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IVs. W11, Ileiidersoii Asks 4'-iiiprt
F~rain I dergra did~tes To Assure
Erection Of Building
Ppcaking before a mass meeting of
freshman wom'en yesterday afternoon
in Angell hall, Mrs. W. B. Henderson,
executive secretary of the alumnae
council, presented a striking plea for
the aid of the freshmen as undergrad-
uates in putting across the final
$180,000 necessary to the completion
of the $1,000,000 fund which will
mean the erection of the proposed
women's League building.
"Ground will be broken June 18th,"
Mjrs. Henderson declared. "I speak
with confidence for never for a mo-
ment have I lost my faith in Michigan
women and when I go to the alumni
and tell them that the undergraduate
women have taken out a pledge for
$40,000, and that now you are putting
across a freshman drive for $18,000
more, I ami sure that they will all
rally to our cause, and help us obtain
the final sum. We must not break
faith with the Regents who dedicated
the site for the building five years
ago on the provision that the entire
million be pledged by June, 1927.
"I was talking to one of our alum-
nae recently," Mrs. Henderson con-
tinued, " and I asked her about the
founding of the League. This was her
answer, 'I don't know to whom this
vision came but it came out of the
love of our hearts for the women
of Michigan so that they might go
out 'better women, better fitted to
Mrs. Henderson concluded with a fi-
nal plea. "Let us put forth the closest
cooperation we can, for we must have
it. The great inspiration of the women
all over this country are the women
on this campus.'
Because of the objectionable char-
acter of the advertisement in the re-
cent number of the Gargoyle, Miss
Phyllis Richards has been asked to
resign as chairman of the Publicity
committee of the Junior Girls' play.
Because of the same advertisement,
Phyllis Richards, '28, and Mary Lou
Loomis, '29, have been placed on pro-
bation by the Committee of Advisers.
It is understood that this probation
means the loss of the privilege of par-
ticipation in campus activities.
Subscribe for the Michigan Dally.
You can Duplicate the
Elsewhere, but not
State School Tests P
Are Scored At High
Reading and intelligence tests areI I
being scored by a number of women) _I
students at the University High;
School. These tests have been given to Completed reports from the sopho-
2000 children in the sixth and seventh more class show a total of $231.611
grades of various schools throughout profit gained through the presentationt
the state. Their purpose is to draw of the second annual Sophomore Cir-
a comparison betwen the results ob- cus, while the League bazaar commit-'
tained with ordinary reading mater- tee reports a total of $819.62 profit,'
ial which has been prepared by Pro-Iboth sums having been turned over
fessor Clifford Woody, director of to the League building fund.
educational reference and research.
More than 12 students from both the
School of Education and the literary
college are employed to score the
tests. They derive from their work
considerable practical knowledge con-I
cerning the prover method of cor-
recting 'tests and the interpretation
of test results. The work is also of
val-ue in the information which it
gives regarding variations in the abil-
ity of different children. Three or fourl
women who have shown sufficient in-
terest in the reading of tests are be-
In commenting on the work of the
sophomores, Miss Beatrice Johnson,
of the office of advisers of women,
said: "The final reports for the sec-
ond annual Sophomore Circus show
that the venture was indeed a success
in every way. Not only were friend-
ships broadened, but new acquain-
tances were made by sophomores
working in common. In addition to
developing themselvkes by concerted
efforts, the girls were very success-
ful financially, for the donation to
the league fund is considerably larger
ing taught the more difficult work of than was raised by last year's Circus.
computing statistics. It is apparently growing to be a
PRINCETON.-Princeton men are rj'lhe advisers of women feel that
said to want soft, dreamy music as a 'the class of '29 is to be congratulated
background for whispering sweet on its cooperation, effort, and fine
nothings. spirit."
Subscribe for the Michigan Daily. Subscribe for the Michigan Daily.
The Babbett
Ten Dollars
Colors for Spring
N O T I C E S Symphonic league will hold its a-
nual banquet, Monday, March 14, at
There will be a meeting of the W. 6:,,0 o'clock at the Michigan Union.
A. A. board at 6 o'clock tonight at Eeryone in any way connected with
the Green Tree Inn.'j the School of Music is invited. Tickets
Mortar Board will have a special will be priced at $1.50 a person and
meeting at 4:15 o'clock today in Bar- may be procured from Dorothy Shay,
boar gymnasium. 5464. The League will hold a candy
Junior Girls' Play rehearsals for sale tomorrow from 9 to 6 o'clock at
today are as folows: at 4 o'clock, the School of Music.
choruses 1, 2, and 4A; at 4:30 o ' ~i- ~
clock, choruses 10, 3, and 9; at 5 'lie Queen of Spain has startd a
o'clock, choruses 3, 5, and 413; at rage for tortoise shell accessories.
5:30 o'clock, choruses 6, 7, and 12; j
at 7 o'clock, a rehearsal of the entire One fifth of students at Oxford are
second act. womnen.)
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Read The Daily "Classified" Columns
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For Business, Classroom
or Sportswear Choose
a New Wool Jersey Dress
Smartly tailored are these Straightline frocks, their
trimming consists of sewed pin-tucking applied in
varying manner-creating paneled, square and
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The colors are pastel shades-two shades harmoni-
ously combined.
At least one of these dresses should be in a wom-
an's wardrobe, if she be ready for spring.
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