE LIBELOUS
The following appointments were
F made: Frederick S. Glover, Jr., his- HEAR VIEWS OF FOR
torian; Charles T. Lee, poet; Robert ___
F. Price, orator; Thomas V. Koykka,
prophet; William A .Warrick, alumni Witness Says Manufacturer Did
secretary; and Esther L. Tuttle, alum- Imposee His Own Ideas On Edito
nae secretary of the class. Of Dearlor Independent
(By Associated Press)a
fees, a nebulous vision whereby
was to draw millions of dollars
SPINS UON tINB[legal adviser to farmer organizat
throughout the world was held
Dr. Arthur Haas Talks On The Prob. Aaron Sapiro, declared Sen. Jame
lent Of The Reintegration Of Reed of Missouri, at the trial of
Radiation Into Stable Matter $1,000,000 libel suit against H
Ford today.
NUCLEAR ATOM TREATED The white haired senator closed
l opening statement for the def
Atomic physics was discussed by with the assertion that they w
Dr. Arthur Haas, professor of phy- prove the good faith of the art
sis at the University of Vienna, in a which Sapiro claims are libelous
lecture upon "The Atom as a Source which show Sapiro was respo
of Energy" at 8 o'clock last night in directly or indirectly for nume
the west lecture room of the old failures and loss of millions of
physics building. Dr. Haas gave the
address as a representative of the lars.
Institute of International Educa- Editor Of Independent Speak
tion.j A peep into the private views
Dr. Haas chiefly dealt with atomic Henry Ford was heard when W
physics and technique in the mat- Cameron, editor of Ford's Dear
ter of the problem of heat develop- Independent, was put on as thef
ment of radium and its solution by witness. Cameron testified that F
means of the assumption of the dis- did not impose his ideas on the edi
integration of the atom, bringing in of the weekly. Although he ha
also the notion of the nuclear atom leaning towards Soviet Russia, he
and dwelling upon the energy of the not ask the Independent to reflect
planetary motion of the interior of attitude.
the atom. Questions to bring out the auto
Furthermore, Dr. Haas explained bile manufacturer's attitude as to
the internal energy of the atomic ternational money matters, and wh
nuclei, concluding his remarks upon er he had ever discussed themv
this subject with a discussion of Cameron, were consistently obje
alpha particles, the synthesis of heli- to by Stewart Hanley, Ford attor
um, energy and mass, the proper Says Paper Hurt Reputation
energy of matter and the subject of William Henry Gallagher, atto
the disintegration of matter in the for Sapiro, who claims that his r
fixed stars. The last half of Dr. tation as an organizer of co-oper
Haas' lecture was concerned with the organizations was ruined by a s
Sproblem of the reintegration of ra- of articles in the Independent, fi
diation into atoms. asked that all papers and record
Professor Haas spoke without the the weekly be brought into court
use of mathematical formulae and dicating that he could not pro
most of the subject matter was fur- without them.
nished by his years of experimenting, Because of the slowness with w
for he was the first physicist to ap- the trial is proceeding,sthe plai
ply the quantum theory to the study said it would not be possible to
of the atom. Also, in 1910, he dis- Ford himself to the witness s
covered the relation which connects Monday. W. J. Black, business m
the fundamental constant of spectro- ager of the Independent, two
scopy with the fundamental quantities nesses who have not been named,
of the electron theory and the ele- Sapiro will take the stand be
mentary quantum of action. Dr. Fod.
Haas also has treated with the prob- Gallagher drew fire from Atto
hem of the nuclei of atoms and isotope Halyi sigfo the reod
doublets in molecular spectra, parts Hanley in asking or e recor
of which researches were introduced the company. by 'all the
with the main discussion of the ,,,at koyIou meanb
transformation of radiation into mat- ords'?" asked Haley.
ter. "I mean the records covering
,_period since Mr. Ford bought the
H OUGH TALKS AT j per and put the stock in the n
of his wife, son, and himself," re
G U I L D__BANQUET Mr. Gallagher. Object.o
G ! ~Hanley Railses Ojcion
Dr. Lynn Harold Hough, pastor of "Your Honor, I object to thatk
the Central Methodist Episcopal of statement," Hanley said angni
church, Detroit, and former president The attorneys went into confer
of Northwestern university, spoke at with Judge Fred M. Raymond a
the annual Weslyan Guild banquet the extent of territory to be cov
last night at the Methodist church in introduction of evidence and c
on the subject "Leaders and Think- adjourned until Monday.
ers." Dr. Hough stressed the point Senator Reed, who left immedia
that experience is the dominant fac- for Washington to meet with theS
tor in leading and thinking. "We ate campaign funds investigation c
must find something bigger than our- mittee tomorrow, spent most of
selves-something in others' exper- day telling of alleged failures of
ience," he stated, "to shape our en- operative marketing organizat
deavor. People should get out of formed by Sapiro.
their provinciality." "We will show that Sapiro was

m of
s as
s A.
s of
. J.
d a
s of
s of
s to

cities. The invitations chairman, Gene
Gutegunst, '27, stated yesterday that! Assoc
the invitations will be mailed not Aation Presid
later than Monday night.O-
Arrangements for the annual ban- AR
quet are practically completed al-{M r e
though the list of out of town guests Mark Is Rea
and sneakers will not be made pub-
lic until the last of next week. Prom-
inent on the program will be the ra- Thousands of Michigan al
dio features, as used last year, secur- corners of the earth, were unite
ed by arrangements with the Union. of radio stations to celebrate th
Reograms will take films of the an- IQ h imvri .i1e L(t
nual "razzfest" including the presen- association, llivere the f.atu
tation of the traditional oil can, now hel'e(l eau
held by President Clarence Cook Lit- thico ts relayed by a nb
tIe. The recipient will not be ma(Ie scino h nr
known until the actual presentation Michigan, alunmini organizat
takes place, mIeeting to listen to the speech
Ottaway, Dean Mortimer E.
President Bases Estimate On Report
Compiled By Mellon On Surplus Morning Session Will Be Addressed By
Of Fiscal Year Ifal M3eng On Some Phase Of The
i Nationalist Novemient
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, March 18.--Another Addresses of welcome to the newly-
tax reduction next year is possible, arrived delegates from many Michigan
President Coolidge believes. How far cities, marked the opening of the two-
II day state convention of Chinese stu-
m sit shall go, however, and by what dents at the informal reception held
methods it shall be accomplished, will last night in the Lane THall ad-
be left by him to the treasury and the tonium.hI
House ways and means committee, The first session consisted of a spe-
which would frame the bill.
Mr. Coolidge's view, as disclosed to- cial program of games, stunts, and
day at the White House, is based on short speeches, and in getting ac-
a recent estimate of Secretary Mel- quainted. Nearly all of the 85 Chinese
lon that the surplus for this fiscal students of the University attended
year, ending June 30, will probably the first meeting last night in order
exceed $500,000,000, one of the largest to make the reception a success.
since the war. Income tax collections Paul C. Meng, general secretary of
for the first quarter of the calendar the Chinese Student Christian asso-
year are expected to exceed those for ciation of North America, who is con-
the first three months a year ago, sidered one of the foremost of the
when the present law went into effect, Chinese in the United States, will
by about $100,000,000. open the business of the convention
Chairman Green already has ar- at 9 o'clock this morning in Lane
ranged to have the House ways and hall. He will speak in the Chinese
means committee assemble in the fall language on some phase of the Na-
to consider the tax revision. This tionalist movement in China. The en-
plan is in line with suggestions re- tire assembly will remain silent at
cently made by the President to con- the beginning of the session out of
gressional leaders, but he would have respect to the memory of Dr. Sun
the committee wait until November, Yat-Sen who died two years ago.
a month before Congress convenes, in In the afternoon the official dele-
order to gauge more accurately busi- gates and the members of the local
ness conditions and the state of the club will be divided into threetforums,
treasury. one of which will discuss the do-
Further tax reduction, the President trines and reconstruction program of
has been advised, might be out of the Dr. Sun Yat-Sen and the student at-
question if there is a business slump, titude toward the present internal
which he does not foresee, one expert and foreign policy of the Nationalist
on revenue questions estimating that government, and also a method
a ten per cent slump would wipe out whereby misleading propaganda in
the prospective treasury surplus. the United States regarding China
Mr. Coolidge feels that reduction may be overcome and the true infor-
could have been made safely in the mation substituted in its place. The
payments which were due this quarter second group will view in detail the
and in June, in view of the large sur- relationship of the Nationalist gov-
plus now in sight, but he has no com- ernment with the Communist group
plaint with the decision of Senate and and the Russian Soviet government;
House Republicans to apply the sur- while the third forum will discuss the
plus to debt reduction. In fact he student attitude towards the declared
feels that this is a wise policy to pur- policies of America and of the Euro-
sue during the good times, when tax pean powers in respect to China.
payments are not heavily felt. The forum leaders will make their
reports in the general session which
UNION DANCE TONIGHT will immediately follow the forum dis-
cussions. The general resolutions of
TO USE FROLIC SETTING the convention will then be drawn up
and voted upon by the out-of-town
Frosh Frolic decorations will re- delegates and the eight official dele-
main in place foi the regular Union gates of the local club.
dance tonight, it has been arranged The concluding session will consist
by the Union dance committee. For of a banquet and farewell speeches
the dance, the committee has further by the departing delegates.
announced, the board of directors' re- -
cent ruling that not more than 275 YALE-"Neither Oxford or Cam-
couples will be admitted will be en- bridge have any daily papers," says
forced. Samuel Ratcliffe, British journalist.

nt Urges Perfection
fns Before Century
iched In 1937
umni, scattered through the far
ed last night by means of a chain
e 9oth anniversary of the founding
taway, '94, president of the Alumni
re address of the radio program,
er of powerful stations to every
ions throughout the nation were
ies, which were delivered by Mr.
Cooley, Mrs. Myra B. Jordan;
Prof. Victor Lane of the Law school,
Prof. Ralph Aigler of the Law school,
and Dr. Frank Robins, who read
President Clarence Cook Little's mes-
sage to the University graduates.
Completion within a decade of a
program that will change the fabric
of alumni relations with the Univer-
sity was urged by Mr. Ottaway in his
opening address. "If every one of the
160,000 graduates of the University
were listening to my voice tonight,
there is only one question I would like
to ask: 'Were you graduated from or
into the University?'", he said.
Graduation Was Formerly "Into"
"It seems in the old days it was the

I byInvitations for the fifth ul~0l HE
Gridiron Knights banquet,spo
by Sigma Delta Chi, journalistic
fraternity, will be mailed before Tues-
day to a selected list_ of 250 proum-I i
inent faculty, students, and guests
from Detroit, Chicago, and other



style of issuing diplomas to emphasize
the fact that with the four years of
probation over, the student was to be
graduated into the real circle that
constituted the University," he added.
"With the crowds that came to the
campus in later years, am ifthe result-
ant loss of the personal touch of
teacher and student, the old philoso-
phy of graduation was lost sight of,
and tens of thousands were, decade
after decade, graduated from the in-
Mr. Ottaway then stressed the fact
that President Little is attempting
to get back to the old conception of
graduation "into" instead of "from
He explained that the students will
have to be secured their sophomore
year and taught what their Alma Ma-
ter may mean to them.
Faculty Have Co-operated
A closer relation between Univer-
sity authorities and alumni is planned
also, Mr. Ottaway explained, and -the
faculty and administration of the,
University, 'on its part, have taken
every possible step to bring this about.
It now remains for the alumni to co-
In a few months, Mr. Ottaway said,
there will be published in the Alum-
nus, official alumni magazine, a cat-
alog of the need of the University,
and then each alumnus can take his
share of work and contribute what he
can toward filling one of those needs.
The University plans to maintain an
"Open Door" policy, he paid, so that
the alumni, even though they are con-
tributing nothing, will be welcome
back on the University campus, and
be afforded the opportunities that the
University can offer them.
Concluding his speech, Mr. Ottaway
pointed out that some of the larger
alumni groups, such as the 8,000 in
Detroit, the 3,000 in Chicago and the
2,600 in Ann Arbor, can pick their
jobs as units of the great body of
alumni. "The challenge will be with
them to make a selection commen-
surate with the great celebration we
plan for 1937," he said; "commen-
surate with what may be expected
from the largest body of alumni of
any university in America; commen-
surate with the great and useful in-
stitution you can visualize ten yearse
hence; and commensurate with the
great debt we owe Michigan for the
service she did for us."
Hopes For Rebirth of Interest
"Let's make the Great Roll Call of
Michigan men and women in 1937
be heard the whole world round. As
president of the Alumni association,
I wish Michigan alumni everywhere
health and prosperity, and a rebirth
of interest in the institution we love
so well," he concluded.
Dr. Robbins, who read the address
prepared by President Little, who was
unable to be present, stressed the

Ford's Proposal To Consolidate His
Railroad Properties Is Disapproved"

rectly or indirectly responsible
these failures Iid losses. We
show you numerous acts entirely
«T . T ito+in o i -i r~


.- I


"For a lawyer to go utUana.ion)LJ

i I V-- - -I 17' - 1:

(By Associated Press) '
WASHINGTON, March 18-Henry1
Ford's proposal to consolidate his rail-
road properties into a single corpora-;
tion eliminating minority stockhold-I
ers, met today with the disapproval
of the interstate commerce commis-7
The Detroit and Ironton Company,1
a new corporation of which the Ford
interests are the sole, stockholders,
was refused permission to take over l

his own business is unprofessional. To Annual r rosn r ro1C
solicit business is for a lawyer un-I
professional, and to obtain legal em- Ballroom In
ployment by indiscretion is unprofes-

Held At Union
Spring Floral Setting

against the Ford plan principally on
technical legal grounds, holding that
the project contemplated was a rail-
road consolidation under the transpor-,
tation act, and not a unification pro-'
ject. Railroad consolidation, the com-
mission ruled, affecting competitive
railroads, cannot be allowed prior to'
the completion by the commission it-
self of a general plan for railroad
It was suggested, however, that a

sional. To hold out false promises is
unprofessional, and to seek clients'
fees and then breach the agreement
is unprofessional. Also to connive
with a lawyer to get business partly
in his name and partly in the name
of another lawyer, and then to split
the fee by previous agreement, is un-

Two Japanese spruce trees and a and sprigs of pussy willows; a hedge
corridor lined with peach blossoms of boxwood lined the flower bed.
led into the main ball room where Overhead a canopy of pink peach blos-
more than 275 couples danced to the soms and wisteria shaded the plat-
melodies of Al Steimer's 12-piece or- form.
chestra at the annual Frosh Frolic At the south end of the ballroom,
formal party in the Union last night. an amber-colored fountain flowed in
Hundreds of pussy willows, prim- I the center of the chaperones booth,
roses, acacia, Darwin tulips, peach which was arranged among palms and

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